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      • KCI우수등재

        국산 인산칼슘제의 사료적 가치에 관한 연구 1 . 칼슘·인 공급제의 종류가 부로일러의 성장효율 및 경골내 칼슘· 인의 축적에 미치는 영향

        한인규,손광수,김춘수 ( In K . Han,Kwang S . Sohn,Chun S . Kim ) 한국축산학회 1980 한국축산학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        This experiment was conducted to compare the utilizability of calcium and phosphorus in two locally produced tricalcium phosphates (TCP), dicalcium phosphate (DCP) and bone meal with 300 broiler-type chicks of one day old. Chicks were divided into 5 treatments consisted of TCP₁, TCP₂, DCP, Bone meal and Control group for a period of 8 weeks. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The calcium phosphorus contents of TCP₁, TCP₂, DCP and bone meal were analyzed to be 29.98% and 15.72%, 26.64% and 13.51%, 26.62% and 13.51, 23.36% and 5.97%, respectively. Fluorine content of TCP₁, TCP₂, DCP and bone meal was 0.14, 0.09, 0.33 and 0.02%, respectively. 2. Body weight gain, feed intake and feed efficiency were not significantly affected by the source of calcium and phosphorus supplements. However, it was found that chicks received TCP₁ gained more body weight than the birds fed DCP or control diet. 3. No difference was found in nutrients utilizability when different source of phosphates was fed. 4. The ash, calcium and phosphorus contents of tibia in chicks were not influenced by the source of calcium and phosphorus supplements. The results obtained from the present experiment indicate that the utilizability of calcium and phosphorus in TCP was better than that in DCP. It was clear that the nutritive value of TCP would be similar to bone meal or even better than bone meal.

      • KCI우수등재

        국산 인산칼슘제의 사료적 가치에 관한 연구 3 . 칼슘·인 공급제의 종류가 산란계의 능력에 미치는 영향

        한인규,손광수,최윤재,김춘수 ( In K . Han,Kwang S . Sohn,Yun J . Choi,Chun S . Kim ) 한국축산학회 1980 한국축산학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        This experiment was conducted to compare feeding value of various calcium-phosphorus supplements on the performance of laying hens. A total of 20 0 Leghorn hens were employed for a period of 24 weeks, and divided into 5 diet groups consisted of control group (no Ca · P supplement), tricalcium phosphate 1 (TCP₁), tricalcium phosphate 2 (TCP₂), dicalcium phosphate (DCP) and bone ash group. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. It was found that various sources of calcium and phosphorus supplements had no effect on feed intake, feed efficiency, egg production rate, egg sige, number of shelless eggs, egg shell thickness and chemical composition of egg shell. 2. In general, no differences were found in nutrient utilizabilities, except crude fat. 3. The hens fed bone ash supplemented diets showed slightly more ash deposition in tibia than other treatments, although no statistical difference was found among treatments. 4. The changes in body weight and mortality of hens were not affected by various sources of calcium and phosphorus. Results obtained from the present experiment indicate that various calcium. phosphorus supplements did not affect egg product ion rate, egg shell formation, bone ash and over-all performance of laying hens.

      • KCI우수등재

        옥피사료의 개발에 관한연구 1 . 옥피사료의 반추 미생물에 의한 in vitro 발효 및 in vivo 소화율 및 질소균형에 미치는 영향

        한인규,손광수,정정수,박홍석 ( In K . Han,K . S . Sohn,C . S . Chung,H . S . Park ) 한국축산학회 1979 한국축산학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        In an effort to develope a corn bran-based concentrate feed for growing Korean cattle, corn bran was used at the levels of 50%, 40, and 30% and the rest was supplemented with proper nutrients. Energy and nitrogen were supplemented with corn starch, molasses, corn germ meal and urea. Vitamines and mineral sources were also added in the mixture. As a preliminary step of evaluating the feeding value of these corn bran feed, an in vitro fermentation and an in vivo digestibility experiment were conducted. The results obtained were as follows 1. During the first 12 hours of in vitro fermentation production of acetic, propionic and butyric acid from the feed containing 50% corn bran was significantly (P$lt;0.05) lower than the control or other cornbran feeds. However, after 24 hours of fermentation there was no difference in the production of these acids except acetic and propionic acid that were significantly (P$lt;0.05) higher for the feed containing 30% corn bran than other. 2. Digestibility of crude fiber and ash was higher and ether extract v, as lower for the corn bran feeds than the control feed in general. As the corn bran level was lowered, digestibility of crude protein and nitrogen free extract was increased but digestibility of crude fiber and ether extract was decreased. 3. Total digestible nutrients (TDN) of the control, the feeds containing 50%, 40% and 30% corn bran were 56.68, 55.59, 58.02 and 58.27%, respectively. As the corn bran level was lowered, digestible nitrogen free extract was increased and that made TDN value higher but significantly lowered digestible crude fiber of the feed containing 30%, corn bran made its TDN value similar to that of the feed containing 40% corn bran. 4. During the collection period of the digestion trial, fecal excretion of nit rogen was lowest for the feed containing 30 % corn bran but urinary excretion of nitrogen was highest for the diet containing 50% corn bran. Nitrogen retention was about 12.0% of intake for the diet containing 50 % corn bran and about 20.0 % for the rest corn bran feeds and control feed. 5. Over all results, considering the fact that the digestibility of crude fiber was depressed and scouring problem was observed with the diet containing 30% corn bran, indicate that corn bran can be succesfully used at the level of 40% on more in a corn bran-based concentrate mixture for cattle feeding.

      • KCI우수등재

        가금에 대한 인의 적정공급수준 결정을 위한 연구 3 . 인의 공급수준이 산란계의 능력에 미치는 영향

        한인규,손광수,김중인,김춘수 ( In K . Han,Kwang S . Sohn,Jung I . Kim,Chun S . Kim ) 한국축산학회 1980 한국축산학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        This 24-week experiment with a total of 200 White Leghorn laying hens of 21-week old which were fed diets containing 0.43, 0.53, 0.62, 0.72 and 0.81% total phosphorus respectively was conducted to determine the optimum dietary level of phosphorus. The results obtained are summarized as follows 1. No difference was found in the egg production rate, average egg weight, feed consumption, Feed efficiency and rate of shelless egg laid among 5 treatments. 2. The egg shell thickness, and the contents of crude ash and calcium of egg shell were not significantly affected by the levels of phosphorus supplied. 3. The utilizability of crude protein (P $lt;0.05) and crude fat (P$lt;0.01) was significantly lower for hens fed 0.43% phosphorus and higher for hens fed 0.62% phosphorus. However, in the utilizability of dry matter and carbohydrate, the dietary levels of phosphorus had no apparent effects. 4. It was found that there were no differences in crude ash, calcium and phosphorus contents of tibia. among 5 experimental groups. 5. Hens in all the treatments gained body weight during the experimental period, although the gain in body weight was not significantly different. Mortality was not affected by any of the diets fed. Results obtained in this study indicate that supplement of 0.62% total phosphorus in laying diets was adequate for the performance of laying hens, although 0.43% level of total phosphorus did not exert any adverse effects.

      • KCI우수등재

        가금에 대한 인의 적정공급수준 결정을 위한 연구 2 . 인의 공급 수준이 육성중에 있는 산란용계의 능력에 미치는 영향

        한인규,손광수,김춘수 ( In K . Han,Kwang S . Sohn,Chun S . Kim ) 한국축산학회 1980 한국축산학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        This experiment. was conducted to determine the optimum dietary level of phosphorus in egg-type growing chicks from 0 to 19 weeks of age. A total of 320 White Leghorn chicks of Hisex strain were divided into 5 treatments consisted of 0.44, 0.54, 0.63, 0.72 and 0.82% group for starters, 0.44, 0.52, 0.60, 0.68 and 0.76% group for growers, and 0.42, 0.47, 0.51, 0.56 and 0.61% group for pullet s by levels of total phosphorus supplied, respectively. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The body weight gain, feed intake and fetid efficiency of 0.44 group were the lowest (P$lt;0.05) 3during the starting period of 0 to 6 weeks. However, no significant differences were observed during grower and pullet periods. Feed efficiency for 0.44% group (starter) was the best (P$lt;0.05) during the growing period of 6 to 19 weeks, although -here were no differences in body weight gain and feed intake. 2. It was found that there were no differences in nutrients utilizability among treatments during the growing period of 0 to 19 weeks. It may be concluded that the optimum levels of phosphorus in the ration of starter, grower and pullet were found to be 0.54∼0.72% (starter) 0.44∼0.76% (grower) and 0.42∼0.61%(pullet), respectively.

      • KCI우수등재

        옥피사료의 개발에 관한연구 2 . 농후사료에 대한 옥피사료의 일부대치가 소화율 및 육성한우의 성장에 미치는 효과

        한인규,손광수,정정수,박홍석 ( In K . Han,K . S . Sohn,C . S . Chung,H . S . Park ) 한국축산학회 1979 한국축산학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        An in vivo digestibility experiment and two feeding trials have been conducted to investigate the nutritive value of corn bran-based concentrate feed for growing Korean cattle. In the first feeding trial with twenty Korean cattle weighing 320-340 ㎏, a corn bran-based concentrate feed containing 40% corn bran was used at 10, 20, or 30% level of total concentrate fed. These corn bran feed and the control commercial beef feed mixture were fed with rice straw as a roughage source for 56 days. There were no significant difference in concentrate or straw intake, body weight gain and over-all feed efficiency, however, the concentrate mixture containing 20% corn bran diet showed significantly(P$lt; 0.05) higher feed efficiency than others when the concentrate mixture intake alone was considered. For the digestibility trial with eight wether lambs and the second feeding trial with twenty Korean cattle weighing 200-250 ㎏, the feeds containing 50, 40 or 30 % corn bran were used at a 20 % level of the total concentrate fed. It was suprising that the digestibility and TDN value of the feed containing 50% corn bran were comparable to those of the control and better than those of the diets containing 40 or 30% corn bran treatment. Results of 140 days of feeding trial also showed that over-all feed efficiency for the groups fed diet containing 50% corn bran, considering the concentrate and rice straw intake together, was better than any other corn bran treatments (P$lt;0.05), although there was no significant difference in concentrate or straw intake, body weight gain, or feed efficiency of concentrate intake alone among treatments and the control. Daily body weight gain and over-all feed efficiency of the control, the diets containing 50, 40 and 30% corn bran treatment, respectively were 0.80㎏ and 6.80, 0.83㎏ and 6.66, 0.77㎏ and 7.13 and 0.73 ㎏ and 7.03 respectively. These results suggest that, if nutrients are properly supplemented, corn bran can be satisfactorily used up to 50% in the corn bran-based concentrate feed which will be fed at a 20 % level of total concentrate with poor quality roughage like rice straw.

      • KCI우수등재

        국산 인산칼슘제의 사료적 가치에 관한 연구 2 . 칼슘·인 공급제의 종류가 육성중에 있는 산란용계의 성장효율 및 경골내 칼슘·인의 축적에 미치는 영향

        한인규,손광수,김춘수 ( In K . Han,Kwang S . Sohn,Chun S . Kim ) 한국축산학회 1980 한국축산학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        This experiment was conducted to compare the utilizability of calcium and phosphorus in locally produced various sources of calcium-phosphorus supplements for egg type growing chicks from 0 week to 19 weeks of age. A total of 320 White Leghorn chickens of Hisex strain were divided into 5 treatments consited of Tricalcium phosphate₁ (TCP₁), Tricalcium phosphare ₂(TCP₂), Dicalcium phosphate (DCP), Bone ash and Control group. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. The calcium, phosphorus and fluorine contents of TCP₁, TCP₂, DCP and bone ash used in-this experiment were analyzed to be 29.98%, 15.72 % and 0.14% ; 26.64%, 13.51% and 0.09% ; 26.62%, 13.51% and 0.3p% 36.33%, 15.23% and 0.10%, respectively. 2. Body weight gain, feed intake and feed efficiency were not influenced by the sources of calcium and phosphorus during the growing period of 19 weeks. However, it was found that body weight gain, feed intake and feed efficiency were significantly (p $lt;0.05) lower for control group than other groups during the starting period of 0 to 6 weeks. There were no differences in the body weight gain, feed intake and feed efficiency during the growing period of 6 to 19 weeks among treatments. 3. No difference in nutrients utilizability during the growing period of 0 to 19 weeks was observed among treatments. It was found that the rate of nitrogen retention was somewhat decreased gradually toward the maturity of chicks progressed.

      • KCI우수등재

        가금에 대한 인의 적정공급수준 결정을 위한 연구 1 . 인의 공급 수준이 부로일러의 능력에 미치는 영향

        한인규,손광수,김춘수 ( In K . Han,Kwang S . Sohn,Chun S . Kim ) 한국축산학회 1980 한국축산학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        This experiment was conducted to determine the optimum dietary level of phosphorus for broiler chicks for a period of 8 weeks. A total of 300 chicks of one day old were divided into 5 dietary levels of total phosphorus consisted of 0.47, 0.56, 0.66, 0.75 and 0.84%. The results obtained are summarized as follows 1. The supplement of 0.66%, phosphorus in broiler rations had better growth rate than ether levels used. It was found that the 0.47% group showed the worst rate of growth (P$lt;0.01) among treatments. 2. Although no statistical significance was found in feed conversion rare among treatments, the annum of feed consumption was significantly (P$lt;0.01) smaller for the 0.47% fed group. 3. It way found that the nutrient utilizabilities of broiler rations were not affected by the dietary levels of phosphorus. 4. The tibia ash content of broiler, fed 0.47% phosphorus was significantly (P$lt;0.05) lower than other groups. However, no significant difference among other using levels was found is the content of tibia calcium and phosphorus. 5. Present data showed that the mortality of experimental birds for 8 week of experimental periods was increased as the level of phosphorus in diets decreased and Ca : P ratio was widened. From the results of present experiment it may be concluded that 0.66%-0.75% of total phosphorus was optimum dietary level in properly balanced broiler diets.

      • KCI우수등재

        브로일러의 단백질과 에너지 요구량 결정에 관한 연구 1 . 사료내의 다양한 단백질과 에너지수준이 브로일러의 성장에 미치는 영향

        손광수,한인규 ( K . S . Sohn,I . K . Han ) 한국축산학회 1983 한국축산학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        In order to determine the optimum dietary protein and energy requirements of broiler chicks, 480 chicks of meat-breed (Maniker) were fed 12 kinds of diet formulated to contain the various level of dietary protein for starters (21, 23, 25%), for growers (18, 20, 22%), and for finishers (16, 18, 20%), respectively, and dietary energy (2800, 3000, 3200, 3400 ㎉ ME/㎏) according to 3 x 4 factorial design. The results of the present study were summarized as follows. 1. According to the results of starter periods. body weight gain and feed efficiency were considerably (p$lt;0.01) improved but feed intake was decreased as the levels of dietary energy increased. No difference was observed in the growth rate by the chicks fed the diet containing different level of dietary protein. Feed efficiency was significantly (p$lt;0.01) improved as the level of protein increased. 2. In the grower periods, the growth rate and feed conversion rate were improved as the levels of dietary protein and energy increased until an adequate level of protein was supplied, although no remarkable difference among the protein levels. Feed consumption was increased with decreasing levels of dietary protein and energy. 3. For finishing broiler chickens, dietary protein levels had some significant effects on body weight. Chicks receiving 20% protein had poorer body weight gain as compared with those receiving 1.8 or 16% protein levels. Feed consumption was increased as the level of dietary energy decreased. Feed conversion eras considerably (p$lt;0.01) improved as the level of dietary energy and protein increased. 4. According to the results of overall feeding trials from 0 to 9 weeks, total body weight gain from starters to finishers was increased with increasing level of energy. Total feed consumption was remarkably (p$lt;0.01) higher for the low energy group than for the high energy group. Overall feed conversion rate was improved as the level of dietary energy and protein increased. 5. There were no statistical differences in mortality of the experimental birds due to dietary treatment. 6. Feed cost per kilogram body weight gain of birds fed the diet of 23-20-18%-3000, 21-18-16%-3200, 21-18-16%-3000, and 21-18-16%-2800 ㎉ ME/㎏ groups was less than that of chicks fed other diets. Considering feed cost, body weight gain and feed efficiency, the best results were obtained at 23-20-18%-3200 ㎉ ME/㎏, 23-20-18%-3000 ㎉ ME/㎏, 21-18-16%-3200 ㎉ ME/㎏, and 21-18-16%-3000 ㎉ ME/㎏ groups. According to the above results, it could be concluded that a diet containing 23% protein and 3200 ㎉ ME/㎏ for starters, 20% protein and 3200 ㎉ ME/㎏ for growers, 16 to 18% protein and 3000 ㎉ ME/㎏ for finishers would be suitable for optimum performance.

      • KCI우수등재

        육성비육돈에 대한 Virginiamycin 의 성장촉진효과

        유문일,한인규,권관,손광수,강세원 ( M . I . Yoo,I . K . Han,K . Kwon,K . S . Sohn,S . W . Kang ) 한국축산학회 1985 한국축산학회지 Vol.27 No.5

        This experiment was conducted to compare the growth promoting effect of virginiamycin with some other antibiotics available in Korea for growing-finishing swine. A total of 288 three way crossed hogs (LW × L × D or H) weighing an average 16 ㎏ were used in six treatments, consisting of control, virginiamycin (40ppm), flavomycin(10ppm), bacitracin(100 ppm), virginiamycin(20ppm) + colistine(4ppm) and Bacitracin(20ppm) + colistin(4ppm) groups, for a period of 114 days. Daily weight gain of virginiamycin fed group was considerably (p$lt;0.05) better than that of control group. However, there were no statistical differences among hogs fed different antibiotics. Feed intake as not affected by the addition of antibiotics. Feed efficiency of virginiamycin group was superior to that or control group, although no statistical differences were found among treatments. It seemed that hogs fed antibiotics utilized the dry matter, crude protein and crude fiber more efficiently than those fed control diet, without any significant differences among antibiotics fed groups. Digestible energy values and energy utilizability of antibiotics fed groups were better than those of control group.

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