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      • 대청호에서 WASP5 모델의 매개변수에 관한 연구

        한운우 大田大學校 産業技術硏究所 1998 산업기술연구소 論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        This study was carried out to analyze the sensitivity of WASP5 parameters in Daechung Reservoir. the reproducibility and tendency between real value and simulated value were very similar. So it is possible to predict the future water quality about Taejon intake region using this model. The results of the parameter sensitivity analysis showed that Chlorophyll-a was most sensitive to variations in algae respiration rate, algae maximum specific growth rate, temperature and extinction coefficient. T-N was affected by algae respiration and mineralization rate of dissolved organic nitrogen. T-P was sensitive to saturation light intensity for phytoplankton, algae respiration, phytoplankton death rate, and mineralization rate of dissolved organic phosphorus. BOD was influenced by oxigenation rate and temperature, DO was influenced by temperature. It was applicated and assesemented with adequate input data through the model sensitivity analysis. So it is possible to distinguish the input data which needs careful attention when it is applicated simulation.

      • 조정지 방류의 농도예측

        한운우 大田大學校 産業技術硏究所 1992 산업기술연구소 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        The prediction of concentration(dilution) in a regulation pond caused by bottom current induced by negative buoyant flow flowing into the reservoir is analysed by experiments on the basis of dimensional analysis. The dilution is different from two cases as follows ; before the head of bottom current arrive at the downstream and after the arrival. Before the arrival, it is dependent on the inflow densimetric Foude number Fre and the mixing in the reservoir is progressed along the movement of bottom current. After the arrival it is dependent on the Fre and time and increases with the repeated propagation of the internal surge produced at downstream end.

      • 흐름변동수역에서 부력�㈏�거동

        한운우 大田大學校 産業技術硏究所 1994 산업기술연구소 論文集 Vol.1994 No.7

        The behavior of a vertical plane buoyant jet discharged into a flow varing region is analysed by experimental and dimensional analysis. A buoyant jet is characterized by parameter P and the jet flow pattern is dependent on the Foude number F. It is found that the jet axis and excess temperature are dependent on the characteristics length scale lM? and momentum length scale Zm? and obey a law in each field.

      • KCI등재후보

        환경친화적 블록에 관한 연구

        한운우,이기세,안태봉 한국지반환경공학회 2005 한국지반환경공학회논문집 Vol.6 No.3

        The characteristics of environmentally friendly block, roughness, erosion, stability and dissolved oxygen(DO) were investigated by hydraulic experiment. It was found that the roughness of A-block was lower than I block and A block was more stable to the variation of flow. So it is expected that A-block will be more effective to the channel flow. It was also found that the erosion of channel bed was very small or rarely occurred and stable in the case of 3-dimensional A-block filled with sand. And 3-dimensional A-blocks assembled with A-blocks were more stable against the flow force than I block because of the united force of A-blocks. When the bed of channel was paved with 3-dimensional A-blocks, DO was increased higher than I block. So it is expected that A-block will be more advantageous to underwater environment than I block. 환경친화적 블록에 대한 조도, 세굴, 수류에 대한 안정성, 수중 DO농도 등 특성을 수리실험을 통하여 분석하였다. 亞형 블록의 조도계수는 I형 블록의 조도계수보다 낮았고 亞형블록이 흐름에 더 안정적인 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 亞형블록이 수로의 흐름 소통에 더 효율적일 것으로 기대된다. 亞형 블록에 모래를 채운 경우 수로 바닥의 세굴은 매우 작거나 거의 일어나지 않았으며 안정적인 형태를 유지하였다. 亞형 블록을 조립한 亞형 블록 입체형은 블록간의 결속력으로 인해 수류에 대해 안정하다고 할 수 있다. 亞형 블록을 수로 바닥에 설치한 경우는 I형 블록을 설치한 경우보다 수중의 DO농도가 증가하였다. 따라서 亞형블록이 I형 블록보다는 수중환경에 유리할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        철강산업 부산물을 활용한 해수정화용 친환경 다공질콘크리트의 특성

        한운우,이병재 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2020 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집 Vol.24 No.1

        철강 생산으로 인하여 부산되는 철강슬래그 역시 계속적으로 증가하여 2018년에 2,423 만톤에 이르고 있으나 고로슬래그를 제외한 철강부산물은 단순매립 등으로 재활용되고 있어 산업부산물의 유효활용을 통한 자원순환형 사회 구축 및 천연자원 고갈방지를 위해서는 다양한 활용기술 개발이 절실히 요구되고 있는 실정이다. 한편, 근래 무분별한 해양개발 및 환경오염 등으로 광대한 해양생물의 서식기반이 소실되어 수산자원의 감소현상이 심화되고 있어 이에 대한 대책이 시급한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 다량 부산되는 복합슬래그를 천연골재 대체재료로 재활용하는 방안 제시와 해수정화가 가능한 친환경 다공질콘크리트의 배합요인별 공학적 특성 및 적용성 검토연구를 수행하였다. 배합요인별 공극률 시험결과 모든 조건에서 오차범위 2.5%이내의 결과를 나타내었다. 압축강도시험결과 최적 혼입률은 복합슬래그골재 30%, 혼입시 가장 우수한 친환경 다공질콘크리트 제조가 가능하였다. 입상인공Zeolite를 혼입함으로서 침지일수 14일에 총질소 및 총인 농도가 36.8∼54.6%까지 감소하여 입상인공제올라이트의 효과를 확인하였다. As of 2018, Steel slag was generated approximately 24.23 million tons. Howeve, except blast furnace slag, steel slag is a typical by-product which does not have a clearly defined purpose in recycling. Thus, countries around the world are putting great efforts into developing a purpose for the recycling of steel slag. The vast habitat foundation of marine life has been destroyed due to recent reckless marine development and environment pollution, resulting in intensification of the decline of marine resources, and a solution to this issue is imperative. In order to propose a method to recycle large amounts of by-product slag into a material that can serve as an alternative to natural aggregate, the engineering properties and applicability for each mixing factor of environment friendly porous concrete as a material for the composition of seawater purification were in this study. Regarding the nutrient elution properties, it was clear that the nutrients continuously flowed out up to an immersion time by 8 months in natural seawater; the nitrogenous fertilizer displayed excellent elution properties in this regard.

      • 대전광역시 지하수질 특성에 관한 연구(Ⅲ)

        한운우,박동학 대전대학교 환경문제연구소 2001 환경문제연구소 논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        This study was carried out by experiment to investigate the characteristics of drinking groundwater quality of the greenbelt area in Daejeon city. As the analysis of experimental data, the mean concentrations of pH was 6.3, NO3-N 7.48 mg/ℓ, evaporation residues 157.9 mg/ℓ, KMnO4 consumption 0.73 mg/ℓ, hardness 87.2 mg/ℓ, temperature was 16.1℃. It was found that coliform bacteria, general fungi, evaporation residues, NO3-N, Mn, CN, Cd and pH were over the drinking water standard. Especially NO3-N was over the standard most frequently, so that it was estimated that the pollution of NO3-N was progressed considerably.

      • 대청호에서 WASP5 모델 매개변수에 관한 연구

        한운우,김규형,안태봉 한국지반환경공학회 2003 한국지반환경공학회논문집 Vol.4 No.3

        This study was carried out to evaluate the WASP5 model parameters and to analyze the sensitivity of parameters in Daechung Reservoir. The values predicted by the model and tendency were very similar to the observed data at Daejeon intake, so it is possible to predict water quality of the Daejeon intake region in the future. Results from the sensitivity analysis showed that Chlorophyll-a was sensitive to variations in saturated growth rate of phytoplankton, endogenous respiration rate of phytoplankton, extinction coefficient and temperature. T-N was sensitive to mineralization rate of dissolved organic nitrogen and temperature. T-P was affected by T-P load, temperature, extinction coefficient, mineralization rate of dissolved organic phosphorus and saturated growth rate of phytoplankton. BOD was influenced by deoxygenation rate and temperature, and DO was influenced by temperature. Adequate input data was applied and assessed through the model sensitivity analysis. So it is possible to distinguish the input data which need careful attention when it has application to model. 대청호에서 WASP5 모델의 매개변수를 산정하고 민감도분석을 실시하였다. 모델의 계산치와 실측치는 값과 그 경향에 있어 근사한 것으로 나타나 이를 통해 대전취수탑 유역의 장래수질예측이 가능하였다. 매개변수의 민감도분석 결과 조류의 최대성장율, 조류의 호흡율, 광소멸계수, 온도 등이 Chlorophyll-a에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났으며 T-N에 영향을 주는 주된 인자는 용존유기질소 분해율과 온도이며 T-P는 인부하량, 온도, 광소멸계수, 용존유기인 분해율, 조류의 최대성장율 등의 순으로 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. BOD에 큰 민감도를 보인 인자는 탈산소계수와 온도였으며, DO는 온도 외의 매개변수에 대한 영향은 거의 없는 것으로 나타났다. 모델의 민감도분석을 통하여 해당 수역에 적합한 입력변수의 민감도에 대한 평가를 하였으며 각 수질항목에 대한 입력변수의 영향에 대한 파악을 통해서 모델의 적용에 주의를 기해야할 해당 입력변수의 구분이 가능하였다.

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