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      • 사용 적정성 평가기법(FFS)의 현장적용 사례

        한상인(Sang-In Han),최송천(Song-Chun Choi),김지윤(Ji-Yoon Kim) 대한기계학회 2002 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2002 No.3

        The ASME and API design codes and standards for pressurized equipment which are established within a country provide rules design, fabrication, inspection and testing of new pressure vessels, piping systems, and storage tanks. These codes do not address the fact that equipment degrades while in service and that deficiencies due to degradation or from original fabrication may be found during subsequent inspections. Fitness For Service assessments(API RP 579) are quantitative engineering evaluations which are performed to demonstrate the structural integrity of an in-service component containing a flaw or damage in refining and petrochemical industry. API 579 guideline can be used to make run-repair-replacement decisions to help continue to operate safely. In this paper, corrosion like flaw will be introduced among the API 579 evaluation procedure and case study related to the lamination are demonstrated.

      • KCI등재

        보문 : 의류판매원의 고객지향성 측정도구 개발

        한상인 ( Sang In Han ),황선진 ( Sun Jin Hwang ) 한국의류학회 2012 한국의류학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        This study develops a valid and reliable scale to evaluate customer orientation for clothing salespeople in order to provide a foundation for systematic and empirical research in the apparel industry. The study was conducted in two phases. First, a scale was developed to evaluate the customer orientation of clothing salespeople through a qualitative method. The second phase involved the verification of the validity of the developed evaluation questions through a quantitative method. The subjects of this study were 327 clothing salespeople, and the results were analyzed using AMOS 7.0 and SPSS 15.0. The results were as follows: First, customer orientation questions were elicited from in-depth interviews with fashion salespeople, analyses of fashion magazine articles, and previous studies. From the results, 38 preliminary questions were selected based on categorization, modification, and expert analyses of the content validity. Second, in order to verify the validity of the customer orientation scale that consisted of 24 questions in 7 factors, we performed a verification of the convergent validity through an assessment of the magnitude of standardization factor loading, average variance extracted (AVE), and construct reliability. Discriminant validity was verified using the AVE of each of the two constructs and a comparison of the square of the correlation between the constructs. According to the results, the measured values were above or near the guideline values that demonstrates the validity of the customer orientation scale.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        입계부식법에 의한 사용중인 화력발전소 요소의 잔여수명평가

        한상인,윤기봉,정세희,Han, Sang-In,Yoon, Kee-Bong,Chung, Se-Hi 대한기계학회 1997 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.21 No.1

        The grain boundary etching method as a method for assessing degradation of structural materials has received much attention because it is simple, inexpensive and easy to apply to real components. In this study, the effectiveness of the method is verified by successfully applying the technique to in-service components of aged fossil power plants such as main steam pipes, boiler headers an turbine rotors. A new degradation parameter, intersecting number ratio (N$_{1}$/N$_{0}$), is employed. The intersecting number ratio (N$_{1}$/N$_{0}$) is defined as the ratio of intersection number (N$_{1}$) obtained from 5-minute picric acid etched surface to the number (N$_{0}$) obtained from nital etched surface. Two kinds of test materials, 2.25Cr-1Mo steel and 1Cr-1Mo-0.25V steel, were artificially thermal-aged at 630.deg. C in different levels of degradation., (N$_{1}$/N$_{0}$) were measured. And, correlations between the measured values and LMP values calculated from aging temperature and aging time were sought. To check the validity of the correlations obtained in laboratory, similar data were measured from service components in four old Korean fossil power plants. These on-site measurement data were in good correlation with those obtained in the laboratory.oratory.

      • KCI등재

        구형 산소용기 내 표면균열에 대한 수치파괴역학 평가

        조두호(Doo-Ho Cho),김종민(Jong-Min Kim),장윤석(Yoon-Suk Chang),최재붕(Jae-Boong Choi),김영진(Young-Jin Kim),한상인(Sang-In Han) 대한기계학회 2009 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.33 No.11

        During the last decade, possibility of flaw occurrences has been rapidly increased world-widely as the increase of operating times of petro-chemical facilities. For instance, from a recent in-service inspection, three different sized surface cracks were detected in welding parts of a spherical oxygen holder in Korea. While API579 code provides corresponding engineering assessment procedures to determine crack driving forces, in the present work, numerical analyses are carried out for the cracked oxygen holder to investigate effects of complex geometry, analysis model and residual stress. With regard to the detailed finite element analysis, stress intensity factors are determined from both the full three-dimensional model and equivalent plate model. Also, as an alternative, stress intensity factors are calculated for equivalent plate model by employing the noted influence stress function technique. Finally, parametric structural integrity evaluation of the cracked oxygen holder is conducted in use of failure assessment diagram method, J/T method and DPFAD method. Effects of the geometry and so forth are examined and key findings from the simulations are fully discussed, which enables to determine practical safety margins of spherical components containing a defect.

      • KCI등재

        군주성학(君主聖學)에서 지(知) 공부의 문제

        한상인 ( Sang In Han ) 한국교육사학회 2012 한국교육사학 Vol.34 No.1

        The problem of zhi (wisdom) study in sage learning as education for the ruler is examined in this study. As the proxy of Heaven on earth, the ruler must be strictly a public being. He must thus set aside personal desires and make judgments based on unbiased view. Making discernment of the public and the private was an important task for the ruler, and the ruler was required to study in order to perform this task. From the perspective of sage learning, zhi is manifested in the essence of one`s heart and is also predicated on practice. Even when the ruler seeks to govern well, if he does not properly grasp zhi coming from the heart, he will not be able to engage in the right practice. A sage is someone who possesses complete zhi regarding all situations and things in the world, but realistically a single individual cannot have understanding of everything. The characteristics of the zhi being pursued are defined according to the position and the circumstances of each person. The zhi required of the ruler in sage learning is the zhi related to the realization of morality. The ruler had to be a practitioner and a model of morality. In general sage learning, zhi study consists of revealing the right way through reading and interpretation and discussion of texts, discriminating between right and wrong, and taking action based on discernment of whether to go forward or not regarding situations and things. The practical zhi study of the ruler was the study through Royal lecture from which the ruler sought to find appropriateness with respect to the right way, the discernment of right and wrong, his own body and mind, the royal family and governing. 본 연구는 군주성학(君主聖學)에서 지(知) 공부의 문제를 고찰하였다. 유학 전통에서 성학(聖學)은 성인을 지향하는 공부를 의미하는데, 이는 모든 지위의 사람에게 적용 가능하다. 그런데 성학이 모든 지위의 사람에게 적용되는 동일한 성격의 것이라고 해도, 그 공부의 강조점은 사람의 지위에 따라 달라질 수 있다. 군주라는 지위에 요구되는 군주성학은 일반 성학의 성격을 지니되, 그 공부의 강조점은 군주의 특수성을 반영하고 있으며, 이는 지 영역의 공부도 그러하다. 일반적으로 성학에서의 지 공부는 만사만물 전체를 대상으로 하지만, 실질적으로는 신심성정(身心性情)과 인륜일용(人倫日用)의 문제에 집중한다. 이를 위해서 독서·강론을 통하여 의리(義理)를 밝히고 시비(是非)를 분별하거나, 응접사물(應接事物)상에 나아가 그 당부(當否)를 변별하여 처리하는 공부를 한다. 군주 성학은 이러한 일반적인 성학의 성격을 포괄하되, 군주 지위의 특수한 성격을 지니고 있다. 군주의 지위는 하늘을 대리하는 지위로서 인륜의 표준이어야 한다. 따라서 군주는 공의(公義)와 사욕(私慾)에 대한 철저한 분별을 하는 지 공부에 임해야 했다. 군주는 경연(經筵)을 통하여 독서와 강론을 하였고, 또한 군주 자신의 몸과 마음, 왕실 및 정치 문제에 응접하여 그 당부를 변별 처리하였다.

      • KCI등재

        『중용(中庸)』 수도지교(修道之敎)에 대한 주희(朱熹)의 이해 변화 연구

        한상인 ( Sang In Han ) 한국교육사학회 2014 한국교육사학 Vol.36 No.4

        이 연구에서는 『중용』 수장의 ‘수도지(위)교(修道之謂敎)’에 대한 주희의 이해 변화와 그 이유에 대하여 살펴보았다. 주희 당대의 일반적인 ‘수도지(위)교’ 이해는 한·당대의 정현과 공영달의 이해인 ‘인군이 가르침을 베푼다[人君說敎]’였다. 정이의 영향을 받은 주희는 이를 부정하고 ‘수도지(위)교’를 극기복례의 ‘학(學)’으로 이해한다. 이는 천명으로 받은 본성을 회복하기 위한 ‘학’이다. 그러나 『장구』와 『혹문』 작업을 시작한 때를 기점으로 ‘학’으로서의 ‘수도지(위)교’를 수정하여, 성인이도로 말미암아 품절하는 것으로 이해 방식을 바꾼다. 이는 ‘천명지위성(天命之謂性)’과 ‘솔성지위도 (率性之謂道)’의 맥락 속에서 ‘수도지(위)교’를 이해하였기 때문이다. 즉, ‘수도지(위)교’를 도·순수한 이치·순선무악의 측면에 위치시키고 또한 인간의 수위 곧 사의와 인욕이 배제된 지점에 위치시킨다. 주희는 이를 위해서 ‘수도지(위)교’의 주체로 성인(聖人)을 요청하고, 성인이 만사만물을 품절(品節)하는 것으로 이해하였다. The purpose of the study is to figure out Zhu Xi`s Understanding Change about ‘Xiu Dao zhi Jiao (修道之敎)’ in 『Doctrine of the Mean』. Before 44 years old, Zhu Xi understood ‘xiu Dao zhi Jiao’ as xue(學) of ke ji fu li(克己復禮), that is, efforts by common people with limitation in disposition to practice Dao. After 44 years old, he revised this. For clear and pure Sheng ren(聖人) to let common people practice Dao, li·le·xing·zheng(禮·樂·刑·政) etc. that man and all the beings should do are established to make all things to be in their appropriate levels and proper positions[pin jie, 品節]. Zhu Xi revised recognition on ‘xiu Dao zhi Jiao’ because he understood ‘xiu Dao zhi Jiao’ in the context of ‘tian ming zhi wei xing’(天命之謂性) and ‘shuai xing zhi wei dao’(率性之謂道). In other words, He undrstood ‘Xiu Dao zhi Jiao’ in the context of Dao·Li(理) in pure goodness and no evil(純善無惡). Furthermore, there is not involvement of any selfish motive. He called on Sheng ren as main agent of ‘Xiu Dao zhi Jiao’, understood that Sheng ren makes all things to be in their appropriate levels and proper positions.

      • KCI등재

        Kano 모델 및 PCSI 지수를 통한 의류점포의 서비스품질에 관한 연구

        한상인(Sang In Han),황선진(Sun Jin Hwang) 한국복식학회 2011 服飾 Vol.61 No.1

        The purposes of this study are to classify apparel service quality elements using the Kano`s model, and to identify how much service quality can increase the degree of customer satisfaction when the service quality is fully fulfilled. Women over 20 years-old from metropolitan areas participated in the study. Data from 254 questionnaires were used for the statistical analysis. The results were as follows: First, 17 service quality elements were categorized into one-dimensional quality which could lead to both satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and 3 services quality elements were categorized into indifferent quality which neither result in satisfaction nor dissatisfaction. Second, potential customer satisfaction improvement(PCSI) Index was developed using Kano model and CS coeffient. Findings of this study provide both industry and academic researchers with a guide to increase customer satisfaction in fashion retail store.

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