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        영화미술가 윤상열 연구

        한상언 ( Sang Eon Han ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2013 현대영화연구 Vol.9 No.2

        Yoon Sang-yeol defected to North Korea for political reasons, where he was branded as a fractionalist. So his life was unknown to the world. He began his career as a painter, and after worked as a set designer in theater and a production designer in a movie studio. Also he was a activist of the proletarian art movement who struggled against rule of Japanese imperialism. After liberation he was the central figure of film movement which was led by lefties. In 1948, he defected to North Korea. he was elected to representative of the North Korea`s supreme command, but he was purged when North Korea purged Workers` Party of South Korea at Korean War. Yoon Sang-yeol was a fauve in Korea. He used a contrast of color, shape and space. He cut details and emphasized on the spatial feature at his stage.

      • KCI등재후보

        동인제 영화제작과 영화 <표류도>

        한상언(Han, Sang eon) 근대서지학회 2020 근대서지 Vol.- No.22

        이 글은 동인제 방식으로 제작된 박경리 원작 <표류도>의 영화제작 과정과 영화 속 주인공 현희 역을 맡은 문정숙에 대해 주목하고 있다. 1959년 연간 한국영화 제작편수가 100편을 넘기면서 많은 수의 영화를 제작하던 군소 영화회사들이 흥행부진으로 정리되어 갔다. 이를 대신하여 동인제 영화제작 방식이 도입된다. 1960년 이광수 원작의 <흙>을 제작하여 큰 성과를 냈던 제작진들은 동인제 방식으로 영화를 제작하기로 했고 박경리 원작 <표류도>를 영화로 만들기로 결정한다. <표류도>의 제작은 문정숙의 스타덤에 기댄 측면이 크다. 문정숙의 남편인 기획자 장일은 문정숙의 이미지에 어울리는 원작을 선택하였으며 이렇게 선택된 <표류도>는 문정숙이 연기한 현희를 중심으로 주변 인물들이 현희와 관계 맺는 상황을 통해서 현희의 성격과 현희의 가치관을 드러내고 있다. 이 작품은 1960년 무렵 추진되었던 여배우를 중심으로 한 동인제 방식의 영화제작을 보여준다는 면에서 흥미로운 텍스트이다. This article casts light on the filmmaking process of Park Kyung-ri’s novel ‘Drifting Island’, which was produced in Donginje method, and Moon Jeong-sook, who plays the lead character Hyun-hee in the film. The number of Korean domestic films produced annually exceeded 100 in 1959 and small filmmakers that used to produce a large number of films were restructured and downsized due to failure to attract the viewers. It is against this backdrop that the Donginje filmmaking method was introduced. The production team who made a great success by turning Lee Kwang-soo’s novel “Soil” into a film in 1960 decided to produce a film adapted from Park Kyung-ri’s novel ‘Drifting Island’ in the same manner. The production of ‘Drifting Island’ was dependent heavily on actress Moon Jeong-sook’s stardom. Jang Il, Moon’s husband and the planner, chose ‘Drifting Island’ as a novel that best suits the personal image of Moon Jeong-sook. The film reveals the characters and sense of value of Hyun -hee played by Moon Jeong-sook through the circumstance where the surrounding people relate to Hyun-hee. This film is an interesting attempt in that it demonstrates the filmmaking process in Donginje method popular around 1960 centered on a particular actress.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 초반 조선영화의 형식적 특징

        한상언(Sang-Eon Han),정태수(Tae-Soo Chung) 한국콘텐츠학회 2013 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.13 No.12

        1920년대 초반 조선영화의 제작은 식민지지배기구에서 시작되어 민간으로 확대되었다. 이들 영화는 풍경과 풍속을 기록한 실사영화와 극적 사건이 일어나는 장소를 촬영하여 보여주는 연쇄극의 자장 안에서 형성되어, 장소를 강조하는 형식으로 발전했다. 이 당시 할리우드 연속영화의 영향으로 조선의 주요한 경승지를 위험과 모험이 일어나는 장소로 사용했다. 하지만 스타일적인 면에 있어서는 롱테이크와 롱쇼트로 촬영되었고, 단조로운 화면은 변사의 설명으로 리듬감을 주었고, 필름에 색을 넣어 시각적인 자극을 강조하는 등 일본영화와 같았다. 일본영화와 비슷했던 1920년대 초반 조선영화는 나운규의 <아리랑>의 등장으로 보다 할리우드 영화와 같은 모습으로 변화하게 되었다. Early 1920s, Joseon film production began with Japanese colonial rule organization and expanded into civilian. These films were influenced by the documentary film what recorded the scenery and the custom also influenced by kino drama that displayed the place of a dramatic incident. So these films developed into the form emphasize on place. At that time, hollywood serial films were popular. So the first Joseon films shooted a picturesque place and a landmark of the city in the background where heros took a risk. In the style stakes, Joseon films looked very similar to Japanese films. shooted long-take and long-shot, it had rhythm with narration of benshi and emphasized on visual excitation by using color. Early 1920s Joseon films which were similar to Japanese films changed from Japanese style to Hollywood style caused by Na woon-kyus 〈Ariang〉.

      • KCI등재

        다큐멘터리 <해방조선을 가다> 연구

        한상언 ( Sang Eon Han ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2007 현대영화연구 Vol.3 No.2

        Documentary, <Go to liberated Korea> was discovered and announced by National Achieves in this year. It was re-edited <Liberty News(해방뉴스)> for two reels. People Film(민중영화사) was stationed at Japan, made this documentary for 20min. quantity. This film contained very important images that pictures of August 16th, 1945 to April 1946 and pictures of famous persons, for example, Cho mansik, Im Hwa, Kim Taejun. This film is so important both in a record aspect and a film history aspect. Through <Liberty News> and <Choryun News>, Korea and Japan progressive film makers interchanged their films. This film is a evidence.

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