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      • 발달 장애 아동을 대상으로 한 리듬·음정 교정식 음악 치료 프로그램

        최희주(Hee-ju Choi),라희재(Hee-jae Ra),황은지(Eun-ji Hwang),김우연(Woo-yeon Kim),이용우(Yong-woo Lee),고석주(Seok-ju Koh),박인철(In-cheol Park) 한국방송·미디어공학회 2020 한국방송공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2020 No.7

        21세기 핵심 키워드 중 하나로 두뇌 산업이 떠오르고 있다. 미국, 일본 등 선진 국가에서는 이미 뇌 연구에 활발한 투자가 진행되고 있다. 이에 따라 본 논문에서는 출생과 성장기 뇌 발달에 문제가 발생하는 발달 장애 아동을 위한 음악 치료 프로그램을 개발하고자 한다. 효과적인 발달 장애 치료를 위해, 조기 발견 후 인지 학습 치료가 필요하다. 그 중 인지 기능과 자가 관리 기능을 기르는 것이 중요한데, 리듬 타이밍 훈련이 발달 장애 아동의 기억 능력 개선에 도움이 된다는 여러 입증된 연구 결과가 있다. 그러나 아직까지 발달 장애 아동을 위한 적절한 치료 방법이 없기에 본 논문에서는 인지 학습 치료가 필요한 아동에게 도움을 주기 위해 동요의 정확한 리듬, 음정을 학습하는 프로그램을 제안한다. 아동의 지속적인 흥미를 끌 수 있는 게임과 인지능력 훈련을 결합하였기에, 보다 좋은 학습 효과를 유도할 수 있을 것이다.

      • 이동성의 관점에서 Mat building의 특성에 관한 연구

        최희주(Choi, Hee-Ju),민현준(Mihn, Hyun-Jun) 대한건축학회 2023 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.43 No.1

        The Mat building appeared in architecture to induce more social interaction in the context of explosive urban growth in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The Mat building has been discussed a lot by expressing the connection with the city, the formation of a community and network through movement as mobility. The discussion on the Mat building was repeated in Hashim Sarkis 2002 book, Le Corbusiers Venice Hospital. Hashim Sarkis stated that architecture should reveal catalytic relationships and constitute an integrative perspective. In addition, todays city and architecture are more closely connected as mobility technology develops, and discussions on mobility continue. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to understand the characteristics of Mat building in terms of mobility.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        식품 중 플루오로퀴놀론계 항생제의 분석

        김희연(Hee-Yun Kim),신민수(Min-Su Shin),최희주(Hee-Ju Choi),박세종(Se-Jong Park),송재상(Jae-Sang Song),정소영(So-Young Cheong),최선희(Sun-Hee Choi),이화정(Hwa-Jeong Lee),김영선(Young-Seon Kim),최재천(Jae-Chun Choi) 한국식품과학회 2009 한국식품과학회지 Vol.41 No.6

        총 388건의 시료를 분석한 결과, 닭 143건 중 총 12건의 플루오르퀴놀론계 항생제가 검출되었으며 다른 식품군에서는 모두 불검출 되었다. 항생제 별로 보면 엔로플록사신이 12건으로 가장 많았고 시프로플록사신이 5건, 노르플록사신이 1건 순이었다. 검출농도는 엔로플록사신이 0.01-0.73 mg/kg, 시프로플록사신이 0.01-0.03 mg/kg 및 노르플록사신이 0.12 mg/kg이었다. Residual fluoroquinolone levels in animal foods retailed in Korea were monitored according to the method outlined in Korea Food Code using HPLC-FLD and HPLC-ESI-MS/MS for confirmation. The optimum ion transitions were 360→316, 342 m/z for enrofloxacin, 332→314, 288 m/z for ciprofloxacin, 320→301, 230 m/z for norfloxacin, 334→315, 290 m/z for pefloxacin, 362→318, 261, 334 m/z for ofloxacin, and 262→201, 126 m/z for flumequin. Enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin residues were found in 12 out of 388 samples. These antibiotics were only found in chicken samples, while no residues were found in beef, pork, milk and egg samples. Using this monitoring method, detection rates of 3.1, 1.3, and 0.3% were obtained for enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin, respectively. The levels of enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin detected in food samples ranged from 0.01 to 0.73 mg/kg in 12 samples, 0.01-0.03 mg/kg in 5 samples, and 0.12 mg/kg in only a sample, respectively.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        국내산 녹차의 잔류농약 모니터링

        김희연(Hee-Yun Kim),전종섭(Jong-Sup Jeon),김용훈(Yong-Hoon Kim),최희주(Hee-Ju Choi),정소영(So-Young Cheong),이화정(Hwa-Jeong Lee),김재인(Jae-In Kim),김영선(Young-Seon Kim),최계선(Gye-Sun Choi),최재천(Jae-Chun Choi) 한국식품과학회 2009 한국식품과학회지 Vol.41 No.5

        국내유통 녹차 100품목 중 조사대상 61종 농약의 잔류실태를 조사한 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 총 100품목의 시료 가운데 22품목의 시료에서 bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos, dicofol, EPN, chlorfenapyr, tebuconazole, cyhalothrin, difenoconazole 및 tebufenpyrad 등 9종의 농약이 검출되었다. bifenthrin이 1개 품목(검출치: 0.12 ppm, 기준: 0.3 ppm), chlorpyrifos가 3개 품목(검출치: 0.24-0.78 ppm, 기준: 2.0 ppm), dicofol이 2개 품목(검출치: 1.64-4.19 ppm, 기준: 50.0 ppm), EPN이 1개 품목(검출치: 0.13 ppm, 기준: 0.05 ppm), chlorfenapyr가 16개 품목(검출치: 0.01-1.23 ppm, 기준: 3.0 ppm), tebuconazole이 1개 품목(검출치: 0.71 ppm, 기준: 5.0 ppm), cyhalothrin이 5개 품목(검출치: 0.05-0.3 ppm, 기준: 2.0 ppm), difenoconazole이 1개 품목(검출치: 0.23 ppm, 기준: 2.0 ppm), tebufenpyrad가 2개 품목(검출치: 0.06-0.07 ppm, 기준: 2.0 ppm)이었고 이 가운데 2종 이상의 잔류농약이 검출된 것은 7개 품목이었다. 기준치를 초과한 것은 EPN(검출치: 0.13 ppm, 기준: 0.05 ppm) 1종이었고 나머지는 기준치 이하를 보여주었다. 검출 품목의 지역별 분포는 보성산이 5품목, 제주가 14품목이었고, 기타 국내산이 3품목이었다. 검출 품목의 제품유형별 농약 검출수와 종 수는 잎차(leaf green teas)의 경우 우전이 3품목, 1종, 세작이 2품목, 1종, 중작이 3품목, 2종 및 대작이 1품목, 1종이었고 가루녹차(milled green teas)의 경우는 5품목, 6종, 티백(green tea bag)의 경우는 8품목, 6종 이었다. 농약 종 수와 검출율에 있어 가루녹차와 티백이 잎차보다 훨씬 큰 것으로 나타났는바 가루녹차와 티백이 일반 국민이 다소비하는 품목이라는 점에서 중점관리가 필요하다 할 것이다. 녹차에 잔류하는 농약의 잔류수준은 EPN을 제외하고는 비교적 안전한 수준으로 인체에 크게 위협이 되지 않는 수준인 것으로 판단되었다. 검출 농약 중 dicofol과 EPN은 차류의 잔류농약허용기준에 포함되지 않은 농약으로서 향후 관리가 필요한 것으로 사료된다. Herein, we present the results of our investigation of 61 pesticide residues in 100 samples of green teas obtained from Korean markets. Bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos, dicofol, EPN, chlorfenapyr, tebuconazole, cyhalothrin, difenoconazole, and tebufenpyrad were detected in 22 of the 100 green tea samples. The quantity of pesticide residues for bifenthrin was 0.12 ppm (maximum residue limits (MRLs): 0.3 ppm) in one sample, chlorpyrifos was 0.24-0.78 ppm (MRLs: 2.0 ppm) in three samples, dicofol was 1.64-4.19 ppm (MRLs: 50.0 ppm) in two samples, EPN was 0.13 ppm (MRLs: 0.05 ppm) in one sample, chlorfenapyr was 0.01-1.23 ppm (MRLs: 3.0 ppm) in 16 samples, tebuconazole was 0.71 ppm (MRLs: 5.0 ppm) in one sample, cyhalothrin was 0.05-0.3 ppm (MRLs: 2.0 ppm) in five samples, difenoconazole was 0.23 ppm (MRLs: 2.0 ppm) in one sample, and tebufenpyrad was 0.06-0.07 ppm (MRLs: 2.0 ppm) in two samples. More than two pesticide residues were detected in seven samples. All detected pesticide residues (with the exception of EPN) were within the MRLs.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        식품 중 아목시실린, 암피실린, 옥소린산 및 플루메퀸의 분석

        김희연(Hee-Yun Kim),최희주(Hee-Ju Choi),김용훈(Yong-Hoon Kim),최선희(Sun-Hee Choi),정소영(So-Young Cheong),이화정(Hwa-Jeong Lee),김재인(Jae-In Kim),최계선(Gye-Sun Choi),최재천(Jae-Chun Choi) 한국식품과학회 2009 한국식품과학회지 Vol.41 No.5

        본 연구에서 확립한 분석법으로 총 393건의 시료를 분석한 결과 넙치에서 아목시실린 9건, 장어에서 옥소린산 4건과 플루메퀸 1건이 검출되었다. 아목시실린의 검출농도는 0.009-0.078 mg/kg의 범위를 나타내었고, 옥소린산의 검출농도는 0.02-0.20 mg/kg의 범위를 나타내었다. 플루메퀸은 잔류허용기준(0.5 mg/kg) 이하의 농도로 장어 1건(0.03 mg/kg)에서 검출되었다. The present study was performed to validate an analytical method for veterinary drugs, including amoxicillin, ampicillin, oxolinic acid and flumequin, in meat, fish, and their products as established in the 2007 Korea Food Code, and to monitor the respective drugs in 6 kinds of foods, namely beef, pork, flatfish, rockfish, freshwater eel and shrimp. Additionally, an HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method was developed for the qualification of these veterinary drugs. As a result of monitoring, these drugs were detected in 14 (3.6%) out of 393 samples. In particular, amoxicillin was detected in 9 flatfish samples, and oxolinic acid and flumequin were detected in 4 samples and 1 sample of freshwater eel, respectively. The detection levels of amoxicillin ranged from 0.009 to 0.078 mg/kg, in which 1 sample of flatfish contained more than the MRL (0.05 mg/kg). Flumequin detected in 1 sample of freshwater eel, was less than the MRL (0.5 mg/kg). Therefore, the majority of detected levels were less than the MRLs, with the exception of 2 samples showing amounts that were 1-2 times higher than the MRLs. The detected veterinary drugs were identified and confirmed by the HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method created in this study.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        시판 농산물의 dithiocarbamates 분석

        김희연(Hee-Yun Kim),최희주(Hee-Ju Choi),엄지윤(Ji-Yoon Eom),서은채(Eun-Chae Seo),최승희(Sung-Hee Choi),정소영(So-Young Cheong),최선희(Sun-Hee Choi),이화정(Hwa-Jeong Lee),최재천(Jae-Chun Choi) 한국식품과학회 2010 한국식품과학회지 Vol.42 No.1

        HPLC/APCI-MS에 의한 dithiocarbamate계 분석법을 확립하고 아울러 국내에서 dithiocarbamate계 농약이 사용되는 쌀, 배추, 사과 등 20종 농산물에 대해 잔류실태를 조사한 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같았다. Dithiocarbamate계 농약 검출건수는 복숭아가 10건 중 3건(30%), 고추가 14건 중 7건(50%), 양파가 12건 중 4건(33.3%), 포도가 12건 중 8건(66.7%), 토마토가 17건 중 7건(41.2%), 감자가 14건 중 4건(28.6%), 구기자가 10건 중 9건(90%), 수박이 10건 중 6건(60%), 양배추가 11건 중 8건(72.7%), 배추가 10건 중 7건(70%), 당근이 12건 중 6건(50%), 오이가 13건 중 8건(61.5%), 쌀이 13건 중 6건(46.2%), 감귤이 11건 중 8건(72.7%), 메론이 16건 중 5건(31.3%), 감이 10건 중 1건(10%), 인삼이 11건 중 1건(9.1%), 대두가 10건 중 2건(20%)으로 100건의 시료에서 42.4%의 검출율을 보였으나 사과와 배 각 10건의 시료에서는 검출되지 않았다. 이 중 기준치를 초과한 농산물은 건 구기자 3건이었으나 기준규격을 설정하여 관리되고 있다. To revise the dithiocarbamates residue analysis method and survey the residues in agricultural products that were treated with these fungicides in Korea, we purchased 20 types of foodstuffs (rice, potato, cabbage, apple etc.) from markets in five major cities. 236 samples of the purchased foodstuffs were then analyzed for the presence of dithiocarbamates by HPLC/UV and HPLC/APCI-MS. The R², LOD and LOQ in the range of 0.5-107.3 mg/L were as follows: DCC: y=174.34x+18.315, R²=0.9999, 0.01 mg/L, and 0.04 mg/L; EBDC: y=227.38x?14.715, R²=1.0000, 0.01mg/L and 0.02 mg/L; PBDC: y=38.46x?21.412, R²=0.9999, 0.04 mg/L, and 0.1 mg/L; ETU: y=52.752x?4.4819, R²=0.9?998, 0.02 mg/L and 0.03 mg/L; PTU: y=128.28x+4.4624, R²=0.9998, 0.02 mg/L, and 0.04 mg/L. The levels of DDC, EBDC, PBDC, ETU and PTU in 20 agricultural products fortified to 10.0-107.3 mg/L ranged from 61.7-117.5%, 65.3-110.1%, 61.5-109.6%, 69.3-116.3% and 70.2-97.2%, respectively. Overall, dithiocarbamates were detected in 100 samples and the detection ratio was 42.4%. Among these, only 3 samples (1.3%) of Lycii fructus had residue levels that were above the action limits, while the remaining samples (233 samples) contained levels of dithiocarbamates below the detection limit or below the Korea MRLs (Maximum Residue Limits).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        HPLC-UVD를 이용한 농산물 중 스피노사드 분석법 개선 및 잔류실태 조사

        김희연(Hee Yun Kim),최선희(Sun Hee Choi),정소영(So Young Chung),최희주(Hee Ju Choi),김용훈(Yong Hoon Kim),조민자(Min Ja Cho),서은채(Eun Chae Seo),한경진(Kyoung Jin Han,),최재천(Jae Chun Choi),박희옥(Hee Ok Park),하상철(Sang Chul Ha) 한국식품과학회 2011 한국식품과학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        본 연구는 단성분 농약 중 스피노사드의 잔류실태를 조사하기 위하여 식품공전의 스피노사드 분석법을 농산물에 적용되도록 개선하고 개선된 시험법으로 잔류실태조사가 부족한 스피노사드에 대한 잔류실태를 조사하였다. 국내 유통 중인 16종의 농산물 304건에 대한 스피노사드 잔류량을 조사한 결과 모든 검체에서 검량한계 이상 검출 되지 않았다. 스피노사드 시험법의 회수율은 현미, 강낭콩, 오렌지, 들깻잎, 표고버섯에서 스피노사드 A의 경우 0.05 mg/kg 수준에 각각 76.2, 95.3, 83.5, 79.9, 98.6%이고, 0.25 mg/kg 수준에 각각 97.3, 86.6, 84.4, 94.0, 88.1%이고, 스피노사드 D의 경우 0.05 mg/kg 수준에 각각 76.6, 104.0, 88.9, 74.9, 81.1%이고, 0.25 mg/kg 수준에 각각 92.7, 97.7, 86.9, 90.4, 85.4%였으며 검출한계 0.001 mg/kg, 검량한계 0.005 mg/kg이다. 회수율에 대한 모든 표준편차는 10% 미만이다. 스피노사드 A와 D는 0.1-5.0 mg/kg 범위에서 상관계수(r<SUP>2</SUP>) 0.9999 이상의 높은 직선성을 보이고, 검출한계는 0.001 mg/kg, 검량한계는 0.005 mg/kg이었다. The purpose of this study was to develop a methodology to detect spinosad which are difficult to analyze by multi-component simultaneous analysis of pesticide residues. We monitored spinosad due to the paucity of related information. The spinosad was determined using HPLC with UV detector at 250 nm. Correlation coefficient (r<SUP>2</SUP>) for standard curve of spinosad A and D at standard concentration of 0.1-5.0 mg/kg were 0.999, respectively. Limit of quantitation (LOQ) of HPLC analysis was 0.005 mg/kg while limit of detection (LOD) was 0.001 mg/kg. Recovery experiments were conducted on five representative agricultural products to validate the analytical method. The recovery of proposed methods ranged from 74.9% to 104.0% and relative standard deviations were less than 10%. Spinosad residues were investigated in 16 commodities collected from 22 provinces. In this study, residues on all samples were not detected.

      • KCI등재

        빔가르개에서 반사광과 투과광 사이의 위상 관계 고찰 및 간섭계 적용

        손병우,최희주,박주은,차명식,Son, Byungwoo,Choi, Hee Joo,Park, Ju Eun,Cha, Myoungsik 한국광학회 2015 한국광학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        진폭 분할식 간섭계에서는 입력 빔을 빔가르개(BS)로 분리하고 서로 다른 경로를 거쳐 전파하게 한 다음 두 빔을 중첩시켜 간섭 효과를 일으킨다. 본 논문에서는 손실이 없는 유전체 층들로 이루어진 BS에서 반사와 투과로 분리된 두 광파 사이의 위상관계에 대해 연구하였다. 적절한 기준면에 대해 위상을 정의하면 BS의 층 구조에 관계 없이 투과광과 반사광 사이에는 일정한 위상차가 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이 결과는 일반적인 Stokes 관계식으로 명백히 주어지나, 본 논문에서는 대표적인 대칭적/비대칭적 구조를 가진 두 BS 층에 대해 수치적으로 이를 증명해 보았다. 이 위상 관계로 인해 간섭계에서는 출력광의 중첩 상태(보강 혹은 상쇄 간섭)가 결정되고, 빛 에너지는 보존된다는 당연한 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. In an amplitude-splitting interferometer, a beam splitter divides an input beam into two parts, which are superposed after propagating along separate paths, producing an interference effect. We have investigated the phase relation between the reflected and transmitted light waves at BS's made of lossless dielectric stacks. If we define the phases with proper reference planes, a definite phase relation exists, irrespective of the detailed structure of the layers in the BS. Although this results from the generalized Stokes relations, we have verified it numerically for two representative BS's with symmetric and asymmetric layer structures respectively. When we applied the phase relation to interferometers, we could determine the superposition state of the output beam (either constructive or destructive interference) for a general BS, and could verify that the light's energy was conserved.

      • KCI등재

        鮑照 擬樂府의 특색과 성취

        李光哲(Lee, Kwang-chul),崔希朱(Choi, Hee-ju) 중국어문학연구회 2018 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.109

        This paper is study on unique features and achievement of “Baozhao(鮑照)’s Ni Yuefu (擬樂府). Baozho(鮑照) was first writer who copied and studied Nan dynasty folk song seriously. This writer analysis the unique features of Nan dynasty folk song and find that Baozhao’s Ni Yuefu has similar features of Nan dynasty folk song. Baozhao did not simply copy Nan dynasty folk song, but created a painting in the literary artist"s style Ni Yuefu with additional literary quotations on simplicity of Nan Dynasty folk songs(南朝民歌) and creation of totally different story based on Nan Dynasty folk song’s formality. Baozhao’s Ni Yuefu absorbed the style of Nan dynasty folk song which is bold and liberal and also reflected elegant beauty on his literary work following a style trend of poetry in those days which is valued on morbidezza poetic words. It is different from Nan Dynasty folksong style. Since, his literary workis different from the trend of those days, focused on simple copy and technics, his NiYuefu became the literary classic with unique features and style. Moreover, his poem based on four sentence of five(五言四句) influence to diversity of poem style in those days. Baozhao’s poem won great reputation with unprecedented and unique poem style in Tang dynasty and brought huge impact to romantic poet style in late Tang dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        鮑照의 擬曹植詩 考察

        李光哲(Lee, Kwang-chul),崔希朱(Choi, Hee-ju) 중국어문학연구회 2018 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.110

        Baozhao’s Moni Poem of Caozhi was created in Baozhao’s difficult times and shows similar subject to latter part of Caozhi’s Poem based on reality. It shows that Baozhao did not copy(Moni) the characteristics of Caozhi’s poem only, but, expressed his emotion on Poem. Furthermore Bazhao’s Moni Poem of Caozhi also copied the style of latter part of Caozhi’s poem which is bold. Overall, Baozhao tried to copy(Moni) the bold style and reality subject from the latter part of Caozhi’s Poem. Baozhao was born as humble origin at chaotic age. He used bold characteristics of Caoshi’s poem to show his complain and lamentation and tried to show his patriotism on his poem. The bold style of Baozhao’s poem got great reputation from after ages and this bold style with magnanimous and elegant spirit settled downed as unique style of Baozhao’s poem style.

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