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        ESG 활동이 브랜드 가치에 미치는 영향

        최용근(Yong Geun Choi),김종대(JongDae Kim) 한국산업정보학회 2024 한국산업정보학회논문지 Vol.29 No.3

        본 연구는 ESG 활동의 효과성을 마케팅 관점에서 접근하여, ESG 활동이 기업의 브랜드 가치에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 2016년부터 2022년까지 코스피와 코스닥에 상장된 기업을 대상으로 실증 분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 실증 분석 결과를 보면, 첫 번째, ESG 활동 개별 분석에서 E(환경)와 G(지배구조)는 브랜드 가치에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다. 두 번째, 환경 분야에서는 이해관계자 대응이 브랜드 가치와 유의한 정(+)의 관계가 나타났고 지배구조 분야에서는 이사회가 브랜드 가치와 유의한 정(+)의 관계가 있었다. 본 연구를 통해 ESG 활동이 브랜드 가치를 올리는 데 선행적으로 행해져야 할 중요한 활동임을 증명하는 논리적 근거를 제시할 수 있다. ESG 활동 중에서도 환경 분야의 이해관계자 대응 활동과 지배구조 분야의 이사회 관련 사항이 브랜드 가치를 올리는 데 중요한 역할을 하다는 것을 밝혀내었다. 또한 마케팅 분야에서도 ESG 활동의 중요성을 연구하는데 마중물 역할을 할 것으로 기대한다. The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of ESG activities on brand value by linking the effectiveness of ESG activities to marketing, the most core part of a company. This study conducted an empirical analysis targeting companies listed on KOSPI and KOSDAQ from 2016 to 2022. Looking at the empirical analysis results of this study, first, in the individual analysis of ESG activities, it was confirmed that E (Environment) and G (Governance) have a significant positive influence on brand value. Second, in the environmental field, stakeholder response had a significant positive relationship with brand value, and in the governance field, the board of directors had a significant positive relationship with brand value. Through this study, we can provide logical evidence proving that ESG activities are important activities that must be carried out in advance to increase brand value. Among ESG activities, it was found that stakeholder response activities in the environmental field and board-related matters in the governance field play an important role in increasing brand value. It is also expected that it will serve as a catalyst for research on the importance of ESG activities in the marketing field.

      • KCI등재

        경구용 옥수수불검화정량추출물 치료제(인사돌)의 임상적 유효성 데이터의 통계적 타당성에 대한 연구

        최용근(Yong-Geun Choi),Steven E Eckert,이정열(Jeong-Yol Lee),신상완(Sang-Wan Shin) 대한치과의사협회 2015 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.53 No.7

        Purpose: This study intended to analyze the validity of clinical effectiveness data of clinical trials testing systemic titrated extract of Zea Mays L. unsaponifiable fraction chemotherapeutic agent. Material and Methods: Among 5 clinical trials claimed as proof of clinical effectiveness on the Web site of the manufacturer of this chemotherapeutic agent, a review of 4 clinical trials, written in either Korean or English, was conducted. Data were extracted from studies for the following variables: year of publication, age, sample size, follow up period, combination with contemporary periodontal treatments, randomization, randomization check, blinded measurement, and statistical test type. Results: The study subjects’ age intervals were too diverse to decide a common target population to generalize the findings. No study stated clearly the rationale for the sample size determination. Follow up period to observe the start of clinical effectiveness was inconsistent and decided without any rationale of pathophysiological latent period. Randomization to make the comparisons on the same start line was performed but failed in a study. Randomization effect was not checked in 4 studies. Performance of blinded measurement of clinical outcomes to prevent bias was unclear in 2 studies. Type of statistical test was inappropriate in 3 studies. Conclusions: Based on the analysis of the validity of data on clinical and demographic variables, the four available clinical trials have not demonstrated compelling evidence of therapeutic effectiveness of systemic titrated extract of Zea Mays L. unsaponifiable fraction chemotherapeutic agent to improve prognosis of periodontal disease either with the contemporary periodontal treatment or without it.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        노년치의학을 배워야 하는 11가지 이유

        최용근(Yong-Geun Choi) 대한치과의사협회 2011 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.49 No.10

        The age structure has been experiencing substantial change due to the decreased birth rate as well as the increased life expectancy. Gorge Magnus, an English economist, casts warnings of population ageing which has the potential of huge socioeconomic impact human society has never experienced before. The prediction that proportion of elderly people in need of oral health care will increase substantially is a new challenge to dentists in the future. The old paradigm that the aged person is just the person who was born earlier and needs the same conventional oral health care should be shifted to the new one. Elderly people tend to express their political interest related with health care system by actively participating in the national elections. The need to sustain economic status for the extended life span makes them seek eagerly esthetic health care to maintain sound social function. Most of them are under multiple chronic diseases and take related medicines. In addition, many studies report about mental change as well as physical change among the aged people. Since the prevalence of dental diseases among the aged is higher than other chronic devastating diseases, the aged seeking oral health care will increase. The aged who has different physical and psychological status as well as chronic disease and related medicine will show unexpected response to the conventional oral health care. In addition, the impact of tooth loss is substantial physically, mentally and emotionally. Dentist should prepare different approaches for the elderly dental patient.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        대한치과보철학회지에 게재된 논문의 통계적 오류: 국문논문과 영문논문의 비교

        박동규,최용근,김영수,신상완,Park, Dong-Gyu,Choi, Yong-Geun,Kim, Young-Su,Shin, Sang-Wan 대한치과보철학회 2009 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        연구목적: 대한치과보철학회지에 사용된 통계적 방법의 통계적 오류현황을 파악하여 통계적 방법의 잘못된 활용으로 인한 치의학 연구논문에서의 문제를 검토하고, 또한 통계적 오류의 유형과 빈도를 파악하여 동일문제의 재발 방지 및 효율적 대처의 기회로 삼고자 함이다. 연구 재료 및 방법: 2000년부터 2006년까지의 대한치과보철학회지에 게재된 총 399편의 논문 중 통계적 방법이 사용된 292편의 논문을 조사했고, 이를 위해 1997년 국제의학학술지 편집위원회의 "생의학 학술지에 투고하는 원고의 통일양식의 통계학적 방법론에 관한 서술지침" 15개항을 기초로 하여 1) 통계 프로그램의 불명시, 2) 통계 방법의 부적절한 기술, 3) 통계용어의 오용 등으로 크게 3가지 범주로 구성된 점검표를 사용하여 통계적 방법의 종류 및 통계적 오류부분을 확인하고 이를 한글판과 영문판으로 비교해 보았다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 결과 및 결론: 1. 통계 프로그램 명시 오류는 한글판에선 54%가, 영문판에선 59%가 있었으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보이진 않았다 (P = .66). 2. 통계 방법의 부적절한 기술에 관한 오류는 한글판에선 49%가, 영문판에선 33%가 있었으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보이진 않았다 (P = .09). 3. 통계용어의 오용오류는 한글판에선 54%가, 영문판에선 24%가 있었으며 통계적으로도 유의한 차이가 있었다 (P = .01). 상기 결과로 볼 때 통계용어의 오용 오류 이외엔 통계적 유의성을 보이진 않아서 한글판과 영문판의 통계적 오류의 비율은 유사하게 나타난 걸로 추정되며, 전체적으로 대한치과보철학회지의 통계적 타당성은 다소 부족하게 나타났다. 따라서 향후 치의학 연구자는 통계적 방법을 기술하고 적용할 때 통계적 오류를 피하기 위해 주의를 기울여야 할 것이며, 아울러 치의학 논문에서의 통계학적 방법론에 대한 인식의 제고가 필요하다고 보인다. Statement of problem: The aim of dental research is to advance scientific knowledge and leads to improvement in the treatment and prevention of dental disease. Utilizing an effective research design and adequate statistical methods are essential procedures ensuring that the results of researches are based on evidences. A research should utilize proper statistical methods without statistical errors; Otherwise, it could adversely affect clinical practice and future research. Purpose: This study was made to investigate the statistical methods used in the Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics (JKAP) and then to assess them for the statistical errors. Material and methods: Among the total of 399 articles in the JKAP published from 2000 to 2006, 292 articles using statistics were reviewed. The validity of the statistical methods used in them were assessed using a checklist based on the guideline for statistical reporting in the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. The checklist consisted of three categories of statistical errors: 1) Unspecified computer statistical packages, 2) Inadequate description of statistical methods, 3) Misuse of statistical terms. Then, the results were compared between the Korean version and the English version in the JKAP. Results: Among the 212 articles using statistics in the Korean version, 115 articles (54%) and among the 80 articles using statistics in the English version, 47 articles (59%) were shown to have unspecified computer statistical packages without statistically significant difference (P = .66). Likewise, 101 articles (48%) in the Korean version and 25 articles (31%) in the English version were shown to have the inadequate description of statistical methods without statistically significant difference (P = .09). However, 114 articles (54%) in the Korean version and 19 articles (24%) in the English version were shown to have the misuse of statistical terms with statistically significant difference (P = .01). Conclusion: Some of the articles in the JKAP had inadequate statistical validity, given the statistical errors identified in this assessment. Hence, dental researchers should be more careful when it comes to describing and applying statistical methods.

      • 1년간 일개 장애 어린이 전문병원에 내원한 치과 외래 환자에 대한 고찰

        심수현(Su-Hyun Shim),최용근(Yong-Geun Choi) Asia association of Disability and Oral health 2013 대한장애인치과학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Objectives: The goal of this study is to establish data baseline to ameliorate oral health policies for patient. The research was conducted in dental clinic at Seoul Metropolitan Children’s Hospital - the major municipal hospital for the disabled. The outpatients’visiting patterns to the dental clinic were analyzed, compared to other medical departments. For further research related to TMD, the questionnaires were given to the subjects. Material and methods: Data for visiting patterns/frequencies was collected from patient records of 1419 outpatients who visited the dental clinic at Seoul Municipal Children’s Hospital in 2011. Then TMD-related questionnaires were given to 127 outpatients who were over 13 years old. Results: 1. 219 out of 1419 patients (15.4%) who visited the dental clinic at Seoul Municipal Children’s Hospital in 2011 were the disabled. 2. Compared to normal patients, disabled patients visited the dental clinic and rehabilitation medicine department more frequently.(p<0.05) However, there was no apparent difference in visiting frequencies between the disabled and the normal patients in the psychiatric department.(p=0.3237) 3. 44% of the TMD-related questionnaire subjects responded that they often consumed relatively hard or tough food, 53% answered they had unilateral chewing habit, 3% had bruxism, and 12% had clenching habit. Conclusion: In the dental clinic at Seoul Municipal Children’s Hospital, 19% of outpatients over 13 years old had TMD such as clicking and pain. Also, the disabled patients’visits to the dental clinic were considerably more frequent, compared to the normal patients and to other medical departments. Accordingly, the result may suggest that the proper systematic supports from the government are essential to the dental clinic at municipal hospital for the disabled.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Br${\aa}$nemark 임플란트의 15년 임상적 후향 연구

        박효진,조영애,김종은,최용근,이정열,신상완,Park, Hyo-Jin,Cho, Young-Ye,Kim, Jong-Eun,Choi, Yong-Geun,Lee, Jeong-Yol,Shin, Sang-Wan 대한치과보철학회 2012 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.50 No.1

        연구 목적: 이 연구는 Br${\aa}$nemark 임플란트의 후향적인 연구를 통해 machined 임플란트 의 15년, TiUnite$^{TM}$ 임플란트의 5년 누적 생존율을 구하여 비교하고, 위험 요소와의 상관관계를 밝히고자 하였다. 연구 재료 및 방법: 본 연구는 1993년부터 2008년까지 고려대 구로병원 임플란트클리닉에서 임플란트 치료를 받은 환자를 대상으로 하여, 환자의 임상기록을 토대로 조사하였고, 임플란트 일차수술 후 즉시 부하를 가한 경우와 임플란트 보철물이 다른 임플란트 시스템과 결합한 경우는 제외하였다. 15년 간 총 155명의 환자에게 541개의 Br${\aa}$nemark 임플란트 중, 264개의 machined 임플란트와 277개의 TiUnite$^{TM}$ 임플란트를 식립하였고, 임플란트 수술 및 보철수복 술식은 Adell 등이 제안한 방법에 따랐다. 6개월에서 1년 간격으로 Follow-up을 위한 재내원 기간 동안 임플란트에 대한 임상검사를 실시하였다. 본 연구의 관찰 기간은 1차 수술일로부터 2008년 12월 이내의 최종 내원일까지였고, 임상검사시 동요도, 타진, screw loosening, 그리고 환자의 불편감 등을 관찰하고, Zarb와 Albreksson에 의한 임플란트 생존 범주를 근거로 누적생존률을 평가하였다. 임플란트 누적생존율(CSR)이 Kaplan Meier estimate를 이용하여 얻었으며, 각각의 위험요소가 누적생존율에 미치는 영향을 Cox proportional hazards regression을 이용하여 분석하였다(${\alpha}$=.05). 결과: 전체 Br${\aa}$nemark 임플란트의 15년 누적생존율은 86.07%이었고, machined 임플란트의 경우 15년 누적생존율은 82.89%, 5년 누적생존율은 89.21%였으나 Tiunite$^{TM}$ 임플란트의 5년 누적생존율은 98.74%로 machined surface가 Tiunite$^{TM}$ 임플란트에 비해 실패율이 4.6배 정도 더 높았다. 전신질환을 가진 환자의 경우 실패율이 32% 더 증가하였고, 상악동 거상술 또는 골이식을 동반한 수술 등 부가적인 수술을 받은 경우 임플란트 실패율이 40% 더 증가하여 위험 요소와 임플란트의 생존율은 상관 관계가 있었다. Kennedy 분류에 따른 부분 무치악부의 위치에 따라 임플란트 실패율이 통계적으로 유의하게 달랐으며, 소구치와 구치부가구치부가 전치부에 비해 임플란트 실패율이 높게 나타났다. 결론: Br${\aa}$nemark machined 임플란트와 TiUnite$^{TM}$ 임플란트는 모두 우수한 임상적 결과를 보였으나, TiUnite$^{TM}$ 임플란트가 더 성공적이었으며, 임플란트의 누적 생존율은 위험요소와 연관성이 있었다. Purpose: This study was to compare the cumulative survival rate (CSR) of Br${\aa}$nemark machined surface implants and TiUnite$^{TM}$ imlants and to analyze association between risk factors and the CSR of the implants. Materials and methods: A retrospective study design was used to collect long-term follow-up clinical data from dental records of 156 patients treated with 541 Br${\aa}$nemark machined and TiUnite$^{TM}$ implants at Korea University Guro hospital in South Korea from 1993 through 2008. Machined implant and TiUnite$^{TM}$ implant were compared by CSR. Exposure variables such as gender, systemic disease, location, implant length, diameter, prosthesis type, opposing occlusion type, date of implant placement, type of edentulous space, abutment type, existence of splinting with natural teeth, and existence of cantilever were collected. Life table analysis was undertaken to examine the CSR. Cox regression method was conducted to assess the association between potential risk factors and overall CSR (${\alpha}$=.05). Results: Patient ages ranged from 16 to 75 years old (mean age, 51 years old). Implants were more frequently placed in men than women (94 men versus 63 women). Since 1993, 264 Br${\aa}$nemark machined implants were inserted in 79 patients and since 2001, 277 TiUnite$^{TM}$ implants were inserted in 77 patients. A total survival rate of 86.07% was observed in Br${\aa}$nemark and Nobel Biocare TiUnite$^{TM}$ during 15 years. A survival rate of machined implant during 15 years was 82.89% and that of TiUnite$^{TM}$ implant during 5 years was 98.74%. The implant CSR revealed lower rates association with several risk factors such as, systemic disease, other accompanied surgery, implant location, and Kennedy classification. Conclusion: Clinical performance of Br${\aa}$nemark machined and TiUnite$^{TM}$ implant demonstrated a high level of predictability. In this study, TiUnite$^{TM}$ implant was more successful than machined implant. The implant CSR was associated with several risk factors.

      • KCI등재후보

        2008년도 직무교육참여 공공기관치과의사 대상 전문교육발전방안에 관한 설문조사 연구

        김미자(Kim mee za),김미경(Mee-Kyung Kim),유희영(Yu-Hee Yeong),최용근(Yong-Geun Choi) 대한치과의사협회 2009 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.47 No.1

        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the public dentist’s professional education for 81 dentists employed at the public health centers and dental clinics in the National hospitals. The purpose of this education was to improve public dentist’s abilities to perform their duties. The 3days education was from 28 May until 30 May in 2008. The total 81 participants consisted of 8 medical position dentists, 20 employment position dentists, and 53 public health dentists. The survey provided appraisal of the education and suggestion of the development after this education. The obtained results were as followings: 1. The public dental health project for the disabled people(91.4%) was a top priority. The second rank was the public dental health education project (87.6%) and the public dental health project for the aged people(86.4%) was followed. 2. The participants agreed that public dentist’s professional educational programs were necessary(87.6%). 3. The participants did not have difficulties in attending this education(56.8%). 4. The participants who participated in 2008 public dentists’ professional education were satisfied with this educational programs(81.4%). 5. Not only did the public dentists need the preventive dentistry programs and the treatment of the disabled people but also needed the health administrative programs and the health statistical programs in the future.

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