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        몽골에서 한국어 교육 현황과 과제

        최기호 ( Kee Ho Choi ) 한국문법교육학회 2007 문법 교육 Vol.6 No.-

        In 1990, 26th March. Mongolia and South Korea established diplomatic relations. At the same year The Oriental Studies Institure established The Korean Language chair and in 1991, National University of Mongolia primarily founded a Koreanology Department. Nowadays, 17 Years passed from then, The Korean language brought sizzle to people in Mongolia Many colleges established. The Korean language department and primary, Jr. High and High school learns Korean as a second language. but because of the short period of instructing the language, there are some problems about the aim of education-which is kernel of educating Korean language, the contents of education, the curriculum, the teaching materials, the method of teaching, the instructor etc. In Mongolia, there aren`t few problems that education of Korean language has. 1. It is necessary to develop theoretic foundation study. 2. With the basis of theoretical research for educating Korean language, it is necessary to develop the curriculum and the method of teaching harmonizing with the national trait. 3. With the basis of theoretical research for educating Korean language and method of teaching it is necessary to create teaching materials. 4. It is serious that there is insufficient major instructor. The Korean language education history in Mongolia is very short, thus controversial. It is confronted with a lot of problems. It is now important to give a careful look at the results that have been made until now and plan ahead for more positive development in terms of quality. In order to do so, progress has to be made both externally and internally with better financial support. But most of all it is most critical to find a way to sort out the problems that universities in Mongolia are commonly facing vis-a-vis the Korean language education so as to teach it more effectively. Mongolia is our neighboring country that has most resemblance to us. Their culture, appearance and tradition resemble to ours. If we, Korean, combine forces with Mongolia that possesses rich natural resources and a vast land, gains for both will be greater than ever. It will indeed be a tremendous thing if two countries can join together just like back in Genghis Khan`s period.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        VJing의 문화연구: 대중문화와 예술사이의 매끈한 공간

        최기호 ( Kee Ho Choi ) 한국예술교육학회 2015 예술교육연구 Vol.13 No.3

        본 연구는 VJing이라는 멀티 미디어 아트 작업에 참여하고 있는 작가들과 관객들이 상호작용하는 문화적 맥락을 연구함으로써 VJing이라는 새로운 예술분야와 다중감각양식이라는 새로운 개념을 정의하고자 하는 문화연구이다. 연구자는 영상 미디어 제작을 위한 수업에 참여하면서 이들의 작업에 참여자이자 관찰자로서 연구를 진행하여 직접자료로서 VJ들과 비공식 면접과 이메일 인터뷰, 간접자료로서 인터넷 매체와의 인터뷰 자료 등을 수집해 이들의 소통방식과 의미체계를 분석하였다. 기존 예술과 예술교육계가 비중을 두어온 심오한 주제의식과 관객과의 상호작용에 의한 의미형성이라는 예술가로서의 책무를 벗어나 VJ들은 대중예술과 예술사이를 넘나들며 다양한 역할과 가치를 추구하고 있었다. 이들의 상호작용은 공간과 디지털 미디어 테크놀로지라는 매체가 주는 기술적 한계를 실험하며 매체와 보다 적극적으로 상호작용하는 양상을 보여주었다. 또한 이들과 관객과의 상호작용은 감각적 만족을 통한 몸과 마음에 의한 소통방식에 기반하고 있었다. VJing이라는 작업과 이를 공유하는 문화에 대한 이해를 통해 지각하는 나를 자신의 정체성으로 인식하는 청년들에 대한 멀티 미디어의 영향에 대해 보다 깊이 있는 연구가 진행되어야 함을 제안하고자 한다. This study is a cultural study to conceptualize the concept of multi-modality and to analyze the aspect of interactions in the cultural context of VJing, a form of pop culture. VJing is a performance art to produce moving images responding to EDM(electronic dance music) and the research conducted this study as an insider in the cultural context of VJing. The primary data for this study was collected from informal interviews and email interview with a VJ, Parpunk and the interviews with three amateur VJs. The secondary data was gained from the articles written about VJs that some Internet media (e.g. Design Jungle, Avant-in, etc.) posted in their blogs and homepages. By analyzing the aspect of VJs’ interaction with their audiences or with the constraints caused by technology and spaces, this study finds out that VJing was operating semantic systems differentiated from those for any other field of arts. While integrating audial and haptic signs with visual ones, the ways by which VJs communicate were mostly through media, digital signals, and technology but not with their audiences. The communication of audiences were based on sensual and perceptual communication with each other and signals, but not with VJs. The researcher claims that researchers in the field of art education should reconsider the influence and the power of multi-media on young audiences who are likely to be affected by the perceptual identities.

      • 주시경의 초기 문법에 대한 연구

        최기호 상명대학교 논문집 1991 상명대학교논문집 Vol.27 No.-

        Shee Kyung Joo(1876-1914) made a brilliant accomplishment in the history of Korean linguistics for his thirty-nine years of rather short life. The purposes of this study were to investigate how S.K. Joo could grasp the meaning of Korean grammar in his early stage of works, and to see if and how he was affected by the of other scholars. The study was done through the investigation of literatures in Japil Yrukseo(Selected Hand-written Resumes) and Kajung Japji(A Home Magazine)(1906). Following conclusions were drawn in respect to the early formative period in Korean grammar by his works. 1. S.K Joo established a foundation stone in the study of Korean language. He wrote many great books and papers through his short life, such as Dae-han Kug-eo Mun-bup(大韓 國語 文法)(1906), kug-eo Mun-jun Eum-hak(國語 文典 音學)(1908), Kug-eo Mun-bup(國語 文法)(1910), and Mal-oi Sori(The sound of language)(1914). 2. The study revealed that there weren't any scholars or literatures that gave him critical influence despite of his brilliant contributions to the early stage of Korean grammar. However, following things were presumably summarized after reviewing his scholastic attainments and professional careers. a. Hoi Jong Lee, Se Yang Park, In Duk Jung, Jae Pil Seo, Suk Young Ji, faculties at the Bae-Jae School, and a missionary, W.B. Scranton were found as ones who gve him scholastic influence. b. There were such people who were related with him in repect to ideologies and patriotic movements, as Jae Pil Seo, Suk Ki Jun, Ku KUm, Sung Man Lee, Dong Nyung Lee, Kwang Ok Choi, Sung Hoon Lee, Ki Tak Yand, II Sun Yoo, Sang Sul Lee, Joon Lee, Nam Sun Choi, Byung Hyun Kim, Sung Jun Yoo, Jin Tae Yoo. c. He was so absorbed in reading and contemplating Hun Min Jun Eum that he digested the basic thoughts of a preface of Hun Min Jung Eum, that is, Democracy. He was also considered to digest King Se-jong's ideology and philosophy toward the Korean alphabet. 3. S.K. Joo was aware of the turbulence of that time. Therefore, he understood that passionate study of Korean literatures was one of the most effective ways of patriotism, which includes reading and studying various kinds of literatures rather than being absorbed in a specific thoughts or persons. 4. S.K. Joo seemed to get to know and read the western grammar though missionaries, and he was supposed to have contact with the grammars of Japanese, German or French. Conclusively, S.K. Joo was considered to have established a new phase of the study of Korean literatures because his knowledge was rich in originality in analyzing them.

      • 몽골어와 한국어의 기초어휘 연구 : 《몽골비사》자료를 중심으로

        최기호 상명대학교 인문과학연구소 1996 人文科學硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        The primary objectives of this study is to evaluate the basic differences and similarities between Korean and Mongolian. These two languages have a close relationship with respect to their origins. From historical perspective, Koryo language in 13 century has been much influenced by the Mongols while they dominated Koryo. For example, horse is called "mal" in Korean whereas it is called "gara mori", "arta mori" and "caran mori" in Mongolian. A bawk is called "mae" in Korean while it is called "nacin", "boro" and "songqol". Public officer's position is called "kwancˇik" in Korean vs. "barudal", "baatur" and "moricˇi" in Mongolian. Food is called "eumsik" in Korean vs. "sullen" and "tarar" in Mongolian. The Secret History of the Mongols is about history of the Mongols. It contains not only historical information but also numerous information on language, culture and folk customs. In this study, relavant information was selectively refered particularly from chapter one of The Secret History of the Mongols. Although futher study needs to be done in term of fundamental strcutural differences between these two languages, preliminary study on comparison of basic words of two languages is undertaken which may be used in futher detailed study. The fallowings are examples of Korean vocabularies in comparison with Mongolian vocabularies. "nal"(days) is "nara", "dal"(moon) is "sara", "cˇ??g"(time) is "cag", "tas??t"(five) is "tabun", "??reun"(adult) is "ere", "??m??ni"(mother) is "eke", "ja"(let us) is "je", "na"(I) is "na", "keudae"(you), "bar??un"(right) is "bara'un", "jarada"(grow) is "jalautu", "huruda"(flow) is "huru'u", "kob-a"(fine) is "go'a", "kheuda"(big) is "yeke", "nun"(eye) is "nidun" and "m??ri"(head) is "teri'uten" There are some grammatical similarties between Korean and Mongolian which can be shown in the following examples. The plural form "deul" is an intent suffix, "nar", -??s?? is an position suffics -ecˇe. Some other historical information such as "Mong??nok??ldae" with "The Secret History of the Mongols" indicate that both Mongolian and Korean can be classified as north "East Asian language family."

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