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      • KCI등재

        Ti-Ni-Cu 형상기억합금의 변태온도에 미치는 정하중열싸이클의 영향

        차성수,남태현,허경철 대한금속재료학회(대한금속학회) 1996 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.34 No.6

        Changes in transformation behaviour and transformation temperatures of Ti-49Ni-1Cu and Ti-46Ni-4Cu shape memory alloys due to thermal cycling under constant load have been investigated by means of electrical resistivity measurements and thermal cycling tests under constant load. Transformation behaviour of thermomechanically treated Ti-49Ni-1Cu alloy was B2-B19' under the applied stress of 110 MPa and not changed with increasing thermal cycling number. On the other hand, under the applied stress of 50 MPa, it was B2-R-B19' and changed into B2-B19' with increasing thermal cycling number. In solution treated Ti-Ni-Cu alloys, the B2-B19' transformation start temperature decreased under the applied stress of 50 MPa, while was almost unchanged under the applied stress of 110 MPa with increasing thermal cycling number. In thermo-mechanically treated Ti-Ni-Cu alloys, however, it rised with increasing cycling number, irrespective of the amount of applied stress.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Factors Affecting Consumer Satisfaction and Continued Use of Food Subscription Service

        차성수,나영아 한국유통경영학회 2022 유통경영학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the selection attributes of the food subscription service, which has been increasing recently. The subscription service, which was popular mainly on offline platforms in the past, is expanding to the online food industry, and there are not many studies on it. Research design, data, and methodology: This study conducted a survey on consumers who use subscription services, and was conducted based on the survey results. The survey was conducted from May 2021 to July 2021, and data analysis was empirically analyzed using statistical program. Results: It was found that both the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of the consumers using the subscription service had a significant effect on their continued use. In addition, overall price and diversity of food subscription service were found to have a positive effect on perceived usefulness, and convenience was found to have a positive effect on perceived ease of use. The factor that had the greatest influence on perceived usefulness was price. Implications: This study suggests that the usefulness and ease of food subscription service are the most important. Of particular importance in subscription services are price characteristics and convenience features, so retailers should focus on these when establishing distribution strategies.

      • KCI등재

        The Factors influencing Customer Satisfaction with and Revisiting Coffee Shops in Korea: The Moderating Roles of Psychological Value

        차성수,서보경 (사)한국조리학회 2018 한국조리학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        This study aims to find what attributes of consumer satisfaction are more important when consumers choose coffee shops. Factors when customers choose coffee shops that are considered to be more crucial, such as taste, price, brand, and atmosphere, were tested and also relations between satisfaction and revisit were studied. As a result, factors as ‘taste’, ‘price’, ‘brand’, and ‘atmosphere’ were found to significantly affect satisfaction; in addition, the path that satisfaction leads to revisit was found to be significant. However, consumers' coffee shop selection attributes differed depending on their psychological consumption value. The path-coefficients from taste and price to satisfaction were more significant in the function-oriented group, meanwhile the path- coefficient from brand to satisfaction was significant in the emotion-oriented group (+) and the function-oriented group (-). The results of this study suggest attributes of selecting coffee shops and provide meaningful implications of consumer value when they choose the attributes.

      • KCI등재

        한식뷔페의 메뉴와 브랜드가 지각된 맛의 질과 만족에 미치는영향: 소비가치의 조절효과를 중심으로

        차성수,노은정 한국유통경영학회 2018 유통경영학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        This Korean-style buffet is becoming popular as a main restaurant brand of famous shopping mall on behalf of Western style family restaurant. However, with the recent government policy and changes in the restaurant market trend, large-sized Korean-style buffets are at the crossroads of whether to jump into the second growth period or fall into the decline as it is. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of menu and brand on the quality of taste and satisfaction among the selected attributes that customers evaluate when choosing a Korean style buffet restaurant. In addition, we analyze the control effect of how these relationships differ according to customer consumption value. As a result, the hypothesis that menu and brand affects taste quality and satisfaction, and taste quality affects satisfaction were supported. However, the quality of taste and the effect of satisfaction vary depending on consumers' consumption values. 서양식 패밀리레스토랑을 대신하여 한식뷔페가 유행하면서 유명 쇼핑몰의 주요 외식 브랜드로 자리 잡아 가고 있다. 하지만 최근 정부정책과 함께 외식시장 트랜드 변화로, 대기업 한식뷔페는 점포의 수와 매출이 급격히 감소하면서 제2의 성장기로 도약할 것인지, 쇠퇴기로 접어들 것인지 변곡점의 기로에 서 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 고객들이 한식 뷔페 레스토랑을 선택할 시에 중요하게 평가하는 선택속성 중 메뉴와 브랜드가 맛의 질과 만족에 그리고 맛의 질은 만족에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 살펴보고자 한다. 또한, 고객 소비가치에 따라 이 관계들이 어떻게 다르게 나타나는 지에 대한 조절효과를 분석한다. 분석결과 메뉴와 브랜드는 맛의 질과 만족에 그리고 맛의 질은 만족에 영향을 미친다는 가설은 지지되었다. 그러나 소비자의 소비가치에 따라 느끼는 맛의 질과 만족의 영향 정도는 달라졌다. 쾌락 지향적 소비자의 경우 메뉴가 만족에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 반면, 실용 지향적 소비자의 경우 메뉴가 맛의 질에 정(+)의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 소비자의 소비가치에 따라 한식뷔페 선택속성의 차이가 있다는 소비자 소비가치의 조절효과가 검증된 것이며, 이와 관련한 이론적, 실무적 시사점을 제시 하였다.

      • 정체성의 정치(Politics of Identity) : 개인주의화와 시민사회의 재구조화 個人化和市民社會的重新構築

        車聖秀 동아대학교 부설 사회과학연구소 2002 사회과학논집 Vol.21 No.-

        1987年6月民主斗爭運動以後, 韓國社會迅速實現了民主化. 團體游行示威激增, 選擧成爲了經常性的年度活動. 與此同時, 社會中與市民相對抗的因素逐漸減少, 實現了市民社會和市民權利的制度化. 曆史敎訓證明, 成熟的市民社會和國家之間民主化的溝通, 使國家和體制得以存續和强化, 韓國社會才能在迅速現實社會統一和形成共同體方面取得成功. 但是, 市民社會體系的建立, 社會非但不能迅速實現統一, 反而會帶來社會解體的危險. 國家權力的正當性尙未確立, 資本(財閥)非但不是減少危機的主要力量, 反而是造成危機的原因. 幷且, 隨着市民社會體系的建立, 國家開始出現了分裂的預兆, 地方主義的分裂, 冷戰意識形熊的分裂, 社會集團間的排他性等與政治社會組織的戰略相抵觸, 更加加速了市民社會的分裂. 但是, 市民社會削弱和分裂的根本原因是個人主義在起作用. 以此爲根據, 新約整體性政治開始啓動. 個人主義在政治, 經濟, 社會文化等三個方面得到了迅速發展. 選擧活動本身已經成爲了一種個人化的政治行爲, 對政治的信任, 嫌惡和無力感, 使市民與政治的距離越來越遠. 市場和消費的邏輯使生活越來越變化成一種個人隱私行爲, 這也許使促使市民形成個人隱私主義的原因. 與此同時, 這是能??提供合適的個人化機制和价値 - 成功意識, 競爭和有效价値的最恰當的機制. 移動電話的使用, 單據室居住空間的變化, 因特綱文化的發展爲個人主義的形成提供了社會文化方面土壤. 發展和民主化脫離了二分法的政策以後, 市民社會的主流發展爲個人化和以此爲基礎的市民社會的重組. 雖然探索削除對韓國和其他一些新生資主義國的民主化履行程度的保留看法要一分爲二, 但這也取決于調節團體化和市民社會矛盾的機制如何得到確立.

      • KCI등재

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