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        건축자재용 폴리락타이드의 난연성 향상에 관한 연구

        차상호,Cha, Sang-Ho 한국건축시공학회 2021 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        고분자는 고유의 경량성 및 강성으로 인해 건축 자재에 두루 적용되는 소재이다. 그러나 건축 산업에서 빈번히 발생하는 화재 사고에서 대형 화재로의 확산을 일으키는 가장 큰 원인 중 하나가 가연 특성을 지니는 고분자라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 이를 해결하기 위한 방안으로 고분자 소재에 난연제를 첨가하여 난연 특성을 부여하는 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있는 추세이다. 이 중에서도 유기 인계 난연제는 고분자와의 혼화성이 우수하며, 독성이 낮은 장점을 가지고 있어 많은 주목을 받고 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 건축자재용으로 사용되는 친환경 고분자인 폴리락타이드의 난연성능을 확보하기 위하여 알콕시아민 기반의 유기 인계 난연제 구조를 설계 및 합성하여 이의 효과를 확인하는 것을 목적으로 둔다. Polymers are widely applied to construction materials due to their lightweight and excellent mechanical properties. However, owing to the combustible properties, polymers are one of the biggest reason of spreading large fires in fire accidents that occur frequently in the construction industry. Therefore, as a solution to this problem, many research has been conducted to impart flame retardancy by incorporating flame retardants to polymer matrix. Among these flame retardants, organic phosphorus-containing flame retardants have been attracting much attention because they have excellent compatibility with polymer matrix and low toxicity compared with halogen or inorganic-containing flame retardants. Accordingly, this study aims to design and synthesize an alkoxyamine-based organic phosphorus flame retardant to improve flame retardancy of polylactide which is an eco-friendly polymer used for construction materials.

      • KCI등재

        몽꿋왕의 문호개방정책과 바우링조약

        차상호 ( Cha Sang Ho ) 한국태국학회 2003 한국태국학회논총 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine how Siam could maintain independence under the threat of the powerful western nations. King Mongkut convinced that his realm should keep close relations with many western countries in order to survive as an independent county and avoid the humiliations which China and Burma had suffered during the wars with Britain. King Mongkut (1851 ―1868) initiated the modernization of Thailand. By means of judicious diplomatic skills and adaptation of western practices selectively, he was able to cope with the demands and threats of western nations who was seeking for commercial and imperial power. His diplomatic skill was proved by a series of fifteen treaties including the famous Bowring Treaty (1855) with European nations, which contained important concessions, but owing to that, Thailand could be remained as the only nation that never experienced colonization by European countries in Southeast Asia. In addition, maintaining her independence, the policy of concession was used strategically. At the same time, Siam's legal and administrative systems were reformed during this period. The Bowring treaties marked the turning point between ancient and modern Thailand. King Mongkut was more Knowledgeable of, and at ease with, western ways than any previous Thai monarchs.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        제(第)2차(次) 세계대전중(世界大戰中) 태국(泰國)의 항일자유(抗日自由)타이운동(運動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        차상호 ( Cha Sang-ho ) 한국태국학회 1988 한국태국학회논총 Vol.1 No.-

        Thailand is unique in many ways and, hence, its development be it political, economic or social, is different from that of its neighbors. Being the only country in southeast Asia that was never colonized by the western powers, the development of Thailand has taken a different course from that of its neighbors in various aspects. In the case of Thailand, the watershed was the 1932 revolution. Thailand was the only country that was spared of the impact of World War II its neighbors. This does not mean that there was no impact at all but the difference in degree was discernable. The period of World War II marked the most important demarcation line in the Thai history. Thailand and Japan became allies. In December 1941,General P. Pibulsongkram, the premier, allowed the Japanese army to en-rout to Burma and India, the British Colonies. On January 25,1942 The Kingdom completely sided with Japan by declaring war against the United States and Britain. Thus, apart from the sporadic fightings at the begining of the war, Thailand sailed through the dramatic wartime generally unscathed, a situation markedly different from its neighbors. The participation in the war greatly affected the nation economically, politically and culturally. The expression of dissatisfaction to the situation and the Government policy by certain groups of people was obviously seen. Various anti-government movements by several groups both within and without the country had been systematically organized to counteract the government policy. The purpose of this study is to investigate such counteractions with emphasis on their establishment, movement and impact on the postwar situation. This study will focus on the Free Thai Movement during World War II. However, to keep the main theme of the paper in line with the topic, discussion of the pre-war period will be brief, only to serve as background for the period of the war which is our focus while the Government of General Pibul was actively collaborating with Japan, a number of prominent Siamese both within and without the country were totally opposed to such collaboration. One of the first Siamese who repudiated the actions of General Pibul was M.R. Seni Pramoj, former Thai Ambassador to Washington D.C., as the leader. The activities were fully supported by the U.S. Government both in terms of war supplies and training of personnels. On the contrary, there was no such movement in Britain, since the British government regarded Thailand as her war opponent and the Thai Ambassador to London did not organized any countered reaction, the Thais in Britain were enlisted in the British Army to show that they were with the Allied. Initially they were attached to the pioneer corps, but from April 1943, they were transferred to India and attached to Force 136 of the Special-Operations Executive. Their main tasks included broadcasting political propaganda, securing intelligence information, and attempting to establish contact with the resistance movement in Siam. As for the Siamese within the country, a resistance movement was formed under the leadership of Pridi Panomyong. The movement was joined by civil servants, soldiers, policies and ordinary people. In the course of 1943 a representative of this movement was sent to Chunking with the objective of establishing contact with the Allies. However, after a number of abortive missions, direct contact was actually established between the resistance movement inside Siam and the Allies at the close of 1944. The Allied finally accepted such anti-Japan movement in the Kingdom and the coordinated movement of both without and within the country was conceived. This also enabled the Allies clan destine movements to supply intelligence information to their headquarters at Kandy regularly. While technically Thailand was a loser in the war, astute diplomatic move and political tactics employed by the dissident group known as the “Free Thai” helped Thailand escape the fate which had befallen Japan and Germany, At the intervention of the United States, the war declaration made by Field Marshale P. Pibulsongkram was considered null and void. It seemed from the fact that the Thai Ambassador to Washington D.C., M.R. Seni Pramoj refused to hand in the war declaration and in view of the emergence of the Free Thai Movement which held a different policy and political stand from that of the government, the declaration was taken as not representing the will of the Thai people. As a result, Thailand was least affected by the war, The Kingdom’s Status was exempted from being the war-loser countries such as Japan and the Axis even Thailand had earlier declared war with the Allied. Thailand thus through United States support, its leaders,diplomatic and political maneuvering, and minimum concessions to Great Britain and France, narrowly escaped a fate like that of Japan and Germany. However, on the other side of the coin, it could be stated that such treatment had clearly originated profound influence of the United States upon the Kingdom of Thailand.

      • KCI등재

        아유타야시대 태국과 메덜란드와의 관계 (1602-1765)

        차상호 ( Cha Sang Ho ) 한국태국학회 2006 한국태국학회논총 Vol.13 No.-

        In 1601, a group of Dutch traders approached Pattani, a small Thai Vassal state in the south, and sucessfully obtained the permission for building a trading station. One year later, the Dutch East India Company (V.O.C.) was founded and establish their head quarters at Batavia in Java. Backed by this Dutch East India company, the Dutch trading station could be opened in Ayutthaya in 1608, which was the King Ekatosarofs ages. Ayutthaya was the center of international trade which played an important role both as a mainland monarchy and as a maritime power. The Thais were eager to transact with Dutch traders, who exchange their cotton goods with hides and pepper. In order to promote the friendship with the Netherlands, King Ekatosraot sent special envoys to the Netherlands. On June 12,1617,Finally King Songtam signed on a treaty of commerce with Dutch traders. Dutch traders were given the privilege that enabled them to monopolize the trade of deerskin through this treaty. Since it was the time that Portugal’s power was already being weeakened in Southeast Asia, Dutch traders and Btitish traders immediately participated in this competitive market. Because King Narai, the Great of Siam, was afraid of the excessive control of Portugal over Siam, he tried to build a friendship with Dutch and British traders, but his peaceful policy did not succeed. The conflict between the Thais and Dutches started in 1661 when Dutch traders captured a Portuguese ship and took all the goods on the board, which were going to be sent to the Thai King. On the other hand, the Dutch accused Siam of failing to observe the treaty of 1617. In order to secure their interests in trading, they demanded various commercial privileges to Siam, The King of Siam was forced to agree on a treaty of peace on August 11, 1664. The treaty was including many disadvantageous articles to Siam, such as applcation of extraterritoriality to Dutch people, although it was applied only when they are within their trading station. Through this unfortunate event, Thai King realized the substantial threats of the Western worlds. To escape from this difficult situation, Siam attempt to trade with the English for the sake of the blance of power, that is, suppres the power of the Netherlands by giving equivalent power to other European countries that have political interest in Ayutthaya. Fortunate to Siam, the thread from the Netherlands started decreasing as the British traders were successful in building colonies and expanding their market in Southeast Asia. Despite all the conflicts between Dutch traders and Siam, trading was continuted until at Auatthaya was destroyed by the Burmese in 1767.

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