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      • KCI등재

        Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Market Response: Competition between Korea and Japan in the US Steel Market

        차문중,김재훈,Tcha, MoonJoong,Kim, Jae H. Korea Development Institute 2004 KDI Journal of Economic Policy (KDI JEP) Vol.26 No.2

        환율의 변화에 따른 개별 교역재 가격의 변화는 '환율전이효과(Exchange rate pass-through)'로 불리며, 국제경제학의 가장 중요한 연구분야 중의 하나로 인식되고 있다. 또한 환율변화 당사국의 교역재 가격변화에 따라 시장전체에서 일어나는 환율의 전이현상은, 수출시장과 특정수출국의 환율이 변화할 때 수출국의 가격책정전략과 시장전체의 반응에 대한 정보를 제공해줄 수 있다는 점에서 깊은 연구가 필요하다. 그러나 대부분의 연구는 환율변화에 따른 특정 국가의 수출재 가격변화만을 고려할 뿐, 경쟁국 재화가격의 변화나, 이에 따른 수출대상국의 재화시장이 전체적으로 받는 충격에 대한 연구는 거의 이루어지지 않고 있다. 본 논문은, 한국과 일본의 대미 달러 환율변화에 따른 철강재의 가격변화를 통해 시장의 반응을 분석한다. Bootstrap-after-bootstrap을 활용한 vector error correction 모형과 이에 따른 충격반응함수분석, 그리고 Phillips-Hansen의 추정방법(fully modified estimation)을 통한 분석은 몇 가지 중요한 시사점을 제공하는데, 그중 가장 중요한 두 가지를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 즉, (i) 한일 양국의 환율변화는 미국 철강시장에서의 양국 수출철강가격에 대해 서로 다른 개별적 전이효과를 야기하며, (ii) 여타 수출국의 반응도 한일 양국 중 어느 나라 제품의 가격이 변화하는가에 따라 달라진다는 것이다. 이에 따라 같은 비율의 환율변화에 대해서도 그 당사국에 따라 시장의 가격반응은 달라지게 됨을 알 수 있다. This paper theoretically formulated and empirically explored the relationship between exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) for (average) market price and an individual country's price, using steel products data in the US market, with special reference to two major steel exporting countries, Korea and Japan. It was found that the direction of market ERPT can be different from that of individual ERPT that each exporter experiences, due to strategic interactions among producers and different parameters. Vector error correction (VEC) models and impulse response analysis were used with the statistical inference based on the bootstrap-after- bootstrap of Kilian (1998) for short-run, and the fully modified estimation of Phillips and Hansen (1990) was used for long-run. Empirical results indicate that market ERPT in the US market due to changes in Korea-US exchange rates is different from those due to changes in Japan-US exchange rates. The framework developed in this study indicates that this phenomenon is attributed to either (i) the two countries have individual ERPTs of different magnitudes and directions for the products in the US market, or (ii) the pricing strategies of the other exporters' (to the US steel market) respond differently depending on whether the price of the product from Korea changes or that from Japan does. As each exporter's ERPT can be significantly different, and market response to each country's ERPT can be also different, this study concludes that it is crucial for an exporter to understand how competitors in the market respond to changes in its price, as well as to understand how its price changes when the relevant exchange rate fluctuates.

      • KCI등재후보

        Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Asymmetric Responses and Market Shares

        차문중 한국개발연구원 2005 KDI Journal of Economic Policy (KDI JEP) Vol.27 No.1

        This study examines ERPT with asymmetric response and both import and export market shares, using wool trade data. The study found that, asymmetric response may be as common as symmetric response. In addition, the responses (both in price and quantity demanded) to the changes in exchange rate are considerably different across goods, and even for the homogenous goods, across countries. In case of depreciation, the export price changes more than appreciation case in general, and as a result the destination price changes less. It is also found that the cases of excessive or perverse pass-through are found more frequently than reported by previous studies. This finding points out that strategic behavior of firms or unexpected response to exchange rate fluctuation takes place more frequently than we commonly expect or take, in particular at disaggregated levels. When the model considers asymmetric responses of the export price to appreciation and depreciation (of exporter's currency), the estimation provided that for 39 trade cases out of 83, export price responded to appreciation and depreciation in different fashions, although the normal response was the dominating phenomenon with 99 cases or about 60% out of 166 cases. Market shares affected the extent and direction of responses in select cases. These findings will have important implications for policy makers and traders. 본 연구는 국제경제학, 산업조직론 등 경제학의 여러 분야에서 광범위한 관심을 끌 어온 환율의 변화와 이에 따른 교역재의 가격변화, 즉 환율의 전이현상을 분석하였다. 세분화된 양모(wool)의 교역 데이터를 사용하여, 자국통화의 가치 상승과 하락에 따른 가격변화가 대칭적인지, 그리고 수출국과 수입국의 시장점유율이 미치는 영향이 있는지 를 중점적으로 분석한 본 연구는 다음과 같은 결론을 제시한다. 우선 매우 동질적인 재화임에도 불구하고, 교역대상국과 재화의 종류에 따라 환율의 전이정도와 방향이 상당히 다르다. 그리고 정상적인 전이현상(normal pass-through)이 전체의 60%를 차지하고 있지만, 실증적으로 과도한 전이현상(excessive pass-through)이나 특이한 전이현상(perverse pass-through)이 약 40%에 다다른 것도 특기할 만하다. 과도하거나 특이한 전이현상은 교역당사자들의 전략적 행태의 결과로 이해되는데, 본 연구의 결과는 매우 세분화된 데이터를 사용할 때 이런 현상이 기존 연구보다 많이 발견됨을 보여준다. 또한 83개의 교역관계 중 39개의 경우에 환율의 가격전이가 통화가치의 상승과 하락에 따라 다르게 나타나 비대칭적 전이가 광범위한 현상이며, 시장점유율이 경우에 따라 전이의 정도를 결정짓는 중요한 변수가 될 수 있음을 시사하고 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Productivity and Patterns of Trade: The Experience of Korea in the 1990s

        차문중 한국개발연구원 2004 KDI Journal of Economic Policy (KDI JEP) Vol.26 No.2

        This paper analyzes the industrial growth of Korea in the 1990s and its relationship with the nation's export performance. The result shows that total factor productivity (TFP) played a significant role in the growth of some industries, where in particular a sharp increase in TFP was observed in the electrics and electronics industry and the automobile industry in the late 1990s. While CEPII RCA indexes for the Korean industries such as IT industry and automobile industry significantly increased since 1998, only limited evidence was found that TFP or TFI influenced RCA. Investigating Korea's export performance in the Northeast Asian context, this paper shows that, in the 1990s, the growth of Korea's exports to Japan was led by industries that recorded relatively fast growth in total factor input (TFI). In contrast, that to China was almost equally contributed by industries that experienced relatively fast growth in TFP or TFI. This paper also investigates competition between Korea and China, and Korea and Japan in the world market. The competition between Korea and China was relatively stronger for the Korean industries to whose growth TFI made a more significant contribution. While no decisive evidence is found for the relationship between TFP growth in Korean industries and their competition against Japan in the world market, it is revealed that the competition between Korea and Japan became less intense for the Korean industries to whose growth TFI made a stronger contribution. In this regard, the paper supports the view of 'nut-cracking' that the Korean economy has lost its competitiveness in the sectors where it maintained comparative advantage, but failed to catch up more advanced countries such as Japan by gaining competitiveness in more capital or technology intensive sectors.

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