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        현대시조에 나타난 ‘할머니’ 양상 연구-『우리시대 현대시조 100인선』을 중심으로

        조춘희 ( Jo Chun-hee ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2019 어문론총 Vol.79 No.-

        고령 사회의 도래는 노년 주체에 대한 사회적 인식 개선과 담론 마련을 추동 하였다. 이에 본고는 현대시조 장르에 형상화된 노년 주체, 특히 ‘할머니’로 호명되는 여성 주체에 대해 고찰하고자 한다. 현대시조의 장르적 변방성 및 양반 사대부의 문학양식이라는 혐의 등은 할머니 표상을 고착한 원인이기도 하다. 더불어 현대시조 창작자의 한계 역시 이러한 고착을 강화했다고 볼 수 있다. 그간 할머니는 기존 질서를 답습하는 고리타분한 존재일 뿐 아니라 젊은 여성의 적으로까지 간주되어 왔다. 그들은 가족구조 내에서의 남성 권력을 보다 공고히 하는 데 기여했으며, 죽는 순간까지 어머니로서의 역할과 그 대체재로 기능했다. 이 때문에 스스로의 노화과정에 소극적일 수밖에 없었으며, 사회로부터 인간으로서의 권리가 박탈당한 유령 같은 존재로 부유하게 되었다. 본고는 1900년대 창작·발간된 시조집 중에서 작가별 선집 형태로 묶인 『우리시대 현대시조 100인선』을 텍스트로, 할머니를 소재나 주제로 다룬 80편을 추출하였다. 다시 이들 작품이 구성하고 있는 할머니 양상을 첫째 개인이 소거된 역사적 희생양으로서의 면모, 둘째 노화와 유한자적 감수성으로서의 면모, 셋째 가부장제 가족 구조에서의 역할 등으로 분류하였다. 이를 통해서 할머니는 노년기 남성과 달리 주체적인 현존으로 독해되지 못하고 있다는 사실을 간취할 수 있었다. 남성 중심의 시조문학 창작자들을 통해서 대신 말해지고 발견되는 할머니 양상의 한계는 우리 사회에서 그들이 점유한 불공정하고 불평등한 좌표를 시사한다. 자신의 늙음조차 목도할 수 없는, 즉 목소리를 박탈당한 할머니들의 위상에 대해 재고해야 할 때이다. The advent of an aged society has promoted social awareness and discourses on topics of aging. This article will examine the grandmother that takes shape in the modern-sijo genre. There is a controversy regarding modern sijo as the literary style of grandfathers; this is a reason for focusing on the representation of grandmother'. In addition, the limitations of modern fictional creators have also strengthened these beliefs. Meanwhile, grandmothers have been regarded as enemies of young women, in addition to being orderly followers. They have contributed to consolidating male power within the family structure. Further, as a mother until her death, the grandmother act as a mother and a substitute, and she becomes passive in her own aging process, becoming ghost-like and being deprived of her human rights in society. This study examines the text of "100 modern sijos in our era", which was bound in the form of an anthology by the author; among the works are poems created and published in the 1900s. We extracted 80 pieces from the anthology that use the image of a grandmother as their material and subject. We then classified the patterns surrounding the grandmothers that were created by these works. First, the grandmother is classified as a historical scapegoat; second, she represents; aging and finite sensibility; and third, her role in the family structure of the patriarchy is highlighted. In this way, we assert that the grandmother can-not understand that she is not read as a subjective existence. The limitations of the grandmother figure that are articulated and discovered when focusing on her rather than looking through the male-centered Sijo literary creators are disturbing. These interpretations suggest that there are unfair and unequal coordinates that grandmothers occupied in our society. It is time to reconsider the status of grandmothers who are so deprived of their voices that they can-not even confront their old age.

      • KCI등재

        고령화 사회의 도래와 노년시 연구

        조춘희 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2016 민족문화논총 Vol.64 No.-

        Globalization of aging causes a variety of changes and uncertainty in the population structure. Establishment of Gerontology is the product of these concerns. Thing that make a place for established and the communication of important social institutions for the elderly. Literature is a product of the era of communication. The elderly in our society through the study of literature will be able to explore ways to look at old age. This paper seeks to examine the modern age poetry as part of humanistic reflection on old age. In summary, the aging in modern poetry and modern sijo can be considered through the way of accepting oldness, the recognition of death, and the reality of the life of the elderly. If the two elements are constructed on the basis of the elderly subject's self-awareness and old sense, then the last requirement can be considered when looking at the way our society works. This will enable us to grasp the reality of our society and identify its coordinates. In the end, the elderly in this age is a requirement to provide a basis for how to view and understand elderly people who are defined differently in different ages. Thus humanistic reflection on aging have emerged as a problem of global dimensions must be the premise for understanding aging. Especially navigating the age-old poetry contributes to establish the role of this era literature. 고령화의 전지구화는 인구구조의 변화뿐 아니라 무수한 불확실성을 야기한다. 그 탓에 우리는 일찍이 경험한 적 없는 ‘늙은 사회’를 어떻게 구성해 나갈지 다방면으로 고심하고 있는 실정이다. 노년학의 성립은 이러한 고민의 산물이며, 의학을 필두로 사회복지학, 심리학, 경제학 등 다양한 분야에서 통섭적 소통을 모색하고 있다. 주지하듯이 문학은 한 시대와의 소통의 산물이다. 아직 본격적인 연구 토대를 구성하지 못한 노년시에 대한 탐색을 통해서 우리 사회가 노년을 바라보는 방식을 궁구할 수 있을 것이다. 이에 본고는 ‘노년’에 대한 인문학적 성찰의 일환으로 현대 서정문학에 나타난 노인성의 문제를 고찰하고자 한다. 이를 위해 고령화 사회 ‘노년’의 좌표를 간취하고, 노년시 연구의 필요성에 대해 탐구할 것이다. 나아가 현대시/시조에 나타나는 노년인식, 즉 노인성의 양상을 구체적으로 분석함으로써 노년세대를 이해하는 일방식을 제시할 수 있으리라 기대한다. 범박하게 규정하면 노년시는 노년 주체가 말하는 경우와 노년을 말하는 경우로 나눌 수 있다. 노년은 ‘늙음’을 현재적 사건으로 경험하며, 죽음과 소멸에 대한 감수성을 표출한다. 반면 노년 및 노인 문제는 다른 세대를 통해 새롭게 발견되기도 한다. 본고는 이를 주제적 측면에서 ‘늙음’ 수용방식과 죽음인식 그리고 사회적 배제를 겪는 하층노인의 문제로 분류해서 고찰하였다. 고령화 현상에 대한 인문학적 성찰은 노년을 이해하는 데 반드시 전제되어야 한다. 특히 노년시를 통한 탐색은 이 시대 문학의 역할을 정립하는 데 기여할 것이다

      • KCI등재후보

        소월 시의 근대적 표상 연구

        조춘희 동남어문학회 2009 동남어문논집 Vol.1 No.27

        Korea's modern formation goes in gear with colonialzation policy of imperialism and wears very complex aspect. Korean modern topography could not but go amiss from the beginning being added to desired of Japanese Empire state in contradiction of that is tradition or Korean thing and modern age or Westernization. Soon it becomes sample of colonization area modernization. Discussed So-wol's poetry in such historic connection. ‘Modern Seoul, Seoul's modern’ was model for colonization person much. Nevertheless, the handcap Seoul that undergo a change to modernization and Joseon-area in present was uterus that we still must live. Even though play composure that take electric car and crosses ‘Chongno’ crossroads, there is no person who can blame that it is man which is no consciousness not at all. That is put under colony however even if hang ‘Daily life’ of every moment be. Contradictory realization about modern age is seen by biographical cause that So-wol received enough modern effect, and is growth environment and the temper despite recognized definitely modernistic idea hereupon. That is, accommodating modernistic space, modernistic representation as outer covering this retroversion change, and was consistent by strong attachment about tradition or derelict self. It is truth that modern was already usual so much so that So-wol must deny modern that nevertheless not can overlook. There is that study a poet as is so, need to include private daily area along with historic space in present. May find new aspect of poet as small letter paned to a capital letter the history of literature. Korea's modern formation goes in gear with colonialzation policy of imperialism and wears very complex aspect. Korean modern topography could not but go amiss from the beginning being added to desired of Japanese Empire state in contradiction of that is tradition or Korean thing and modern age or Westernization. Soon it becomes sample of colonization area modernization. Discussed So-wol's poetry in such historic connection. ‘Modern Seoul, Seoul's modern’ was model for colonization person much. Nevertheless, the handcap Seoul that undergo a change to modernization and Joseon-area in present was uterus that we still must live. Even though play composure that take electric car and crosses ‘Chongno’ crossroads, there is no person who can blame that it is man which is no consciousness not at all. That is put under colony however even if hang ‘Daily life’ of every moment be. Contradictory realization about modern age is seen by biographical cause that So-wol received enough modern effect, and is growth environment and the temper despite recognized definitely modernistic idea hereupon. That is, accommodating modernistic space, modernistic representation as outer covering this retroversion change, and was consistent by strong attachment about tradition or derelict self. It is truth that modern was already usual so much so that So-wol must deny modern that nevertheless not can overlook. There is that study a poet as is so, need to include private daily area along with historic space in present. May find new aspect of poet as small letter paned to a capital letter the history of literature.

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