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      • 뽕나무 순집이 혹파리에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        전대략 ( D. R. Chon ),이영렬 ( Y. N. Lee ),조철호 ( C. H. Cho ) 한국잠사학회 1962 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.2 No.-

        1. 經過習性 1) 水原地方에 있어서 뽕나무 순집이혹파리(Diplosis mori Yokoyama)는 5世代를 마친다. 第 1世代는 6月下旬頃 第2世代는 9月下旬頃에 出現한다. 2) 成忠은 午後 7~8時頃에 出現하며 그壽命은 2~5日이며 ♀(雌)가 ♂(雄)보다 若干 긴듯하다. 3) 幼蟲은 第2~第3托葉 AB 內面과 第2~第3未開葉 裏面에 寄生한다. 따라서 生長點 附近에 被害를 준다. 4) 變態別 期間은 氣象條件에 따라서 差가 甚하며 特히 용은 旱魃時는 羽化하지 못한다. 5) 幼蟲孵化時는 乳白色이지만 橙紅色으로 變하여 老熟하며 老熟幼蟲은 15~20cm의 跳躍能力을 가지고 土中 15~30cm에 潛入化용한다. 그 크기는 0.3mm로부터 2.0mm 內外까지 發育한다. 6) 踊期間은 夏季는 7~8일 內外이며 粗雜한 繭에 쌓여있다. 7) 越冬狀態는 原則的으로 踊態越多을 하나 때에 따라서 幼蟲越多도 있다. 2. 防除法 1) B.H.C. 粉劑 土壤撒布는 老熟幼?이 入土 4~5일 後나 羽化하기前에 反黨 2%液 400~600l(20~30斗) 以上을 施用함이 效果的이라고 生覺된다. 3) 埋沒試驗에 있어서는 深度 5cm 以上이면 成蟲羽化를 防止할 수 있다고 認定된다. The insect Diplosis mori Yokoyama is causing extensive destruction of mulberry trees in Korea with a resultant loss in silk production. This study was made to determine an effective method of control. Methods and Materials Used Preliminary studies were made to determine more exactly the life cycle of the insect. Based on this information, various control measures were tested, including the use of spray methods with BHC and control of larvae by tilling. Results Obtained 1. Life cycle studies (a) In the Suwon area, this-insect has 5 generations per year. The first starts in the later part of June and the final cycle ends in the later part of September. (b) The adult insects appear about 7:00-8:00 P.M. and live for 2-5 days. Females live in longer periods than the male. (c) Larvae lives inside the second and third stipules (A. B.) before mulberry leaf development. They cause extensive damage to the leaves at the point where they are attached to the stem. (d) Weather conditions considerably affect the life cycle. The pupa particularly are affected and not be able to change into the moth stage when there is a long period of no rain. (e) Larvae are large......0.3 to 2.0mm......and are milky-white immediately after hatching but turn to pinkish as the worm matures. The matured worm has a jumping ability up to 15-20cm. The worm burrows into the ground 1.5 to 3.0 cm before changing into the pupal stage. (f) The pupal stage usually lasts 7-8 days, in summer weather conditions and the pupa is surrounded with a coarse cocoon. (g) These insects, as a general rule, overwinter as pupae but sometimes as larvae. 2. Control measures (a) BHC dust applied on the ground seem most effective. It should be done 4-5 days after the worm has burrowed into the ground. For this control, it is recommended that 6kg of a 2% formation Tanbo (10ares) be used. (b) For the effective spraying against the fly, it is recommended that a formulation of liquid BHC spray terials be used at the rate of 400-600 liters per Tanbo. (c) Tillage methods which provide a cover of soil 5cm or more in depth above infested areas will effect-maively prevent the emergence of the fly from the pupal stage. 3. Conclusions Methods of control against Diplosis mori Yokoyama can be tied more closely to the life cycle of the insect with more effective results. Further studies are needed to complete information on possible controls during or after hibernation. Economic studies on the cost of these control measures are also needed.

      • KCI등재
      • 재육채묘법(再育採苗法)에 관(關)한 시험(試驗) -원묘(原苗)의 생산법(生産法)에 관(關)한 시험(試驗)-

        박병희 ( B. H. Park ),김문협 ( M. H. Kim ),김관극 ( K. K. Kim ),유근섭 ( K. S. Yoo ),조철호 ( C. H. Cho ) 한국잠사학회 1962 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.2 No.-

        가. 新梢의 埋伏時期는 新稍가 60~80cm 伸長하게 되면 어느 때에 行하여도 무방하다. 나. 母株 1株當 新梢의 埋伏本數는 無制限으로 하면 發育不良으로 因한 不良 條數가 많아져서 原苗의 生産量이 많지 못하니 15~28本으로 制限 埋伏하는 것이 勞力이 절약된다. 다. 原苗圃의 土性으로서는 粘質土에서 보다 砂質壤土에서 苗質은 좋아지지만 原苗의 生産量에는 差가 없다. 라. 新梢를 埋伏 할 때의 施肥의 效果는 없으며 7~8月頃에 주는 追肥의 效果도 別로 없는 것 같다. 마. 桑品種別로는 原苗의 生産量이 改良鼠返이 第一 많았고 市平 水原大葉 島內 龍川秋雨 水原桑 3號 및 水原桑 4號는 中位程度였으며 魯桑이 가장 적었다. 一般的으로 白桑 및 山桑系의 桑品種이 魯桑系의 桑品種 보다 原苗의 生産量 및 苗質이 좋다. This work was to develope a more simple producing method of mulberry seedling with lower cost than the normal grafting method and the conclusions were found as; 1. There was no difference for the production of the seedling root when the young mulberry branch was graved in soil at the time it grown as 60∼80cm height. 2. It was found that the best result was obtained in case of 15 to 20 young branches of a mulberry shoot were graved instead of whole of them. 3. The seedling root quality of the clay soil graved was found better than the sand soil used, but root producing quantity was found as the same. 4. The fertilizing at the time of the young branch graving was not effective and also the continual fertilizing seemed not to be effective. 5. The seedlings root production was found that Kairyo Nezumigaeshi was best and Ichihei, Suwon Daeyop, Shimano-Uchi, Suwon No.3 and Suwon No.4 were followed of it. But Rosoh was found as poor. Morus alba L. was found as a better Species than Morus Lhou(Ser) Koidz and Morus bombycis Koidz for the production of the seedling root and its quality.

      • 상수(桑樹) 재육채묘법(再育採苗法)에 관(關)한 시험(試驗) (2) -상수(桑樹) 묘목(苗木)의 육성법(育成法)에 관(關)한 시험(試驗)-

        박병희 ( B. H. Park ),유근섭 ( K. S. Yoo ),조철호 ( C. H. Cho ),김문협 ( M. H. Kim ) 한국잠사학회 1963 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.3 No.-

        1. 원묘의 대소와 부위에 있어서 굵은 원묘가 가는 원묘에 비하여 활착 및 묘질이 좋았고 선단부와 기부사이에는 유의차는 없었으나, 선단부가 약간 활착과 묘질이 좋았다. 그리고 2아원묘와 3아원묘 사이에는 활착의 차가 없었다. 2. 원묘의 발근의 다소에 있어서는 발근량이 많은 것일수록 활착 및 묘질이 좋았다. 3. 원묘의 매복 심도에 있어서는 원묘의 선단에 파라핀을 도말하고 노출시킨 것이 가장 활착율이 높았으며 원묘의 선단에 파라핀을 도말하지 않더라도 그 선단을 노출시켜 매복하거나 또는 되도록 얕게 매복한 것이 깊게(6cm) 매복한 것보다 활착율이 높았다. 4. 원묘를 매복하는 방법에 있어서는 골의 중앙에 곧게 세운 것과 골의 한 쪽에 뉘어 세우고 매복한 것 사이에는 활착의 차는 없었으나 묘질은 곧게 세워 매복한 것이 비교적 양호하였다. 5. 육성포의 토성에 있어서는 사양토와 식양토간에 원묘의 활착의 차는 없었으나 묘질은 사양토에서 좋았다. 6. 각품종간(시평, 개량서반, 노상, 수원상4호 및 용천추우)에 있어서는 원묘의 활착에는 차가 없었으나 묘질은 용천추우가 가장 좋았다. 7. 생산비를 조사한 바 상묘 1본당 재육채묘는 1원 61전이었는데 비하여 접목은 2원 3전이었다. This experimental work was carried out to know the best method in producing the root stock effectively. The major experimental work was carried out by using Kairyo-Nezumigaeshi, and the comparative works were carried out by using Ichi-Hei, Kairyo-Nezumigaeshi, Ro-Soh, Yongchon-Chuwoo and Suwon No. 4. Results obtained from the test are as follows. 1. The larger size of the branch burried, the better live ratio and the quality of the sapling was found, and there was no significant difference between the top part and bottom part of the branch from the point of view of the ratio, but it was found that the top part showed better live ratio and quality. Mean time there was no difference in live ratio between the two sprouts root-stock type and the three sprouts root-stock type. 2. When the live ratio and sapling quality was compared from the aspect of the new root development, the heavy and medium developed root type showed better result than the poor developed one. 3. For the ambushing depth test of the root-stock, the root-stock which was painted with paraffin on the top and exposed in the air was found to have best live ratio. Mean time, even though paraffin was not painted all the top of the root-stock, the one which was exposed the top of it or the one ambushed with thin soil layer, showed better live ratio than the one deep ambushed. 4. There was difference for the live ratio between the perpendicularly ambushed root-stock and the lied ambushed mot-stock, but the former method showed better sapling quality. 5. The soil nature did not show any difference for the live ratio between the sand loam and clay loam, but the former one showed better sapling quality. 6. There was no difference live ratio between the mulberry varieties, but Yongchon-Chuwoo showed best sapling quality. 7. The grafted sapling production cost was 2.30 won and cattage sapling cost was 1.61 won.

      • KCI등재

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