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      • 지적장애인의 결혼생활 실태와 평생교육적 지원방안 탐색

        조창빈(Cho Chang-Been) 한국장애인평생교육복지학회 2018 장애인평생교육복지연구 Vol.4 No.1

        이 연구는 지적장애인의 결혼생활 실태 변화 추이를 파악하고 안정적인 결혼생활 유지를 위한 평생교육적 지원방안을 탐색하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 장애유형을 구분하여 결혼생활 실태를 조사한 2008, 2011, 2014년 장애인실태조사의 결과 중 지적장애인과 관련된 내용을 정리하여 지적장애인 결혼생활 실태 변화 추이를 파악하였다. 또한 기혼 지적장애인 1명, 지적장애인 부모 1명, 장애인 성교육 전문가 1명, 특수교사 1명, 사회복지사 1명 등을 포함한 5명의 연구 참여자를 대상으로 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 실시하여 결혼생활 변화 추이의 세부적 내용을 파악하였으며 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 최근 10여 년간 지적장애인의 미혼 비율은 70%이상이었고, 장애가 있는 배우자와 결혼하는 비율은 감소, 같은 지적장애인과 결혼하는 비율은 늘어나고 있었다. 이에 대해 연구 참여자들은 재정적 지원 부족, 보호자의 장애자녀 결혼에 대한 부정적 인식 등을 원인으로 주장하였다. 둘째, 최근 10여 년간 지적장애인의 유자녀 비율은 다른 장애유형에 비해 낮게 유지되고 있었고, 장애자녀의 비율과 지적장애자녀의 비율이 점차 늘어나고 있었다. 이에 대해 연구 참여자들은 지적장애인의 임신과 양육에 대한 교육 부족을 주된 원인으로 꼽았다. 셋째, 최근 10여 년간 본인의 장애로 인한 자녀의 성장발달 지장여부에 대해 지장을 매우 많이 받았다고 느끼는 경우가 가장 많고 점차 늘어나고 있었다. 또한 자녀 양육 시 주로 자녀와의 의사소통과 교육비에 어려움을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 대해 연구 참여자들은 지적장애인의 자녀양육 기술에 대한 교육 부족, 장애부모에 대한 비장애자녀의 부정적 태도를 주된 원인으로 지목했다. 넷째, 선행연구 분석을 통해 도출한 평생교육적 지원방안은 지적장애 자녀를 둔 부모를 대상으로 하는 프로그램 개발, 지적장애인의 결혼생활 기술, 자녀 양육기술 등을 주제로 한 프로그램 개발 등이 탐색 되었다. 이상의 연구결과를 토대로 지적장애인의 안정적인 결혼생활을 위한 평생 교육적 지원방안에 대해 몇 가지 논의하였다. The purpose of this research is to understand the trends of the changes of the actual conditions of the married lives of the intellectual disabilities and to explore the plans for the life-long education support for the maintenance of the stable, married lives. For this, among the results of the investigations of the actual conditions of the handicapped in 2008, 2011, and 2014, which investigated the actual conditions of the married lives by classifying the types of the handicaps, the details related to the intellectual disabilities were organized and the trends of the changes of the actual conditions of the married lives of the intellectual disabilities were understood. Also, the details of the trends of the changes of the married lives were understood by carrying out the focus group interview with the 5 research participants, including 1 married intellectual disabilities, 1 parent of an intellectual disabilities, 1 expert on the sex education for the handicapped, 1 special teacher, and 1 social worker. And the main results are the following. Firstly, the ratio of the unmarried among the intellectual disabilities in the over 10 years of the recent was over 70%. And the ratio of marrying a spouse with a handicap had been decreasing and the ratio of marrying an intellectual disabilities had been increasing. Regarding this, the participants in the research argued that the causes were the insufficiency of the financial support, the negative awareness of the marriage of a handicapped child of a guardian, etc. Secondly, the ratio of having the children among the intellectual disabilities in the over 10 years of the recent had been maintained low compared to the other kinds of handicaps. And the ratio of the handicapped children and the ratio of the intellectual disabilities children had been increasing gradually. Regarding this, the research participants pointed out the insufficiency of the education on the pregnancy and the rearing for the intellectual disabilities as the main causes. Thirdly, the cases in which one felt that very much hindrance was received with regard to the growth and development of a child due to one s own handicap in the over 10 of the recent was the most and had been increasing gradually. And it appeared that, when rearing a child, there were the difficulties mainly with the communication with, and the education expenses for, the child. Fourth, as the methods of supporting the life-long education through the analysis of the prior studies, the development of program targeting the parents having intellectually disabled child, and the development of the programs on the topics such as technique for the marriage for the intellectually disabled persons and the technique for growing child have been studied. In addition, based on the findings of the studies, several discussions and suggestions have been proposed.

      • KCI등재

        장애인 평생교육기관의 문해교육 프로그램 운영현황 및 활성화 방안 분석

        조창빈 ( Cho¸ Chang-been ),김두영 ( Kim¸ Doo-young ),신민선 ( Shin¸ Min-sun ) 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2021 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.60 No.3

        이 연구는 장애성인을 대상으로 문해교육 프로그램을 제공하는 장애인 평생교육기관의 문해교육 프로그램 운영현황과 기관 실무자들이 인식하는 장애인 문해교육 프로그램 활성화 방안을 조사하여 장애인 문해교육 활성화 방안을 제시하는데 목적이 있으며, 이를 위해 장애인 평생교육기관 실무자들을 대상으로 설문조사를 수행하였다. 연구에 참여한 장애인 평생교육기관 실무자들은 총 116명으로 일반·장애인평생교육시설 실무자 52명, 장애인복지시설 및 관련 협회 실무자들은 64명으로 구성되었다. 이들을 대상으로 수행한 조사의 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 장애인 평생교육기관에서는 기관 이용자의 요구에 의해 문해교육 프로그램을 운영한다는 응답이 가장 많았으며, 문해교육 프로그램 운영 시 가장 고려하는 사항 역시 이용자의 요구가 가장 많았고 문해교육 프로그램을 기획하는 방법 역시 이용자의 요구를 기반으로 한다는 응답이 가장 많았다. 한편, 장애인 평생교육기관에서 운영하는 문해교육 프로그램은 대부분 가정영역에 한정되어 운영되고 있었다. 둘째, 장애인 평생교육기관 실무자들이 인식하는 극복해야 하는 어려움은 장애인 문해교육 전문 강사 부족이라는 응답이 가장 많았고 장애인 문해교육 활성화를 위한 가장 시급한 과제로 장애인 문해교육 교육과정 개발을 꼽았다. 또한, 이상의 연구결과를 바탕으로 장애인 문해교육 활성화 방안에 대해 교육부의 장애인 문해교육 교육과정의 대대적인 수정·보완, 장애인 문해교육 전문 강사 양성 및 파견 사업 운영, 장애인 문해교육 교과용 도서 개발 및 보급 사업 운영 등과 같은 내용을 제언하였다. The purpose of this study is to suggest a literacy education activation plan for the disabled by examining the literacy education program operation status of a lifelong education institution for the disabled that provides literacy education programs for adults with disabilities, and by finding a way to activate the literacy education program for the disabled recognized by institution staffs. For this, a survey was conducted on the working-level staff of lifelong education institutions for the disabled. A total of 116 working-level staffs of lifelong education institutions for the disabled participated in this study, consisting of 52 staffs of lifelong education facilities for the general public and disabled and 64 staffs of welfare facilities for the disabled and related associations. The major findings of the survey conducted on them are as follows; First, the most significant number of responses answered that the lifelong education institutions for the disabled operates literacy education programs according to the needs of institution users, and the most important consideration when running literacy education programs was also the needs of users. In addition, the most common response was that the literacy education program planning was also based on the needs of users. However, literacy education programs operated by lifelong education institutions for the disabled were mostly limited to the home sector. Second, for the difficulties to overcome which were recognized by staffs of lifelong education institutions for the disabled, most respondents answered a shortage of professional instructors for literacy education for the disabled. For the most urgent task to activate literacy education for the disabled, they selected the development of a literacy education curriculum for the disabled. Based on the above findings, the Ministry of Education's extensive revision and supplementation of the literacy education curriculum for the disabled, training and dispatching specialized instructors for literacy education for the disabled, and developing and distributing books for literacy education for the disabled were suggested.

      • 경기도 거주 성인 지적장애인의 평생교육 참여 실태 분석

        조창빈(Cho Chang-Been) 한국장애인평생교육복지학회 2018 장애인평생교육복지연구 Vol.4 No.2

        이 연구는 성인 지적장애인의 평생교육 프로그램 참여 현황을 파악하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 경기도에 위치한 장애인복지관, 장애인보호작업장, 장애인 주간보호시설 등 장애인관련 기관에서 운영한 평생교육 프로그램 참여 경험이 있는 성인 지적장애인 241명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 성인 지적장애인의 평생교육 프로그램 영역별 참여 현황을 살펴보면, 성인 지적장애인이 가장 많이 참여한 프로그램 영역은 `문화예술교육(1.57개) 인 것으로 나타났다. 다음으로 성인 지적장애인의 평생교육 프로그램 참여 목적에 대해 조사한 결과를 살펴보면, 성인 지적장애인의 평생교육 프로그램 참여목적을 다중응답으로 조사한 결과 `심리적 만족감(26.2%) 이라는 응답이 가장 많은 것으로 나타났다. 다음으로 성인 지적장애인의 평생교육 프로그램 참여기관을 다중응답으로 조사한 결과 `장애인복지관(38.8%) 이라는 응답이 가장 많은 것으로 확인되었다. 성인 지적장애인의 평생교육 프로그램 참여시간을 분석한 결과 성인 지적장애인의 평생교육 프로그램 참여시간을 조사한 결과 `평일 낮(92.9%) 이라는 응답이 가장 많은 것으로 나타났으며, 다음으로 성인 지적장애인의 평생교육 프로그램 관련 정보 수집 방법에 대해 다중응답으로 조사한 결과 `교육훈련기관(37.8%) 이라는 응답이 가장 많은 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 성인 지적장애인의 평생교육 프로그램 참여를 위한 주 교통수단을 조사한 결과`대중교통(38.2%) 이라고 응답한 경우가 가장 많은 것으로 확인되었다. 다음으로는 `시설의 제공차량(25.3%) 이라는 응답이 가장 많이 나타났다. 이와 같은 연구 결과를 바탕으로 지적장애인의 평생교육 프로그램 발전 방향에 대하여 몇 가지 논의・제언하였다. The purpose of this study was to find out current state of intellectual-disabled adults participation in life-long programs. For this purpose, a survey was conducted targeting 241 intellectual-disabled adults having experienced in life-long education programs which have been operated in disabled people relevant institutions including rehabilitation centers, sheltered work places, and day care centers for the disabled. The results of survey were summarized as follows. First, at looking into current state of intellectual-disabled adults participation in life-long educational programs by field, it was found that the program field that the response of `culture, art & education (1.57) was the highest. Next, at asking the purposes of intellectual-disabled adults participation in life-long educational programs, it was identified that the response of `psychological satisfaction (26.2%) was the highest in the format of multi responses. And, at asking the life-long program institutions that intellectual-disabled adults participated in, it was found that the response of rehabilitation center (38.8%) was the highest in the format of multi responses. As the result analyzing the intellectual-disabled adults participation time in life-long educational programs, it was shown that the response of `daytime in weekdays (92.9%) was the highest, and at investigating their ways collecting the information about life-long educational programs in the format of multi responses, it was appeared that the response of `education & training institution (37.8%) was the highest. Finally, as the result investigating the main transportation type who intellectual-disabled adults commonly used to participate in life-long educational programs, it was identified that the response of public transportation (38.2%) was the highest. Based on the above findings, this study discussed and provided some suggestions about the development direction for life-long educational programs for intellectual-disabled people to go toward.

      • 일반·장애인 평생교육기관 간 연계체제 거점 부처 운영내용 구축 연구

        조창빈(Cho Chang-been),이경준(Lee Kyong-jun),김두영(Kim Doo-young) 한국장애인평생교육복지학회 2020 장애인평생교육복지연구 Vol.6 No.1

        이 연구는 일반·장애인 평생교육기관 간 연계체제 거점 부처의 운영내용을 구축하기 위해 10명의 관계자(일반·장애인 평생교육 전문가)를 연구 참여자로 선정하고 이들을 대상으로 합의 델파이 조사 기법을 실시하여 연계체제 거점 부처의 운영내용에 대한 다양한 의견을 수렴하였다. 이와 같은 방법을 통해 수렴한 다양한 의견들은 연구자간 협의 및 분석을 실시하여 내용을 정리·분석하였으며, 다음과 같은 연구결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 1차 합의 델파이 조사를 통해 연계체제 거점 부처의 운영내용 초안을 도출하였다. 거점 부처 운영내용 초안으로는 여섯 가지의 운영내용 항목과 각 항목에 맞는 서른두 개의 구체적인 내용을 도출하였다. 둘째, 2차 합의 델파이 조사를 통해 앞서 도출된 거점 부처 운영내용 초안에 대한 내용 타당도 검증을 실시하였으며, 여섯 가지 운영내용 항목의 세부 운영내용(서른두 개) 모두 내용 타당도 기준치에 충족하는 것으로 확인되었다. 이상의 연구결과를 바탕으로 연계체제 거점 부처의 활성화 방안 및 학술적 제언을 하였다. order to construct the operating contents for the lodgment department of connecting system between lifelong educational institutes for ordinary people and the disabled, this study collected diverse opinions about operating contents for the lodgment department of connecting system by conducting the consensus Delphi survey method targeting ten interested people(experts in lifelong education for ordinary people and disabled). The diverse opinions collected through this method were summarized/analyzed through discussions and analysis between researchers, and the results of this study are as follows. First, through the 1st consensus Delphi survey, a draft of operating contents for the lodgment department of connecting system was drawn. The draft of operating contents for the lodgment department included six items of operating contents and 32 concrete contents suitable for each item. Second, through the 2nd consensus Delphi survey, the content validity of the drawn draft of operating contents for the lodgment department was verified. All the detailed operating contents(32) of six items of operating contents met the standard of content validity. Based on the results of this study, the final draft for the lodgment department of connecting system, the vitalization measures, and the academic suggestions were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        발달장애인 평생교육 프로그램 이용 현황 및 요구 분석

        조창빈 ( Cho Chang-been ),김두영 ( Kim Doo-young ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2016 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to identify how much the people with developmental disabilities are using the lifelong education program, what programs are being used, the use status, and the requirements on the management of lifelong program that will be participated in the future to provide basic data that will help develop policies regarding lifelong education for the people with developmental disabilities. For this purpose, survey analysis was performed on the survey result participated by 607 parents of children with developmental disabilities living in Seoul, and the main results are shown as follows. First, as a result of investigating on the use of lifelong education program on parents of children in their adulthood, 44.8% responded to have no experience in use to be close to 50%. the reason for nonparticipation, the most response was lack of information, and in the case of responding to have experience in using the lifelong education program, it was shown that arts and culture education and basic literacy education were mostly received in a rehabilitation center for people with disabilities. Second, as a result of analyzing the requirements on the operation of lifelong education program for people with developmental disabilities, the most preferred requirements were more than 1 year in operation period, 3 times in sessions per week and more than 5 hours in the daily operating hours, and the most preferred institution was the lifelong education facility for the people with developmental disabilities. Third, regarding the activation plan of the lifelong education program for people with developmental disabilities, developing and providing various programs for type and level of disabilities, and arranging professional staff were required. Also, to manage the curriculum for people with severe disabilities and providing educational counterplan for them, and maintaining lifelong education program continuedly provided were preferred. Based on the above results, the construction plan for lifelong education for people with developmental disabilities was discussed.

      • KCI등재

        성인 장애인의 평생교육 참여 실태 및 요구 분석 -경기도를 중심으로-

        조창빈 ( Cho Chang-been ),정해동 ( Jeong Hae-dong ),김두영 ( Kim Doo-young ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2018 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.19 No.2

        This study aimed to suggest some basic data for the disabled adult’s life-long education-relevant policies in future by recognizing the disabled adult’s participation state in the life-long education, and what they demand in relation to the operation of life-long education programs for them to participate in future. For this purpose, this study analyzed the survey which 630 disabled adults living in Gyeonggi-province and having the participation experience in a life-long education program replied. The main results of analysis were as follows. First, as the results from investigating the respondents’participation in a life-long education after dividing their participation experiences into 6 types among the disabled adults’ participation state, it was appeared that the answer having participated in a lecture in a certain place was the highest as 73.2%. Next, at being asked what kind of institute they were participated, it was appeared that the highest answer was a rehabilitation center for the disabled as 45.9%, and to the question of participation purpose, the highest answer was the happiness (25.1%). Last, it was the identified that the program area which the respondents participated the most frequently was the culture-art education (1.61). Second, as the results from investigating the respondents’s participation intention among the demands in operating the disabled adult’s life-long education program, the answer that they would want to participate was highest as 87.6%. Next, at being asked what kind of institute that they would hope to participate in, the answer of rehabilitation center for the disabled was the highest (34.3%) and followed a general life-long education institute (16.4%), and concerning what kind of program area that they would want to participate in, the respondents answered the leisure sports(3.95point) area the most frequently. Last, as to the demands for boosting a life-long education program, the most respondents answered the expansion of budget for the disabled adult’s life-long education (4.48 point). Based on the above analysis results, this study discussed ways to develop and boost the disabled adult’s life-long education.

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