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      • KCI등재

        코메니우스의 존재론에 대한 체육철학적 연구

        조쟁규,백영호,이의철 釜山大學校 師範大學 1997 교사교육연구 Vol.34 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to know how a view of mind and body in Comenius' ideas is understood, and what influence the view of mind and body has on physical education. It seems clear that ontology of Comenius shows the importance of physical education as education for the whole man and it also provides the ideal basis for education for the whole man. The significance of Comenius' ontology can be summarized as follows. First, in Comenius' ontology, that is a view of mind and body, a view of health, a view of play, and a view of excercise, he excludes a dualistic view that disregards the body. Instead, he says that our body can't be divided into human mind or soul and human body or flesh, and sees humanbeing as the whole man(unity of body and mind, united body, wholeness) in other words, a character harmonizing with its body and mind. Second, as to the idea of physical education, Comenius emphasized adequate physical excercise, nutritional supply and sleep to keep a strong mind and healthy body. Third, in Comenius' ontology, the notional significance of unity of mind and body is the fact that it can be used as an alternative organic paradigm to overcome mechanistic, divisional, quantitative and reductive limits of a current paradigm. Fourth, as to the goal of physical education, curriculum and the relationship between teacher and student, the object that Comenuis intends to realise through education for the whole man is not really different from that of physical education. They both place focus on forming a body of character based on real human education. Thus, ontology of Comenius emphasized a human body as an organic wholeness with mind or soul, that is, a body as a subject not as an object.

      • KCI등재

        검도선수의 운동상해와 치료방법에 관한 연구

        조쟁규,백영호 釜山大學校 師範大學 1999 교사교육연구 Vol.38 No.-

        This study is designed to make a research into the time and the bodily parts and degree and the cause of injuries and their treatment of a total of 374 students with injury experience registered as Kumdo in 1999. 1. The Time of the Injuries The players turn out be exposed to injuries in the middle of exercise and of physical training and of individual excercise and of fencing in order regardless of their academic career. In regard to the circumstances where the players get hurt, student players are exposed to injuries when they engage in practicing Kumdo, and in trying defensive techniques, and in fighting in order. In respect to the techniques used at the time of the injuries, they are inflicted while they try Morichigi, Sonmokchigi, and Nureumsonmok in order. They are most likely to be wounded in the afternoon, morning and dawn in oder regardless of their academic career. In regard to the weather, it is fine, cloudy and rainy in order in case of middle school students. In case of high school students, it is cloudy, fine, and rainy in order, In case of collegians, it is cloudy, rainy and fine in order. In regard to the season, it is winter, summer and fall in order in case of middle school students. In case of high school students, it is winter, summer and fall in order. In case of collegians, it is winter, fall, and summer in order. 2. The Degree of the Injuries Students turn out to be wounded in the knees, the ankles, and the soles of the feet, the backs of the hands and the back in order. In case of the kinds of the injuries, they cite the bruise, the sprain, the extension and the severance of ligament of the joints in order. 3. The Causes of the Injuries The players' conditions at the time of the injuries are physical slowdown, lack of warming-up, excessive desire for wining the game, exhaustion in order. They ascribe the cause to carelessness, too much excercise, lack of warming-up and techniques regardless of academic career. 4. The Treatment of the Injuries Those who tend the injuries turn out to be oriental-medicine doctors, professional doctors, coaches or managers and the players themselves. They turn out co resort to hospitals, oriental-medicine clinics, and pharmacies. The players turn out to engage in westling again when their recovery percentage stands at 70 to 80%, after a few days' rests, right after the injuries, after a thorough recovery. According to the notions of players as to measures for a decrease in injuries, they turn out to adequate warming-up, the cultivation of concentration and mental strength, adequate rest after the injuries, and proper rest in order.

      • KCI등재후보

        스포츠윤리교육이 자아개념 인식에 미치는 영향

        조쟁규,차건수 한국체육철학회 2003 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Effect of Sport Ethical Education to Self Recognition Cho, Jaeng-kyu(Masan High School) Cha, Geon-Su(Jinju Machine Industry High School) In this paper, we researched the effect of the sports activities through the sport ethical education on the self recognition which leads to the formation of character, and we have the conclusions as following. First, the research shows that sports ethical education has an effect on the community life. More positive activities and better relationship with others in the community life shows that sport ethical education intensifies thoughts on the community life in the sports activities. Secondly, the research shows that sport ethical education has an effect on the morality of the life. The fact that the subjects learned the spirit of the cooperation, unity and responsibility through the sports activity shows that morality won by the sport ethical education influenced daily life. Thirdly, the research shows that the sport ethical education has an effect on the confidence that it will be helpful. The subjects could have relationships with others easily, mind for improving themselves, control on themselves and this shows that sport ethics plays an important role in building the confidence in the sports activities. As shown above, it is confirmed that the sports activities through sport ethical education can have the students find their worth and change them into humans thinking their neighbors and their future. 국문초록이 연구는 스포츠윤리교육을 통한 스포츠 활동이 인격형성의 근원이 되는 자아개념의 인식에 미치는 영향에 대해 고찰하여, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.첫째, 스포츠윤리교육이 공동체 생활에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 공동생활에서 적극적인 활동으로 변화하고, 타인과의 관계성이 좋아졌다는 것은 스포츠윤리교육이 스포츠활동을 함에 있어서 공동체를 생각하는 의식 곧 소속감이 심화되었음을 보여주고 있다.둘째, 스포츠윤리교육이 삶의 가치에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 스포츠활동을 통하여 협동정신과 단결력을 배웠으며, 최선을 다하는 책임감을 배웠다고 하는 것은 스포츠 윤리교육을 통해 배운 윤리적 삶이 자신의 일상생활에 가치를 부여하고 있음을 알 수 있다.셋째, 스포츠윤리교육이 자신의 생애에 도움이 될 것이라는 자신감에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다.자신감에 영향을 미치는 이유로, 쉽게 인간관계를 형성할 수 있으며, 내 자신을 개선하려는 정신력을 갖게 되고, 내 자신을 조절할 수 있다는 것은 스포츠활동 중 스포츠윤리가 자신감을 갖게 하는 중요한 가치를 주고 있음을 시사해주고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        경호무도로서의 검도 수련의 가치 연구

        조쟁규 한국체육철학회 1999 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        This paper is designed to contribute the establishment of the worth of the Kumdo which has gone through a change from Korean traditional martial arts to modem martial arts. In other words, this paper aims at generalizing the discipline of Kumdo as the curriculum of body-guard martial arts by taking a look at what characteristics Kumdo has as a sport required by body-guard martial arts. The athletic-philosophical value system of Kumdo, its value characteristics as a sport, is comprised of aesthetic experience, courtesy, cultivation of moral consciousness and the nurture of physical strength. First, Komdo can be available not only in the fostering of aesthetic experience which is liable to be lacking in other martial arts, and but also in the formation of harmonious personality with sod mind and sound body as a body guard through the improvement of dynamic talents (techniques and power) Second, Kumdo can cultivate a spirit of abiding by morality including Chung(Loyalty) and Ye(Courtesy), which can be easily ignored in body-guard martial arts. Third, Kurndo can have suitable functions in preventative and protective body-guard activities so that one may be possessed of the sixth sense, cool-heartedness, fast & precise movement, right judgement, extraordinary memory. endurance, agility and ability to predict one`s situations on the basis of concentration. Fourth, Kumdo can allow one to get the better of others with agile movement under an urgent circumstance with the help of the cultivation of reflex movements. In conclusion, I hold that Kumdo has the priceless spiritual characteristics of martial arts, the cultivation of chivalry, which can be hard to identify in other martial arts. Body guards needed in the age of globalization should be possessed of the spiritual body-guard talents including the manners of world citizens as well as the physical body-guard talents. Accordingly, Kumdo can be said to have the value of body-guard martial arts aiming at cultivating of body guards in line with the need for body guards in the 21st century.

      • 체육교수-학습 방법 개발을 위한 신체체형별 체육수업 인식도 연구

        조쟁규,박봉률 창원대학교 체육과학연구소 2001 경남 체육연구 Vol.6 No.2

        본 연구는 고교 학생들의 신체체형이 성공적인 운동수행에 영향을 미친다는 보고를 기초하여, 동질의 신체체형 집단에 있어서 체육수업에 대한 인식의 차이가 있는가를 고찰한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 체육수업에 대한 흥미는 모든 체형에서 긍정적인 응답이 높게 나왔지만, 내배엽형과 외배엽형의 학생들이 다른 체형에 비해 부정적 반응이 높게 나타났다. 따라서 내·외배엽형의 학생들이 동기유발을 일으킬 수 있는 수업내용과 방법을 연구하여, 모든 학생들이 흥미롭게 체육 수업에 참여할 수 있도록 해야 하겠다. 둘째, 체육수업에 대한 가치 물음에서는 각 체형별로 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났지만, 전 체형(특히 내배엽형)에서 부정적인 면이 과반수에 가깝다는 것은 학생들에게는 체육수업이 단순히 기능만을 익히는 것이 아니라 사회 문화적 가치도 아울러 학습할 수 있다는 것을 깨닫도록 해야할 것이다. 셋째, 실기평가에 있어서 체육교사의 태도에 대한 물음은 유의한 차이가 없으나, 내배엽형에서 낮은 수치이지만 부정적 응답이 나타났다는 것은 실기평가시 종목과 척도를 명료화하고 세분화하여 합리적이고 객관적으로 공평하게 이뤄져야함을 시사하고 있다. 바람직한 체육교사상에서는 모든 체형에서 사랑하는 마음으로 인성교육을 시켜주는 교사로 나타났다. 이것은 체육교사는 전 실기 종목에 탁월한 기량을 가지고 있다면 더 할 나위가 없겠지만, 항상 이상(체육목적·목표)을 추구해야 하며, 민주적인 태도와 학생들과의 좋은 인격적 접촉을 통하여 인간형성에 중요한 역할을 감당하는 자이라는 것을 잘 나타내 주고 있다. 끝으로, 개인 운동정도와 자신의 신체건강 만족에 대한 물음에서 부정적 대답이 내배엽형에서 높게 나타났다. 이것은 내배엽형이 근력과 지구력이 약하여 운동수행능력이 부족하여 운동을 게을리 하고 있다는 것을 보여줄 뿐만 아니라 자신의 신체건강에도 만족하지 못함은 자신의 신체상에 대한 정체성이 결여되어 있음을 알 수 있다. 따라서 내배엽형의 학생들에게 필요한 프로그램이 적용되어야할 것으로 사료된다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 「世界의 圖解」에 나타난 保健·體育敎育思想 硏究

        조쟁규,이의철,백영호 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1998 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        In this study, the purpose and the aim of physical education, the curriculum and the teaching-learning methods, which are represented in Comenius' 「Orbis Sensualis Pictus」, are researched with the view of the philosophy, and the conclusions as follow are gotten. First, the Comenius' ideas of health and physical education are providing the ideological grounds of the education for the whole. In Comenius' view of the body denying asceticism and a dualism of body and spirit which despises the body, and more, he regards human beings can't be separated into 2 pieces and can exist with the beings' combination. That is, the whole personality whose body and spirit are inseparable and harmonious. And in his view of nutrition and health, he emphasizes getting enough sleep(rest), excercise, nutrition, etc. to keep a sound body and mind in sync.. This should be accompanied by physical activities such as plays, games, sports. The need of considerate, whole some thinking to purpose piety and harmonious human relationships are also stressed. The purpose of these is to get pleasures and to keep the body need exercises or activities and training, which should be provided in our common life naturally or artificially. Futhermore, he emphasizes the harmony of activity and rest through playing or sports for the one way to recover the body's and spirit's fatigue. In physical education, the courses of obtaining knowledge is accomplished not by one part of the human body, but the unity of body and mind. This idea suggests the vital role for the establishment of scientific character in physical education. Especially, in terms that learners are the subject of the course of knowledge-obtaining and also the source of the knowledge, learners can be the subject or owner of recognition, and they share the common knowledge. Because of this, it can be shown that the physical education is the foundation for the education in which learners are the core of it. Second, the meaning which the unity of body and spirit has can be suggested as the alternative to the organic paradigm. In Comenius' view of body, the problems, which the dualism of body spirit has caused, can be examined as the starting point to understand human beings and the mechanical, divisional, quantitative, and restorative limitations, which the present paradigms have, can be overcome. These ideas are the basis of ethics and epistemology, and presents the important meanings in physical education. Finally, studying the meaning which his ideas gives to the physical education in school, we can notice that we should put our emphasis on raising the whole human beings by getting the moral knowledge and the ability for the judgement of value to have a desirable life style and on acquiring the ability of judgement and the will for practicing as one's words are keeping with his/her deeds. The purpose and the aim of physical education in school should be focused on these things above. It is suggested as the contents of physical education for the good health, such as plays and recreations, games, running, playing with a ball, bowling, shooting, skating, racquetball, fencing, shooting, fishing and so on. And as the subject matter of physical education, sports and moral education, he suggests temperance, justice, liberality, diligence, humanity, patience, prudence, and so on. In teaching-learning method, teachers should invoke students' motivation and also make them understand the contents of subjects throughly. Especially when they are learning by physical activities, the application of textbook and teaching aids is the imperative teaching method to raise the studying effect up. It shows that the need of education through visual aids which can be a help in the physical education class. And in Comenius' view of education which is focused on students, he emphasizes teachers' active participation which leads students' activity, and students' voluntary participation. And he also stresses that teachers should decide the contents of teaching with considering the students' developing ability as well as their desire.

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