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      • KCI우수등재

        근대 독일 국가론의 특성 - 알투지우스에서 헤겔까지 -

        조원홍 (Won Hong Cho) 한국서양사학회 1999 西洋史論 Vol.61 No.1

        This article aims at the analysis of the trait of theories about the modern German State from the 17th century to the first half of the 19th century, which is considered to have served to build a bridge over the German conservative and militaristic statecraft, i.e. `deutscher Sonderweg` since 1860s in particular. Therefore the typical protagonists of German State`s theory from the early modern era onward such as Johannes Althusius, Pufendorf, Leibniz, Thomasius, Christain Wolff, Herder, Kant, Fichte and Hegel will be dealt in detail according to the historical background of their political thoughts. And for an easy understanding of the principal points of discussion about the State upheld by those German political thinkers (= Staatsdenker), the periods and major political theoreticians will be divided into four paradigms : (1) Johannes Althusius and the `initial` stage of modern German state-building at the first half of the 17th century, (2) Pufendorf, Leibniz, Thomasius, and Christian Wolff and their `modern` political theories based on the concept of natural law during the 18th century, (3) The German `romantists` or `historists` and their theory of cultural nationalism during the period of `A Wild Storm and Surging Waves(=Sturm und Drang) Movement` from 1770s to 1780s, (4) Kant, Fichte and Hegel and their `idealistic` or `metaphysical` theory of the State from the end of the 18th century till the eve of the March Revolution of 1848.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        동독정권 말기 동독군 개혁에 관한 연구

        조원홍(Cho Won Hong) 한국독일사학회 2005 독일연구 Vol.- No.9

        Ⅰ In der vorliegenden Abhandlung wird ein Unternehmen für Militärreform in der Nationalen Volksarmee(=NVA) der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik(=DDR) bei Scheitern des DDR-Regime von 1989 bis zu 1990 beschrieben. Seit der friedlichen Demonstration der Bevölkerungen im Herbst 1989 hatte das DDR Regime heftig erschütternt. Jedoch, bevor zur Erörterung über die Ursache solches Schwankung kommen, müssen die folgende Verhältnisse im voraus erwägt werden. In welcher Umstande oder Momente sollte sich die NVA der DDR die Militärreform am Ende 1989 versuchen? Und welchen Effekt hatte diese Reform unter Hinweis auf Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands am 3. Oktober 1990 ergeben? Ⅱ Von der Durchführung des Abbau der Berlineren Mauer am 9. November 1989, der die kommuniste Regierungspartei, SED in der DDR entgültig wagte, um ihres Regime zu fortleben, kann man sich einen Aspekt des Kampt ums Leben des SED-Staat im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes vorstellen. Dennoch leider wegen dieser unvorsichtigen Maßnahme vielmehr trat das SED Regime der gefährlichsten Krisen dessen Systems entgegen, da die zehntausende Bevölkerungen in der DDR durch solches Verfahren bald deren SED-Staat entliefen. Ausgerechnet gerade die Gefahr des Zusammenbruchs des DDR-Regime mußte der neue ernannte Ministerpräsident der DDR, Hans Modrow(1928~), der als einer der weitbekannten reformierten Kommunisten in der DDR hat für die Perestroika Michail Gorbatschows eingetreten, die Regierungserklärung am 17. November 1989 verkündigen. Er kommte zu solcher Entscheidung, mit der Absicht zu verhüten die Fluchterscheinung dessen Bevölkerung, und übrigens zu restaurieren die politische Stabilität der DDR. In jener Regierungserklärung wird das umfassende Programm für die fundamentale politische Reform, die sich auf das Prinzip der Demokratie und Öffentlichkeit gründet und außerdem den veralten SED-Staat zum wirklich demokratischen sozialistischen Staat transformieren zu versucht, eingeschlossen.

      • 주류강단사학자들의 문제점은 무엇인가

        조원홍(Cho Won Hong) 세계환단학회 2017 세계환단학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        일제의 압박으로부터 광복된지 70여년이 지난 오늘날까지도 한국의 주류 강단사학계에서는 일제 <조선사편수회>가 축소. 왜곡, 날조한 한국사의 내용을 그대로 교육하고 있다. 반면에 중공은 1983년 이후 우리 선조들이 이룩해낸 ‘홍산문화’를 본격적으로 발굴작업에 착수했다. 홍산문화(문명)는 세계4대문명의 하나인 황하문명보다 무려 1000여년이나 앞선 인류 최초의 문명임이 밝혀졌다. 이로 말미암아 중국인들의 문화적 우월감은 손상을 입게 됐던 것이다. 또 2000년 초 세계 공산주의 체제가 무너져 중공의 공산체제가 위협을 당하자, 이 틈을 타 중공은 자국내 55개 소수민족들이 분리독립운동을 일으킬 것을 우려하여 ‘속지주의’와 ‘신중화주의’ 사관에 의해 중공내 소수민족의 역사와 문화를 말살, 전부 중국화하는 역사만행을 저지르고, 중국의 새 政體(polity) 론인 “통일적 다민족 국가론”을 정립해 갔다. 이로 말미암아 20세기말부터 동북아 에서는 중국, 한국, 일본 3국간에 역사전쟁이 첨예화되고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 중차대한 역사전쟁의 시점에서 국내의 주류사학자들은 중공의 한국 상고사 훼손과 왜곡을 지탄하고 우리 역사를 지켜내야 마땅하거늘, 그러기는커녕 여전히 구태의연한 일제 식민사관과 慕華사관에 젖어 있다. 특히 그들은 국내 재야사학자들이 ‘국사찾기협의회’. ‘대한史郞’, ‘한배달’, ‘세계환단학회’, ‘역사의병대’, ‘한사모’(=‘한뿌리사랑세계모임’) 및 ‘미사협’(=‘미래로 가는 바른역사협의회’) 등의 역사연구 카르텔을 형성하여 일제 식민사관의 잔재를 배격하고, 중공의 동북공정과 요하문명 론의 허구를 비판하는 역사연구태도를 비난하고 있고, 심지어 땅덩어리만 크면 최고냐?, 과거의 위대한 조선의 환상에 사로잡혀 뭐하자는거냐?, 하고 비아냥거리면서 재야사학자들을 ‘사이비’ 역사학자나 ‘파시스트’ 역사학자라고 비난하고 있다. 이에 본고에서는 이런 기성 강당시학자들의 옹졸하고 그릇된 역사연구태도를 비판하고, 중국과 일본의 한국상고~고대사 말살에 맞서 한국의 올바른 역사정립을 위해, 한국의 대륙사관의 실증적 사료들을 담고 있는 중국 문헌들과 한국의「환단고기」에 입각하여 본 논의를 전개해 보려 한다. However, such fears are utterly groundless. We historians, both the academic professors and the private researchers out of universities alike ought to meet together at the aca- demic seminars or conferences so that we may redress the historical errors transferred from the wicked Japanese col- onial historians, and that we may erect the objective and rightful Korean National History to satisfy the Korean pe- oples’ requirements. In order to attain such an object we have to interchange our different opinions and useful data concerning the problematic historical issues and finally we ought to make our consensus so as to provide a good Korea History Text for our promising younger generations.

      • KCI우수등재
      • TLD법과 Monte Carlo Simulation에 의한 CT Organ Dose의 비교

        남윤철(Yoon Chul Nam),조원홍(Won Hong Cho),김문찬(Moon Chan Kim),한동균(Dong Kyoon Han) 대한CT영상기술학회 2006 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        The TLD method, which is used in measuring organ dose in computed tomography, needs high-priced equipments and much time. On the other hand, Monte Carlo simulation makes it possible to measure organ dose with comparative ease. However, the problem is that it is doubtful whether the result estimated by the simulation is trusty. For this reason, the organ dose outputted from Monte Carlo simulation was compared with that of TLD method under the same condition. The organ dose actually measured by TLD method was compared under the condition samewith the organ dose outputted from Monte Carlo simulation, from two aspects. First, the organ dose of the lungs was measured under 4 slice MDCT, 8 slice MDCT and 16 slice MDCT, respectively, concerning the computed tomography on chest in order to compare the two organ doses as to the type of equipment. Second, the organ dose of liver was measured by varying beam collimation and beam pitch, concerning the computed tomography on abdomen under 16 slice MDCT so as to compare the organ dose outputted by various scan parameters. As the result, Monte Carlo simulation was lower between 16 and 18 percent than TLD method, in the organ dose of the lungs concerning the CT on chest. Likewise, the result of Monte Carlo simulation was lower between 34 and 38 percent than that of TLD method, under various conditions of scan parameter.

      • MDCT 장치의 선량이용률에 관한 연구

        신상보(Sang Bo Shin),조원홍(Won Hong Cho),조남수(Nam Soo Cho) 대한CT영상기술학회 2005 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        This study was found out change factors of dose efficiency in multi- detector CT. The dose efficiency was analyzed by change of technical scan parameter such as kVp, mA, pitch, SFOV, beam collimation with 8 & 16 channels CT. The results obtained were as follows; 1. Dose efficiency was higher 20 mm beam collimation than 10 mm beam collimation in all devices. 2. Dose efficiency was higher at small focal spot than large focal spot in all devices. 3. There was no change of dose efficiency about change of pitch in all devices. 4. There was no change of dose efficiency about change of SFOV in all devices. 5. The 16 channels MDCT was higher dose efficiency than 8 channels MDCT.

      • 관상동맥 석회화 침착 정량화 CT검사를 위한 제조사별 소프트웨어의 재현성 평가

        변정인(Joog In Byun),남윤철(Yoon Chol Nam),조원홍(Won Hong Cho),김문찬(Moon Chan Kim) 대한CT영상기술학회 2006 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Purpose The main purpose of coronary calcification quantifiable test is to prognose the progress of arteriosclerosis, to screen the group and to prevent exacerbation. Like, the test is performed by periodic pursuit test. However, the numerical value outputted newly is difficult to compare with the former value, in case a new tomography was replaced or a patientwas transferred to another hospital. It is because test methods and the softwares for quantifiable test are not standardized yet. Hereupon, this study was performed on purpose to compare the calcification values, outputted by a company’s, with other companies’. Materials and Methods The 30cases, sampled 10cases respectively from 3companies, were subjected to this study. Likewise, LightSpeed 16 and Advantage workstation 4.1(GE), Brilliance 40 and Extended Brilliance Workspace 2.0(Philips) and Somatom Sensation 16 and Wizard Workstation 3D Card(VB10B Siemens) were subjected to this study. In order that clear images can be secured, GE’s testers were operated under the condition of 0.5 rotation time, 120kVp and 350mA, through axial prospective gating. In case of Philips’ products, the exposure condition was composed of 0.42 rotation time, 120kVp and 196mAs(effective mAs), through axial prospective gating. In case of Siemens’, the condition was composed of 0.42 rotation time, 120kVp and 150mAs (effectivemAs), through helical retroprospective gating. While 25cm DFOV-2.5mm tomographic images were outputted in GE’s and Philips’, 18m DFOV-3mm tomographic images were outputted in Siemens’. AJ-130 and AJ volume were calculated through analyzing the images, outputted from a company’s product, on 3companies’, and the numerical difference among the companies were ascertained through the values. Results 1. The 10 data outputted from ‘P’ Company was respectively analyzed on the softwares of P, S and G Company respectively. As a result of ascertaining the numerical difference between P and S Company, the variation of AJ-130 was from 0 to 16.9%, based on P Company. On this occasion, 2 data were correctly tallied with each other, and 0.1~5% and 15.1~20% were one of each. AJ volume indicated the variation between 8 and 119%, and 0.1~50%, 50.1~100% and 100.1~150% were 4, 3 and 3 cases respectively. Likewise, the numericaldifference between P and G Company was ascertained on the basis of P Company. As a result, the variation was from 0.3 to 20.9% in case of P Company; 0.1~5%, 5.1~10%, 10.1~15% were 1, 1 and 2 cases respectively. In case of AJ volume, the variation indicated the range between 0.2 and 169.8%. Enumerating respective variations, 0.1~50% were 4 cases, 50.1~100% were 3 cases, 100.1~150% was 1 case and 150.1~200% were 2 cases. 2. The 10 data outputted from ‘S’ Company were respectivelyanalyzed on the softwares of P, S and G Company. In consequence, AJ-130 indicated the variation between 0 and 3.5%, based on S Company, and the cases where numerical value was correctly tallied were 3 parts; the remnant 7 cases showed the variation from0.1 to 5%. AJ volume indicated the variation between 1.9 and 10.5%, and 0.1~5%, 5.1~10% and 10.1~15% were 7, 1 and 1 case respectively. In the numerical difference between S and G Company, AJ-130 showed the variation from 0 to 16.2%, based on S Company. One case were correctly tallied, and 0.1~5%, 10.1~15% and 15.1~20% were 7, 1 and 1 case respectively. In case of AJ volume, the variation was from 0.1 to 22.8% and 0.1~5%, 5.1~10% and 20.1~25% were 5, 4 and 1 case of each. 3. The 10 data outputted from ‘G’ Company were respectively analyzed on the softwaresof G and P Company. In consequence of ascertaining the numerical difference between G and P Company, AJ-130 indicated the variation range from 0.1 to 11.8%, based on G Company, and 0.1~5%, 5.1~10% and 10.1~15% were 7, 2 and 1 case respectively. In case of AJ volume, 10 differences were observed between 0.1 and 3.3%. Conclusion In case coronary calcification was analyze

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