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        「위대한 개츠비」와「파열」에 나타난 들뢰즈적 탈주선

        조애리(Cho, Ai-Lee),한애경(Han, Ae-Kyung) 신영어영문학회 2012 신영어영문학 Vol.53 No.-

        This paper examines Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and “Crack-Up” from Deleuzian perspective. Deleuze in his A Thousand Plateaus suggests there are three kinds of line, which defines territory, makes ruptures in territory and breaks up completely with it. First there is a line of rigid segmentarity, secondly a line of molecular or supple segmentation and finally a line of flight. The Great Gatsby shows only two lines among Deleuzian three lines: a line of rigid segmentarity and a line of flight. Though green light can be a line of flight, it turns out to be powerless before the rigid line. Only its potentiality is interpreted by Nick, the narrator of this book. Fitzgerald moves on to explore a line of flight in “Crack-Up.” Though it deals with three lines all together, it specially focuses on both a supple line of segment and a line of flight. The rupture is not only compared to “cracked plate”, but also is scrupulously examined by showing that the narrator has no idea of what is properly called his own. Finally, a line of flight is represented by “becoming animal”. The readers can expect that he would create a new world by destructing the hierarchical opposition between animal and human being.

      • KCI등재

        여성론적 관점에서 읽은 『프랭켄슈타인』

        조애리 ( Ai Lee Cho ) 근대영미소설학회 1996 근대 영미소설 Vol.3 No.1

        This article examines Mary Shelley`s Frankenstein in the feminist perspective, focusing on the validity of her purpose of the novel, "the exhibition of the amiableness of domestic affectiom." The society in Frankenstein is based on the rigid sexual division of labor; the male inhibits the public sphere; the female is relegated to the private sphere. The intellectual activity in the public sphere is seregated from the emotional activity in the private sphere. The male intellect based on rationality alienates the male protagonist from his labor and its disastrous consequence is symbolized as the monster. On the other hand, the domestic affection cannot resolve the contradiction inherent in the rationality of male intellect. It is rather ineffectual in dealingl with actual crisis in the public sphere. Both male rationality and domestic affection are petrified in a fatally polarized society. Though Frankenstein does not show any resolution or all potential alternatives fail, the unresolved contradiction itself is a powerful critique of the limitation of male rationality and the sexual division of labor.

      • KCI등재

        타자성에 대한 불안: 『문스톤』

        조애리 ( Ai Lee Cho ) 근대영미소설학회 2002 근대 영미소설 Vol.9 No.2

        Collins wrote The Moonstone in the decade following Indian Mutiny, when the stories of rebel atrocities were still flourishing. While Victonan Writings about Mutiny conform to racist pattern that calls for the extermination of Indians, Collins elaborately represents how anxiety about otherness works by displacing Indian Mutiny into the more distant siege of Seringapatam. In this work the trope of counter-invasion gathers together in the Indians, the diamond and the opium, a dark new vision of Indian otherness emerges. One way to cope with the situation is to fix the other as an inferior stereotype the symptom of difference is made a sign of inferior sameness; the opium selling organization with which three Indians are supposed to be associated becomes merely an inferior double of British social organization The other way is to represent Indians as morally sublime beings, ready to sacrifice caste for the sake of religion. Nevertheless their sacrifice is placed in the cyclic history, separate from the European history of progress. All efforts to fix the colonized other as a stereotype are doomed to fail, because otherness is already a part of the colonial subject Though colonial authority continually defines and redefines itself through differentiating itself from the colonized other, it is doomed to fall and the moment of the protagonist`s surprising revelation becomes the paradigmatic blot of the novel. Opium causes colonial subject to lose his integrity of character. Only after being severed from agency can his integrity be restored. After excluding otherness. English domestic order is finally restored after excluding other, it appears reduced and fragile.

      • KCI등재후보

        광기 다시 읽기 - 「노란 벽지」에 나타난 훈육과 저항

        조애리(Cho Ai-Lee) 신영어영문학회 2002 신영어영문학 Vol.21 No.-

        Most critics read “The Yellow Wallpaper” as a simple story of a woman driven mad by her virtual imprisonment. This article takes issue with the simplistic reading of the story as an autobiographical account of Gilman’s experience of madness. Here medical gaze disciplines the heroine through surveillance; this constant surveillance results in her paranoia. Discipline and surveillance also reinforces the Victorian viewpoint about the inferiority of women. The protagonist’s behavior is entirely dictated by the rules of her all-knowing husband/doctor. Her superficial adaptation affirms her resignation to the limitations of traditional feminine role. On the other hand her madness represents resistance to the oppressive gender ideology. In objectifying herself as one of imaginary women in the yellow wallpaper the heroine can be freed from the physical and spiritual imprisonment. The fact that her husband faints at the end establishes the dramatic power of her new freedom. In the final scene madness becomes a kind of transcendent sanity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        빅토리아조 후반 동성애 담론과 윤리적 주체 : 오스카 와일드의 『도리언 그레이의 초상』

        조애리(Cho, Ai-Lee) 신영어영문학회 2013 신영어영문학 Vol.56 No.-

        This paper examines Oscar Wilde’s The Portrait of Dorian Gray in terms of Foucauldian framework relating homo-eroticism to the problem of ethical subject. While the opposition between Basil and Henry has been oversimplified by most critics, this paper analyzes their relationships with Dorian in terms of ethical subject in boy love and Socratic eros. Confused by his attraction toward Dorian, Basil can neither control his desire nor allow Dorian to grow up and leave him, which means that he fails in constituting himself as an ethical subject. On the other hand, Henry’s discourse leads to the emergence of Dorian’s self through the force of beauty and truth as in Socratic eros. Under his influence Dorian awakens into “the true pleasure and joy of living.” However in the latter part of the novel he retreats from hearing Dorian’s revelation of murder; Dorian himself also internalizes Christian guilty feeling and thinks of the painting in the same terms Basil uses to explain the logic of moral consequences. While in Greece there is a continuum between sexual mastery, social mastery and ethical self mastery, Wilde cannot find the social space where the male love can be validated. Nevertheless it is his achievement to introduce and explore Greek love into the late Victorian patriarchal culture and to criticize Victorian normative values.

      • KCI등재후보

        유목적 공간과 여성: 케이트 쇼우팬의 『각성』

        조애리 ( Ai Lee Cho ) 근대 영미소설 학회 2004 근대 영미소설 Vol.11 No.2

        This paper examines The Awakening in Deleuzean perspective, focusing on nomad space and woman. The heroine of Awakening realizes that she has been in the striated space, that is, patriarchy. It is characterized both by the rigidity of social segmentation and the centralization of power. She refuses the role that patriarchy allots to her and reacts against striated space, resulting in de-territorialization. But the process of establishing nomad space is always threatened by re-territorialization. Patriarchy does not try to destroy it but rather to appropriate It: this is the process of capture. It preserves the movement of nomad space but channels it into nomad space. The nomad space can thus be disturbed, interrupted or lost, but there is always an alternative path to follow that continues the flow of nomad space. It is death to the heroine of this work. This line of flight constitutes absolute de-territorialization. Her death affirms a nomadic absolute which is haptic space beyond the realm of language.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        빅토리아조 중반 매춘 논쟁과 개스켈의 타락한 여성 -『루스』

        조애리 ( Ai Lee Cho ) 근대영미소설학회 2001 근대 영미소설 Vol.8 No.2

        During mid-Victorian period, government reports, pamphlets from medical and social reformers, newspaper articles, debates in tbe Commons and the Lords testify to a widespread and serious debate on the problem of prostitution. Gaskell was an active participant in this discussion. This article examines Gaskell`s Ruth in the context of mid Victorian discussion on prostitution, specially focusing on the problem of reintegrating prostitutes into society. While Puritans continued their crusade for moral purity, other interested parties came to the conclusion that regulation should be attempted. They argued that it was necessary to recognize prostitutes` existence and to provide for their regulation. Their primary interest was controlling prostitutes` ill bodies through a system of police and medical supervision. Gaskell problematizes the regulationist`s view. Her answer is not to regulate prostitutes` bodies, but to accept them into society as equal human beings. She wants to make her readers more sympathetic by showing Ruth`s inherent innocence and eventual self-redemption through motherhood But Gaskell`s figuration of Ruth, intended to deconstruct the stereotype of fallen woman, cannot successfully break from the terms she means to criticize. Her sympathy partly reflects the cultural contradiction between the anxiety about the fallen woman and the need to place her in Victorian society. Though it cannot be denied that Gaskell shares the anxiety with her contemporaries, the very anxiety makes the original novelist go beyond the paradigm of her culture.

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