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      • KCI등재

        북방수염하늘소(Monochamus saltuarius) 유충의 먹이와 살충제 처리에 따른 소화 효소의 활성 변화

        조세열(Saeyoull Cho),김주현(Juhyun Kim),박용철(Yong Chul Park) 한국농약과학회 2007 농약과학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        Esterase isozymes were extracted from final instar larvae of M. saltuarius treated with selective diets and inhibitors. Twenty esterase isozymes were separated on 12% native-PAGE gel and stained with three different substrates(α-naphthyl acetate, β-naphthyl acetate, or α-naphthyl butyrate). Interestingly, the isozymes of Est7(α-naphthyl acetate and α-naphthyl butyrate) and Est6(β-naphthyl acetate) were specifically activated in final instar larvae fed with the bark of Pinus koraiensis. However, we could not find any band from substrate β-naphthyl stearate. The esterase activities of Est3, Est6, and Est7 were inhibited by organophosphate and carbamate insecticides. In addition, The esterase activities of Est4, Est6, and Est7 were also inhibited by eserine. However, inhibition of esterase activities in methoprene, bornyl acetate, linal, cineol, and citral was not observed. However, It is necessary to reconfirm these results in vivo.

      • KCI등재

        포식성 무당벌레(Harmonia axyridis) 난(卵)의 일부살충제와 살균제에 대한 esterase 활성 및 산란율, 부화율 조사

        조세열(Saeyoull Cho),박영만(Young-Man Park),박용철(Yong Chul Park) 한국농약과학회 2007 농약과학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        Esterase activity was observed after pesticides treatment in eggs of H. axyridis to seleclt low toxicity pesticide. Egg esterases of H. axyridis were examined using an esterase substrate(α-naphthyl acetate). Three esterase isozymes were detected and the activities were inhibited by organophosphorus insecticide (Chlorpyrifos and Phenthoate), organochlorine insecticide(Methidation), triazole fungicide(Hexaconazole and Triflumizole), and pyrimidine fungicide(Nuarimol). Fecundity and hatchability in adults and eggs of H. axyridis were examined on selected pesticides. Fecundity and hatchability were significantly reduced from H. axyridis adults and eggs treated with the pesticides and the fungicides showed strong inhibition of esterase isozymes activities. However, we also observed the pesticides and the fungicides showed low or non-inhibition of esterase isozymes activities affected on fecundity and hatchability in adults and eggs.

      • KCI등재

        흰점박이꽃무지 유충의 혈구세포에 대한 형태학적 특성

        조세열,Cho, Saeyoull 한국응용곤충학회 2016 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.55 No.3

        본 연구는 흰점박이꽃무지(Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis (Colbe) (Cetoniidae, Coleoptera) 유충의 혈림프에 존재하는 혈구세포들의 형태학적 특성분석을 위하여 수행하였다. 흰점박이꽃무지 유충 혈강 내에는 과립혈구세포, 세포질혈구세포, 편도혈구세포, 구상적혈구세포, 전혈구세포, 지방혈구세포 총 여섯 종류의 혈구세포들이 관찰 되었다. 그 중 과립혈구세포는 핵, 미토콘드리아, 골지체를 포함하여 잘 발달된 세포소기관들이 관찰 되었고 외래물질 침입시 면역학적 식균작용을 수행하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 특히, 과립혈구세포의 세포질에는 잘 발달된 리소좀(<$1{\mu}m$ 직경)들이 세포막 주변으로 분포되어 존재하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 식균된 외래물질은 다양한 크기의 리소좀들과 서로 합쳐지면서 외래물질을 제거하는 것으로 판단된다. 그 외 다섯 종의 혈구세포들은 외래물질 침입시 면역학적 활성화와 관계가 없는 것으로 관찰되었다. In this study, we used electron microscopic analysis to characterize the hemocytes in the last larva of Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis (Colbe) (Cetoniidae, Coleoptera). Granulocytes (GR), plasmatocytes (PL), oenocytoids (OE), spherulocytes (SP), prohemocytes (PR) and adipohemocytes (AD) were classified based on their size and ultrastructural differences in the circulating hemocytes. Many dark granules (<$1{\mu}m$ in diameter) in the GR's cytoplasm were observed and well-developed mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), nucleus, and Golgi complex were also seen. After microorganisms infected, the GRs were morphologically activated and phagocytosed them. Especially, dark granules (lysosomes) were fused themselves and these bigger granules finally agglomerate together with microorganisms. Other hemocytes seem to have no immune functions.

      • KCI등재

        흰점박이꽃무지(Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis) 유충에서 병원균과 공생균 분비물질들에 의한 세포성면역반응

        황두선,조세열,Hwang, Dooseon,Cho, Saeyoull 한국응용곤충학회 2018 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.57 No.1

        곤충의 면역반응에 대한 연구는 곤충 체내 침입한 미생물들과 직접 반응하는 기작들을 중심으로 연구되었다. 그러나 미생물들이 곤충 체내에 침입 한 후 발생되는 다양한 미생물 분비물질에 의한 곤충 면역반응의 시작여부 등에 대한 연구는 거의 없는 실정이다. 이를 위하여 흰점박이 꽃무지(Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis) 유충의 장내에 존재하는 공생균과 체외 병원균을 동일한 조건에서 배양 하고 다양한 분비물질들이 존재 할 거라 예상되는 배양액만을 분리, 유충에 주사하여 면역반응 여부를 조사하였다. 공생균 배양액을 주입한 유충들은 비교적 건강하고 면역반응도 발생하지 않았으나 병원균 배양액을 주입한 유충의 경우 150시간 후 60% 이상 사망하였고 주사된 자리도 짙은 갈색의 멜라닌화가 관찰 되었다. 이러한 면역반응은 과립혈구세포의 리소좀(Lysosomes) 활성화 여부로 재확인 하였다. 병원균 배양액이 주입된 유충들의 경우 12시간 후 리소좀이 ~50% 이상 활성화 되었으나 공생균 배양액이 주입된 유충들의 경우 ~5% 미만으로 활성화 되는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 공생균 배양액내에는 기주면역반응을 유도하는 물질들이 없거나 량이 매우 적게 존재하는 것을 추측 할 수 있었다. Studies of immune responses in insects have focused on mechanisms that interact directly with invading microorganisms. However, few studies have examined the immune response to various metabolites produced by microorganisms after they enter the host. Here, we examined immune responses in Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis larvae induced by metabolites produced by symbiotic and pathogenic bacteria. The two types of bacteria were cultured under the same conditions. The bacteria were then removed and the remaining culture supernatant was injected into the larvae. The larvae injected with culture medium (Ch-medium) from symbiotic bacteria remained relatively healthy and did not develop an immune response, whereas more than 60% of the larvae injected with pathogen culture medium (Ec-medium) died after 150 hours and dark brown patches of melanin were observed at the injection site. This immune response was confirmed by the finding of activated lysosomes in insect granulocytes. More than 50% of lysosomes in larvae injected with pathogen culture medium were strongly stained after 12 h, but less than 5% of those injected with symbiotic culture media were stained. Therefore, it is assumed that symbiotic bacteria produce few (if any) substances that induce host immune responses.

      • KCI등재

        둥글장수풍뎅이 혈구 종류와 식균작용

        황두선,장영철,조세열,Hwang, Dooseon,Jang, Young-Chul,Cho, Saeyoull 한국응용곤충학회 2017 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.56 No.3

        본 연구는 둥글장수풍뎅이(Pentodon quadridens bidentulus (Famaire, 1887)) 유충의 혈림프에 존재하는 혈구세포들의 종류와 병원균 침입시 세포 면역을 담당하는 세포를 특정하고 분석하였다. 둥글장수풍뎅이(P. quadridens bidentulus)유충 혈강내에는 과립혈구세포, 부정형혈구세포, 편도혈구세포, 소구형혈구세포, 원시혈구세포, 지방혈구세포 총 여섯 종류의 혈구세포들이 존재하였다. 여섯 종류의 혈구세포 중 과립혈구세포가 병원균 침입 시 형태적 변이와 함께 병원균들에 대한 식균작용을 수행하는 면역세포로 관찰 되었다. 특히, 생체 내에서 병원균 침입시 12시간 안에 활발히 식균작용을 수행하였고 24시간 이후로는 면역 활성화가 줄어들면서 정상상태로 전환되는 것을 알 수 있었다. 세포질 혈구세포의 식균작용도 간혹 관찰 되었으나 나머지 세포들은 면역과 연관된 활성화가 없는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of hemocytes in the hemolymph of the larvae of Pentodon quadridens bidentulus and the characteristics of the hemocytes responsible for cellular immunity during pathogen infection. Granulocytes, plasmatocytes, oenocytoids, spherulocytes, prohemocytes and adipohemocytes were found in the circulating hemocytes. Among them, granulocyte were observed as cells responsible for immunological phagocytosis during entry of foreign substances. In particular, it was observed that the most active phagocytic action occurred within 12 hours in vivo, and that after 24 hours, the immune activation was reduced and converted to a normal state. Plasmatocytes were occasionally observed as immunological response, but the remaining hemocytes were not related to immunological activation.

      • KCI등재

        북방수염하늘소(Monochamus saltuarius) 성충의 살충제 처리에 따른 소화 효소의 활성 변화

        박용철(Yong Chul Park),조세열(Saeyoull Cho) 한국농약과학회 2007 농약과학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        Esterase isozymes were investigated from digestive juice of M. saltuarius adults after pesticide treatment. Twelve esterase isozymes were separated on 12% native-PAGE gel and stained with three different substrates(α-naphthyl acetate, β-naphthyl acetate, and α-naphthyl butyrate). Interestingly, the isozyme of Est1(α-naphthyl acetate) was strongly inhibited by the carbofuran and methomyl. The Est1 activity was completely inhibited by the chlorpyrifos and partially inhibited by methidation about 70%. In addition, eserine suppressed esterase isozyme activities of Est1 about 70% and isozyme activities of Est2, Est3, and Est4 were weakly inhibited. α-pinene did not suppressed esterase isozyme activities but activities of esterases were very weakly inhibited in camphor and bornyl acetate.

      • KCI등재

        유기 재배 및 관행 재배 배추와 고추밭의 곤충상 조사

        진준호(Joon-Ho Jin),조세열(Saeyoul Cho) 한국농약과학회 2010 농약과학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        Insect diversities in non-organic and organic Chinese cabbage and pepper fields were studied in 2009. Sixty-two species in 9 orders and 24 species in 6 orders were collected in organic and non-organic Chinese cabbage fields, respectively. In pepper fields, insect diversity was also higher in organic fields than in non-organic ones. Dominance index, diversity index, richness index, and evenness index in organic fields were higher than those in non-organic fields.

      • KCI등재

        Biological Control of Soft Rot on Chinese Cabbage Using Beneficial Bacterial Agents in Greenhouse and Field

        Anupama Shrestha(아누파마 슈레스타),Eun Chang Kim(김은창),Chuen Keun Lim(임춘근),Saeyoull Cho(조세열),Jang Hyun Hur(허장현),Duck Hwan Park(박덕환) 한국농약과학회 2009 농약과학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        Three beneficial bacterial agents, Lactobacillus strain KLF01, Lactococcus strain KLC02 and Paenibacillus strain KPB3 were showed clear zone against plated Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (Pcc) soft rot pathogen. In greenhouse test, bio-control efficacy was more significantly effective in the treatments by KLC02 and KPB3 as 64%, 50%, 56% and 66%, 57%, 58% according to date of evaluation, respectively. In case of KLF01 control effect was relatively lower than treatments of KLC02 and KPB3 but its efficacy was still significantly observed when compared to control (only water treatment). Furthermore, KLF01, KLC02 and KPB3 showed 55%, 60% and 62% bio-control efficacy, respectively in field test from early March to late July of 2009. Thus, we suggest that these strains can be useful as bio-control agents against soft rot caused by Pcc.

      • KCI등재

        주요 해충에 대한 식물추출물의 살충력 평가

        김삼규(Sam-Kyu Kim),진준호(Joon-Ho Jin),임춘근(Chun Keun Lim),허장현(Jang Hyun Hur),조세열(Saeyoull Cho) 한국농약과학회 2009 농약과학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        Insecticidal efficacies of plant extracts and environmental friendly agro-materials against green peach aphids, two spotted spider mites, and diamondback moths were evaluated in the lab condition. Oxymatrine and matrine, derivatives of Sophora flavescens, were effective to all three tested pest insect species. Selected environmental friendly agro-materials available from the market mainly contained active ingredients of nicotine, azadirachtin, and matrine were all effective to control green peach aphids and two spotted spider mites.

      • KCI등재

        Antagonistic Effect of Lactobacillus sp. Strain KLF01 Against Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum

        Anupama Shrestha(아누파마 슈레스타),Kyu-up Choi(최규업),Chun Keun Lim(임춘근),Jang Hyun Hur(허장현),Saeyoull Cho(조세열) 한국농약과학회 2009 농약과학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        An antagonistic bacterial strain KLF01 was isolated from rhizosphere of tomato and identified to be Lactobacillus sp. by biochemical and genetic analysis. This strain showed antagonism against the used plant pathogenic bacteria like Ralstonia solanacearum, (bacterial wilt), Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, (Citrus canker), Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Bacterial spot), Eriwinia pyrifoliae (Shoot-blight) and Eriwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora group (Potato scab) through agar well diffusion method. In planta test done by drench application of strain KLF01 (4×10? cfu/㎖) into the experimental plot containing tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivar 'Lokkusanmaru' and red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivar 'Buja' plants, in pot test post-inoculated with the plant pathogenic bacteria, R. solanacearum significantly reduced the disease severity, compared to the non-treated plants.

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