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        디지털 마모그램 반자동 종괴검출 방법

        조선일,권주원,노용만,Cho, Sun-Il,Kwon, Ju-Won,Ro, Yong-Man 대한의용생체공학회 2009 의공학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        Mammogram is one of the important techniques for mass detection, which is the early diagnosis stage of a breast cancer. Especially, the CAD(Computer Aided Diagnosis) using mammogram improves the working performance of radiologists as it offers an effective mass detection. There are two types of CAD systems using mammogram; automatic and semi-automatic CAD systems. However, the automatic segmentation is limited in performance due to the difficulty of obtaining an accurate segmentation since mass occurs in the dense areas of the breast tissue and has smoother boundaries. Semi-automatic CAD systems overcome these limitations, however, they also have problems including high FP (False Positive) rate and a large amount of training data required for training a classifier. The proposed system which overcomes the aforementioned problems to detect mass is composed of the suspected area selection, the level set segmentation and SVM (Support Vector Machine) classification. To assess the efficacy of the system, 60 test images from the FFDM (Full-Field Digital Mammography) are analyzed and compared with the previous semi-automatic system, which uses the ANN classifier. The experimental results of the proposed system indicate higher accuracy of detecting mass in comparison to the previous systems.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재

        국가행정체제의 역사적 비교연구

        조선일 ( Sun - Il Cho ) 한국행정학회 1988 韓國行政學報 Vol.22 No.2

        Each of today`s nation-states has an administrative heritage combining in various proportions historical antecedents from the geographic region in which the contemporary nation state is located, and from external sources through either imposition or importation of administrative concepts and institutions. The need for an awareness of historical antecedent is self-evident, but providing historical background adequate to understanding is a difficult task. Sorting out and Weighting the complex elements of any nation`s administrative inheritance must be on a judgemental rather than a scientific basis. Such an effort is also handicapped by the relatively slight attention given to administrative history either by professional historians or by students of public administration. In any case, only a brief, cursory, and highly selective treatment is possible here, focusing primarily on the political and administrative evolution of Western European countries because of their own impotance and their global influence. Some attention is given to historical systems only remotely linked to this Western cultural tradition, but this study should be more concerned with ancient and medieval civilizations which have contributed directly to evolution of the nation-state as the dominant model for ordering society, and bureaucracy as the most common form of large-scale organization. This thesis divided into six chapters. Introduction, the first chapter of this thesis is organizaing concepts for historical interpretation. Chapter 2 considers the orgins of an ancient world that had laid on the groundwork for the civilization. Administration in its basic sense of cooperative human endeavor aimed archieving identified objectives obviously be can very early. Chapter 3 focuses the heritage of the Roman Empire and Byzantium civilizations which clearly provides the dominant historical influence on development of Western European political and administrative institutions. Chapter 4 addresses the Western European experience arose from the common legacies of European feudalism and European absolutist monarchies. Chapter 5 presents this period of drastic transformation at the beginning of the nineteenth century emerged the nation-state as the dominant form of political system and the modern public bureaucracy as the vehicle for conducting the nation`s business. Finally, Chapter 6 Summarizes implications for historical comparative study, from it then was reviewed some instructions for interactions between civilization and history.

      • KCI등재
      • 官僚制의 責任과 統制 : Centered on the Theory of Representative Bureaucracy 代表的 官僚制를 中心으로

        曺善日 건국대학교 1984 論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        The rise of the modern administrative state, the emergence of large public bureaucracies, and the expansion of administrative power and discretion have raised serious questions about bureaucratic accountability and responsiveness. In many countries in the world-wide, public administrators have been given broad authorizations to act in the "public interest." However, this power may not be adequately controlled by existing external devices such as elections, laws, budgets, and legislative oversight. Without effective external controls it is possible that officials will escape accountability and use their resources and expertise to promote only certain narrow interests including their own. Proponents of representative bureaucracy argue that it is (or can be) a powerful internal source of accountability and responsiveness. It is posited that representative bureaucraey assures an internal diversity of attitudes and interests that greatly increases the likelihood of broadly responsive public policies. It is frequently be made representative-that is, that the composition of the personnel of the bureaucracy reflect the major socio-economic, geographic, and ocher groupings of the society. The assumption underlying this idea is that if all the major values, interests, and point of view in the society are present within the bureaucracy, then it will he responsible in the sense of serving the interests and needs of all the peoples, and not just those of a particular class, section, or group. The purpose of this paper is to review this theory of representative bureaucraoy, examine some of it's a wealth of meanings, access it's usefulness for enhancing administrative responsibility. In order to achieve these aims, this pacer is consisted of total five Chapters. Some serious matters and asrects in the administrative responsibility and control approaches over the public bureaucracy which imperiled by a hegemonical fourth blanch of government are traced from modern situation of the public bureaucracy in Chapter I. Chapter II deals with interrelationship between administrative responsibility and public interest. Is there a public interest which administration seeks to serve? If so, how is responsibility defined for this dimensions? What roles, if any, are to he played by administrative agencies, congress, or individuals in the process of accountability? These question shawl be pursued in this Chapter. Chapter III consides that the priority of control machanism over public bureaucracy has undergone a change from external control approaches to internal approaches and review six major approaches for dealing with bureaucracy. Since variety of alternative methods of controlling bureaucratic power from outside have been or would be ineffective or inappropriate, I propose to change the composition, role, and performances of the bureaucracy from within as the primary safeguard of representative government. Chapter IV presents representativeness of public bureaucracy as control machnism for ensuring pualic interest with together historical development of concepts a variety of meaning, and validness of representative bureaucracy as an operating machanism. Finally, Chapter V summarizes implications for adaptation in different cultures and nations, from it then was reviewed comprehensively some preconditions for adaptability to the Korean public bureacuracy.

      • 政策의 目標와 手段과의 連鎖關係

        曺善一 건국대학교 1979 論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        The Process of policy formulation and its execution is very complicated and dynamic. The policy formulation is an integral part of the continuious process of decision making process for achivement of public interest. The decision-making and policy formulation is, therefore, a process of selecting an appropriate means which satisfies a set of predetermined goals. The determination of the objectives is a continuos process. Even the predetermined objectives are partially modified or corrected in the execution process. The goal setting is a precondition of a choice of a satisfactory means and at the same time, the feedback results of policy execution the objectives to be modified. For that reason, it is evident that the policy analysis provides an occasion to review and to reassess the dynamic interrelationships between them. The dynamics of personal leadership, the role of organized political parties, the cultural values, creeds, and dogmas, the structure of an economic system-all of these and many other factors will influence shape the whole process of the public policy and thus it contents are a confined result of those forces. The present paper reviewed some theoretical models used in the policy analysis, the variables of policy formulation, the function and determination of the objectives: and the feedback process in policy-making in a critical context.

      • 行政의 政策指向性과 公益(上)

        曺善一 건국대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.15 No.1

        The concept of the public interest plays a central role in discussion of public policy, political action, social values and individiual interest. It is often treated as an ideal standard to which appeals for validation of political claims and as the highest good for all members in given society. Thus the public interest is akin to the statements of ultimate ends that characteri3e political philosophy. The public interest has no a prior content waiting to be revealed because of its attributes which are characterized as having value-laden, ambiguous, and abstract explications. forever, The conception is elastic and relative rather than fixed and absolute. Public responsibilities regarded as being in the public interest in one setting may, therefore, not be so regarded in a different context. However, these facts ironically makes it of greater utility in the guest for a supporting consensus as social changes occur and effort at accommondation are made. The concept of the public interest has more important maening in connection with the policy-making system than other mutters wherein it is viewed as the objective of the dull authorized organs of government. The policy-making system is composed of very complicated and dynamic process for achivement of public interest. The terms can be guided as appropriate means for getting general approval of peoples in policy formulation for politicans and adminstrators together with goals in itself. At the same time, it should he functioned as guiding belief or moral commender. Still more it also provides some criterions in policy analysis and its evlauation. For these reasons, it has been evident that one of the Host impotant issuers in modern public adminstration is to how male rationalize policy-making system in order that the public policy by administrators enable to be coincide with public policy which is total system of administrative goals/objectives. In this point of the above views, the present paper reviews various issues of public interest theories and examinded its historical evolution and then, attempted to stipulated the implications of terms and some patterns of policy study in relation to public policy basic Meta-policy.

      • 代表的 官僚制에 關한 一考 : With reference to the representativeness of bureaucracy in Korea 韓國官僚制의 代表性과 關聯하여

        曺善一 건국대학교 1983 論文集 Vol.17 No.1

        The first comprehensive proposal for representative bureaucracy was presented by J. Donald Kingsley in his analysis of the English Civil Service in 1971. He claimed, "Administrative arrangements always reflect the character of the social structure of a nation," that is bureaucracy represents the dominant class in society and also assumed that traditional controls on bureaucracy were not sufficient to restrict a malevolent bureaucracy. The assumption underlying this idea is that if all the major values, interests, and point of view in the society are present within the bureaucracy, then it will be responsible in the sense of serving the interests and needs of all the people, and not just those of a particular class, section, or group. According to theorist of representative bureaucracy, whether and to what extent the official is responsible depends ultimately on the values, attitudes, beliefs, a interests which underlie his administrative behavior as those are shaped by the socio-economic and other groups of which he is a member. Given this, it follows that a bureaucracy the members of which are drawn predominantly from one particular grouping, will be more responsive to that gouping than to others in the society. To insure responsible bureaucracy, then, the personnel should be drawn from all important groupings so that it will be equally responsive to all. To summarize, the argument of the proponents of representative bureaucracy includes three major propositions; first, the bureaucracy is deeply involved in policymaking as well as policy implementation, and is large, complex and powerful in its own right: second, traditional external controls are inadequate for achieving administrative responsibility in these circumstances: and third, administrative responsibility can be enhanced in these circumstances through representativeness. But the theory of representative bureaurcay has for serious faults. First, all theorists assume that traditional controls of administrative abuse are ineffective. The effectiveness of traditional political controls, however, is an empirical question which has totally lacked systematic inquiry. This theory is presented as a means of democratic control when extemal controls are adequate. If such control are adequate, the need for a representative boreaucracy is diminished. Second, the proponents lack consensus concerning the definition of "representative" The third critical point is the contention that socio-economic characteristics determine values, and final criticism is the claim that the bureaucracy as a whole must be broadly representative of the peoples. With the views of the aboves, this paper will examine the ideal/some weakness of a representative bureaucracy and empirically test the existence of a representative bureaucracy in the Korea. After briefly reviewing the literature in the field, the underlying theory of representative bureaucracy will be outlined and efforts made to investigate those problematic status of representativeness in Korean bureaucracy with reference to the aspects in social backgrounds of higher civil servants and next, it's some remady methods will be examined basis on the empirical research.

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