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        주부양자녀와 형제자매의 지원이 노모와의 관계의 질에 미치는 영향

        조병은(Cho, Byung-Eun) 한국노년학회 2006 한국노년학 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구는 노모와 동거하는 167명의 한국자녀와 158명의 재미교포 자녀를 대상으로 주부양자인 자녀가 노모에게 제공하는 지원, 노모와의 상호지원에 대한 공평성 평가, 노모부양에 있어서 형제자매의 지원 및 이에 대한 공평성 평가가 노모와의 관계의 질에 미치는 영향을 보았다. 첫째, 노모의 총체적인 일상생활능력과 주부양 자녀가 노모에게 제공하는 지원의 총량은 한국자녀와 재미교포 자녀 간에 인식 차이가 없으나 한국자녀가 재미교포 자녀에 비해 노모와의 관계의 질을 낮게 지각하고 있다. 둘째, 노모와의 상호지원에 대한 공평성 평가도 두 집단간에 차이가 없으며 모두 노모가 약간 더 혜택을 받는 것으로 지각하고 있다. 셋째, 주부양자녀는 다른 형제자매의 부양지원이 많지 않다고 인지하며 한국자녀와 재미교포간의 차이도 없다. 그러나 재미교포 자녀가 한국자녀에 비해 다른 형제자매의 지원이 더 공평하다고 인식한다. 넷째, 한국자녀의 경우, 주부양자녀의 가족지위, 노모에 대한 주부양자녀의 지원정도 및 노모와의 지원교환에 대한 공평성평가, 그리고 형제자매지원에 대한 공평성평가가 주부양자녀가 느끼는 관계의 질에 영향을 미쳤다. 재미교포자녀의 경우, 주부양자녀의 가족지위, 주부양자녀의 노모에 대한 지원, 그리고 형제자매지원에 대한 공평성평가가 주부양자녀가 느끼는 관계의 질에 영향을 미쳤으며 이들은 관계의 질 총 변량의 38%로 한국자녀의 경우보다(24%) 설명력이 높았다. 따라서 형제자매의 지원에 대한 평가는 주부양자와 노모의 관계에 긍정적 영향을 미친다. This research explores how primary caregivers perceive the caregiving situation and the way they and their siblings shared filial responsibilities. The data for the study was collected from 167 daughters-in-law/daughters in Seoul taking care of their aged mothers and 158 daughters-in-law/daughters in 4 major cities in the U.S.A. Only adult children with at least one sibling were included. There were no differences in the level of activities for daily living of the aged mothers and the total amount of caregiving behaviors towards the aged mothers by the adult children between the two groups. The relationship quality perceived by Korean children was found to be lower than that of Korean Americans. Koreans and Korean Americans expressed similar levels of perceptions of supporting behavior toward their aged mother and perceived that mothers received more support from them. Although adult children in both groups perceived their sibling's support as moderate, Korean-Americans than Koreans evaluated their sibling's support to be more fair. For Koreans, relationship quality was affected by their position within the family, provision and evaluation of support to their mothers, and their evaluation of sibling's support. As for the Korean Americans, relationship quality was influenced by their position within the family, provision of support to mothers and their evaluation of sibling's support. It can he concluded that sibling support is important for the primary caregivers not only to meet the needs of their aged mothers but also to enhance the relationship quality with mothers.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사회교환이론적 관점에서 본 맞벌이 가족의 성인 딸 / 며느리와 노모의 관계

        조병은(Byung Eun Cho),신화용(Hwa Yong Shin) 한국노년학회 1992 한국노년학 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 맞벌이 가족의 성인 딸/며느리와 노모관계를 성인 딸/며느리의 입장에서 조사하였으며 맞벌이 가족의 가족관계에 관한 공동연구의 일환으로 수행되었다. 자료는 학동기 자녀를 둔 맞벌이 가족의 성인 딸/며느리 252명이 노모와의 관계를 묻는 설문지를 통하여 수집되었다. 성인 딸/며느리가 인지한 노모와의 관계의 질에 성인 딸/며느리가 지각한 보상, 비용 및 효의식이 미치는 영향력을 파악하기 위해 사회교환이론이 적용되었으며 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 성인 딸/며느리가 지각한 노모와의 관계의 질은 효의식의 영향력이 제한적인 상태에서 비용과 보상에 의해 직접 영향을 받는 것으로 밝혀져 사회교환이론이 예측한 가정들을 지지하였다. 2. 노모와 동거하는 경우 분거하는 경우보다 비용도 클 뿐만아니라 보상과 관계의 질도 높았다. 그러나 노모로부터 받는 도움의 양을 통제했을 때는 동거/분거에 따라 노모로부터 받는 보상이나 관계의 질에 차이가 없었다. 3. 노모와의 관계에 따르는 비용은 시어머니에 대한 것이 친정어머니에 대한 것보다 월등히 높았다. 반면 노모로부터 받는 보상 및 노모와의 관계의 질은 친정어머니에 대한 것이 시어머니에 대한 것보다 높았다. The purpose of the study was to explore the quality of the relationships between employed daughters /daughters-in-law and their elderly mothers /mothers-in-law. The study was conducted as part of larger study on family relationships of the 252 dual-earner families. Daughters /daughters-in-law filled out the questionnaire about their relationships with their aged mothers /mothers-in-law. Social exchange theory was applied to assess the impact of perceived costs, perceived benefits and filial responsibility on the perceived quality of the relationships. The results of the path analysis indicated that perceived costs and rewards have greater influence than filial responsibility on the relationship quality. The findings of the study support assumptions derived from social exchange theory. Thus, exchange theory appears to provide a useful framework for understanding the relationships between daughters /daughters-in-law and their aged mothers /mothers-in-law.

      • KCI등재

        노모부양과 재산상속에 대한 한국인과 재미교포의 비교

        조병은(Byung Eun Cho) 한국노년학회 2003 한국노년학 Vol.23 No.3

        본 연구는 서울에 거주하고 노모를 부양하는 167쌍의 여성자녀(며느리/딸)와 노모 그리고 미국의 대도시에 있는 158쌍의 노모와 여성자녀를 대상으로 부양의 동기, 부양기대감, 상속과 유언에 대한 태도를 비교하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 노모가 느끼는 자녀의 부모에 대한 부양의무감과 애정적 동기에 대한 지각은 한국노모와 교포노모의 차이가 없으나 교포자녀들이 국내자녀에 비해 애정적 동기가 높다. 둘째, 노후의 부양기대는 한국의 노모와 자녀세대 모두 교포 노모와 자녀세대에 비해 높으며 노후에 사람을 고용해서 도움을 받으려는 경향은 교포노모와 자녀 모두 한국노모와 자녀에 비해 높다. 셋째, 상속에 대한 태도는 한국노모와 자녀들이 교포노모와 자녀들보다 전통적인 성향을 보인다. 부모는 자식에게 유산을 남겨야 한다고 생각하는 정도는 한국자녀들이 교포자녀보다 높고 한국자녀들이 노모부양자녀나 장자우대 상속을 많이 지지하는 반면, 교포자녀들은 균분상속을 지지하는 비율이 높다. 가상적 부양상황에서도 교포자녀들은 자녀균분상속을 지지하는 경향이 있고 한국자녀는 장남우대상속이나, 아들들을 우대상속을 지지하는 경향이 크다. 넷째, 과거 자녀에 대한 경제적 지원은 한국노모와 교포노모가 비슷한 비율로 주어 차이가 없으나 한국자녀가 교포자녀보다 노모로부터의 지원을 받은 비율이 높다. 미래의 지원계획에 있어서도 한국노모와 교포노모의 응답율은 차이가 없으나 노모로부터의 경제적 지원을 기대하는 비율은 한국자녀가 교포자녀에 비해 높다. 다섯째, 유언장 작성비율은 교포노모와 자녀 모두 한국노모와 자녀에 비해 높다. 전체적으로 우리나라 부모자녀는 재미교포보다 의무적인 성격이 강하고, 노후부양기대가 높으며, 시부모에 대한 경제적 의존도가 높으며, 상속의식이 더 전통적이고, 유언장작성 비율은 낮을 것이라는 가설을 지지하였다. This study presents a comparison on the attitudes attained by 167 adult children (daughter-in-law/daughter) taking care of their aged mothers who are living in Seoul, and 158 adult children and aged mothers living in major cities in the US, in relations to their motives of caregiving expectation in caregiving, and inheritance and wills. First, the perception undertaken by the aged mothers on the caregving expectation and motive in affection that the children have were found that, while there is no significant difference between the aged mothers in Korea and Korean American aged mothers, the Korean American children were more likely to have their motives in affection than the adult children in Korea. Second, the expectation of careping in old age by the aged mothers and adult children in Korea was higher than the Korean American aged mothers and adult children, and the tendency to utilize paid caregiving was stronger in the Korean American aged mothers and adult children than those in Korea. Third, the attitude towards inheritance held by Korean aged mothers and their children and Korean American aged mothers and adult children were both traditional and conventional. Even in a hypothetical caregiving situation, Korean American children would uphold equal inheritance while the Korean children upheld primogeniture or preferred inheritance by male children. Fourth, although there was not much difference between the financial support given to children by the Korean aged mothers and Korean American mothers in the past, the percentage to be expecting financial support from aged mothers was higher for the Korean children than Korean American children. Fifth, the prcentage to be preparing a will was found to be much higher for the Korean American aged mothers and children than the Korean aged mothers and children. As a whole, the study supported the assumption that the parent and child relationship of Korea was more normative and obligatory than that of the Korean Americans, where they had high expectations in caregiving in old age, their financial dependancy on their in-laws is high, their perception in inheritance is more traditional, and the percentage to prepare a will is much lower.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 일본 취업모 가정의 조모 역할과 조모와 손자녀의 심리적 복지감에 관한 비교연구

        조병은(Byung Eun Cho),이미숙(Mi Sook Lee),강란혜(Ran Hye Kang),Naomi Yatomi(矢富直美),Takiko Maehara(前原武子) 한국노년학회 2002 한국노년학 Vol.21 No.3

        본 연구는 비교문화적 관점에서 한국과 일본의 취업모 가정의 조모역할수행이 조모 자신과 손자녀의 심리적 복지감에 어떠한 관계가 있는지를 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구대상은 초등학교 4∼6학년 아동과 그 조모인 한국 386쌍, 일본 281쌍의 총 657쌍이다. 조모의 역할수행은 전통문화계승의 역할, 손자녀 지지자 역할, 훈계자 역할의 3영역으로 분류되었고 역할이론에 근거하여 연구가설을 설정한 결과 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국이 일본보다 조모의 역할수행 및 역할만족도가 높았다. 이러한 역할수행과 역할만족도는 양국(兩國)모두 도시보다 농촌이, 동거하지 않은 경우보다 동거하는 경우가 더 높았다. 둘째, 한국이 일본보다 조모의 역할수행과 역할만족도와의 관계가 더 높았다. 첫째, 한국이 일본보다 조모 역할수행과 역할만족도가 조모와 손자녀의 심리적 복지감에 미치는 영향이 더 높았다. 따라서 모든 가설이 입증되었으며 한국이 일본보다 조모의 역할수행과 그에 따른 조모와 손자녀의 심리적 복지감에 미친 영향이 더 크다고 볼 수 있다. This study has its focus on the grandparenting role and its effect on the psychological well-being of both grandparents and grandchildren within working mother families of Korea and Japan, from a cross-cultural perspective. The subjects consisted of grandchildren, in the 4th to 6th grade, and their grandparents; 386 pairs of Korean grandchildren-grandparents and 281 pairs of Japanese grandchildren-grandparents. Grandparenting roles are categorized by three roles: successor of traditional culture, supporter and instructor of their grandchildren. Based upon the role theory, the hypothesis have been tested and resulted as the following. First, the degree of role performance and role satisfaction were higher in Korea those that of Japan. Such role performance and satisfaction were higher in rural areas than urban areas, and in families that live together than in families that live separately, in both countries. Second, the relationship between role performance and its satisfaction of grandparenting were greater in Korea than in Japan. Third, the grandparents' role performance and role satisfaction had greater influence on the psychological well-being of grandmothers in Korea than in Japan. Therefore all hypotheses were supported the importance of grandmother's role and its effect on the psychological well-being of grandparents were greater in Korea than in Japan.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고령 사회에서 자립적인 노후생활 준비교육을 위한 중등 가정교육의 역할

        조병은 ( Byung Eun Cho ),이종희 ( Jong Hui Lee ) 대한가정학회 2013 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.51 No.6

        This paper aims to explore the role of the home economics subject in helping high school students preparing for an independent aged life and to develop problem based teaching plans toward this goal. Contents related to the elderly in the high school home economics and technology 2007 and 2009 revised curricula were analyzed, and elderly-related contents in other subject areas (the 2009 revised curricula of ethics, public health, and social studies) were also comparatively analyzed to determine the identity of the home economics subject in relation to preparation for independent aging. Based on these analysis, five subjects and teaching plans were presented: the aging society and population changes, the characteristics of the elderly, individual preparation for aging, care of the elderly, and welfare services for the elderly. The ultimate objectives of the lessons were, through critical reasoning, to inquire into the causes of current problems the elderly face so that teenagers can understand aging societies and the elderly and to seek reasonable alternatives for teenagers as they prepare for successful and independent aging, increasing their problem-solving abilities in choosing the best course of action by considering the ripple effect of consequences of each of those alternatives. Suggestions on what direction elderly-related education should take in the future, and what roles teachers should take are also provided.

      • KCI등재

        재미교포 기혼여성의 가족역할 분담과 결혼의 질: 취업주부와 전업주부의 비교

        조병은 ( Byung Eun Cho ),신화용 ( Hwa Yong Shin ) 한국가족관계학회 2006 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        This research assessed the relationship between perceptions on the division of 7 family roles and the marital quality of Korean-American wives. The data were collected from 143 working wives and 76 non-working wives with at least one child, living in 4 major cities in the US. The relationship between the division of 7 family roles (child care, housework, economic roles, kin-keeping, emotional support, leisure activities, and self-development) and marital quality was compared by such factors as the employment status of the wives, controling income, educational level, age, and gender role attitudes. The results indicated that regardless of employment status, child care and housework were primarily performed by the wives. The roles of emotional support, economic roles, kin-keeping, and leisure activities were found to be jointly performed with the husbands. For the working wives, division of family roles was found to be significantly related to their marital quality; those who performed more family roles displayed lower marital satisfaction and lower marital stability than those who carried out either less or a similar amount of family roles. For the non-working wives, the division of family roles was not so related to marital satisfaction. However, lower marital stability was reported by wives who performed more economic and emotional supporting roles than those did either less or equally with their husbands. Therefore, the results supported the social exchange perspective, suggesting an association between wives` marital quality and fair division or carrying out less family roles.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노부모와 성인자녀간의 결속도와 노부모의 인생만족도

        조병은(Byung Eun Cho) 한국노년학회 1990 한국노년학 Vol.10 No.1

        This study investigates the relationship between parents and children in later life, its strength, meaning, and continuity in contemporary Korean society. The primary purposes are to examine the extent and characterisics of intergenerational relationships and the consequences of intergenerational relationships on life satifaction of the aged parents. Data from a probability sample of aged parents aged 60 and over(n of parents=412) are used to test the research hypotheses. The theoretical model, developed by Bengtson and Schrader(1982), presented and tested in this research focuses on the perspective of the aged parent. Various dimensions of intergenerational relationships are measured as separate variables and their interrelationships are explored. The major findings are : 1) Intergenerational family relationships remain strong and filial responsibility of aged parents by adult children continues to be a norm in Korean society. 2) Gender and birth order of the child are significant factors in differentiating the patterns of intergenerational relations. 3) Perceived economic status and marital status substantially influence the extent of intergenerational relationships. 4) Intergenerational relationships are critical to the welfare of aged parent. 5) Strong linkages among the various dimensions of intergenerational relations suggest that intergenerational realtionships are not strictly based on obligations. 6) The insignificant effects of help received from children on life satisfaction and the inverse association between parental expectations and the levels of life satisfaction indicate that there are changing norms and conflict between generations concerning intergenerational dependency in later life. On the whole, the results indicate that the family remains a strong and supportive system for aged parents. Families, however, are constrained by limited economic resources and changes in normative expectations regarding care of the aged parent.

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