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      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        인간난소에서 EGF와 EGF Receptor 에 대한 면역조직화학적 연구

        정혁(H Jung) 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.9

        Immunohistochemical studies were preformed using specific antibodies to epidermal growth factor (EGF) and EGF receptor to determine their presence and cellular localization in the human ovary during follicular growth and regression. There was no immunostaining for EGF or EGF receptor in primordial follicles. In the preantral follicle stage, immunostaining for EGF and EGF receptor was observed only in the oocyte. The staining intensity of the oocyte increased as the oocyte reached the preovulatory stage. In the antral follicle stage, immunostaing for EGF and EGF receptor became apparent in the granulosa and theca interna cell layers, without apprecialbe staining in the surrounding strolmal cells. The immunostaining for EGF and EGF receptor in the granulosa cells and theca interna cells persisted in preovulatory follicles and corpus luteum wre negative for EGF and EGF receptor staining. In the regressing ocrpus letum, immunostaining for EGF and EGF receptor staining In the peripheral lutein cells adjacent to the central core of scar tissue but absent in the scar tissue of the central core, copus albicans showed no staining for EGF and EGF receptor . By contrast the stromal cells surrounding the corpus albicans in te cortex region demonstrated intesne staining for EGF and EGF receptor , while the stromal cells surroundingthe corpus ablicans in the medullary region were negative for immunostaining. In the case of atretic follicles, the theca interna cells showed intense staining for EGF and EGF receptor, but immunostaining in the scattered granulosa cells was negligible. the results obtained support EGF participation in oocyte marutaion and in follicular growth and atresia. The intense immunostaining for EGF and EGF receptor observed in the theca interna cells in atretic follicles and the stromal cells surrounding corpus ablicans in the cortex region raises the possibility of EGF involvement in transformation of thecal cells into stromal cells. Furthermore, the cell type specific simulaneous expression of EGF and EGF receptor in that an autocrine mode of EGF action may exist to regulate follicular growth and regression in the human ovary.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Estradiol-17 β 투여가 혈청Testosterone치 , LH치 및 Prolactin치 에 미치는 영향

        정혁 ( H Jung ),장하종 ( HJ Jang ),이성동 ( SD Lee ) 대한산부인과학회 1991 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.34 No.12

        The effects of estradiol(E2-B) on the production of testosterone, LH, and prolactin (PRL) in adult male rats were investigated by estimating the serum levels of the above 3 hormones, using three different RIA systems. At 24 hours after a single injection of 50 μg E2-B, circulating levels of testosterone, LH, and PRL were considerable decreased. When daily doses of 50 μg E2-B were administered for 7 days, the levels of the above 3 hormones showed steeper decreases than those cases which had a single dose injection. In the cases in which 500 μg E2-B were injected, the levels of thse 3 hormons were significantly lower than those which received 50μg, whether single or 7 doses. Thus, it was suggested that the administration of E2-B results in decrease of the production of testosterone, LH, and PRL. However it was impossible to determine whether E2-17β affects the testis directly or by stimulating the pituitary gland, or both.

      • KCI등재

        모체와 태아혈중 Progesterone 및 Estradiol-17B와 분만과의 관계

        정혁(H Jung),오세량(SR Oh) 대한산부인과학회 1988 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.31 No.3

        분만에 따른 자궁수축이 반복되는 동아네 Progesterone 과 Estradiol-17B 가 여하이 변동하 고 또한 이들 hormone이 분만진행에 여하한 영향을 끼치는 가를 알고자, 자궁수축이 시작 하기전과 분만이 진행하여 자궁수축이 가장 강한 시기에서의 양 hormone치와 자연적 자궁 수축이 없는 선택적 제왕절개술 분만의 경우 마취시작 직전과 마취시작후 30분에서 모체혈 청치를 측정하여 그들의 증감상황을 조사하였으며 아울러 신생아 혈청의 양 hormone치도 측정하여 모아의 혈청치를 비교하였다. 1. 경질분만시의 모체혈청 progesterone 치는 분만시작전 (574+-37ug/ml)에 현저하게 감소하 였다. (p<0.001) 제왕절개 분만시는 마취시작전 (559+-34ng/ml)보다 마취시작후 30분(384+-28 ng/ml)에서 역시 현저하게 감소하였으나 (p<0.05) 경질분만에 비하여 감소폭이 작아 양자간에 유의한 차 (p<0.01)가 있었다. 2.모체혈청 Estradiol-17B 치는 경질분만에서와 제왕절개술 분만에서 모두 똑같이 대폭증가( 평균 32.33+-2.96ng/ml에서 95.73+-6.83ng/ml로 ) 하였다(p<0.001) 3. 분만중에 모체혈청 Progesterone 치의 감소와 Estradiol-17B 치의 증가가 동시에 진행되며 P/E ratio가 17.8에서 3.3으로 대폭저하 하였다. 4. 신생아 혈청Progesterone치와 Estradiol-17B치는 모체혈청내치보다 항상 현저히 높았다. 따라서 분만시의 자궁수축은 모체혈정내 Progesterone치의 감소와 Estradiol-17B치의 증가를 동반하나 어느것이 원인이고, 어느것이 결과인지는 미상이며, 또한 이것만으로서 자궁수축이 유발내지는 지속되는 것인지도 미상이었다. The concentrations of Progesterone and Estradiol-17 beta in maternal and neonatal sera were meaured on 35 uncomplicated pregnancies before and during labor by radioimmunoassay. The maternal serum progesterone level decreased significantly from 567+-35 ng/ml before the onset of labor to 319+-2.96 ng/ml at the acme of the uterine contraction, and the maternal serum Estradiol-17 beta level increased concomitantly and more markedly than the alteration of progesterone level from 32.33+-2.96 ng/ml before the onset of labor to 95.73+-6.83 ng/ml at the acme of the uterine contraction . Thus the ratio of the maternal serum progesterone level to Estradiol-17 beta level fell considerably from 17.8 before the onset of labor to 3.3 at the end of the second stage of labor. The neonatal serum progesterone and Estradiol-17 beta levels, however were constantly higher than the maternal levels of them. It is conclued that uterine contraction occurs under the condition of decreased serum level of progesterone, associated with concomittant increase of serum level of Estradiol-17 beta which are of fetal origin.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        자궁근종으로 인한 자궁출혈과 빈혈에 대한 GnRH의 치료효과

        정혁(H Jung) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.1

        Menorrhagia and abnormal uterine bleeding are the most frewuent symptoms in women with uterine myoma. We induced transient hypoestrogenism with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, goserelin, in a depot formulation, to resolve severe anemia in 11 women with uterine myomas. Subcutaneous administration of goserelin 3.6 mg was repeated every 28 days for 6 months. Eight patients became amenorrheic in 5 weeks and 3 cases reported scanty uterine bleeding. Gonadotropin(FSH, LH) and estradiol fell to postmenopausal levels after one month`s treatment. Uterine volume decreased by 49% after 3 month`s treatment but subsequent reduction was not achieved. Mean hemoglobin rose from 8.07 +or- 0.66 gm/dl pretreatment to 12.30 +or- 1.13 gm/dl at 6 months(p<0.001). Hemoglobin, hematocrit and serum iron increased constantly during the 6 months. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist therapy in severely anemic patients with uterine myomas and abnormal uterine bleeding is practical, safe and may avoid the need for preoperative trasfusion.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        진단적 복강경에 의한 만성골반동통의 분류

        정혁(H Jung),오승진(SJ Oh),송창훈(CH Song),김병수(BS Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1992 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.35 No.6

        Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Chosun University The laparoscopy in valuable clinical tool that has changed the practice of gynecology. It can confirm a clinical impression ; established a definite diagnosis, follow the course of a disease, and modify therapy. Certain operative procedures (such as tubal sterilization, uterine suspension, ovarian cyst aspiration, and biopsy of intraperitoneal structures) can be accomplished through the laparoscope. Laparoscopy can be an option to an exploratory laparotomy, e.g., for patients with pelvic pain as their primary complaints. The laparoscope can be a useful diagnostic tool. In spite of sophisticated radiologic and sonographic instruments, pelvic conditions, such as endometriosis and adhesions, can be best confirmed by laparoscopy. We carried out to evaluate the feasifility of diagnostic laparoscopy in management of chronic pelvic pain patients from January 1990 to December 1991. Laparoscopy was used to evaluate 63 women who consistently reported the pelvic pain in the same location for more than six months. The indications for performing laparoscopy on these cases were pelvic adhesion, suspected ovarian mass, endometriosis, PID, nonspecific findings, and others. The accuracy of the clinical diagnosis confirmed by laparoscopy was 40.2%. Pelvic adhesions were the most common pathology accounting for 38.1% and nonspecific findings of pelvic organ were the second common pathology accounting for 27.0%. We administrated the prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor to the clients with pelvic adhesion or non-pathologic laparoscopic findings (N=42). Chronic pelvic pain was improved in 73.9% of the clients after the administration of prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors. In conclusion, we feel that diagnostic laparoscopy is an extremely valuable adjunct in the gynecologist`s armamentarium for evaluation of pelvic pain.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        산전초음파로 발견된 양측성 선천성 낭종성 선종양 폐기형 1 례

        김용걸(Y . G . Kim),박성훈(S . H . Park),최상준(S . J . Choi),손대언(D . Y . Son),송창훈(C . H . Song),정혁(H . Jung),정유경(Y . G . Jung),임성철(S . C . Lim) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.2

        Gmgenital cystic adenomatoid malfmation of the lung(CCAML) is a rare abnormality of embryonic diffaentiation characterized by the replacement of narmal pulmonary tissue with cysts in variable size and number. We experienced a case of bilateral Type III CCAML in neonates of 23 years old pregnant woman, which was detected sonographically at 22weeks of gestation.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        제왕절개분만시 사용한 마취제에 따른 실혈량의 비교

        정찬영(CY Jung),이종수(JS Lee),송창훈(CH Song),정혁(H Jung),장하종(HJ Jang) 대한산부인과학회 1991 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.34 No.5

        Halogenated anesthetic agents which have been used to supplement nitrous oxides for cesarean section may interfere with uterine contractility or increase blood loss at the time of cesarean section. To ascertain the effect of the addition of halogenated anesthetic agnets for cesarean section anesthesia vs conduction or a simple balanced general anesthetic, the reflexion to operative blood loss at the time of cesarean section was assessed retrospectively. When the halogenated agent was used for cesarean section anesthesia, incidence of pre-to postdelivery decrease of 8 vol% of hematocrit and postpartum anemia(hematocrit 30 vol%) significantly developed. The addition of halogenated anesthetic agents to a balanced nitrous oxide anesthesia for the purpose of decreased maternal awareness should be weighed against the risk incurred from the increased requirement for blood replacement and from postpartum anemia.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        임신 22주 산모에서 성행위에 의한 자궁파열 1 예

        박성훈(S . H . Park),김용태(Y . T . Kim),정혁(H . Jung) 대한산부인과학회 1998 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.41 No.12

        A case of uterine rupture on 22 weeks' gestation of pregnancy by sexual intercourse in a 31-year-old woman was presented and reviewed briefly.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        폐경기 여성의 호르몬 대체요법중 혈중 응고인자의 변화에 관한 연구

        이경(G Lee),정혁(H Jung) 대한산부인과학회 1999 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.42 No.4

        Objective: To evaluate the effect of HRT using estrogen combined with progesterone on the coagulation system. Method: A total of 60 patients who visited menopausal clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology department at Chosun University Hospital were selected and divided into two groups, postmenopausal normal control group and study group. The control group was consisted of 30 patients, and the study group, 30 patients. Cyclic sequential hormone replacement therapy were given to study group patients, that is, administration of estrogen, estradiol valerate 2mg daily from first through 21st day of the month with addition of the progesteron, cyproterone acetate 1mg day for the last ten days of estrogen therapy from 12th through 21st day. The level of antithrombin III and clotting factor II, VII, IX, X were measured during the last 5days of medication. Result: 1. Antithrombin III level was 26.84[±2.73]mg/dl in control group, and 24.93[±2.44]mg/dl in study group. These difference were significant [p<0.05]. 2. Clotting factor II level was 89.73[±11.79]% in control group, and 110.36[±10.23]% in study group. These difference were significant [p<0.05]. 3. Clotting factor VII level was 113.80[±40.76]% in control group, and 134.36[±38.99]% in study group. These difference were significant [p<0.05]. 4. Clotting factor IX level was 109.53[±44.16]% in control group, and 124.40[±36.85]% in study group. These difference were not significant [p>0.05]. 5. Clotting factor X level was 87.20[±10.82]% in control group, and 105.06[±17.57]% in study group. These difference were significant [p<0.05]. Conclusion : HRT did affect antithrombin III, clotting factor II, VII, X level but HRT did not affect clotting factor IX. Antithrombin III, clotting factor II, VII, IX, X level were normal range.

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