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        협상의 창 관점에서 바라본 정부간 갈등 연구

        고경훈(Kyung-Hun Ko),정인화(In-hwa Chung) 한국공공관리학회 2008 한국공공관리학보 Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구는 정부간 갈등을 주제로 이를 원만히 해결하기 위한 협상조건을 탐색하고자 하였다. 즉, 서울시와 서초구가 주된 갈등 및 협상대상자로 등장하게 되는 서울시 추모공원 사례를 중심으로 협상의 창(Negotiation Window)의 관점에서 협상이 전개될 수 있는 조건을 모색하였다. 정책결정의 조건과 마찬가지로 불확실한 환경하에서 전개되는 협상은 갈등의 흐름, 대안의 흐름, 정치적 사건의 흐름이 교차하는 역동적 과정이었으며, 이러한 조건이 갖춰졌을 때 협상이 전개될 수 있는 협상의 창(Negotiation Window)이 열리게 되고 이러한 상태가 유지된다는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study is to find the negotiation condition which solves intergovernmental conflict. That is, groped condition that negotiation can be opened in Negotiation Window of negotiation laying stress on Seoul memorial park case that Seoul city and Seocho-gu are appeared by main dispute and negotiation actor. Negotiation that is spread under uncertain environment as condition of decision-making is dynamic process which stream of conflict, alternative, political event cross.

      • KCI등재

        고관절의 비구와에 발생한 결절종 -증례 보고-

        윤의성 ( Ui Seoung Yoon ),민학진 ( Hak Jin Min ),김진수 ( Jin Soo Kim ),오현석 ( Hyun Seok Oh ),정인화 ( In Hwa Chung ),박기홍 ( Ki Hong Park ),서재성 ( Jae Sung Seo ) 대한고관절학회 2011 Hip and Pelvis Vol.23 No.3

        결절종은 수근관절과 수부에 가장 많이 발생하며, 슬관절, 족근관절 및 족부에도 발생한다. 간혹 고관절에서의 발생을 보고한 예는 있으나 비구와에서 발생된 결절종은 보고된 증례가 매우 드물다. 저자들은 고관절의 비구와에 발생한 결절종을 1예 경험하였기에 치료 결과를 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Ganglions commonly occur on the hand, wrist, knee, ankle and foot, with occasional development around the hip joint. Ganglion in the acetabular fossa is rare. We present a case of a ganglion in the acetabular fossa of the hip with treatment.

      • KCI등재
      • 國民學校 美術科 表現學習의 創意的 表現力 伸張을 爲한 硏究

        鄭仁和 진주교육대학교 1990 論文集 Vol.34 No.1

        This study aims to research the point at issue and the point of improvement of creative expression learning in the elementary fine arts, in order to get a basic data, a training class for the first class teachers 'qualification in Gyong Nam province and the season system which has been bet up in chinju teachers' College were selected as the subjects and the method for researching was used the question papers. As the fine arts, therefore, is the expression of internal value that humanity and originality were compounded, it always seeks after new and original something. In the trend of education of our country, we have claimed to stand for creating the new period and of new man, but have done the contrary standpoint, consequently, researching for the extention of the creative expression power has been stagnant. Therefore, we have to heighten the ability and quality to become the original member of society by means of understanding and applying the teaching method of learning to extend the originality. As the results from thin study, it was shown that : 1) The expression action in the fine arts has an absolute influence on the extension of originality. 2) It is necessary for us to reappraise the application of textbook and have to prudent to the choice of the notice works. 3) Most teachers have no selfconfidence in the expression learning(77.99%), the point of bottle neck in the learning of the fine arts ① The lack of expression ability ② The difficulty of speciality of a lesson ③ The lack of preparation of various materials and equipment ④ The difficulty of the preparation of reference works. 4) In the expression action and application action in the fine arts, as the creative learning action is necessary condition, it is rewarded that teachers have to extend children's personality, in all unite, on the basis of their interest and concern and enlarge their experience. 5) We have to recognize the difference of the basic spirit and character of new curriculum and past curriculum, and study ourselves and hold the meeting of reading papers on the method of guidance to extend the originality by cities and counties. 6) The teaching of the manifestation of originality have been to teach the stage of conception and expression, the application of textbook win be made the most of conception, but to break from the imitation of the textbook, it is better for us to use reference works and the real picture. 7) As the fine arts takes a serious vision of sensibility, for reaching the educational objective, teachers who have enough sensible thinking consciousness have to teach the children, but it is impossible for them to teach nine subjects of study. As the teachers who are in charge of the fine arts have the expert knowledge and ability, for training teachers who has wide teaching theory, the exclusive responsibility system for the fine arts have to be enforced completely and settled.

      • 포스트모던 시대의 윤리학

        鄭仁和 관동대학교 1996 關大論文集 Vol.24 No.2

        In this paper, the author tries to analyze the characteristics of modernism and postmodernism. Most scholars argue that postmodern society is characterized by the denial of rationality and the deviation from the nation of human-oriented thoughts. Development or scientific technology which was considered to be the saver os human society in modern society has no longer become the paramount value of human reason. Development oriented, efficiency-centered way of life or social institutions has not only brought the welfare of human being but the global crisis of energy and environment. In this context, A lot of analyists declare the discontinuation of modernity and in turn the coming of postmodern society. In this paper, the author raises the fundamental question : Can we really cut the postmodern society from modern society just as if we cut the cloth into two pieces? Especially in our ethical life, there surely exists the objective value regardless of modern or postmodern society. In this sense, the author criticizes the ethical relativism and tries to find the new theory for human conduct. The western scholars argue that, in postmodern society, we are to leaf from values of modern society which has long been based on competition, development, empiricism, and bureaucracy into the new notion of cooperation model, environment culture, anti-development, normative epistemology, human model etc. The author, however, argues that we go back to the oriental ethics and philosophy which consists of the combination between man and nature, heaven and earth.

      • 中國과 北韓의 체제형성 배경과 체제유형 비교

        鄭仁和 관동대학교 1998 關大論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        In this paper, the author analizes the two different socialist systems of China and North Korea from the histrorical perspective. The common characteristic of the two nations is that their systems contain no emminent existence of opposition leader or party like the role of oppositon leader Daejoong Kim who has fought for the democratization of South Korea. In this sense,China and North Korea still remains the question of fulfilling democratization in persuing ecomomic achievement.

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