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      • 고려 禑王代 倭寇의 동향과 성격 변화

        정영현(Jeong Yeong-Hyeon) 효원사학회 2008 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.33

        After 1350, Wak?(倭寇, japanese pirates) attack in unprecedently large scale, devastated Goryeo for about 50 years. There is many causes why Wako increased at this time, maybe war condition of Kyushu Province's will be the most important factor. The warfield of the War between South and North Dynasty of Japan moved to Ky?sh? Province in 1350s. To end this war, Muromachi Bakuhu(室町幕府) sent Imagawa Ryosh?n(今川了俊) in name of Ky?sh?-Tandai(九州探題, the Minister of Ky?Sh? Province) in 1371. Imagawa supressed rebels against Bakuhu for 1372 to 1395, and took the rebels' territory into his own. Refuged rebels were driven into islands in the west of Ky?sh?, waiting the time for take back. Some groups of this refuged Japanese rebels took part in Wak?'s plundering in Korean Peninsula, this made Wak? stays for long term and advance further deeply in 1370s. After change of dynasty Goryeo to Joseon, Wak? was forced to make selection for them to survive. Kinds of Wak? which used to be Rebels and refuged, made their way to surrender to Joseon rather than to return to their homeland. Nevertheless, surrendered wak?(降倭, Hangwae) didn't settle in Joseon, but took their body on border between two nations, Joseon and Japan.

      • KCI등재

        倭寇 ‘阿只拔都’의 명칭과 고려 民의 시각

        정영현(Jeong, Yeong-Hyeon) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2016 한국민족문화 Vol.58 No.-

        Ajibaldo(also known as Agibaldo, 阿只拔都/阿其拔都) was the most famous figure among several leaders of Waegu(Wakō, Japanese Pirates) who went ravening about the Korean peninsula from Japan in 14th century. Ajibaldo was a young Waegu leader who invaded Goryeo by going inland through Jinpo near the mouth of Geum River in 1380, but he was beaten in the Battle of Hwangsan by Lee Seonggye, the general of Goryeo and also the founder of Joseon Dynasty. The name Ajibaldo is not Japanese name, but a kind of nickname used by Goryeo Army. The name is a mixed word using Aji(Agi), meaning a ‘baby’ or a ‘boy’ in Korean, and Baldo(Batu, 拔都), meaning ‘brave man’ in Mongolian. His youthfulness, appearance, bravery were frequently mentioned throughout Joseon age. It is supposed that the name of Ajibaldo was based on the story of Dungguri, a type of the story of Agijangsu(meaning ‘boy general’) that have been passed down in Korea, in which boy general Dungguri who was born to have a sign of the throne died before he could realize his aspiration by meeting with government commander Lee Seonggye. There are reasons for connection between them; First, ‘Ajibaldo’ and ‘Agijangsu’ have the same meaning. Also, This tale have been passed at Unbong in Namwon, a location where Battle of Hwangsan broke out. The relation between this location and Lee Seonggye is hard to find except the battle of Hwangsan. It doesn’t seem like coincidence that the general of enemy killed by Lee had a nickname meaning boy general in this place. Therefore it could be said that progress of how people of Goryeo remember the battle affected development of the story of Dungguri. In their progress of projecting the image of boy general on Ajibaldo, it was not the matter that he was a bad man indulging in pillage and a foreigner coming across the sea. And dissatisfactions with founding and governing of Joseon dynasty would be a background for forming and spreading this tale in the way that Lee Seonggye, the founder of Joseon dynasty, played the role of antagonist.

      • KCI등재

        동해안의 왜구와 쓰시마 早田氏

        정영현(Jeong, Yeong-Hyeon) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2018 한국민족문화 Vol.67 No.-

        14세기 고려를 습격한 왜구는 1380년을 전후하여 본격적으로 동해안 지역을 약탈하기 시작한다. 이는 고려의 조운이 육로화 혹은 폐지되고, 진포대첩·황산대첩 등의 패배로 인해 왜구들이 새로운 약탈루트를 찾는 과정과 관련이 있다고 생각된다. 동해안의 왜구는 기본적으로 對馬를 출발하여 동해안을 따라 영해부·축산도를 교두보로 삼아 내륙으로 진출하였다. 그들은 산맥을 넘어 충청·강원·경기 등 내륙지역까지 약탈하였는데, 고려시기에 정비된 역로를 따라 이동하였을 것으로 추측된다. 또한 이 시기 왜구가 울릉도를 일시적인 근거지로 삼기도 하였다. 동해안 지역에 왜구가 창궐하는 무렵에 가왜가 발생하기도 하였다. 그들은 영해 지역의 화척·양수척으로, 왜구의 일원이 아니라 지역적·신분적으로 경계적인 상황에서 독자적으로 생겨난 집단으로 보아야 할 것이다. 조선 태조 5년(1396) 왜구들이 동해안을 공격하였다. 그들은 조선군에 의해 진압당할 상황에 처하게 되자 조선에 항복하였다. 그 우두머리의 이름은 羅可溫이었다. 羅可溫의 정체는 바로 조선전기 쓰시마 도내의 실력자이자 교역자로 활동한 早田佐衛門太郞였다. 1396년 羅可溫의 왜구 활동을 1380년대 동해안의 왜구와 비교해보면, 동해안의 왜구는 早田佐衛門太郞가 주축이 된 집단으로 보인다. 早田는 그간 왜구의 우두머리로 지목되었으나 직접적인 해적 활동이 잘 드러나지 않았는데, 14세기 후반 동해안의 왜구가 바로 그의 소행이었던 것이다. After its appearance on the Goryeo Dynasty in the fourteenth century, Waegu, Japanese Pirates, had started to pillage the eastern region of the Korean peninsula along the eastern coast around 1380. This piracy could be concerned with their activities to find new place to sack after crushing defeats including the Battle of Jinpo and the Battle of Hwangsan. In general, Japanese Pirates on the eastern shore had departed from Tsushima and moved inland establishing bridgeheads on Yeonghae-bu and Chuksando along the coast. After they had landed on the coastal area, they also plundered inland areas, such as Chungcheong, Gangwon, and Gyeonggi, crossing the mountains and, probably, using Postal Station Roads, organized during the Goryeo Dynasty. Contemporarily, the pirates also established a base for piracy on Ulleung Island for a while. Around the time when Japanese Pirate raged on the eastern shore, Disguised Waegu (Japanese Pirates) came to the front as well. Interestingly, these disguised pirates were not belonged to Waegu, thereby being understood as an independent group organized separately from Waegu. In 1396, Waegu had attacked the eastern coastal area of Joseon. They were forced to yield since Joseon’s troops were about to overpower them. The boss of pirates was Nagaon. Nagaon was Soda Saemontaro, an influential person in the Tsushima. Compared to that of Nagaon in 1396, piracy on the eastern shore in the 1380s would have been committed by a group, whose leader at that time was the young Soda Saemontaro. Soda’s piracy has not yet been revealed, even though he has been named as a leader of Waegu. However, it turns out that those being committed during the later fourteenth century were led by him.

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