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        국가배상법상 위법과 고의ㆍ과실에 관한 대법원 판례 분석ㆍ비평

        정승윤(Chung Seung-Yun) 조선대학교 법학연구원 2012 法學論叢 Vol.19 No.1

        국가배상책임 요건으로 헌법에 규정된 ‘공무원의 불법행위’, 국가배상법에 규정된 ‘공무원의 고의ㆍ과실로 인한 법령 위반행위’에 위법과 고의ㆍ과실이 포함된다는 점에 거의 이론이 없지만, 위법과 고의ㆍ과실 개념에 대하여 많은 견해의 대립이 있다. 그 중 대표적인 견해가 행위불법설, 직무의무위반설, 상대적위법성설인데, 행위불법설은 행위의 위법을 국가배상법상 위법으로 공무원의 직무상 의무 위반을 과실로 파악하고, 직무의무위반설은 행위의 위법을 손해발생의 원인으로 공무원의 직무상의무 위반을 국가배상법상 위법으로 예견가능성과 회피가능성을 과실로 파악하고, 상대적 위법성설은 손해의 공평한 부담의 견지에서 침해행위의 태양뿐만 아니라 피침해이익의 성질, 발생된 손해의 정도 및 피해자 측의 사정 등을 종합적으로 고려해 위법 여부를 판단하기 때문에 행위의 위법, 공무원의 직무상 의무 위반, 예견가능성과 회피가능성을 종합적ㆍ일원적으로 파악하고 있다. 그리고 판례들도 주로 행위불법설, 직무의무위반설, 상대적위법성설 등 3개의 입장을 취하고 있다. 행위불법설의 입장으로 해석되는 판례는 행위의 불법을 국가배상법상 위법으로 파악하기 때문에 적법한 행위로 인한 손해도 국가배상의 대상이 되는 한편, 행위자의 직무상 의무 위반에 과실의 주된 요소가 되는 체계적 문제점을 안고 있다. 직무의무위반설의 입장으로 해석되는 판례는 공무원의 직무상 의무 내용의 도출과 의무 위반의 판단에 어려움이 있고 국가배상책임이 협소해진다는 문제점을 안고 있다. 상대적위법성설의 입장으로 해석되는 판례는 과실을 상대적 위법성설에서 주장된 위법 개념으로 판시함으로써 국가배상법상 체계뿐만 아니라 위법과 고의ㆍ과실 개념도 혼동하고 있는 문제점을 안고 있다. 판례가 국가배상법상 위법과 고의ㆍ과실 개념에 대하여 여러 학설에서 주장되는 개념을 혼용함으로써 개념의 혼동 등 문제를 야기하고 있는데, 체계적 문제점을 해소한 직무의무위반설에 따라 이러한 혼돈과 문제점을 조속히 제거하는 것이 법적 안정성과 법문화 발전의 측면에서 바람직하다. There is almost no objection to that as for the prerequisites for the nation compensation, ‘public officials’ illegal actions’ specified in the Constitution and ’the violation of the law by public officials due to deliberation and mistake’ specified in the nation compensation law include the violation of the law, deliberation and mi stake. However, many opinions regarding the concept of deliberation and mistake are conflicting with each other. The most typical examples among them are behavior illegality theory, job obligation violence theory and relative illegality theory. Behavior illegality theory understands the illegality of action as thc illegality on the nation compensation law, and understands the job obligation violence as a mistake; the job obligation violence theory understands the illegality of action as the cause for the compensation, and understands the public official’s job obligation violence as the illegality on the nation compensation law, and understands the possibility of prediction and evasion as a mistake; the relative illegality theory judges the violence of the law through comprehensively taking account the nature of the violated interest, the level of the damage, and the situation of victims as well as the aspect of infringement from the standpoint based on the fair burden of the damage. Thus, that unitarily and comprehensively comprehends the illegality of action, public official’s job obligation violence, the possibility of prediction and evasion. And the precedents also take three positions of behavior illegality theory, job obligation violence theory and relative illegality theory. Because the behavior illegality theory understands the illegality of action as the illegality on the nation compensation law, the damage due to lawful action can the subject for the national compensation. On the other hand, it has a systematic problem that the job obligation violence becomes a main element of a mistake. The job obligation violence theory has a problem in deriving the content of public officials’ job obligations and judging the violence of their obligations, and also a problem that the responsibilities of national compensation become narrowed. The relative illegality theory judges a mistake as the violation of the law alleged in relative illegality theory. Thus, it mixes up the concepts of violation, deliberation and mistake. The precedents cause a problem, the confusion of concept, because they mix up the concepts about the illegality on the nation compensation law, and the concepts of deliberation and mistake c1aimed in many theories. It is desirable to eliminate this confusion and the related problems in accordance with the job obligation violence theory having solved the systematic problems as soon as possible, in the perspective of the stability of the law and the development of legal culture.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국가배상법상 위법과 고의ㆍ과실 개념에 관한 소고

        정승윤(Chung, Seung-Yun) 부산대학교 법학연구소 2011 법학연구 Vol.52 No.4

        어떠한 행정처분이 항고소송에서 위법으로 취소된 후 처분의 위법을 원인으로 국가배상이 제기된 경우 국가배상책임을 부담하는지 여부에 대하여 많은 견해의 대립이 있다. 이에 대하여 대법원은 2011. 1. 27. 선고 2008다30703 판결(연구대상판결)을 통하여 ‘어떠한 행정처분이 항고소송에서 위법으로 취소되었다고 하더라도 그로써 곧 당해 행정처분이 공무원의 고의 또는 과실에 의한 불법행위를 구성한다고 단정할 수는 없지만, 그 행정처분의 담당공무원이 보통 일반의 공무원을 표준으로 하여 볼 때 객관적 주의의무를 결하여 그 행정처분이 객관적 정당성을 상실하였다고 인정될 정도에 이른 경우에 국가배상책임을 충족하다. 이때 객관적 정당성을 상실하였는지 여부는 침해행위가 되는 행정처분의 태양과 그 목적, 피해자의 관여 여부 및 관여의 정도, 침해된 이익의 종류와 손해의 정도 등 여러 사정을 종합하여 결정하되 손해의 전보책임을 국가 또는 지방자치단체에게 부담시킬 만한 실질적인 이유가 있는지도 살펴서 판단하여야 한다‘고 판시하고 있다. 이러한 대법원의 태도는 행위(국가작용)의 위법을 국가배상법상 위법으로, 과실을 객관적 주의의무 위반으로 보는 행위불법설(결과위법설)의 입장과 동일하다. 그런데 연구대상판결은 과실에 대해 처분의 객관적 정당성 상실 여부를 기준으로 상대적 위법성설의 위법 개념으로 파악하기 때문에 국가배상법상 위법과 고의ㆍ과실을 혼동하고 있다. 그리고 연구대상판결은 국가배상법상 위법에 대하여 처분의 위법, 법률의 위헌, 무죄 자체를 위법으로 파악하기 때문에 치자와 피치자를 전제로 법령에 의한 권리 침해를 허용하는 구조 하에 이루어지는 공법과 국가배상책임의 특질을 간과하고 있다. 오히려 국가배상법상 위법을 행위의 위법 이외 공무원의 직무상 의무 위반으로 파악하는 직무의무위반설(직무행위기준설)이 행정법의 특질과 국가배상법상 명시적 규정에 부합된다. 대법원 판결 중 재판작용 등으로 인한 국가배상사건에서는 연구대상판결과 달리 행위의 위법 이외 공무원의 직무상 의무 위반을 국가배상법상 위법으로 보는 직무의무위반설의 입장을 취하고 있다. 따라서 국가배상법의 체계는 행위의 위법을 손해배상의 원인으로서 국가배상의 대상으로, 공무원의 직무상 의무 위반을 국가배상법상 위법으로, 예견가능성과 회피가능성을 과실로 파악하는 직무의무위반설에 따라 수립되어야 한다. When an administrative measure is cancelled as illegality at appeal action and after this nation compensation is raised by illegal disposition, there are many different opinions if nation compensation should be paid or not. Upon this, supreme court said that even though an administrative measure is cancelled as illegality at appeal action, it cannot predicate that the administrative measure consists of illegal action by government worker"s negligence or mistake, but when the government worker of the administrative measure is viewed of the standard of general public official and the administrative measure loses objective justification due to the lack of objective beware obligation, it meet the nation compensation responsibility through the sentence 2008da30703 (target study sentence) of 2011. 1. 27. It is judged that the fact on the loss of objective justification is determined by integrating several situations such as content of the administrative measure and the purpose, participation of victim and the degree of participation, type of infringement and degree of lose, and so on but it should be appraised if there is actual reason to charge responsibility on the loss to the nation or a local autonomous entity. Such attitude of supreme courts is identified with the result illegality theory which sees illegality of action (nation"s action) as illegality on nation compensation and mistake as illegality of objective beware obligation. However, since target study sentence is apprehended in the same content of illegality judgment of relative illegality theory based on objective justification lose of mistake disposition, it is confused with illegality on nation compensation. And since target study sentence apprehends illegal disposition, constitutionality of law, innocence itself as illegality, it overlooks the feature of nation compensation responsibility and public law which is comprised under the structure allowing infringement of rights by law in premise of the ruler and the ruled. job obligation violence theory (Job action standard theory) apprehending illegality of nation compensation law as public official"s job obligation violation apart from illegality of action accords with the regulation on the nation compensation law and the property of administration law. Nation compensation case by the trial action in the Supreme Court judgment chooses job obligation violence theory seeing public official"s job obligation violence apart from illegality of action as illegality on nation compensation law unlike target study sentence. Hence, nation compensation law system should be established in accordance with job obligation violence theory which apprehends illegality of action as target of nation compensation in the cause of compensation for damages, public official"s job obligation violence as illegality on nation compensation law, foresight possibility and evasion possibility as mistake.

      • KCI등재

        전력수급기본계획에 대한 법적 고찰: - 사법통제 가능성을 중심으로 -

        정승윤(Chung, Seung-Yun) 한국토지공법학회 2018 土地公法硏究 Vol.84 No.-

        전력수급기본계획이란 ‘중장기 전력수요 전망 및 이에 따른 전력설비 확충을 위해 전기사업법에 따라 2년 주기로 수립되는 계획기간 15년의 장기 행정계획’이다. 제8차 전력수급기본계획은 ‘원자력 발전의 축소와 재생에너지 발전의 확대’라는 내용으로 탈원전 정책이 반영되어 있다. 제8차 전력수급기본계획으로 인하여 에너지 정책에 대한 국민 의견이 분열되고 갈등이 확대되고 있다. 이러한 갈등 해결 수단으로 전력수급기본계획에 대한 사법통제가 필요한데, 현행법 체제에서 취소소송이 가장 실효적인 사법통제의 방법이라는점이다. 취소소송의 가능성과 관련된 첫 번째 관문이 전력수급기본계획의 처분성 존부이다. 이에 관하여 전력수급기본계획이 구속적 행정계획으로 처분성이 있다는 점을 검토하였다. 두 번째 관문이 원고적격 존부인데, 전력수급기본계획의 직접 상대방인 한국수력원자력(주)이 공기업이라는 점으로 인하여 발생되는 문제이다. 이에 전력수급기본계획으로 인한 직접적 피해 당사자가 공기업 한국수력원자력(주)으로 권리 침해자와 피해자가 법상 사실상 동일인으로 한국수력원자력(주)의 취소소송 제기 가능성이 없기 때문에 한국수력원자력(주)의 주주인 정부를 대신해서 중대한 재산상 영향을 받는 협력업체와 신분상 영향을 받은 근로자와 노동조합 등에게 원고적격 있다는 점, 및 전기사업법과 발전소 주변 지역 지원에 관한 법률 등에 의해서 재산상 피해를 입은 주변지역 주민들에게 원고적격이 있다는 점 등을 검토하였다. 결론적으로 전력수급기본계획에 대한 취소소송은 행정계획에 대한 갈등 해결 수단이 될수 있다. The 8th Basic Plan for Long-term Supply & Demand is the long-term administrative plan for 15 years established every two years under Electric Utility Act in order to forecast mid- to long-term power demand and expand the power supply facilities accordingly . The 8th Basic Plan for Long-term Supply & Demand is reduction of nuclear power generation and expansion of renewable energy generation and reflects the policy of the phase-out of nuclear power plant. The 8th Basic Plan for Long-term Supply & Demand has split public opinion on energy policy and widened conflict. As a means of resolving this conflict, judicial control over The 8th Basic Plan for Long-term Supply & Demand is needed, as the most effective method of judicial control is the Revocation Litigation under the current law. The first gateway to the possibility of cancellation is the existence of disposition of the power supply basic plan. In this regard, The 8th Basic Plan for Long-term Supply & Demand was considered to be disposable of by the constrained administrative plan. The second gate is the standing to sue, which is a problem caused by the fact that the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., the direct counterpart of the power supply basic plan, is a public company. Accordingly, the direct victims of The 8th Basic Plan for Long-term Supply & Demand are the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., a state-run company, and the rights violators and victims are the same. Therefore, there is no possibility that Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. will file a lawsuit for cancellation. Therefore, the government, which is a shareholder of the Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co., reviewed the fact that the plaintiffs were eligible for severe property damage, including workers and labor unions, and The Act on Assistance to Electric Power Plants-neighboring Areas. In conclusion, a lawsuit against The 8th Basic Plan for Long-term Supply & Demand could be a means of resolving conflicts over the administrative plan.

      • KCI등재후보

        감찰의 한계에 관한 소고

        정승윤(Chung, Seung yun) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2020 圓光法學 Vol.36 No.4

        In order to solve the problems that have arisen in connection with the recent Inspection, the limits of Inspection have been considered from the constitutional perspective of guaranteeing the human rights of the people. First, the Inspection does not stipulate its subject in the Constitution and the Act, but only stipulates it as illegal or unfair acts of public officials in the Rules of the Board of Audit and Inspection. This method and content of regulation is unconstitutional in Principle of Legality and Void for Vagueness. Second, the Inspection of the Board of Audit and Inspection is based on the Constitution and the Act of the Board of Audit and Inspection, but the Self-Inspection is not based on Act on Public Sector Audits, but on the supervisory authority and administrative rules of senior management. Therefore, Self-Inspection is permitted within the scope of the authority to direct and supervise work according to the Principle of Statutory Reservation, and the concept of inspection also means voluntary, non-powerful investigation, unlike the Inspection under Article 97 of the Constitution. Third, Due Process of Law apply to the Inspection like the investigation. Therefore, the Inspection should have regulations and devices to protect the rights and interests of those surveyed. According to Supreme Court precedents, Doctrine of Warrants does not apply to the Inspection unlike the investigation, but different views exist. If arrest・restraint is introduced in the Inspection, Doctrine of Warrants is of course applied, but arrest・restraint for the purpose of Inspection is not not allowed to violate Principle of Legality and Anti-Overrestriction Principle. There is a controversy over whether the Inspection can exercise direct or physical coercion without a warrant or without the consent of the parties, where the investigation method corresponding to seizure or search by the prosecution is prescribed by law. If the investigation method is subject to compulsory disposal, in principle, Doctrine of Warrants is applied, so direct or physical coercion cannot be exercised without a warrant or consent of the parties. However, it is possible in areas where the exception of warrantism is applied, and the criterion is whether there is a legitimate right to expect privacy. Therefore, it is not possible to investigate the judge s computer for work without a warrant or without the consent of the parties. Fourth, in the inspection, the request for submission of individual mobile phones of public officials is not included within the scope of the data submission request stipulated in the current law. Because that orders or requests violate the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination. The regulation that requires disadvantageous disposition for failing to cooperate with the Inspection and the disposition of disadvantages based on it are also unconstitutional because it violates the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination. Furthermore, voluntary submission of individual mobile phones is not allowed, this is based on the recent U.S. Supreme Court precedent that it cannot be investigated by a method other than a strict prior warrant in consideration of the specificity of mobile phones, and in reality, the randomness of the subject s consent cannot be recognized. 최근 감찰과 관련해서 발생된 문제를 해결하기 위해 국민의 인권 보장이라는 헌법적 관점에서 감찰의 한계를 고찰하였다. 첫째. 감찰은 헌법과 법률에서 그 대상을 규정하지 않고, 감사원규칙으로 공무원의 위법・부당행위로 규정하고 있다. 이러한 규정 방식과 내용은 죄형법정주의와 명확성원칙 위반으로 위헌이다. 둘째, 감사원의 감찰은 헌법과 감사원법에 근거를 두고 있지만, 자체감찰은 공공감사에 관한 법률이 아닌 상급관리의 업무지휘감독권과 행정규칙에 근거를 두고 있다. 따라서 자체감찰은 법률유보의 원칙에 따라 업무지휘감독권의 범위 내에서 허용되고 감찰의 개념도 감사원의 감찰과 달리 임의적 비권력적 조사를 의미한다. 셋째, 감찰도 수사와 마찬가지로 적법절차의 원칙이 적용된다. 따라서 감찰은 조사대상자의 권익을 보호하기 위한 규정과 장치를 갖춰야 한다. 대법원 판례에 따르면 감찰은 수사와 달리 영장주의가 적용되지 않는데, 이와 다른 견해들이 존재한다. 감찰에 체포・구속이 도입되는 경우라면 영장주의가 당연히 적용되지만, 감찰 목적의 체포・구속은 죄형법정주의와 과잉금지의 원칙 위반으로 허용되지 않는다. 감찰에서 압수・수색에 해당되는 조사방법이 법령에 규정된 경우 영장 없이 또는 당사자의 동의 없이 직접적・물리적 강제력을 행사할 수 있는지 여부에 논란이 있다. 조사방법이 강제처분에 해당되면 원칙적으로 영장주의가 적용되기 때문에 영장 없이 또는 당사자 동의 없이 직접적・물리적 강제력을 행사할 수 없다. 다만 영장주의의 예외가 적용되는 영역에서 가능한데, 그 기준은 프라이버시에 대한 정당한 기대권이 존재하는지 여부이다. 따라서 판사의 업무용 컴퓨터에 대하여 영장 없이 또는 당사자의 동의 없이 조사할 수 없다. 넷째, 감찰에서 공무원 개인 휴대폰은 현행법상 제출을 요구할 수 있는 자료의 범위에 포함되지 않는다. 자기부죄거부의 특권을 침해하는 공무원 개인 휴대폰에 대한 제출명령 내지 제출요구는 허용되지 않기 때문이다. 감찰 비협조를 이유로 한 불이익처분 규정과 불이익처분은 자기부죄거부의 특권을 침해하기 때문에 위헌이다. 나아가 개인 휴대폰의 임의제출도 허용되지 않는데, 이는 휴대폰의 특수성을 감안해서 엄격한 사전영장 이외 방법으로 조사할 수 없다는 최근 미국 연방대법원 판례 및 현실적으로 조사대상자 동의의 임의성이 인정될 수 없다는 점에 근거한다.

      • 솔잎혹파리의 약제방제에 관한 연구 VII. 침투성 살충제의 수간주입방법 개선에 관한 연구

        승윤,박형만,부근,Choi Seung-Yoon,Park Hyung-Man,Chung Bu-Ken 한국응용곤충학회 1982 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        본 시험은 Omethoate (Folimat) 외 6종의 침투성 살충제를 공시하여 수간주입에 의한 솔잎혹파리의 방제효과를 검토하는 한편 관행 Drilltlr 수간주입방법을 보다 성력적인 방향으로 개량코자 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. Phosalone$(Rubitox^{(35)}\;EC)$을 제외한 Omethoate $(Folimat^{(R)}\;50\;EC)$, Vamidothion (Kilval 40 EC), Methamidophos $(Tamaron^{(R)}\;60\;SL)$, Phosphamidon $(Dimecron6{(R)}\;50\;EC)$, Monocrotophos $(Nuvacron^{(R)}\;24\;EC)$ 및 Dimethoate $(Roger^{(R)}\;50\;EC)$의 수간주입은 솔잎혹파리의 방제효과가 비교적 우수하였다. 2. 관행 Drill 식 수간주입과 개량 Mauget식 수간주입간에는 그 효과발현에 차이가 없었다. 3. 관행 Drill식 수간주입에서 주입공의 상처회복율은 $14\%$인데 비하여 개량 Mauget식 수간주입에서는 $100\%$ 완전 회복되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때 개량 Mauget식을 도입하므로서 보다 성력적인 수간주입에 의한 솔잎혹파리의 방제가 가능하다고 본다. Using the two different trunk-implantation methods, the systemic insecticides omethoate $(Folimat^{(R)}\;50\;EC)$, vamidothion $(Kilval^{(R)}\;40\;EC)$, methamidophos $(Tamaron^{(R)}\;60\;SL)$, phosphamidon $(Dimecron^{(R)}\;50\;EC)$, monocrorotophos $(Nuvacron^{(R)}\;24\;EC)$, dimethoate $(Rogor^{(R)}\;50\;EC)$, and phosalone$(Rubitox^{(R)})$ were evaluated for the control of the pine gall midges(Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchida et Inouye). Except phosalone, all the insecticides tested in this experiment were very effective for the suppression of the gall incidence by the insects. There was no significant difference in effectiveness between the conventional drilling and improved Mauget methods, and trunk-implantation of the insecticides by the improved Mauget method seemed to be much more feasible in practical view points of the labor cost saving the recovery of the holes drilled.

      • 솔잎혹파리의 약제방제에 관한 연구 V. 고농도 ULV 엽면살포효과

        승윤,박형만,부근,Choi Seung-Yoon,Park Hyung-Man,Chung Bu-Ken 한국응용곤충학회 1982 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        ULV기에 의한 살충제의 농도(50배희석) 엽면살포를 실시하여 솔잎혹파리의 방제효과를 비교검토하였다. 본 시험은 1980년도 경기도 시흥군 의왕면 의왕읍 일대, 10년생미만 적송림에서 수행되었다. 공시살충제 Salithion(25 EC), Decamethrin$(Decis^{(R)},\;1EC)$, Phenthoate$(Elsan^{(R)},\;47.5\%)$, Diazinon(34 EC), Chlorfevinphos$(Birlane^{(24)},\;24\;EC)$, Phosalone$(Zolone^{(R)},\;25\;EC)$ 및 Methamidophes$(Tamaron^{(R)},\;60\;SL)$를 50배로 희석, 1구 10주당 500ml씩 6월 6일에 건전시용 ULV기(12v, Union Carbide 제)로 일동 엽면처리하였다. 충영엽율은 무처리 $53.3\%$에 비하여 Salithion, Decamethrin, Phenthoate 처리에서 각각 $11.8\%,\;15.4\%,\;15.5\%$로서 가장 낮았으며 다음은 $Diazinon(19.3\%),\;Chlorfevinphos(20.4\%),\;Phoslaone(24.3\%),\;Methamidophos(31.5\%)$ 순으로 방제효과가 낮았다. Salithion, Decamethrin, Phenthoate 처리의 방제 70 이상을 보였으나 그 밖에 살충제들은 비교적이다. 고농도 엽면살포에 의한 솔잎혹파리방제용 살충제 Salithion을 대체할 저독성살충제는 Decamthrin Phenothoate라고 사료된다. The insecticides salithion$(Salithion^{(R)},\;25\;EC)$, decamethrin$(Decis^{(R)}\;1\;EC)$, phenthoate$(Elsan^{(R)},\;47.5\;EC)$, diazinon$(Diaton^{(R)})$, chlorfevinphes$(Birlane^{(R)},\;24\;EC)$, phosalone$(Zolone^{(R)},\;25\;EC)$, and methamidophos$(Tamaron^{(R)},\;60\;SL)$ were evaluated on the effectiveness of single ULV foliar spray for the control of the pine fall midges(Therodiplosis japonensis UCHIDA et INOUYE) when the insecticides diluted with the 50 times of water were applied to the pine trees$(1.5\~2m\;in\;height)$ on June 6 by ULV Sprayer(Battery-type of 12 voltage, devised by Union Carbide). A single ULV foliar spray of salithion, decamethrin, and phethoate among the insecticides tested was significantly effective for the pressure of the gall incidence by the insects.

      • 솔잎혹파리의 약제방제에 관한 연구 VI. 입제형 침투성 살충제의 근계주변 토중처리효과

        승윤,박형만,부근,Choi Seung-Yoon,Park Hyung-Man,Chung Bu-Ken 한국응용곤충학회 1982 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        본 시험은 침투성 살충제의 적송 근계주변 토중처리에 의한 솔잎혹파리의 방제효과를 검토하여 유교 살충제의 선발, 나아가 현행 근계주변 토중처리 방법을 성력적인 처리방법으로 개선하기 위하여 실시하였다. Aldicarb$(Temik^{(R)}\;15G)$, Carbofuran$(Curaterr^{(R)}\;3G)$, Disulfoton$(Disyston^{(R)}\;5G)$를 고시, 흉고직후 cm 당 5g(유효성분량)을 근계주변원형처리(6월 25일)하여 솔잎 혹파리의 방제효과를 검토하였다. $Curaterre^{(R)},\;Temik^{(R)}$ 처리는 솥잎혹파리의 방제효과가 우수하였으나 Disyston 처리의 방제효과는 낮은 편이었다. 난, 무처리에서 건전엽률, 피해흔적엽율은 각각 $49.9\%,\;16.4\%,\;33.7\%$인데 비하여 $(Temik^{(R)}$ 처리에서는 그들이 각각 $27.9\%,\;65.4\%,\;6.7\%$이었고 $Curaterr^{(R)}$ 처리에서는 각각 $64.8\%,\;23.7\%,\;1.5\%$이었으며 $Disystone^{(R)}$ 처리에서는 각각 $49.6\%,6.3\%,\;24.1\%$ 이었다. 처리방법 개선을 위한 시험에서는 $Temik^{(R)}$ 공시, 균고직경 cm 당 5g(유교성분량)을 6월 2일에 점식구 처리 (Pit treatment), 방사상식고랑처리(Radical furrow treatment), 근계주변 원형식고랑처리(Circle furrow treatment)로 나누어 실시하였다. 점식구멍처리에서는 구멍수의 증가에 따라 충영엽율이 낮었으며 방사상식고랑처리는 고랑수에 따른 충영엽율에 현저한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 그리고 현행 근계주변 원형식고랑처리는 점식 3구멍처리와 대등한 솔잎혹파리의 방제효과가 있었다. 결론으로 $Temik^{(R)}$과 $Curaterr^{(R)}$의 토중처리효과는 대등하여 $Temik^{(R)}$의 대체 가능하다고 보며 $Temik^{(R)}$의 점식 3구멍 처리방법을 도입함으로서 토중처리에 소요되는 노동력을 크게 절감할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. The insecticides aldicarb$(Temik^{(R)}\;15G)$, carbofuran$(Curaterr^{(R)}\;3G)$, and disulfoton$(Disyston^{(R)}\;5G)$ were evaluated in the field for the control of the pine gall midges(Thecodiplosis joponensis Uchida et Inouye) at rate of 5 a.i.g/cm dbh using the method of circle-furrow treatment(ca. loom in furrow depth), apart 50cm Iron the trunk of the pine trees. In addition, for improving the application method of granular insecticides the effects of conventional circle-furrow treatment were compared with those of pit treatments and radical-furrow treatments. A single root-zone treatment of aldicarb and carbofuran i the pine trees was significanlty effective for the pressure of the gall incidence by the insects. Control effectiveness in three-pit treatment was identical with those in conventional circle-furrow treatment. The pit treatment compared with the circle-furrow and radical furrow treatments would be a further feasible method in saving labor cost.

      • Carbary1 抵抗性·感受性系統 벼멸구의 生物學的 特性에 關한 硏究

        鄭富根,崔承允 서울大學校 農科大學 1981 서울대농학연구지 Vol.6 No.1

        Some experiments were carried out to induce the resistance of the brown planthopper(BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, to carbaryl(1-naphthyl n-methylcarbamate) in the laboratory, and to examine some biological differences between the susceptible and carbaryl-selected resistant strains of the BPH. 1. Development of resistance A susceptible laboratory strain of the one-day old adult BPH had been exposed topically to 0.25㎕ of acetone solution of carbaryl (LD90, 0.020㎍ a.i. per insect) in 15' successive generations using microapplicator. The LD?? and LD?? values of carbarly in the susceptible and selected-strains (10th and 15th generations) were determined using probit analysis. In the 15th generation, the LD?? values indicated about 2.5-fold resistance in females and 2-fold in males compared with the susceptable strain. 2. Biological characteristics of selected strains With the susceptible and carbaryl-selected resistant strains of BPH obtained above, some biological chractristics were studied on the body weight, number of eggs per female, egg-hatch, embyonic and post-embryonic development periods, adult emergence, and sex ratio. 1) The average longevity of the adult BPH in the resistant strain (15th generation) were significantly shortened by about 39% for females and 19% for males as compared with the susceptible strain (22.7 days for females and 22.0 days for males). The mode of longevity was on the 12th-day for both sexes in the resistant strains, while it was on the 27th-day for females and on the 18th-day for males in the susceptible strain. 2) The pre-ovipositional period was also shortened; 2.5 days for the resistant and 3.5 days for the susceptible strains. 3) The average body weight of one-day old female adult BPH was gradually decreased as resistance increased, but it was not true with males. 4) The average number of eggs laid by a female were greatly decreased as resistance increased. The nember of eggs laid by a female were 182.2 for the resistant strain of the 15th generation while they were 447.8 for the susceptible strain. Such a significant decrease in the number of eggs laid by a female would be primarily due to having shorter adult longevity and lesser adult body weight in the resistant strain. The mode of days in the number of eggs laid by a female was on the 10th-day in the resistant and the 17th-day in the susceptible strains. 5) The median days of egg-hatch were 9.1 days in the resistant and 9.7 days in the susceptible strains. The egg period was greatly dispersed in the resistant compared with the susceptible strains; the range was 6 to 18 days in the resistant and 9 to 15 days in the susceptible strains. 6) No sigificant difference in the average duration of embryonic development was observed in both strains. However, the mode of days in egg-hatch was delayed by about 3 days in the resistant strain. 7) The duration of the post-embryonic development was gradually prolonged as resistance increased. The length of nymphal stage was 14.3 days for the susceptible, and for the selected strains 15.0 days in the 10th generation. The nymphal periods indicated greater disperse in the resistant than in the susceptible strains, and the mode of days in the nymphal period was about 17 days for both sexes in the resistant strain while it was 13 days for males and 15 days for females in the susceptible strain. Consequently the average developmental period was longer in the resistant strain. 8) The adult emergence was 84.9% in the susceptible strain and 69.8% in the resistant strain. The number of days required for 50% of adult emergence was prolonged as resistance increased; 13.9 days for the susceptible, and for the selected strains 14.5 days in the 10th generation and 16.5 days in the 15th genration. 9) The sex ratioes were greater than 0.5 in all cases; 0.55 for susceptible strain, and 0.51 in the 10th generation and 0.52 in the 15th genreation for the resistant strains.

      • 벼멸구에 對한 水稻新品種.系統의 抵抗性機作에 關한 硏究

        金正和,李時雨,鄭富根,崔承允 서울大學校 農科大學 1982 서울대농학연구지 Vol.7 No.1

        A series of experiments were conducted to evaluate the varietal differences in resistance of Korean new rice cultivars to the brown planthoper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens Stal. The number of rice cultivars tested were eight from the Office of Rural Development (ORD), and four from College of Agriculture, Seoul National University (SNU). The nature of their varietal resistance of rice to the BPH were studied in terms of the seedling reaction, the insect preference in feeding and ovipostion, nymphal survival, sex ratio, population build-up, and honeydew excretion with feeding activity. (1) The seedling reaction indicated that Milyang-52, Suweon-290, -294, Iri-344, SNU-01701,-01708 and -020714 were resistant, and Milyang-46 and -54 moderately resistant. (2) The paeference studies indicated that the insects exhibited distinctively different preference for different cultivars in respect to feeding and ovipostion, the feeding preference of the insects did not coincide with the ovipostional preference. For feeding, few nymphs were recorded on the resistant cultivars, while large number of insects being counted on susceptible cultivars. For ovipostion, female adults prefered the resistant cultivars to the susceptibles. (3) Post-embryonic developmental period was relatively shorter on the susceptible rice cultivars than on the resistant cultivars, but it was not laways true. (4) The adult emergence rate was relatively higher on the susceptible cultivars than on the resistant cultivars. (5) Difference in sex ratio of the BPH reared on the susceptible and resistant cultivars could not be made sure due to the small number of adults tested. (6) The population build-up of BPH was significantly smaller on the resistant cultivars than on the susceptible ones. (7) The amount of honeydew excretion was measured using the the three different staining methods; with bromocresol green, aniline hydrochloride, and ninhydrin. The small amount of honeydew was recorded with the cultivars resistant to the BPH. All three staining methods were feasible in detecting the amount of honeydew excreted the insects. In conclusion, the nature of varietal resistance of rice to the BPH were greatly related with the resistant reaction of rice seedlings, preference in feeding, and antibiosis in nymphal survival and divelopmental period, adult emergence, population build-up and feeding activity, but it was not true with the prefernce in ovipostion and differences in sex ratio.

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