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      • KCI등재

        키워드 네트워크 분석을 활용한 한국안광학회지의 연구현황: 저자 선정 키워드 중 출현빈도 상위 10개 키워드를 중심으로

        정수아(Su A Jung),김현정(Hyun Jung Kim) 한국안광학회 2021 한국안광학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to investigate research status by applying key word network analysis to Korean key words selected by the authors of Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society (KOOS) papers. Methods: We selected Korean key words (980) that were marked by the author in the Korean abstract among papers published (4,640) in KOOS as subjects, and performed key word filtration. After analyzing frequency of appearance of these subjects and selecting top 10 key words for frequency of appearance, analysis of frequency of co-occurrence and centrality was performed for key words that appeared together in the papers in which they appeared. Results: The top 10 key words for frequency of appearance were soft contact lens, refractive error, optician, myopia, contrast sensitivity, contact lens, visual acuity, binocular vision, and astigmatism. After conducting network analysis, the highest frequency of co-occurrence was ‘refractive error-myopia’ and it was followed by ‘myopia-astigmatism’, ‘myopia-hyperopia’, and ‘phoria-binocular vision’. Degree centrality and betweenness centrality were the highest in ‘soft contact lens’ and closeness centrality and eigenvector centrality were the highest in ‘refractive error’. Conclusions: The research status of KOOS, focusing on author key words, confirmed that many studies related to ‘refractive error’, ‘visual function’, and ‘contact lens’ has been conducted. We expect to conduct research on a variety of other topics in the future.

      • KCI등재

        근거리 주시 시 발생하는 조절성 굴절이상 변화와 조절의 구성 요소에 관한 연구

        정수아(Su A Jung),김기창(Gi Chang Kim),김현정(Hyun Jung Kim) 한국안광학회 2021 한국안광학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        Purpose: This study investigates refractive error changes with accommodation, as well as a component of refractive error changes with accommodation occurring by near vision. Methods: Distant (5 m) and near (40 cm) refractive errors were measured using an open-view autorefractometer (N-Vision K-5001, Shin-Nippon, Japan). In the case of a near refractive error, the changes with accommodation caused by near vision were assessed after correcting the change in the refractive power by the amount of accommodative stimulus. The amount of vergence accommodation was calculated using the difference values of the near refractive error measured with the near vison chart placed in the center of the binocular eye and in front of the monocular eye. The amount of reflex accommodation including proximal accommodation, was calculated by the difference between the amount of refractive error changes with accommodation and vergence accommodation. The power vectors (M, J<SUB>0</SUB>, J<SUB>45</SUB>, B) were applied and analyzed. Results: Refractive error changes with accommodation occurring by near vision, vergence accommodation, and reflex accommodation including proximal accommodation, respectively, changed spherical power (S) into –1.54±0.58 D, 0.01±0.37 D, and −1.55±0.53 D, cylinder power (C) into –0.31±0.59 D, 0.41±0.71 D, and −0.72±0.84 D, axis (Ax, θ) into 5.18±83.74°, 13.18±69.58° and −8.00±79.41°, M into –1.69±0.70 D, 0.21±0.55 D, and −1.91±0.77 D, J<SUB>0</SUB> into 0.13±0.26 D, −0.17±0.2 9D, and 0.31±0.43 D, J<SUB>45</SUB> into 0.01±0.16 D, 0.08±0.22 D, and 0.03±0.16 D and B into 1.72±0.55 D, 0.56±0.44 D, and 1.97±0.81 D. Conclusions: A prescription should be considered since refractive error changes with accommodation may occur due to near vision. The vergence accommodation occurred due to the intervention of convergence when looking at near distance, and refractive error changes with accommodation demonstrated a large change by reflex accommodation including proximal accommodation, among the accommodation components.

      • KCI등재

        우위안 강도와 양안시기능의 상관관계 연구: 시력, 대비감도, 정적 입체시를 중심으로

        정수아(Su A Jung),김현정(Hyun Jung Kim) 한국안광학회 2019 한국안광학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between degree of eye dominance and binocular visual function (visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and static stereopsis). Methods: The degree of eye dominance was measured in 36 adults in their 20s and 30s (average age, 21.08±2.05 years) who were divided into three groups based on the degree of eye dominance levels (Low, Middle, High). Binocular distance visual acuity (uncorrected, corrected), distance contrast sensitivity, and distance and near static stereopsis were measured. Binocular visual function measured using the degree of eye dominance level was compared and the correlation between degree of eye dominance level and binocular visual function was analyzed. Results: As a result of measuring distance visual acuity (uncorrected and corrected), distance contrast sensitivity, fusional time, and distance and near static stereopsis, the visual function in the low degree of eye dominance group was superior to that of the high degree of eye dominance group, with the exception of fusional time; however, there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05). As a result of analyzing the correlation between binocular visual function according to degree of eye dominance, a lower degree of eye dominance was associated with better visual function except for fusional time; however, this relationship was not significant (p>0.05). Conclusions: Balanced use of both eyes aims to achieve outstanding visual function because binocular visual function with a relatively low degree of eye dominance representing the balanced use of both eyes, tends to be excellent.

      • KCI등재

        죽음을 주제로 한 그림책에 대한 온라인 독자 서평 분석 연구

        정수아(Jung, Su-a),현은자(Hyun, Eun-ja) 한국어린이문학교육학회 2024 어린이문학교육연구 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구는 죽음을 주제로 한 그림책에 대한 온라인 독자 서평을 분석함으로써, 성인 독자들이 그림책을 통해 죽음을 어떻게 이해하고, 반응하며, 죽음교육에 어떻게 활용하는지를 탐색하였다. 이를 위해 국내 상위 3곳의 온라인 서점(교보문고, 알라딘, YES 24)에서 작성된 죽음 관련 그림책 세 권의 서평 총 847편을 수집하고, 이후 Cresswell의 탐색적 순차 설계를 바탕으로 서평 속 죽음교육과 관련된 내용을 양적, 질적으로 분석하였다. 연구결과 성인독자들은 그림책을 통해 죽음의 인지적 이해를 심화하고, 삶의 가치를 재인식하였으며, 감정 이입을 통한 위로와 치유의 경험을 하였다. 특히, 성인독자들은 교육적 측면에서 그림책의 주제와 내용, 연령이 적합한지에 대한 고민을 나타내었으며, 그림책을 읽은 후 아동과의 상호작용을 통해 죽음교육을 실천하고 있었다. 본 연구는 죽음교육의 맥락에서 그림책이 가지는 교육적 가치를 재확인하고, 죽음교육의 주체가 되는 성인의 반응양상을 살펴보았다는 점에서 의의가 있으며, 더 나은 온라인 서평 환경을 위한 전문가들의 후속 연구가 필요함을 시사한다. This study explored how adult readers understand, respond to, and use death education through picture books by analyzing online reader book reviews on picture books on the subject of death. To this end, a total of 847 book reviews of three picture books related to death written at the top three online bookstores in Korea (Kyobo Bookstore, Aladdin, and YES 24) were collected, and the contents related to death education in book reviews were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed based on Cresswells exploratory sequential design. As a result of the study, adult readers deepened their cognitive understanding of death through picture books, re-recognized the value of life, and experienced comfort and healing through empathy. In particular, adult readers expressed their concerns about the subject, content, and age of picture books regarding education. They were practicing death education through interactions with children after reading picture books. This study is significant in that it reconfirmed the educational value of picture books in the context of death education, examined the response patterns of adult subjects in death education, and suggested that follow-up studies by experts for a better online book review environment are needed.

      • KCI등재

        단안면에서 우위안과 비우위안의 시기능 비교

        정수아(Su A Jung),김현정(Hyun Jung Kim) 한국안광학회 2018 한국안광학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Purpose: This study aimed to understand basic characteristics of visual function by comparing monocular visual function of dominant and non-dominant eye. Methods: 40 subjects in twenties (average age 22.78±1.90 years) were selected as subjects for this study. Various tests for monocular visual function (subjective refraction, visual acuity, accommodation, contrast sensitivity, visual field and readable visual field, intraocular pressure) were implemented to compare visual function of dominant and non-dominant eye. The subjects are divided into three group (Low, Middle, High) based on the result by degree of eye dominance level of subject. Monocular visual function of dominant and nondominant eye for each group were compared, visual function were also compared between dominant eyes and between non-dominant eyes respectively according to degree of eye dominance level. Results: As a result of comparison of various monocular visual function in dominant and non-dominant eye, most visual function of dominant and nondominant eye were almost similar and there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05). Difference in visual function of dominant and non-dominant eye according to each group divided by degree of eye dominance level was not statistically significant (p>0.05). There was also no statistically significant difference in each visual function between dominant eyes and between non-dominant eyes by degree of eye dominance level (p>0.05). Conclusions: In order to understand characteristics of dominant eye, further study such as studies on binocular visual function, rather than comparing monocular visual function, would be needed because monocular visual function of dominant and nondominant eye was similar.

      • KCI등재

        우위안 강도에 따른 원거리 시력과 대비감도에 관한 연구

        정수아(Su A Jung),김현정(Hyun Jung Kim) 한국안광학회 2017 한국안광학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        Purpose: This study was to analyze the correlation between distance visual acuity and contrast sensitivity according to degree of eye dominance. Methods: 40 male and female adults in twenties (average age 22.78±1.90 years) were participated Degree of non-dominant and dominant eye was compared by measuring degree of eye dominance with line of sight and card movement. After measuring uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity and contrast sensitivity (Hamilton-Veale Contrast Sensitivity Test, Hamilton-Veale, USA), correlation with degree of eye dominance by card movement standard was analyzed. Results: Degree of eye dominance in dominant eye was significantly stronger than in non-dominant eye in both methods (line of sight, card movement). For both distance visual acuity and contrast sensitivity, there was a positive correlation with the increase in degree of eye dominance in non-dominant eye, but negative correlation with the increase in degree of eye dominance in dominant eye. Especially, there was statistically significant correlation between degree of eye dominance and uncorrected visual acuity in dominant eye, degree of eye dominance and contrast sensitivity in non-dominant eye. Conclusions: Degree of eye dominance was correlated with distance visual acuity and contrast sensitivity and a balanced use of both eyes is recommended in daily life because visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were superior when both eyes were used in a balanced manner.

      • 제재부산물을 이용한 습식·건식 반탄화 바이오매스의 물리/화학적 특성분석

        정수아 ( Su-a Jung ),정예진 ( Ye-jin Jung ),형세진 ( Se-jin Hyung ),다오카오지앙 ( Dao Kha Giang ),이재원 ( Jae-won Lee ) 한국목재공학회 2020 한국목재공학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2020 No.1

        제재부산물은 합판, 보드 업계에서 주로 발생되며 일부는 연료로 사용되고 있다. 하지만 제재부산물의 수요는 축소되고 있어 다양한 용도 개발이 필요하다. 제재부산물 활용 방안 중 하나는 생분해성 플라스틱 제조이다. 제재부산물을 생분해성 플라스틱 제조에 활용하기 위해서는 바이오매스 소수화, 다량의 미세분 생산이 요구된다. 이러한 요구사항은 수분, 휘발성 물질을 분해하는 반탄화공정을 이용하여 해결할 수 있으며 이는 분쇄과정에서 소요되는 에너지를 절약할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 제재부산물을 향후 생분해성 플라스틱 제조에 적합한 원료로 사용하고자 원료를 수집하고 미세분화 공정을 비교하기 위해 습식 및 건식 반탄화를 수행하였다. 공시재료로 레드파인 제재부산물을 선정하였고 원료에 대한 물리, 화학적 특성을 분석한 후 유성밀을 이용하여 미세분화하여 반응조건에 대한 차이를 비교분석하였다. 습식 및 건식 반탄화는 200℃에서 10, 20, 30분 동안 수행하였으며, 각 바이오매스에 대해 화학성분 분석, 분쇄특성, 결정화도를 분석하였다.

      • KCI등재

        본태적 난시도 그룹간 난시성 흐림이 대비감도에 미치는 영향

        정형렬(Hyung Ryul Jeong),정수아(Su A Jung),이정임(Jeong Lim Lee),김현정(Hyun Jung Kim) 한국안광학회 2021 한국안광학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        Purpose: This study investigates the effect of the astigmatic blur of the same amount on contrast sensitivity among groups of natural astigmatism power. Methods: A total of 34 adults (average age of 22.11±2.32 years) with myopic with-the-rule astigmatism were selected. The natural astigmatism power was subdivided into four groups (Group I: −0.50≤DC<−1.00, Group II: −1.00≤ DC< −2.00, Group III: −2.00≤DC<−3.00, Group IV: −3.00≤DC). After contrast sensitivity was measured in a spherical equivalent correction, full correction, with undercorrected cylindrical diopter (−0.50 DC, −1.00 DC), it was converted into relative contrast sensitivity. Relative contrast sensitivity varies in all subjects according to the undercorrected cylindrical diopter, and the relative contrast sensitivity in the undercorrected cylindrical diopter of the same amount was compared between the four groups. Results: Spherical equivalent correction and undercorrected cylindrical diopters decreased the contrast sensitivity at all spatial frequencies, with a statistically more significant decrease at high spatial frequencies (12 and 18 cpd) than at low spatial frequencies (1.5, 3, 6 cpd). In addition, when the spatial frequency was the same, in terms of contrast sensitivity, there was no statistically significant difference in natural astigmatism power in the undercorrected cylindrical diopter of the same amount. However, there was a greater statistically significantly decrease in Group III and IV than in Group I and II in the spherical equivalent correction. Conclusions: The astigmatic blur with spherical equivalent correction and undercorrected cylindrical diopter causes a decrease in contrast sensitivity. Specifically, when the natural astigmatism power is over −2.00 D, the spherical equivalent correction causes a greater decrease in contrast sensitivity. Therefore, we estimate that undercorrected cylindrical diopter of under −1.00 D is necessary, instead of spherical equivalent correction at over −2.00 D.

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