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        The Effectiveness of Negative Political Advertising: A Meta Analytic Re-Assessment

        전홍식(Cheon,Hong-sik),탁진영(Tak,Jin-young) 한국방송광고공사 2009 광고연구 Vol.0 No.82

        본 연구는 유권자에 대한 부정적 정치광고의 효과에 관련된 32개의 기존 연구를 대상으로 체계적인 메타분석을 실시하여 부정적 정치광고와 부정 적이지 않은 정치광고(긍정적 혹은 중립적)를 비교하여 그 효과를 재 검증하였다.메타분석은 유권자의 반응을 인지적,감성적,행동적 차원의 3가지 측면으로 구분하여 실시하였다. 연구의 결과는 유권자의 인지적 측면과 감성적 측면에서의 부정적 정치광고의 효과를 지지하고 있다.하지만,연구자는 부정적 정치광고의 시행과 유권자의 행동적 측면에서의 효과와의 유의미한 연관성을 발견하지는 못하였다.결론적으로,부정적 정치광고의 시행은 유권자의 인지적 측면과 감성적 측면에서의 의도된 효과(예,광고주에 대한 긍정적 결과와 상대 후보자에 대한 부정적 결과)를 거둘 수 있음을 확인하였다.그러나,부정적 정치광고는 유권자의 행동적 측면에서의 효과는 기대하기 어렵다는 것을 보여주었다. This study is a systemic quantitative meta-analysis of 32 political dvertisingstudieswithregardtonegativevs.non-negative(i.e.,positiveand neutral) advertising strategies. The meta-analysis utilized three moderators: 1) cognitive, 2) affective, and 3) behavioral responses. The study findings provided support for negative advertising strategies with regard to voters’ cognitive and affective responses. However, we found no substantial relationship between negative advertising strategies and voters’behavioral responses. As a whole, negative political advertising had intended consequences on voters’cognitive and affective responses: positive consequencesforthesponsorsandnegativeconsequenceforthetargets. However,negativepoliticaladvertisingdidnotmanipulatevoters’behavioral effects.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        인터넷 쇼핑에서 소비자의 사전지식, 사용 후기 측면성 및 준거가격 수준이 구매 의도에 미치는 영향

        전홍식(Hong Sik Cheon),주송국(Jong Kook Song) 한국광고홍보학회 2010 한국광고홍보학보 Vol.12 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 바로 인터넷 쇼핑에서 소비자의 사전지식에 대한 사용 후기 프레이밍 및 준거가격 수준이 구매 의도에 미치는 영향을 논의하는 것이다. 구체적으로 소비자 사전지식에 따라 분류된 소비자 집단에 따라 어떠한 사용 후기 프레이밍을 제시하는 것이 소비자의 구매 의도에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있는가에 대한 문제가 논의된다. 먼저, 첫 번째 실험은 사전지식 수준(사전지식이 높은 경우, 사전지식이 낮은 경우)에 따른 사용 후기 프레이밍(긍정적 프레이밍, 긍정과 부정이 혼합된 양면 프레이밍)에 대한 연구로써 사전지식 수준에 따른 사용 후기 프레이밍 방식의 최적 전략을 살펴보았다. 실제로 이 실험에서는 사전지식 수준과 상관없이 사용 후기가 긍정과 부정이 혼합된 혼합 프레이밍으로 제시하는 것이 소비자의 구매 의도를 더 높일 수 있는 전략이 된다. 그러나 준거가격 수준(실제가격이 준거가격보다 높은 경우, 실제가격이 준거가격보다 낮거나 같은 경우)을 고려한 두 번째 실험을 통해, 첫 번째 실험 결과는 실제가격이 준거가격보다 높거나 같을 경우 적용되는 것임을 확인할 수 있었다. 반면에, 실제가격이 준거가격보다 낮을 경우 다른 결과가 도출됨을 확인할 수 있다. 소비자의 사전지식 수준이 높을 경우에는 제품의 사용후기가 긍정과 부정이 혼합된 프레이밍이, 소비자의 사전지식 수준이 낮은 경우에는 사용후기가 긍정적 프레이밍으로 제시하는 것이 소비자의 구매의도를 높이는 전략임을 알 수 있는 것이다. 마지막으로 본 연구에 대한 이론적, 실무적 시사점이 논의된다. The purpose of this article is to research the effects of prior knowledge on consumers` comments of framing and reference price to the purchase intention in internet shopping. Specifically, this research also discusses if the suggestions of consumers comments framing to the groups classified by the prior knowledge on purchase intention, does positive impact on consumers` purchase intention or not. The first test is about the users` comments` framing(i.e., positive message, two-side message mixed by positive and negative) by the prior knowledge standard(in case of high and low knowledge) on purchase intention, to find out ideal strategy. As a result of this test, suggestions of positive and two-side message of uses` would be good strategy to improve consumers` purchase intention regardless of prior knowledge standard on the products. But by the second test which is concerned about reference price(in case of real price is higher and lower than reference price or as the same as reference price), we find out the first test result is applicable in the case that real price is higher than reference price. On the other hand, when the real price is lower than reference price or as the same as reference price, it is ideal to suggest positive and two-side users` comments framing in the case of that consumers` prior knowledge is high; and is ideal to suggest positive users` comments framing in the case that consumers` prior knowledge is low to improve consumers` purchase intention. Lastly, the article studies about theoretical, and practical implications on the further sideness.

      • KCI등재
      • 리테일테인먼트에 따라 구매특성과 구매효용이 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        오현석(Hyun Seok Oh),전홍식(Hong sik J. Cheon) 한국유통과학회 2019 한국유통과학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2019 No.-

        Purpose - The development of technologies lead the volume of sale on online market increase but an off-line shopping center is still a core component in the omni-channel strategy. It is generally thought that high-level retailtainment on brick and mortar store affects purchase intentions positively, but some previous studies dispute that and have reported that retailtainment does not affect purchase intentions. So we have studied the additional factors effect - the nature of purchase and utility - with retailtainment. Research design, data, and methodology - There are 8 treatment groups which were assigned by the method of retailtainment (high vs. low), nature of purchase (essential vs. non-essential), and utility (acquisition vs. transaction). A total of 240 subjects (office workers = 163, 68%; undergraduates = 77, 32%; average age = 30s; female =39%) were divided into groups and exposed to one of the eight scenarios. Participant’s purchase intention was the dependent, and ANOVA and L-matrix were used to analyze for main and interactive effects between factors. Results - First, the main effect and interactive effect between retailtainment and the nature of purchase are significant. We also found that the contrast between essential and non-essential at low-level retailtainment is higher than that of high-level retailtainment. Second, in the case of retailtainment and utility, transaction utility under high-level retailtainment affects purchase intentions positively. Third, between the nature of the purchase and utility, the main effect of the nature of purchase and the interactive effect is significant, but the main effect of utility is not significant. In the case of non-essential goods, the purchase intention was high when transaction utility was provided but in the case of essential goods, acquisition utility increased purchase intentions. Finally, when transaction utility is given, purchase intentions of essential goods increase under low retailtainment, and

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        라포형성행동이 관계품질과 행동의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이영지 ( Lee Yong-ji ),전홍식 ( Cheon Hong-sik ) 한국벤처혁신학회 2024 벤처혁신연구 Vol.7 No.2

        코로나19로 인한 팬데믹 이후 높아진 여가활동 참여율에 따라 생활스포츠 참여율과 스포츠 시설 창업률이 지속적으로 증가해 왔으나, 최근 폐업률이 꾸준히 증가하고 있다. 이러한 스포츠 시설운영업체들이 과다 경쟁 상황에서 생존하기 위해서는 경쟁우위의 서비스 개발과 제공으로 차별화된 마케팅방안이 마련되어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 스포츠 여가서비스 분야에서의 경쟁우위를 확보하고 지속적인 성장의 방안을 찾고자 서비스 제공자와 고객 간에 라포를 형성하는 행동, 관계품질, 지속이용의도 및 프리미엄가격 지불의향 등의 구조적 관계를 실증적으로 검증하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 라포형성행동 5가지 중 공통기반 행동을 제외한 세심한 행동, 연결행동, 예의바른 행동, 정보공유행동이 관계 품질등의 하위요소인 고객만족과 고객신뢰에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 관계품질 하위요소인 고객만족은 지속이용의도와 프리미엄가격 지불의향에 모두 긍정적이고 유익한 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 마지막으로, 관계품질 하위요소인 고객신뢰는 지속이용의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었으나, 프리미엄가격 지불의향에는 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구결과는 갈수록 경쟁이 심화하는 스포츠 여가서비스 분야 환경에서 지속성장경영을 위해서는 서비스 제공자와 소비자 사이에 라포형성행동이 중요함이 증명되었다. Since COVID-19 crisis, health concerns and the need for interpersonal activities have driven many people to engage in leisure activities, which has naturally led to a steady increase in the participation rate of life sports. However, the start-up rate of sports facilities is decreasing and the closure rate is steadily increasing, and to survive in the over-competitive situation, sports facility operators need to develop and provide services with competitive advantages and come up with differentiated marketing plans. The purposes of this study were to (a) identify rapport-building behaviors for bring about relationship quality, customer satisfaction and customer trust, to a service provider in the sports leisure service environment (b) examine the ways in which customer satisfaction and customer trust induces positive behavior intentions in the sports leisure service environment, and (c) empirically verify the path of rapport- building behaviors through customer quality to continuance intention and WTPP(willing to pay premium price). The proposed conceptual model was empirically tested via structural equation modeling analysis using data collected from 350 adults who enjoy sports leisure services nationwide. Based on data analysis, firstly, attentive behavior, connecting behavior, courteous behavior, and information sharing behavior, were found to have a positive effect on relationship quality ,customer satisfaction and customer trust. Second, customer satisfaction was found to have a positive effect on both continuance intention and WTPP. Third, customer trust, a subcomponent of relationship quality, was found to have a positive effect on continuance intention, but not on WTPP. The findings of this study show that, first, rapport building with customers is important for sustainable growth management in the increasingly competitive sports and leisure service environment.

      • Affecting of Nature of Purchase and Purchase Utility on Purchase Intention According to Retailtainment

        오현석(Hyun-Seok Oh),전홍식(Hongsik J. Cheon) 한국유통과학회 2019 한국유통과학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2019 No.1

        Purpose - The development of technologies lead the volume of sale on online market increase but an off-line shopping center is still a core component in the omni-channel strategy. It is generally thought that high-level retailtainment on brick and mortar store affects purchase intentions positively, but some previous studies dispute that and have reported that retailtainment does not affect purchase intentions. So we have studied the additional factors effect - the nature of purchase and utility - with retailtainment. Research design, data, and methodology - There are 8 treatment groups which were assigned by the method of retailtainment (high vs. low), nature of purchase (essential vs. non-essential), and utility (acquisition vs. transaction). A total of 240 subjects (office workers = 163, 68%; undergraduates = 77, 32%; average age = 30s; female =39%) were divided into groups and exposed to one of the eight scenarios. Participant’s purchase intention was the dependent, and ANOVA and L-matrix were used to analyze for main and interactive effects between factors. Results - First, the main effect and interactive effect between retailtainment and the nature of purchase are significant. We also found that the contrast between essential and non-essential at low-level retailtainment is higher than that of high-level retailtainment. Second, in the case of retailtainment and utility, transaction utility under high-level retailtainment affects purchase intentions positively. Third, between the nature of the purchase and utility, the main effect of the nature of purchase and the interactive effect is significant, but the main effect of utility is not significant. In the case of non-essential goods, the purchase intention was high when transaction utility was provided but in the case of essential goods, acquisition utility increased purchase intentions. Finally, when transaction utility is given, purchase intentions of essential goods increase under low retailtainment, and

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