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      • KCI등재


        全鍾美 대한일어일문학회 2013 일어일문학 Vol.60 No.-

        The purpose of this study is the analysis and the consideration of the utterance used in the introduction of the story of experiences that were appeared during conversation. The data was collected by the conversation of six fairs of Japanese female university students that haven’t seen each other. It was found that the preceding utterance appeared in the introduction of the story of experiences had six patterns. The preceding utterances of the audience among the six patterns were「question」「additional utterance」「self-disclosure」, and the preceding utterances of the speaker were「mention of topic」「self-disclosure」, and the preceding utterance of both audience and speaker was「sequence of agreement utterance and opinion utterance」. The number of all stories of experiences that were appeared in the whole conversation was thirty-one. The question of the audience was appeared the most frequently as twelve times. Following the question of the audience, the mention of topic of speaker was appeared the second most frequently as six times. Other preceding utterances had the appearance frequency from two to four. As the result of the analysis, the story of experiences was appeared as eighteen times when the topic was related with the speaker. And when the topic was related with the audience, the story of experiences was appeared as seven times. And when the topic was related with both speaker and audience, the story of experiences was appeared as six times. Saying experience to someone means that the speaker wants to share the experience and feel sympathy. So, saying experience to someone plays the important role in the human relationship. It might be one of the methods to share the experience, to have the good relation with someone who has the first conversation. It can induce the experience of interlocutor to use the preceding utterance having the high frequency of appearance such as [question] and [mention of topic] in the conversation related with speaker like the analysis result of the data. The story of experiences will be analyzed in the diverse position to apply the study result to the conversation education for Japanese language learners.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        전종미 대한일어일문학회 2023 일어일문학 Vol.100 No.-

        This study examined the roles that questions play in conversations between amicable native speakers of Korean and Japanese. To monitor their frequency and appearance, the functions of questions in the data were divided into five categories: <information request>, <opinion request>, <confirmation request>, <agreement request>, <information provision>, and <opinion expression>. The analysis revealed that Japanese mores speakers employed a higher frequency of questions compared to Korean mores speakers. The question expressions <confirmation request> and <information request> were frequently used in both languages, but the frequency of <opinion request> varied. Throughout the conversation, the Japanese speaker's <opinion request> kept coming up. However, for Korean speakers, it was only mentioned at the start of the conversation. <Agreement request> was frequently used in Korean speeches. It was discovered that this was the outcome of someone attempting to influence someone else's viewpoint by expressing their own. It is believed that Japanese speakers do not use <agreement request> because they do not want to burden the other party. In Japanese speeches, it is common to engage in <expressing opinions> and <providing information> as a means of gauging the other person's reaction during the discussion. Opinions and information are typically expressed by Korean speakers through statements. This suggests that they prioritized the purpose of communication over maintaining rapport with the other person.

      • KCI등재

        初対面会話にみられる自己開示の日韓対照研究 -自発度による自己開示の出現を中心に-

        全鍾美 단국대학교 일본연구소 2011 일본학연구 Vol.33 No.-

        본 연구는, 한국과 일본의 대학생 16쌍의 초면회화에 보이는 자기개시에 주목하여, 자발도에 의한 자기개시의 출현에 보이는 특징을 검토한 것이다. 자발도에 의한 자기개시를 5 타입으로 분류하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 한국어 모어화자는 일본어 모어화자에 비해, 초면의 상대에게 자기개시 하는 빈도가 높다. 2. 자발도에 의한 자기개시의 5타입 모두, 한국어 모어화자의 자기개시가 일본어 모어화자의 자기개시보다 출현 빈도가 높다. 3. 일본어 모어화자에게는 「상대방의 질문에 대답하는 자기개시」가, 한국어 모어화자에게는 「자기개시에 설명을 덧붙이는 자기개시」가 가장 많이 출현했다. 4. 이러한 결과는 한일 양국의 자기개시 행위에 대한 의식의 차이에서 비롯되었음이 증명 되었다. Contrastive study in Japanese and Korean of self-disclosure on first-acquaintance with strangers : the feature of self-disclosure by appearance of spontaneousness This study examines self-disclosure on first-acquaintance conversation with strangers by comparing the data of 8 pairs of Japanese students and 8 pairs of Korean students. Self disclosure is classified as 5 type. Results of the study are as follows: 1. Korean students tend to do more self-disclosure than Japanese students to strangers. 2. Self disclosure of 5 type is appeared more in Korean students than Japanese students. 3. The self disclosure of the type of responding to the other person is appeared the most highly in Japanese students. And the self disclosure of the type of adding explanation to self disclosure is appeared the most highly in Korean students. 4. It is proved that the difference between Japanese and Korean students’ self-disclosure is due to the difference of consciousness about self disclosure of the two countries.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한일 언어문화관련 수업의 필요성에 대한 일고찰

        전종미 일본어문학회 2020 일본어문학 Vol.88 No.-

        In this article, I present a questionnaire-based analysis of the classes on Korean-Japanese Language Cultures in order to improve the environment of Japanese language education and provide an effective method of teaching the Japanese language. The questionnaires consist of 29 questions, and were answered by the 107 students of the class “Understanding Japanese-Korean communication.” The students provided a number of answers which indicates that the students looked forward to the class and they found it to be helpful for improving their communication skills. As for the content of the class, the students seemed to be especially interested in topics where cultural differences between the two countries are clear. Other opinions suggest that they got interested in Japanese language and culture through the class and changed their views on it. In this connection, notable opinions include “Audiovisual materials were prepared, and they were helpful for understanding the content of the class” and “This class should be taken by the first year students.” Other remarkable opinions suggest the need for classes relating to language and culture to form and maintain the peaceful interpersonal relation between Korean and Japanese people. This is indicative that the improvement of communication skills is required for the learners of Japanese in the contemporary society where human interactions are quite active. It is necessary that the finding of this study should be a basis for improving the environment for Japanese language education by forming a meaningful connection with other classes and incorporating into classes various teaching methods based on intercultural communication.

      • KCI등재


        全鍾美 대한일어일문학회 2013 일어일문학 Vol.58 No.-

        The purpose of this study is the analysis and the consideration of the negotiation of opinion that is appeared in the group-discussion. The data was collected by the conversation between six people that are consist of three Japanese native speakers and three Japanese non-native speakers. They were belong to the same graduate school. As the result of the conversation, the participators developed the conversation with expressing the agreement about one opinion. When the opinion was in discord with another opinion, the speakers adjusted their opinions with not the strong insistence but the acceptance of other speaker"s opinions. When the speakers expressed their opinions, the discourse markers such as filler, pause, modality, laugh and so on were accompanied with the conversation. It was found that some speakers started the conversation in the group. Other participators except some speakers who started the conversation listened to the some speakers" opinions and expressed their participation in the discussion with turning their"s gaze on and nodding. It is important to adjust the opinions with cooperation in the group-discussion. The interaction of power relation between the participators was not found in the data of this study. It is considered that the reason of the absence of the interaction of power relation was the power between the participators was equal because the discussion didn"t required finding of a solution and the participators were belong to the same graduate school.

      • KCI등재

        「否定的評価」と「不同意表明」による「対立」の形成 - 時間的経過による会話の変化に注目して-

        전종미 대한일어일문학회 2019 일어일문학 Vol.81 No.-

        The purpose of this study is the analysis and the 「conflict」of 「Negative evaluation」and 「disagreement」that was appeared during conversation by passage of time. The data was collected by the conversation of two of Japanese native speakers and two of Korean learners of Japanese language. The conversation was processed three times and thirty minutes. As the result of the study, the 「negative evaluation」and the 「disagreement」were increased when the investigation is conducted. However, The Korean leaners of Japanese language have the 「negative evaluation」and the 「disagreement」more than Japanese native speakers. Especially, the appearance frequency was high in the 「negative evaluation about the other party」and the 「disagreement about the other party’s opinio n」. There was not a lot of 「conflicts」in the <conversation 1>. When the Korean leaners of Japanese language had the utterance that induces the 「conflict」, the Japanese native speaker had the utterance that mitigates the 「conflict」. There was a lot of 「conflicts」in the <conversation 2>. Almost「conflicts」were between Japanese native speaker and Korean leaner of Japanese language. However, it was found that the 「conflict」was for mitigating the conversation tension and livening up the mood. There was a lof of 「conflicts」in <conversation 3>. There was 「conflict」between Japanese native speaker and Korean leaner of Japanese language in <conversation 2>. However, there was 「conflict」 between person with the same opinion and person with the different opinion. The 「negative evaluation」and the 「disagreement」were increased by lapse of time, and the 「conflict」was increased. However, the appeared 「conflict」was not for opposing the other party but for appearing the intimacy to the other party. Henceforward, I want to make the result that contributes the interaction between Korea and Japan by the research with the various direction

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