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      • DMZ 일원의 환경보전 기본방안

        전성웅,변병설,이병준 한국환경정책평가연구원 2003 한국환경정책평가연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2003/re-03 No.-

        본 연구는 DMZ 일원의 환경보전방안을 마련하는 데 있다. 그통안 DMZ 일원에 대한 많은 연구가 있었지만 연구의 내용이 단편적이었거나 구체적이지 못하여 연구의 내용을 실효성있는 정책대안으로 활용하기에는 미흡하였다. 특히 환경보전방안들이 공간화되지 못함에 따라 개발계획과 개발행위로 인한 자연환경의 훼손에 효과적으로 대처하지 못하였고, 보전할 지역에 대해서도 제대로 보전하지 못하는 한계를 보여왔다. 따라서 DMZ 일원의 환경보전과 지속가능한 발전을 실현하기 위하여 이지역 에서 일어나고 있는 각종 개발행위를 통제할 수 있으면서도, 보전할 지역에 대해서는 확실히 보전할 수 있는 종합적이고 구체적이며, 동시에 공간화된 환경보전방안이 마련되어야 한다는 요청이 끊임없이 제기되어 왔다 이려한 맥락에서 본 연구를 다음과 같이 진행하였다. 첫째, DMZ 일원이 지니는 의미를 명확히 하고 DMZ 일원이 왜 보전되어야 하는가를 제시하였다. DMZ 일원은 남북분단과 냉전 이데올로기의 상징으로 아직도 남북한 간에 군사적 긴장이 남아있는 곳이지만, 향후 세계적인 생태 · 평화지역으로 탈바꿈 될 지역이라는 데에 그 의미가 있다. 또한 우수한 생물다양성, 특이한 자연생태계 등 높은 생태적 가치로 인해 보전의 필요성이 높은 곳이다. 따라서 더 이상의 자연환경 훼손을 방지하고, 환경보전을 통한 지속가능발전을 실현하기 위해 친환경적 국토관리가 필요하다. 둘째, 환경관리를 위한 DMZ 일원에 대하여 정책동향과 환경여건을 파악하고, 관리범위를 설정하였다. 여기에는 최근 생태·자연도 작성 시 사용한 생태조사권역의 소권역과 수자원공사가 제작한 표준유역도의 유역권을 접경지역지원법상의 접경지역과 중첩하여 생물지리적 관점이 포함된 환경관리범위를 설정하였다. 셋째, DMZ 일원에 대한 합리적인 정책방안 도출을 위해 전문가와 지역 공무원에게 설문조사를 실시하였다. 실시한 결과 DMZ 일원에 대한 관리실태와 방안에 대하여 여러 가지 시사점을 얻을 수 있었다. 넷째, DMZ 일원의 환경보전전략으로 공간환경지도의 작성을 통한 환경계획의 기본틀 수립, 관리권역별 차등관리, 환경정책으로 발생한 공간적 불공정한 분배효과의 시정, 소극적 규제정책에서 적극적 보전정책으로, 이해당사자간 역할분담과 협력체제 구축 등을 제시하였다. 여기서 권역별 차등관리란 1등급지역은 최우선 보전지역으로 원칙적으로 일체의 개발을 불허하고, 2등급지역은 개발을 불허하지만 소규모 친환경적 개발을 부분적으로 허용하며, 3등급지역은 엄격한 환경성평가와 선 친환경적 계획에 의한 후개발을 허용하며, 4등급지역은 친환경적 개발을 허용하지만 3등급보다는 보다 완화된 규제를 받으며, 5등급지역은 기 개발지역으로 친환경적 관리와 환경복원을 통해 지역의 환경이 더 이상 악화되지 않도록 하는 것을 말한다. 다섯째, DMZ 일원에 대하여 국토환경성을 평가하고 이를 등급별로 구분하여 환경 관리권역을 설정하였다. 국토환경성평가에는 환경부의 ‘국토환경성평가항목 및 기준’을 적용하였다. 관리권역별 등급의 분석결과 전체 관리범위 7,718.76㎢에서 절대적 보전이 요구되는 핵심지역인 1등급지역은 55.51%인 4,284.85㎢, 보전이 요구되는 완충지역인 2등급지역은 23.45%인 1,809.76㎢, 친환경적 개발이 요구되는 전이지역 중 3등급지역은 8.20% 인 632.98㎢, 전이지역 중 4등급지역은 2.41% This study was aimed at developing an environment conservation plan for the DMZ area. Although there have been a number of studies on the DMZ areas, they were fragmented or not detailed enough to be utilized as an effective policy alternative. In particular, as environment conservation plans were not converted into spatial plans, natural environment destruction caused by development plans and development behaviors was not addressed effectively. Also, areas with conservation value are not being conserved properly. Therefore, in order to realize environment conservation and sustainable development in the DMZ area, there have been continuous requests for the development of a comprehensive and specific as well as spatial environment conservation plan that can control various development activities and conserve valuable sites within the DMZ area. In this context, this study proceeded in the following steps. First, the significance of the DMZ area was clarified and rationales for conserving the area were described. The DMZ area is the symbol of separation of two Koreas and representation of Cold War ideology. Although it is an area where military tension between North Korea and South Korea still remains, it will transform into a globally ecological & peaceful area in the future. However, growing development pressures on the DMZ area is increasing the possibility of environment destruction. While keeping a close eye on such environmental changes in the DMZ area, quality biodiversity, unique natural ecosystem, prevention of further natural environment destruction, sustainable development through environment conservation, environment conservation benefits to future generations, high ecological conservation value, and environment-friendly national land management were suggested as the necessity of environment conservation in the DMZ area. Second, the scope of environment management for the DMZ area was defined. By overlapping the micro-spheres of ecological survey spheres used in developing an ecological & natural map and basin zones in the Standard Basin Map developed by Water Resource Corporation with transboundary areas in the Transboundary Area Support Law, the scope of environment management in the DMZ area incorporating a bio-regional perspective was defined. Third, environment management districts were defined by conducting land environmental assessment in the DMZ area and categorizing them by grades. In land environmental assessment, ""National Land Environmental Assessment Items and Criteria"" by the Ministry of Environment were applied. The results from the management district grading analysis showed that out of the total area of 7.718.76㎢, grade 1 or core area that requires absolute conservation is 55.51% (4,284.85㎢), grade 2 or buffer area that should be conserved is 23.45% (1,809.76㎢), grade 3 within transition area that requires environment-friendly development is 8.20% (632.98㎢), grade 4 within transition area is 2.41 % (186.27㎢), grade 5 or already developed area is 5.09% (393.00㎢), and ungradable area is 5.34% (411.90㎢). Here, the ungradable areas are those where land environmental assessment is not possible due to the lack of data. Fourth, as environment conservation strategies for the DMZ area, building a framework for an environmental plan through development of a spatial environment map, differentiated management of the management districts, readjustment of unfair spatial distribution effect from environmental policies, a shift from passive regulatory policies to proactive conservation policies, and the role defining and cooperative system among stakeholders were suggested. Within this context, differentiated management of management districts means that no development is allowed at all in grade 1 area as it is a high-priority conservation area. Although full-scale development is prohibited in the grade 2 areas, small environmentally-friendly developments are partially allowed. In grade 3 areas, d

      • KCI등재

        Fast stabilization of web tension in drying process of roll-to-roll printing equipment for printed electronics

        전성웅,김철,김충환 대한기계학회 2015 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.29 No.12

        In roll-to-roll printing for the fabrication of flexible printed electronic devices, it is important to minimize the tension variation of theweb because the tension variation strongly affects register errors and the quality of the printed devices. Moreover, the high drying temperaturerequired to sinter functional inks causes shrinkage of the plastic web, which yields severe register errors. After the drying process,the web tension should increase, elongating the web, which contracts because of the drying process. Once the shrunken web recoversits original length by elongation, the tension stabilizes at a higher value. This steady-state stabilization of the web tension requires a longtime, corresponding to the time constant between two printing units, which could increase the production time. In this study, a faststabilizationmethod for web tension in the drying process is proposed to reduce the time required for the stabilization of the tension. Forthe fast stabilization, a dancer system is introduced, and the variation in the tension is used as a reference value for the tension stabilization. The proposed method is verified by simulations and experiments using actual roll-to-roll printing equipment.

      • KCI등재

        Control and Measurement of Doctoring Angle at Deformed State in Doctoring Apparatus for Printed Electronics

        전성웅,김충환,김철 한국정밀공학회 2017 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.18 No.5

        In printed electronics, the performance of printed devices depends on the quality of the printed patterns, or printability. It depends on the printing ink, the printing equipment, and printing conditions. Therefore, for reliable printed patterns with high printability, the printing conditions should be optimized and then maintained at constant values. Among the various printing conditions, parameters related to the doctoring process are important in gravure printing. In this study, the doctoring angle is redefined by the contact angle between the master plate and the doctor blade at the deformed state rather than the undeformed initial angle. The doctoring apparatus, capable of varying the angle of the doctor blade by controlling the position of the blade at the desired position, is developed. To estimate the doctoring angle in the deformed state without measurement from the photo image, mathematical model that calculates the doctoring angle in the deformed state using only geometric properties are derived. The doctoring angles based on the proposed mathematical model are compared with those measured from direct photo images for verifying the proposed method. In addition, the effect of the doctoring angle on the printability of the printed patterns is examined qualitatively through an experiment.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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