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        수도권 통근자의 직장 및 주택접근성이 통근시간에 미치는 영향에 대한 분석

        전명진(Jun, Myung-Jin),이지현(Lee, Jihyeon) 한국지역개발학회 2020 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.32 No.2

        본 연구는 2015년 통계청 집계구 자료를 활용하여 행정동별 직장 및 주택 접근성을 계산하고 이를 2016년 수도권 가구 통행 실태 조사와 결합하여 분석자료를 만든 후, 직장 및 주거 접근성이 통근 시간에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 분석하였다. 이를 위한 통계 분석 모형으로 통근시간에 영향을 미치는 것으로 알려진 통근자의 사회경제적 특성, 교통특성, 접근성 변수 등을 포함한 다중회귀모형을 구축하였다. 본 연구를 통해 도출한 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 수도권 중심도시인 서울에서 일하는 통근자의 경우 모든 주택 유형에 있어 주택접근성과 통근 시간의 관계가 통계적으로 유의한 플러스 계수 값을 가지는 것으로 분석되었다. 이는 서울 직장인들이 실제 거주하는 주택과 같은 종류의 주택에 대한 높은 접근성에도 불구하고 직장에서 먼 곳에 주거지를 결정한다는 것을 의미한다. 지역 간 주택가격 격차가 서울 직장인의 주거입지 선택을 교외지역으로 밀어내어 통근 시간이 길어진 것으로 판단된다. 둘째, 서울 직장인들과는 반대로 경기·인천의 교외지역에서 일하는 통근자의 경우 주택접근성과 통근 시간의 관계는 모든 주택 유형에서 마이너스 값을 나타내고 있어 이들 지역에서 일하는 통근자의 경우 직장 주변의 주택 접근성이 높으면 통근 시간이 짧아진다는 분석 결과를 제시하고 있다. 셋째, 서울 거주자의 직장 접근성과 통근 시간의 관계를 보면 모든 직종에서 통계적으로 유의한 마이너스 계수 값을 가지는 것으로 나타나 거주지 근처에 통근자의 직업과 동종의 직장이 많이 분포되어 있으면 통근 시간이 짧아진다는 분석 결과를 제시하고 있다. 넷째, 경기·인천 거주자의 경우 전문직종, 관리업 및 사무업종의 직장 접근성은 통근시간에 통계적으로 유의한 영향이 없는 반면 서비스업종, 판매업종, 기능 및 단순 노무업종 등은 통계적으로 유의한 마이너스 값을 가지는 것으로 분석되었다. This study analyzes the effects of the job and housing accessibility oncommuting time for the commuters in the Seoul metropolitan area. We measure the joband housing accessibility by administrative dong using 2015 micro area (jipgegu) datafrom the Korea Statistical Office, and combine this with the 2016 household travelsurvey data. We build multiple regression models which include commuter’ssocio-economic characteristics, commute modes, and accessibility variables as predictorvariables of commuting time. The analysis results can be summarized as follows. First, in the case of commutersworking in Seoul, the relationship between housing accessibility and commuting time wasstatistically significant positive for all housing types. This finding seems to be because itis difficult for workers in Seoul to find an affordable house around the workplace dueto the high housing prices in Seoul. Second, the relationships between housingaccessibility and commuting time for commuters working in suburban areas of Gyeonggi-Incheon, and between job accessibility and commuting time of residents in Seoul arestatistically significant negative coefficient values, indicating that commuting time wouldbe shortened if there were more jobs or housing near the residence or workplace inthese areas. Lastly, in the case of residents of Gyeonggi-Incheon, job accessibility ofprofessional, managerial and office workers have no statistically significant effect oncommuting time, while service, sales, functional and simple labor industries havestatistically significant negative values. This finding indicates that the commuting time of high-paid professional workers living in suburban areas is not affected by the jobaccessibility of residence.

      • KCI등재

        도시성장관리정책의 갈등 구조 및 조정 미국 도시성장관리정책의 교훈

        전명진(Myung Jin Jun),박성희(Seung Hee Park) 한국지역학회 1997 지역연구 Vol.13 No.2

        This study aims at drawing implications for Korea`s urban growth management policies from U.S.A`s experience on this issue. This study analyzes two types of contradictions in planning and implementing urban growth management policies: 1) value conflicts in goal setting and 2) contradictions among different level of governments (local, province, nation). As mentioned by Campbell (1996), there are three types of conflicts in objective values (efficiency, equity, and environment protection): property contradiction between economic growth and equity, resource conflict between efficiency and environment protection, and development conflict between equity and environment protection in urban growth management policies. In implementing urban growth management three types of conflicts in goal value should been taken into consideration. Contradictions among local governments, province, and central government are also found in implementing growth management policies. The lessons from the United States are as follow: 1) growth management plans are initiated by the local government and during the planning process adjacent local governments review a local government`s growth management plans and give inputs for the plan, 2) local government and State work together for growth management planning and specially, the State provides technical and financial assistance to local government., and 3) the State plays leading roles in local government`s planning and implementing of growth management policies with carrot and stick policy.

      • KCI우수등재

        수도권 개발제한구역이 도시 교통 및 자동차대기오염에 미친 영향분석

        전명진(Jun Myung-Jin) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2001 國土計劃 Vol.36 No.3

        This study aimed at investigating the effects of the greenbelt on urban transportation and mobile source emissions in the Seoul Metropolitan Area. I conducted two empirical analyses to find the effects of the greenbelt on urban transportation and air pollution. Firstly, I estimated mean travel distance, time, and speed as well as Vehicle Kilometer Traveled (VKT) and Vehicle Hour Traveled (VHT), and secondly, I estimated air pollution by pollutant such as TOG, CO, Nox, and PM10 under the assumption of 'No Greenbelt'. Here are findings: Relaxing the greenbelt policy and allowing new development in the greenbelt would make the urban form of the SMA more dispersed, and therefore, make vehicle trips longer by 4.3% from 11.1 ㎞ to 11.6. Total VKT increased from 51.7 million ㎞/day to 53.9 million ㎞/day with 'No Greenbelt' scenario, while total VHT has decreased significantly from 2 million hours/day to 1.9 million hours/ day, by 5.3% of reduction. Mobile emissions with 'No Greenbelt' scenario increase in all air pollutants. However, percent differences are not very significant because increases in the emission by longer travel distance are offset by decreases in the emission by the congestion relief and shorter travel time. In summary, relaxing the greenbelt policy has both good news and bad news in terms of urban transportation and environment. However, it looks obvious that the benefit of the greenbelt release is greater than the cost of it from the transportation perspective. It is also empirically found that the greenbelt has been one of major causes of severe traffic congestion in the SMA.

      • KCI등재

        소득계층별 거주가능주택의 주거분리 특성 분석

        전명진(Jun, Myung-Jin),김서정(Kim, Seo-Jung) SH도시연구원 2018 주택도시연구 Vol.8 No.2

        This study aimed to investigate spatial segregation patterns of affordable housing by the income group using apartment price and rent data between 2011 and 2015 for the Seoul metropolitan area(SMA). In doing so, we calculated housing affordability index(HAI), rental affordability index (RAI), and housing opportunity index(HOI). Furthermore, we analyzed spatial segregation patterns for disposable income deciles in terms of unevenness, concentration, centralization, and clustering indices. Major findings can be summarized as follows. First, the analysis results show that both the lowest and highest income groups have higher uneveness indices than other groups, indicating a serious spatial segregation for those groups. Second, the high income group is likely to have higher concentration index than low income group. Third, centralization index shows that housings for the high income group locate near the CBD of Seoul, while housings for the low income group locate in the outskirt of the SMA, implying a residential segregation between the central city and suburbs.

      • KCI우수등재

        產業團地開發의 空間的 波及效果 分析

        全明鎭(Jun Myung-Jin),陳炚鉉(Jin Kwang-Hyun) 대한국토·도시계획학회 1998 國土計劃 Vol.33 No.6

        This paper formulates an integrated metropolitan model which captures full intersectoral and interspatial relations as well as impacts on transportation networks within a metropolitan area. To achieve this, the proposed model consists of three components : 1) multi zonal input-output linkages, 2) land forecast models, and 3) transportation demand forecast models. Given the model structure, the proposed model can estimate economic impacts by type of secondary repercussions (indirect, and induced spillovers), by industry type, and by zone. In addition, the proposed model will forecast the size of land by land use type and by zone and estimate changes in traffic volumes on transportation networks due to the new industrial estate development. Moreover, the three components of the proposed model are linked with GIS, presenting all the zone-specific information generated from the model on maps. This paper applies the proposed model into estimating economic, land use and transportation effects of large-scale industrial estates construction in Pyungtaek.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 삶의 만족도 결정 요인에 관한 연구:수도권과 비수도권 거주 노인 비교 분석

        전명진(Jun MyungJin),문성원(Moon SeongWon) 한국지역개발학회 2016 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.28 No.2

        This study aims to investigate the determinants of senior’s life satisfaction in Korea. In particular, we examine the difference in determinants of life satisfaction between the capital region and non-capital region because significant gaps exist between two regions in terms of socio-economic conditions and living environment. In doing so, we have built structural equation models (SEM). The major findings from the analysis can be summarized as follows. First, economic and health factors are the most important determinants affecting the senior’s life satisfaction. Second, living environment and social activity are also important determinants for the senior’s life satisfaction. Third, a significant difference was found in the effects of living condition and social activities on life satisfaction between the capital and non-capital regions. Specifically, the elderly living in the capital region is more concern about health and living condition, while economic factor and social activities matter for those living in the non-capital region.

      • KCI우수등재

        What Cause Decentralization and Polycentricity of Seoul Region?

        전명진(Jun Myung-Jin) 대한국토·도시계획학회 1997 國土計劃 Vol.32 No.6

        본 연구는 다핵화로 특징되는 서울시 공간구조변화의 요인중 하나가 산업구조의 변화라는 가정하에서 도심 및 부도심의 성장이 산업구조변화와 얼마나 밀접한 관계를 갖는지를 실증적으로 분석하였다. 본 연구의 분석결과를 보면 1) 공간적으로 1981년에 3개의 도심 및 부도심이 1991년에는 5개로 늘어나 10년사이에 2개의 새로운 부도심이 출현하여 서울이 다핵화현상을 겪고 있으며, 2) 산업구조변화를 파악하기 위한 요인분석결과를 보면 10년사이에 유사업종끼리의 집적이 가속화되고 뚜렷해져 도시화 경제 보다는 지역화경제가 산업집적에 더 큰 요인이었다는 사실을 알 수 있으며, 3) 공간구조변화와 산업구조변화와의 관계를 분석한 결과 도심의 경우 서울시 경제에 대한 영향력은 감소하고 있으나 고차서비스 등 특정 산업에 있어서 영향력은 더 커지고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 이는 과거 도심이 가졌던 도시공간상에서의 지배력을 다핵화되면서 부도심과 공유하게 되지만 특정산업에의 특화정도는 다핵화이전보다 강해진다는 것으로 해석할 수 있다.

      • KCI우수등재

        수도권 맞벌이 가구의 통근통행 행태 분석

        전명진(Jun Myung-Jin),강춘령(Jiang Chun-Ling) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2009 國土計劃 Vol.44 No.3

        This study analyzes differences in commuting between single-worker and dual-worker households by using the 1995 and 2005 Korean Housing and Population Census 2% sample data. In doing so, this study employs multinomial logit(MNL) model for mode choice analysis, multiple regression and two-stage least squares(2SLS) regression models for analyzing determinants of work-trip length and duration for single-worker and dual-worker households. Major findings can be summarized as follows. First, married working couples have shorter worktrip length and duration than single-worker households, and moreover, wives in a dual-earner household have shorter commuting length and duration than female worker in a single-worker household, implying that female worker of a dual-worker household is most sensitive to commuting length and duration. Second, findings from the 2SLS models suggest that it is hardly to find empirical evidence that married working couples try to keep aggregate worktrip length in check through location adjustment, since analysis results show that commuting lengths of husband and wife have a positive relationship rather than negative relationship in a simultaneous equation system. Third, wife's worktrip length was negatively related to number of preschool and school children, but not for husband's trip length, implying that need for child-care is one of important contributors to making commuting length shorter for the female worker in a dual-worker household.

      • KCI등재

        수도권 그린벨트의 도시공간구조 변화 효과 분석

        전명진(Jun, Myungjin),윤미영(Yun, Miyoung) 한국지역개발학회 2022 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.34 No.1

        This study analyzed the effect of Seoul s greenbelt on the urban spatial structure transformation using theoretical and empirical analysis methods. As a theoretical model, a monocentric general equilibrium model was mathematically constructed and simulated on two different scenarios: with and without greenbelt. In the case of empirical analysis, we statistically test the effects of the greenbelt on the population and employment density gradients by building a polycentric density gradient function with an actual data. The analysis results are summarized as follows. First, Seoul’s greenbelt contributed to 1) increasing land and housing prices and development density in non-greenbelt areas, and 2) the extension of the city boundary by about 3km, resulting in a longer commuting distance for the workers residing outside greenbelt. Second, the empirical model results showed that the population and employment densities of greenbelt regions were lower by 100% and 133%, respectively, than those of non-greenbelt regions due to green belt regulations, confirming that the greenbelt contributed to successfully deterring development. If the green belt is lifted and 40% of the green belt is converted to urban use, about 1.6 million people and 0.82 million jobs would be located within the green belt area, which are equivalent to 6.5% of the total population and 7.3% of all jobs in the Seoul metropolitan area. 본 연구는 서울의 그린벨트가 도시공간구조 변화에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 이론적, 실증적 분석방법으로 분석하였다. 이론 모델로 단핵도시 일반균형모델은 그린벨트 유무와 같은 두 가지 다른 시나리오에서 수학적 식으로 구성한 후 시뮬레이션 하였다. 실증적 분석의 경우 실제 데이터로 다핵 밀도 함수를 구축하여 인구 및 고용 밀도 경사함수를 추정하고 이를 바탕으로 그린벨트의 영향을 통계적으로 테스트한다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 서울의 그린벨트는 1)비그린벨트지역의 땅값과 집값 상승, 개발밀도상승 2)도시경계를 약 3km 연장 시키는데 기여하여 그린벨트 외부에 거주하는 근로자들의 출퇴근 거리가 길어지게 되었다. 두 번째, 실증모델의 결과는 그린벨트 규제로 그린벨트지역의 인구와 고용밀도가 비그린벨트 지역보다 각각 100%와 133% 낮아 그린벨트가 성공적인 개발 저지에 영향을 주었음을 확인했다. 비그린벨트 시나리오에 따르면 그린벨트 지역 내에는 약 120만명의 인구, 60만명의 일자리가 입주해 수도권 전체인구의 4.9%, 전체 일자리의 5.3%에 해당한다.

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