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      • KCI등재

        광주광역시의 정체성과 관계적 도시 재생

        전경숙 ( Kyung-sook Jeon ) 한국도시지리학회 2018 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        The issues and perspectives of urban regeneration studies are becoming more diverse as our everyday life is linked with globalization. As the study of urban change advances with globalization, such terms as diversity, hybridity, heterogeneity, continuity of transient situation, progressive sense of place, inequality, inclusion, tradition, culture, history, ecology, and quality of life are highlighted. However, Doreen Massey’s relational perspective covers what these concepts intend to understand. In order to achieve a more realistic research, the subjects of identity and relational urban regeneration were applied to the Gwangju Metropolitan City. To investigate the whys and hows of the formation process of identity, I focus on not only the identity itself but also its formation process. This research focuses on the viewpoints of various subjects, harmonious social relations and inclusion. This study is based on previous researches of the Gwangju Metropolitan City. In subsequent research, I would approach to the reliable relational urban regeneration based on the accurate field surveys.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        광주시 대인예술시장 프로젝트와 지속가능한 도시 재생

        전경숙 ( Kyung-sook Jeon ) 한국도시지리학회 2016 한국도시지리학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Daein Market, located near the old center of Gwangju, had become the second largest market in the city until the 1980s. However, Daein Market declined after the late 1990s along with CBD decline. Then the success of a project conducted as part of the 2008 Gwangju Biennale led to the transformation of Daein Market into an Art Market. Through participations of merchants, artists, and citizens as sellers in Daein Night Market, which is held every Saturday night, the Market gains back vitality. In this paper, I investigated revitalization ideas of Daein Art Market based on the growth and decline of traditional Daein Market, formation and characteristics of Daein Art Market and the vision of Gwangju Metropolitan City. The growth potential and identity of Daein Market can be found in its history, culture, traditional and fresh food, affordable price, artistic and creative experiment potentials, and opportunity to experience everyday life and art. The main participants of the market (merchants, artists, and citizens) should participate voluntarily to deduce sustainable growth measures based on identity and growth potential of the market. The meaning of this study is that traditional market regeneration and networking diverse regeneration sources could lead to sustainable urban growth.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        보문 : 시각제품에 대한 심미적 성향: 혁신성과 독립적 의사결정과의 관계

        전경숙 ( Kyung Sook Jeon ),박혜정 ( Hye Jung Park ) 한국의류학회 2011 한국의류학회지 Vol.35 No.10

        This study tested the validity of a three-factor model of the centrality of visual product aesthetics developed by Bloch, Brunel, and Arnold (2003) and explored the relationships between the centrality of visual product aesthetics and the relevant constructs. It was hypothesized that the path relationships including innovativeness and consumer independent judgment making are relevant constructs of the centrality of visual product aesthetics. Data were gathered by surveying university students in the Seoul metropolitan area (using convenience sampling) and 322 questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. Correlation analysis, factor analysis, and regression analysis were conducted to analyze the data. The findings show the validity of the three factors (value, acumen, and response intensity) of the centrality of visual product aesthetics. Tests of the hypothesized path show that innovativeness influences the centrality of visual product aesthetics both directly and indirectly through consumer independent judgment making. Innovativeness positively influenced consumer independent judgment making and the three factors of the centrality of visual product aesthetics, whereas consumer independent judgment negatively influences the response intensity factor of the centrality of visual product aesthetics. The implications of these findings and suggestions for future study are also discussed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        소매업의 발달과정과 입지 변화에 관한 한 미 비교 연구

        전경숙(Kyung Sook Jeon) 한국지역지리학회 2000 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        급변하는 소매업 환경 속에서 각 소매업체는 생존을 위한 다양한 전략을 구사하고 있다. 무한 경쟁 시대를 맞이하여, 유럽 및 미국의 대자본이 포화상태에 달한 자국 시장 대신 해외로 시장을 확대하고 있으므로, 한국의 소매업도 이들과의 경쟁은 불가피한 일이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 한국 및 미국 소매업의 발달과정과 입지 변화를 비교 분석하여, 한국 소매업의 바람직한 발전 방향 모색에 기여하고자 한다. 독창적인 마케팅 전략으로 새로운 업태의 세계적 선두 주자로서 계속 성장하고 있는 미국 소매업의 실체 분석은 한국 소매업의 바람직한 전략 구축의 기반이 된다. 최근, 미국의 소매업은 가격 지향의 할인점 시기를 지나서 고급화, 다양화, 대규모 테마파크화가 진행되고 있다. 이와 함께 입지 면에서는 새로운 교외지역이 성장하는 가운데, 기존 업체의 재정비·재개발로 도시 내부지역이 활성화된다. 그리고 입지가 문제시되지 않는 전자 소매업·TV 홈쇼핑도 성장하고 있다. 한편, 시장과 백화점 중심의 정적(靜的)인 구조를 지속해 오던 한국의 소매업은 1980년대 말 이후 다양한 업종이 소개되면서 급변하고 있다. 특히 1990년대 중반이후에는 대형 할인점이 급성장하고 유통구조의 체계화, 서비스 중심의 소매업으로 새로운 도약의 계기를 마련하고 있다. 한국 소매업의 발전을 위해서는 우선 정보통신 및 기술수준을 적극적으로 활용해야 한다. 나아가 전통과 현대/세계의 접목, 중소 업체의 협동화 같은 독창적인 시도, 그리고 유통업계·행정부·학계의 적극적인 지원이 요구된다. The retail trades in many countries have changed recently according to the high quality, diversification, and marked individuality of consumer needs. Under the continually competing system of the WTO agreement, corporations based in the USA and the EU try to raise their market share in other countries so it is inevitable for Korean retail enterprises to compete with them. This paper is aimed at contributing to the efficient growth for Korean retail trade from the analysis of the development process in retail trade and its changing locations comparing Korea and the USA Retailers in the USA have practiced diversified marketing strategies considerably in order to survive in a rapidly changing retailing environment. American retailing, which has the most advanced marketing system in the world, has been of growing concern to marketing strategies in Korea. The following is a brief summary of this study. 1. Speedy and higher quality consumption is needed in accordance with the great increase in the single-family household and the female labor force participation both in Korea and in the USA. Senior citizens have become a new consumer group due to the aging population. In the future the retail trade will switch over to diversified retail formats and internet shopping as countries are transformed into information and communication societies. 2. In Korea, the former retail system characterized by markets and department stores has been greatly changed since the late 1980s with emphasis on high quality and convenience in consumption behaviors, with large domestic enterprises and foreign distribution corporations participating in Korean retailing. In the USA, retailing mergers and takeovers by major retails, bankruptcies, and extra-large shopping centers have emerged since the late 1980s. Recently, the USA retailing formats have been changed from the lower price-oriented discount types to the large scale theme parks. Much emphasis was put on entertainment, resorts, and convention centers. On the other hand, non-store types, such as the internet shopping, the CATV shopping, as well as catalog and mail-order sales are drastically increasing, although the proportion of their sales is low up to now. 3. In Korea, most of the retail facilities are concentrated in Seoul and the Metropolitan Region, and the distribution ratio of facilities came to 52% in 1997. The periodic markets, traditional markets which open on a periodic basis, are located mainly in Chollanam-do and Kyungsangbuk-do. The large-sized discount stores have expanded their locations to the over-crowded apartment complexes in new towns, located in the Metropolitan Region, and the large provincial cities, unlike the suburban locations in the USA. Therefore we needed to give attention to the locational relations in retail facilities between Seoul & the Metropolitan Region and rural settlement areas. In the USA, urban areas grew quickly with the development of the automobile in the 1920s, and the location of stores changed from a dispersed style centering around rural areas to a centralized one in urban areas. There is an accelerated growth for suburban areas, which have grown rapidly since 1950. As the membership warehouse clubs were introduced in the 1970s, the decentralization of location was more intensified. On the other hand, inner cities were revitalized by rearranging existing facilities to cope with suburban areas. And the location-free virtual retailing & TV shopping are also growing every year. 4. In view of the above, the continuous and desirable development devices in Korean retail trade are summarized as follows: First, the countermeasures against economies of scale, increase in retailing sales, and rise of a employment percentage in retailing are in need. Second, a scheme of lowering the proportion of food retail sales, and increasing a ratio of durable goods sales need to be worked out. Third, the original ideas are needed to apply positively information, com

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        유도분만 성패 예측을 위한 자궁경부 태아 Fibronectin 측정의 임상적 가치

        전경숙(Kyung Sook Jeon),이태형(Tae Hyung Lee),고민환(Min Whan Koh),원석용(Seok Yong Won),이현우(Hyun Woo Lee),이동혁(Dong Hyuk Lee),이종섭(Jong Sup Lee) 대한산부인과학회 2002 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.45 No.2

        Objective : To determine whether the presence of fetal fibronectin in the cervicovaginal secretion could be used as a clinical marker to predict the outcome of labor induction. Methods : The study group comprised 58 term pregnant women with intact amnionic membranes, 44 without labor and 14 with irregular labor. All patients had been admitted for induction of labor during Sept. 1, 1999 to Dec. 31, 1999 at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Yeungnam University Hospital. Fetal fibronectin was assayed with the cervicovaginal secretion. We analyzed the variables of labor outcome by the presence (positove) or absence (negative) of fetal fibronectin and the modified Bishop score. Results : Cervicovaginal fetal fibronectin was detected in 75.0% (33/44) of the women without labor and 85.7% (12/14) with irregular labor, and 76.3% (29/38) with Bishop score 4 or less and 80.0% (16/20) with score 5 or above. There was no statistical differences in the positive rate of fetal fibronectin between the women without labor and those with irregular labor, and the women with Bishop score 4 or less and those with Bishop score 5 or above, respectively. The mean oral PGE2 tablets used for cervical ripening, the mean time interval from the beginning of labor induction to delivery, and the mean cesarean delivery rate were 1.97±2.56 tabs and 3.12±2.42, 10.12±6.56 hours and 13.88±6.14, and 20.0% and 38.4%, in the women with positive fetal fibronectin and those with negative respectively, and 1.83±2.50 and 2.42±2.60, 10.11±7.17 hours and 11.28±6.26 hours, and 10.0% and 31.6% in the women with Bishop score 5 or above and those with Bishop score 4 or less, respectively. There were no statistical differences in the mean values between the women with positive and negative fetal fibronectin, and between Bishop score 5 or above and Bishop score 4 or less, respectively. There were no statistical differences in the mean oral PGE2 tablets used for cervical ripening (2.00±2.65 vs. 4.40±1.82) and the mean time interval from the beginning of labor induction to delivery (10.11±7.53 vs. 16.17±5.38), between the women with positive fetal fibronectin and Bishop score 5 or above and those with negative fetal fibronectin and Bishop score 4 or less, respectively. However, the cesarean delivery rate was significantly lower in the women with positive fetal fibronectin and Bishop score 5 or above than those with negative fetal fibronectin and Bishop score 4 or less (6.3% vs 44.4%, p=0.040). Conclusion : The assesment of cervicovaginal fetal fibronectin and Bishop score could be useful in predicting the success or failure of labor induction. But it was not helpful to predict the easiness of labor induction by the presence or absence of fetal fibronectin in the cervicovaginal secretion and/or modified Bishop score.

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