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      • 우리나라 부동산 정책의 현황과 과제

        전강수 ( Gang Soo Jun ) 대구가톨릭대학교 사회과학연구소 2013 사회과학논총 Vol.12 No.-

        Jun, Gang-Soo Until the early-1960s, most people used to purchase housing and commercial real estate properties by their hard work and savings in Korea. However, due to the government`s real estate policy, which was mistakenly planned and implement

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 박정희 정권의 강남개발

        전강수 ( Jun Gang-soo ) 역사문제연구소 2012 역사문제연구 Vol.16 No.2

        At the beginning, the Park Chung-hee administration launched off the Gangnam development plan aiming at external purposes such as construction of the Gyeongbu Highway and perpetration of illicit political fundraising. For this reason, the greatest project in history of land readjustment in the world proceeded without any concrete plans on urban planning and preventive measures against speculation. In addition, the early 1970s witnessed signs of recession in the world economy. As a result, until the mid-1970s, housing construction did not work out well in Gangnam and people`s migration into Gangnam remained in the doldrums. It was not until the year 1973, when the development of Gangnam area was accelerated as the Park Chung-hee`s government implemented active development promotion policies, such as designation of Gangnam as a development promotion area, introduction of the apartment district policy, construction of express bus terminal and circular subway line, transfer of public institutions and schools to Gangnam, and restraints on development in Gangbuk(northern part of the Han river). Furthermore, the Park administration directly engaged in building extensive towns of apartments through the Korea Housing Corporation. Private construction companies followed the Korea Housing Corporation and constructed more apartment complexes in Gangnam. The prototype of the `Republic of Apartment`, often referred as `Republic of Gangnam` was created in the process. In addition, river side reclamation projects, which took place at various places along the Han river, provided massive lands for housing which were to be used for building apartment complexes. Indeed, large-sized apartment complexes appeared in the reclaimed districts ahead of in other places of Gangnam area. The Jamsil district on which the Korea Housing Corporation erected mega-complex clearly reflects the characteristics of development in the Park Chung-hee`s style during Yushin era. In the process of land development, the government exerted its authority to seriously infringe on the rights of land owners. The housing project was executed like military operations. And there lied implicit political calculations aiming to secure extensive political support from the general public: the government supplied owner-occupied housing rather than rental housing. Until the 1960s, Korean people were generally filled with self-motivation for working, creativity, eagerness in saving, great interest on education, and adventurous attitudes towards entrepreneurship. However, President Park`s practices on the Gangnam development turned Korea into the land of avarice where most of its people came to hold the myth of invincible real estate. Meanwhile, the system of construction state came to root deeply in Korean soil. Hence, today`s Korean society became a rent-seeking society where individuals who act agile to seek unearned income can accumulate wealth, whereas hardworking people cannot expect the same result any more.

      • 한국 신도시와 전원도시 -경기도를 중심으로-

        전강수 ( Gang Soo Jun ) 대구가톨릭대학교 사회과학연구소 2014 사회과학논총 Vol.13 No.-

        New City development in Gyeonggi -do has brought about a lot of problems which can not be solved easily. Basically it was dependent on Seoul so much that most of the new cities in the province were reduced to bed towns for people who go to Seoul for work everyday. Moreover, real estate speculation took place in areas where land development has been carried out on the assumption of a high degree of land publicity, and development was concentrated to the areas along the Gyeongbu Highway, causing distortion of space structure in the province as well. Ebenezer Howard``s Garden City model needs to be revisited at the time when city development paradigm ought to be transformed in Korea. I propose to build a Edu-Garden City in the border area of Gyeonggi northwest. This City is a pilot model which aims to make a virtuous circle between city development and education based on Howard``s principle.

      • KCI등재
      • 토지공개념 헌법 명기의 필요성과 가능성, 그리고 방법

        전강수 ( Jun Gang-soo ) 대구가톨릭대학교 사회과학연구소 2017 사회과학논총 Vol.16 No.-

        한국은 제헌헌법에서부터 재산권의 사회적 구속성을 규정했고, 현행 헌법에서는 특별히 ‘토지공개념 조항’(제122조)을 두어 토지 재산권에 대해서는 일반 재산권에 비해 더 강한 사회적 구속성이 인정되도록 했다. 현행 헌법 시행 이후 헌법재판소도 여러 판결에서 일관되게 헌법의 기본 정신은 토지공개념임을 인정했다. 그러나 이상하게도 한국 사회에는 ‘토지공개념은 위헌’이라는 인식이 만연해 있다. 일반 국민은 물론이고 정치인과 언론인 중에도 그렇게 믿고 주장하는 사람들이 많다. 그 결과 헌법과 실제 정책 간에 큰 괴리가 발생하여, 부동산 투기를 근절하고 불로소득을 차단할 수 있는 정책들이 제대로 시행되지 못했다. 불평등이 심화되고 주거문제가 악화된 것은 당연한 일이었다. 현행 헌법 제122조는 원래 토지공개념을 규정한 조항이 아니었다. 제3공화국 헌법에서 단순히 농지와 산지의 효율적인 이용을 도모하기 위해 처음 도입되었던 것인데, 그 후 헌법 개정을 거치면서 전체 국토를 대상으로 공개념을 적용하는 획기적인 규정으로 진화하였다. 여기에는 고도성장과 급속한 도시화에 따른 토지문제의 악화라는 요인이 작용했다. 헌법상 토지공개념 조항의 등장·진화 과정은 경제 상황의 변화와 국민 여론의 형성에 따라 그것이 더욱 구체화되고 강화될 수 있음을 보여준다. 토지공개념 헌법 명기는 다음의 원칙에 입각해야 한다. 첫째, 부동산 문제의 근본 원인은 토지에 있음을 전제로 한다. 둘째, 토지 불로소득의 폐해를 적시하여 토지공개념의 목적을 명확히 한다. 셋째, 토지공개념을 시장친화적인 방법 중심으로 구현함을 천명한다. 넷째, 토지와 동일한 성격을 갖는 자연자원과 환경에도 동일한 원칙을 적용한다. 이 원칙에 따라 토지공개념 조항을 개정한다면 다음과 같이 할 수 있다. 제122조 ① 국가는 국민 모두의 생산 및 생활의 기반이 되는 국토의 효율적이고 균형 있는 이용·개발·보전을 도모하고 토지 불로소득으로 인한 경제 왜곡과 불평등을 방지하기 위하여 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 그에 관한 필요한 제한과 의무를 과할 수 있다. ② 제1항의 목적을 달성하기 위한 정책은 시장친화적인 것을 우선한다. ③ 제1항과 제2항은 국토 외의 자연자원과 환경에도 적용한다. Since the First Constitution, The Republic of Korea has stipulated that the exercise of property rights should conform to the public welfare. In the present Constitution, especially, the article of ‘Public Concept of Land’ (Article 122) is introduced to make land property rights conform to the public welfare more strongly than other property rights. Since the implementation of the current Constitution, the Constitutional Court has consistently admitted that the Korean Constitution contains Public Concept of Land. Strangely, however, there is a widespread perception that “Public Concept of Land is unconstitutional” in the Korean society. As a result, there has been a great discrepancy between the Constitution and the actual policies, so that the policies to eradicate real estate speculation and prevent unearned income from land could not been properly implemented. The article of Public Concept of Land in the current Constitution was not a provision that stipulated publicity of all the land in Korea at first. The article was first introduced in the Sixth Constitution in order to promote the ‘efficient’ use of farmland and mountain land. After the twice revisions of the Constitution, it evolved into a provision applying the public concept to the whole land in Korea. This was affected by the factors such as rapid economic growth and the deterioration of land problems caused by rapid urbanization. The emergence and evolution of the article of Public Concept of Land in the Constitution shows that the article may be further strengthened depending on the changes in the economic situation and the formation of public opinion. The amendment of the article of Public Concept of Land is supposed to be based on the following principles. First, it should be admitted that the root cause of the real estate problem is in the land. Second, the amendment should clarify the purpose of the article by stating expressly the harms of the unearned income from land. Third, it should express the realization of public concept of land with market-friendly way. Fourth, the same principle should apply to natural resources and environments that have the same characteristics as land. Based on these four principles, the amendment of the article can be done as follows: Article 122 (1) The State may impose, under the conditions as prescribed by acts, restrictions or obligations necessary for the efficient and balanced utilization, development and preservation of the nation’s land that is the basis for the productive activities and daily lives of all citizens, and to prevent economic distortion and inequality caused by unearned income from land, (2) The policies to achieve the purpose of the clause (1) shall be market-friendly. (3) The clauses (1) and (2) shall also apply to natural resources and environments.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        평등지권과 농지개혁 그리고 조봉암

        전강수(Jun Gang Soo) 역사비평사 2010 역사비평 Vol.- No.91

        If land right is given to everyone on the equal basis in one country, its long-term economic growth rate would tend to increase. There are three ways to equalize everyone’s land right: 1) allotting land itself equally to people; 2) introducing the public land lease system; and 3) implementing land value taxation advocated by Henry George. In 1950, Korean government was successful in making farmers enjoy, although temporarily, almost equal right to land by carrying out the Farmland Reform. The reform confiscated farmlands from landlords and alloted them to peasants with lower social cost for a relatively short period of time. This paper argues that the reform laid a foundation for Korea’s rapid economic growth because it brought increase in rice production and cheap and good work forces. In addition, the class of landlords disappeared as a result of the reform, who would otherwise have prevented the government from establishing laws and institutions that promote economic growth. This remarkable reform was accomplished thanks to a few domestic and external factors. Above all, Cho, Bong-Ahm, the first Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, and his staffs played significant roles. They drafted the bill for the Farmland Reform, the so-called third way, which was distinctively different from the North Korea’s Reform as well as the reform supported by the South Korean landlords. The bill greatly influenced the actual process of enacting the Farmland Reform Act.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        Henry George 경제사상의 배경과 의의 : 중농주의 및 고전학파와의 연관성을 중심으로

        전강수 ( Gang Soo Jun ) 한국경제학회 2001 經濟學硏究 Vol.49 No.3

        본 논문은 Henry George의 경제사상을 중농주의 및 고전학파와의 관련성 속에서 검토함으로써 그것의 사상사적 위상을 확인하고자 하였다. George는 토지가치의 공적 징수와 거래의 자유를 통합적으로 이해했던 중농주의를 높이 평가한 반면, 토지문제를 외면하고 거래의 자유만을 주장한 고전학파에 대해서는 매우 비판적이었다. 그는 토지문제가 어떻게 소득 분배를 악화시키고 경제적 효율성을 저해하는가를 밝힘으로써 고전학파의 왜곡 상태를 바로잡고자 하였다. 또한 그는 고전학파의 임금기금설과 인구론을 기각하고 차액지대설을 보완함으로써 고전학파의 분배이론을 전면적으로 정정하였다. George가 새롭게 제시한 이론들 속에는 한계생산력설, 외부성 이론, 期待와 投機을 고려한 불황이론 등 현대적 이론들이 胚胎되어 있었다.

      • KCI등재

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