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        아프리카 사회통합의 저해 요인에 대한 함의 -아프리카 과거, 현재, 미래에 대한 고찰-

        장훈태(Chang, Hun Tae) 한국아프리카학회 2019 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.58 No.-

        아프리카 대륙은 전 세계적으로 천연자원과 인구 모두가 풍부한 대륙이다. 그러나 세계에서 가장 가난한 곳, 기후변화로 인한 고통을 겪는 곳이라는 인상을 지우지 못하고 있다. 역사적으로 아프리카는 숱한 내전과 전쟁 그리고 식민 지배를 겪었고, 이러한 역사로 인해 희망이 사라진 것처럼 보인다. 아프리카 정권의 부패는 점점 더 심해지고 있으며, 국민은 부패로 인해 지쳐 있는 상황이다. 이러한 상황에서 아프리카의 현재 상황에 대한 원인과 아프리카의 미래를 변화시킬 방법에 대해 살펴보고, 이를 토대로 아프리카의 미래에 대해 함의하고자 한다. 아프리카 대륙에는 3천여 개 이상의 종족이 어울려 살고 있으며, 각 종족은 다양성과 동질성을 가진 자신들만의 종족문화를 가지고 있다. 이러한 아프리카 종족 사회에 16세기 무렵부터 불어 닥친 서구의 문화 침탈과 변혁은 종족 사회에 가장 큰 충격으로 다가왔다. 서구 열강들이 아프리카를 점령하여 식민 통치를 하는 동안 아프리카 대륙은 많은 고통을 겪어야만 했다. 아프리카는 가난, 할례, 피부색에 대한 차별 등 커다란 아픔을 겪고 있다. 아프리카의 아픔이 발생하는 원인은 갈등에서 비롯된다. 이 갈등으로 인해 생긴 ‘마음의 장벽’은 아프리카 사회가 통합될 수 없는 원인이라 할 수 있다. 오늘의 아프리카 사회가 통합되지 않고 끊임없는 종족 갈등과 테러, 폭력이 나타나는 것은 소득과 부의 양극화가 존재하기 때문이다. 정치적‧사회적‧경제적 박탈감에서 비롯되는 사회적 격차와 분열은 종족주의와 반정부운동을 표방하는 테러와 폭력을 불러오고 있다. 아프리카의 밝은 미래 전망을 위해서는 아프리카 54개국의 정치 지도자들이 ‘현실 위기’에 대한 정확하고 정직한 인식을 가지는 것으로부터 시작해야 한다. 그리고 현재의 문제에 대한 책임을 보다 깊이 인정하고, 올바른 해결책의 선택을 통해 긍정적인 변화발전을 모색해야 한다. 이 같은 현실에서는 이데올로기적인 정치구조와 체계가 아닌 정부와 의회의 정치적 의지, 분열된 사회의 통합능력, 국민의 이익을 위한 정책을 실행하려는 의지가 중요하다. 2050년도의 아프리카가 어떤 모습으로 변화하고 발전할 것인가를 예상하고 대비책을 세우는 것은 매우 중요하다. 이때 다른 국가들의 우수한 사례를 참고하는 것도 좋은 방법이 될 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 이러한 대비책들이 효과적으로 운영되기 위해서는 평등, 사회적 서열의식의 파괴, 종족 우월주의 파괴 등 사회 통합이 전제되어야 한다. 따라서 통합된 사회를 구현하는 것이야말로 아프리카의 핵심적인 장기 과제가 되어야 한다. The African continent is the rich in both natural resources and population around the world. However, it is the world’s poorest place and also the one that suffers from climate change. From a historical perspective, Africa has suffered numerous civil wars, wars, and colonial rule, and it seems to have been disappeared hope because of this history. Today, Africa is increasingly corrupt of government, and its people are tired of it. So this paper will look at the causes of the current situation in Africa and how to change the future of Africa, and see the future of Africa based on it. There are more than 3,000 tribes in the African continent, and each tribe has its own ethnic culture having diversity and homogeneity. Western cultural invasions and transformations that have occurred in these African tribal societies since the 16th century have come as the biggest shock to ethnic communities. While the Western powers occupied Africa and colonized it, the African continent had to suffer a lot. In addition, Africa suffers greatly from poverty, circumcision and discrimination against skin color. Africa’s pain causes from conflict. The ‘heart barrier’ created by this conflict is why African society can not be together. Why today’s African society is not integrated, and constant ethnic conflicts, terrorism and violence emerge is because there is a polarization of income and wealth. Social gaps and divisions arising from the sense of political, social and economic deprivation have led to terrorism and violence advocating the pro-democracy and anti-government movements. For the bright future prospects of Africa, Political leaders in Africa 54 countries need to start to have accurate and honest perception about ‘real crisis.’ They also should more deeply acknowledge responsibility for current problems, and seek for the positive changes and development through choosing the right solution. Above all, in this reality, political will of the government and parliament, integrative capacity for a divided society, and the will to carry out policies for the interests of the people are important not ideological political structure and the system. It is very important to predict the changes and development of Africa in 2050. It would be a good way to refer to the best examples of other countries for this. In order for these provisions to operate effectively, however, social integration must be pre-requisite: equality, the destruction of social hierarchy and the destruction of ethnic chauvinism. Therefore, implementing an integrated society should be a key long-term challenge for Africa.

      • KCI등재

        아프리카 빈곤과 난민 선교

        장훈태 ( Chang Hun Tae ) 아세아연합신학대학교 ACTS 신학연구소 2019 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.39 No.-

        최근 한국 사회는 예멘 난민들의 제주도 입국이라는 사회적 이슈가 뜨거운 감자로 부상하게 되었다. 난민은 돌아갈 곳이 없는 자들이며, 분쟁 혹은 국가적 빈곤으로 인해 고향을 떠나 온 자들이다. 현재 이들은 경제적 빈곤 뿐 아니라 자존감의 하락과 존재의 빈곤이라는 또 다른 위험 앞에 놓여있다. 이러한 난민들 중 본 연구는 특별히 아프리카 난민들을 중심으로 그들의 발생 요인과 특성을 살펴보고, 그들을 향한 선교적 입장을 논하고자 한다. 아프리카에서 난민이 발생하는 첫 번째 요인은 기후 변화 중에서도 사막화에 따른 이동으로 발생하는 환경난민의 등장이다. 기후변화로 인해 발생하는 기아와 재앙은 현재 진행형으로 난민의 증가를 더욱 가속화시키고 있다. 무분별한 삼림훼손과 사막화로 인해 발생하는 자연재해들, 무분별한 개발과 세계적인 물가 급상승 현상, 급속한 도시화로 인한 빈부격차 등의 현상 들이 난민의 수를 더욱 가속화하고 있다. 두 번째 요인은 불평등한 정치 구조에 의한 정치적 난민의 등장이다. 정치적 및 군사적 힘에 의한 구조들은 인간의 인권을 무시하며, 도시기아자를 발생시킬 뿐 아니라 인간 상호간의 관계를 제한하며, 시장경제원리를 배제시키고, 진정한 인간성 회복을 불가능하게 만든다. 세 번째는 이슬람 종파간의 갈등과 이슬람 테러 등으로 발생하는 종교적 난민이다. 샤머니즘의 토대 위에 민속신앙이 깊게 자리한 것도 아프리카 사회를 퇴행, 분열시키고 있다. 네 번째 요인은 국가의 빈곤으로 인해 국경을 넘는 사회경제적 난민이다. 그밖에 이슬람교의 비 이슬람교에 대한 종교적 압박과 일자리를 구하기 위한 탈향도 난민 발생의 원인이 되고 있다. 이처럼 다양한 원인으로 아프리카를 비롯해 전 세계적으로 발생하고 있는 난민에 대한 선교적 관심과 해결책에 대한 연구가 시급한 상황이다. 첫째는 난민에 대한 불평등한 사회를 위한 치유 방법을 논의해야 한다. 둘째는 난민의 정치경제학을 고찰하여 새로운 계급투쟁을 해결하는 것이 급선무이다. 셋째는 아프리카의 희망을 위한 미래교육에 대한 투자이다. 마지막으로 아프리카 난민들을 향한 궁극적인 해결 방법은 복음으로 초대하고 양육하는 것이다. 급변하는 세계정세 속에서 소외받는 이웃들에 대한 그리스도의 성육신적 사랑과 희생의 구체적인 선교적 전략이 절실한 상황임을 잊지 말아야 한다. Recently, Yemeni refugees entering Jeju Island has become a hot issue in South Korean society. The refugees have nowhere to go having left their homes because of conflict or poverty. Now, they are facing not only economic difficulties but also another risk of a fall in self-esteem and existence. This study examines the specific causes and characteristics of African refugees. Then it discusses their missional positions towards them. The study found the first factor causing the African refugees is environmental disaster from desertification linked to climate change. Famine and other problems caused by increased desertification is increasing the migration of these refugees. Refugees are rapidly increasing due to natural disasters by reckless deforestation and desertification, reckless development, global inflation, and the gap between the rich and the poor by rapid urbanization. The second refugee factor is the current unequal political structures. These structures by political and military forces ignore human rights, limit human relations, create urban hunger, prevent market economies, and block the restoration true humanity. The third refugee factor is conflict among Islamic sects and their by-product, Islamic terrorism. The folk belief of shamanism has been regressing anddiving African society. The fourth factor is national poverty. Religious pressure on Muslims to leave the country to find work also contributes to the increase in refugees. An analysis of these various causes is urgently needed to understand missional context and solutions for refugees in Africa and around the world. First, we must discuss ways to heal an unequal refugee society. Second, it is urgent to resolve the new classs truggle in consideration of the political and economic aspects of the refugees. Third, is investment in the future education in Africa. Finally, the ultimate solution for African refugees is to invite and nurture them in the gospel in the places where they currently reside. We must implement the specific missional strategies of Christ’s incarnational love and sacrifice to these refugee neighbors in the rapidly changing world situation.

      • KCI등재

        개혁주의생명신학 관점에서의 교회학교 선교교육을 통한 신앙운동

        장훈태 ( Hun Tae Chang ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2014 복음과 선교 Vol.28 No.-

        One of the biggest factor causing problems to the contemporary Korean Church is the Church (Sunday) school. There are various reasons as to why the attendance level of Church (Sunday) school is declining but there are no fundamental research and evaluation done as to know why. The survey based on the declining number of attendee at Church (Sunday) school was concluded not by a professional educational system of the Church (Sunday) school or the teachers, but by an external source. Truthfully, problems in the Church (Sunday) school didn’t arise recently but was existing since long ago. It is hard to claim that the problem arose from the nature or the department or the professionalism of the educator. However, the Church is continuing to lean toward answers such as the declining birth rate as well as the rise of the number of students attending after-school academic programs, instead of finding the central answer to the problems. For this reason, a principal statement of faith movement through Church (Sunday) school education in the lens of reformed life theology should be discussed which would result in further positive discussion concerning the direction of the revival of the Church (Sunday) school. The thesis will focus on matters concerning the reasons and problems to the current situation, definition of Church (Sunday) school as church (Sunday) school education, purpose of education, dwelling of Jesus Christ’s reign, and finally, nurturing of the spirit. In addition, training in leadership and spirituality, profession of faith in salvation, grasping the responsibility of one soul, open to learning are qualifications which will be studied with the view regarding qualification of a teacher. Lastly, as a faith movement activist, the practical plan is limited to the formation of a teacher who recognize the existence of God, questions God, enjoys looking for the lost sheep, understand the position of being sent for the salvation of the lives, and is not simply a strategic partner but one who brings phenomenological change to the church (Sunday) school. These discussions, based on Church (Sunday) school and faith movement, will not provide answers, but if the small things are recognized and applied in upright ways, then there surely will be developing changes.

      • KCI등재

        한국교회의 선교과제를 위한개혁주의생명신학의 적용

        장훈태 ( Hun Tae Chang ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2014 복음과 선교 Vol.26 No.-

        Reformed Life Theology is based on the theology of Jesus, the theology of the Word of God, the theology of faith, and the theology of mission. Being the successor of these theology is life movement to illuminate the dark world for the light of truth. Dr. Jang Jong Hyeon was to develop a life movement to a new revival of the Church of Jesus Christ. Based on his opinion, the application of the Reformed Life Theology intends to discuss. I mention the missional challenge must be faithful to tradition of faith. In other words, South Korean Church is the mother church that had even now, while maintaining traditional religious missionary activities for the future through mutual cooperation and coalition-led social change should be the basics. Because Korean church continues to be centered holiness is based on Bible-based faith and theology historically has centered piety thoroughly stretching back to him. In the early period, faith tradition focused on God-centered, Bible-centered, Church- centered life. In the foundation, the church growth concentrates on trust of pastor through biblical faith life, and expansion of Kingdom of God through life of church-entered. Now we should be assert from traditional faith to wholistic faith on paradigm change. This paper emphasis on reformed life theology on the perspective of wholistic faith. Dr. Jang Jong Hyun said that “Reforemd Life Theology proclaimed message of God`s Word living faith life such as witness of Gospel in people of early church.” “For the word of God is living and active. Shaper than any double-edged swords, it penetrated even to dividing soul and spirit-it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart(Hebrew 4:12)” Therefore, “Reforemd Life Theology came back completely human being to God through Word of God, and human being saved from spirit of Jesus Christ and recovery of Word of God(John 5:24-28).”

      • KCI등재

        아시아의 정치변동과 한국선교 ; 동아시아 국제정치 변화와 미래선교

        장훈태 ( Hun Tae Chang ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2013 복음과 선교 Vol.21 No.-

        This article focuses on supremacy rivalry between America and China in East Asia. Now we have so many changing in the world form supremacy hegemony era of Asia. This purposes of study should understand perspectives of future mission in this supremacy competition era. I mentioned that this article explain what is new change in East Asia? The change have so much conflicts among America, China, Japan, North Korea, and South Korea. And then several countries in East Asia evaluates leadership of leader. East Asia has too many dispute in social, economic, political, and religious contest. How to get to changing and stability in East Asia? First, East Asia is making harmony and cooperation in ASEAN community, and respect multiculturalism in East Asia. East Asia is equipping motivation and partnership through leadership of leaders. At the same time, East Asia is entrusted with a ASEAN community of doing mutual respect through meeting and communication. I mentioned that I suggested a several alternatives of future mission strategy in East Asia. First, we have evangelism and mission of mutual communication in each country of East Asia. Second, mission of East Asia know to change cultural and social value. Third, we make new Christian culture in East Asia. Korea church build up mission network with institution, denomination and organization in East Asia for Christian culture. Fourth, we have Christian education in life of people. They should develop Christian education mission field in East Asia. Fifth, we focuses on receiver -oriented practice and plan of ministry in East Asia. Last, we have social role of church in supremacy contest of East Asia.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        튀니지 타제르카 지역의 정주민과 이주민 사회의 다양성과 갈등에 대한 함의

        장훈태 ( Chang Hun Tae ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2020 복음과 선교 Vol.51 No.-

        The Mediterranean Sea was geopolitically a symbol of abundance, a target of fear for people, and a melting pot of culture where ancient people carried out cultural exchange. The history and culture of Tunisia, which borders the Gulf of Mediterranean, were also formed by a mixture of various cultural forms formed in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean. Tunisia has so far expressed its identity through the spirit and culture of Islam since it was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1570. Today, the chaotic state of the Maghreb region including Tunisia is a problem of concern not only to the African continent but also to the world. Especially, the Middle East including Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, and Morocco is one of the most unstable regions in the world. This is because the region is a place where various global challenges such as terrorism, climate changes, and cyberspace continue to occur. Besides, these countries’ own priority policies have not been properly implemented because of the political and economic influence of world powers. After the Arab Spring, Tunisia has achieved the success of political democratization, but the failure of its economic policy has raised public discontent. Despite this situation, Libyan and Algerian people are entering and settling in all parts of Tunisia including Tazerka. One of Tunisia’s small towns along the Mediterranean coast, Tazerka forms a village community with economic activities through traditional agriculture and olive farming. Conflicts between settlers and migrants, and generational conflict on the thinking system are becoming a major obstacle to social activities in Tazerka. Therefore, to consider the conflict between the settlers and migrants in Tazerka could be a way to understand the conflict between the two communities appearing throughout Tunisia. The influx of migrants into the Tazerka causes internal conflicts in this region. These conflicts in Tazerka appear among the settlers, migrant, and their children’s generation. The cause of these conflicts externally seems to be coming from the perception of the “difference” held by the settlers of Tazerka, but the fundamental cause of the conflict lies in who has economic leadership in this region. The settlers are dissatisfied with the migrants’ economic activities in their regions, but they can not manage the industries in Tazerka without the migrants’ labor force realistically. In addition, parents and their children in the Tazerka settlement are experiencing conflicts due to difficulties in communicating on the methods of economic activity. In order to resolve these conflicts between the settler and migrant in Tazerka needs not only mutual respect and sharing but also respect and sharing within the religion. And for peace in Tazerka, it is also necessary to not damage both the values of both settler and migrant community, and to seek specific ways that migrants can join the community of the settler.

      • KCI등재

        2018년 인구 절벽시대의 기독교 선교전략

        장훈태 ( Hun Tae Chang ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2015 복음과 선교 Vol.29 No.-

        During 2014-2015 the World has a very serious issue and the issue is population decrease. Population decrease brings economic structure and religious changes and we think serious about this situation. This research talks about the world and the population changes delocalization, students decrease from low Fertility, and lack of worker in factors and companies. Especially, the population can be understand by the Bible from Genesis 1:28 to Genesis 12:2-3 where it talks about Abraham and his blessings. In the Old Testament Exodus 38:26 and Leviticus Chapter 1,2 and 26 it talks about how obeying God’s laws and living can introduce you to luxuriance of growth and success and it also tells us that obeying God’s laws are very important. Changes in the population lead to future society and it introduces global village dilemma. Population Increase and Decrease leads to global risk which includes oversize, trash, poverty, disease, education, food rescue and energy, these risks are force and we are trying to find ways to solve these problems. Countries like China and Korea are having problems with population decrease policy. We think about Korean Churches and how the churches are in population risk. During this research I thought about the countries especially Korea and how they are in population decrease. Also, the population decrease risk in Korean Churches of presbyterian(Tonghab). I wanted to find what population decrease would do to the Korean Churches in this research. The Korean Christian Mission introduces four ways for Population Risk Period. First, the church should move before the risk in the future comes in real life. Second, churches have to plan the survival for the population decrease. Third, the pastors have to be really motivational to one specific person and focus on being motivational to their congregation members. Fourth, the churches have to have hearts that are empty glass and they should have minds set for mission. These tactics are the things that pastors and theologians know by heart and they know that these tactics will save the Korean Churches from risks. In result, church is based on social environment and also it also projects one person``s happiness, open from strict structured church, and are serving and devotion in the church leaders and members. During the population risk period churches have God``s witness, people``s life and application toward God, as Christians we should not forget our identity but, we should keep applying and get to key to heaven.

      • KCI등재

        코트디부아르 기독교와 이슬람 정착요인

        장훈태 ( Hun Tae Chang ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2015 복음과 선교 Vol.31 No.-

        This study is about the anchoring factors of Christianity in West Africa of Cote Divoire. The religion of Cote Divoire in West Africa was made of Christianity, Islam, and folk faith. Cote Divoire had civil war during 10years and carried out coup. Historically, Cote Divoire have experienced by colony control of the West and influenced by Christianity and Islam. In special, West Africa lived in Muslim came from North Africa. So Islam is dominant religion of Cote Divoire. Current Christianity is not much influenced in Cote Divoire. Because Christianity failed indigenous in Cote Divoire. In spite of crisis and coup in the country, Islam accepted indigenous in Cote Divoire, so they are keeping their faith. West Africa of Cote Divoire was anchor Christianity by cultural influence. Also how Islam anchor cause to Cote Divoire. This study looking for direction of Christianity mission in Cote Divoire. Christianity is not much developing prosperity, because West Africa people should be exclude to Christianity. Therefore, Christian mission must be know that why West Africa people rejected Christianity in their situation. We know that anchor causes of Christianity and Islam in Cote Divoire, the future of Christian mission in West Africa will direct the important keys. Today, we will understand circumstances of West Africa, we build up the missional direction and strategy in Africa.

      • KCI등재

        현대 이슬람의 한국 포교 전략과 기독교의 대응

        장훈태 ( Hun Tae Chang ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2012 복음과 선교 Vol.17 No.-

        This study seeks to articulate the strategies of Islamic globalization and to suggest how the Christian church respond to this challenge. To do this, I first look at today`s world in relation to Islam. Among many things, I listed the spring of the Arab which started in the beginning of 2011 in Tunisia, the cultural approach to the non-Muslim through promoting halal as healthy and clean food, and Islamic extremism in the midst of the globalization of the Muslim population. I then suggest that there are at least three stretegies that the Muslim utilizes to spread its religion in the world: Mosque construction, Islamic finance, and propaganda. To respond effectively to the challenges of Islamic globalization which has concrete strategies to pursue its goal, the church needs to have an appropriate understanding of Islam and to be ready for the increasing contacts with the moderate Muslim.

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