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      • KCI등재

        “자동차세 세율인하”와 “주행세 제도 도입”이 세입규모와 자치단체 간 세입격차에 미친 영향 분석

        장덕희 ( Duck Hee Jang ) 한국정책학회 2011 韓國政策學會報 Vol.20 No.1

        이 연구에서는 지방세목 가운데 ``자동차세 세율인하’와 ``주행세 제도 도입’이라는 세제변화가 자치단체의 세입규모와 자치단체 간 세입격차에 미친 영향을 분석하였다. 또한, 분석결과에 기반 하여 향후 지방자치제도의 발전과정에서 공동세 형식의 수직적 재정불균형 완화 전략을 사용할 때의 고려사항에 대하여 논의하였다. 이 연구에서는 1987년-2008년 사이의 시·군의 지방세 패널데이터를 이용하여 그래프를 이용한 다양한 기술통계와 고정효과모형을 적용한 부분적 선형회귀(piecewise linear regression) 방법으로 세제변화 이전과 이후의 변화를 분석하였다. 실증분석 결과 주행세는 자동차세의 세율 인하 분을 모두 보정하지 못한 것으로 분석되었으며, 세제변화 결과 상대적으로 재정능력이 우수한 자치단체에서 더 많은 세입증가가 이루어진 것으로 분석되었다. This research has analyzed the effects of the alteration of local tax system - ``cut in Automobile Tax`` and ``introduction of Motor Fuel Tax`` among local taxes, on the size of tax revenue in local governments and fiscal capacity disparities among the local governments. Also, based on the analysis result, the research has discussed the considerations for using a strategy to relax the vertical financial unbalance - the joint tax type - required for local governments to improve further. This research has used a piecewise linear regression model which applied the fixed effect model, and diverse technology statistics in graph forms obtained from the panel data of local tax of cities and county, between 1987 and 2008, to analyze before and after the alteration of tax system. As the result, the Motor Fuel Tax was failed to fill the shortage from reduction in Automobile Tax, and local governments with relatively superior fiscal capability showed higher tax revenue than those without.

      • KCI등재후보

        BSC(Balanced ScoreCard) 도입이 시설관리공단의 경영수익과 고객만족도에 미친 영향 분석

        장덕희(Duck Hee Jang),신열(Yeol Shin),안재호(Jae Ho An) 한국공공관리학회 2009 한국공공관리학보 Vol.23 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 시설관리공단을 대상으로 BSC의 도입이 기업조직의 경영수익과 고객만족도에 미친 영향을 실증ㆍ분석하는 데 있다. 본 연구에서는 시설관리공단에서 도입하고 있는 BSC가 특정시점을 기준으로 순차적으로 도입되고 있다는 점에 착안하여 DID(Different In Different) 모델과 구간변수를 적용한 고정효과 모형(Fixed Effect)을 이용해 BSC 도입 이전과 이후의 변화를 분석하였다. 본 연구의 분석결과 시설관리공단에서 도입하여 운영 중에 있는 BSC가 기관의 재무성과와 고객만족도 제고에 기대되는 효과를 발생시켰다는 확신을 하기는 어려울 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구에서는 분석결과에 기초하여 BSC가 기관의 경영수익을 제고할 수 있도록 하기 위해 제도가 본연의 효과를 발생시킬 수 있도록 다양한 추가 연구가 수행될 필요가 있음을 제시하였다. The Purpose of this study is to analysis whether BSC(Balanced ScoreCard) on the Facilities Management Corporation is influenced by management performance and Customer' Satisfaction on the Local Enterprise(Specially Facilities Management Corporations). This research leverages the fact that the BSC system that is adopted by the Facilities Management Corporation is being introduced in sequence. With the specific point as the standard to conduct analysis using FE(Fixed Effect) and DID (Different In Different) model. According to the results, BSC system that is being adopted by the Facilities Management Corporation does not exert positive effect on a statistically significant level when it comes to increasing the organization’s management profit and customer' satisfaction. This research suggests that there is a need to execute diverse additional researches so that the BSC system can improve management performance based on the results of the analysis.

      • KCI등재후보

        수도권과 비수도권 교수연구자의 연구업적 비교

        장덕희(Duck Hee Jang),한동성(Dong Seong Han) 한국공공관리학회 2009 한국공공관리학보 Vol.23 No.2

        본 연구는 다분히 기술적 성격의 연구로, 수도권과 비수도권 교수 연구자의 연구업적의 차이를 상대적 비교 관점에서 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 상대적 비교 관점에서 수행한 본연구의 분석결과를 요약해 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구업적 차이분석 결과 KCI급과 SCI급 모두에서 수도권 연구자의 연구업적이 더 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 회귀분석 방법을 이용한 분석결과 학문영역 간 차이가 존재하지만 대체로 수도권 연구자의 연구업적이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 추가적으로 연구비 지원규모와 보조 연구 인력의 성격에 대한 차이분석을 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구비 지원규모 면에서는 수도권 연구자에게 지원된 것이 일관되게 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 보조연구원 측면에서 비수도권 연구자는 주로 많은 학부생을 연구보조 인력으로 운영하는 경우가 많은 것으로 분석된 반면, 박사과정과 포닥 연구원(post-doc)의 경우 수도권 연구자가 더 많이 운영하는 것으로 분석되었다. This study is mainly technical research and the purpose of this study is to analyze the professors’ research achievements between the Metropolitan Area and local region with a comparative method. According to the comparative method, the results of the study could be summarized as follows. First, in terms of research achievements by KCI and SCI publications, professors in the Metropolitan Area outperform researchers in the local region. Second, according to the regression analysis, even though there are differences among study areas, professors in the Metropolitan Area lead to higher accomplishments. In addition, the differential analysis of characteristics for research funding and research assistants between two areas presents as follows. First, the research funds for professors in the Metropolitan area also larger than local region. Second, professors in local region mainly hire undergraduate students as research assistants, however, in the Metropolitan area, usually Ph.D. students and Post-Doc researchers are usually hired.

      • KCI등재

        언론을 통한 해양수산 분야 정책이슈 식별 1) : 중앙일간지 언론 빅데이터 분석을 중심으로

        장덕희(Duck-Hee Jang),박기묵(Ki-Muck Park) 한국해양비즈니스학회 2017 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.37

        This research discerns social issues on the area of the ocean and fisheries by analyzing the contents of news reports on this field and finds policy issues that should be handled on the policy area of the ocean and fisheries. In order to do research, this paper accomplishes “multi frequency key word analysis” by using text mining methodology, key word network analysis, and the content analysis on 9,535 news reports on this field from January, 2000 to February, 2017. The results show that development issues rises; preservation issues declines; issues on the circumference nations, such as Japan and China grows. This paper classified and investigated social issues on the area of the ocean and fisheries as four categories which include the area of ocean policy, the policy area of fisheries, the area of harbors and distribution policy, and the area of maritime affairs and security policy. The results shows that the international relation and industry issues grow on the area of ocean policy; fishery security and stability issues rise on the policy area of fisheries after Fukushima atomic plant accident; the issues on new industries and the North Pole route development rise on the area of harbors and distribution policy; and the issues on ill legal operation of china fishing boats and international relation settlements by supremacy competition among East North nations on the ocean grow on the area of maritime affairs and security policy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        자치단체 재정력과 보조금 반환금 규모의 관계 분석: 시, 군, 자치구를 대상으로

        장덕희 ( Duck Hee Jang ),강길모 ( Gil Mo Kang ) 한국지방행정연구원 2013 地方行政硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        This study performed an empirical analysis of differences in the amount of return of government subsidies by fiscal capability of local government using panel data. Because the subsidies to be returned may not generate utility other than interest revenue, they should be allocated to local governments and properly used if possible. In this study, the returned of government subsidies in local governments would increase depending on their fiscal capability. Consequently, local governments have earned more subsidy programs based on their fiscal capability with the motives to maximize their budget. In other words, the current subsidy system is inefficient and it is necessary to improve the government subsidy system for greater efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        2008년 감세정책이 시, 군 자치단체의 세입과 세출에 미친 영향 분석

        장덕희 ( Duck Hee Jang ),김태일 ( Tae Il Kim ),라휘문 ( Hui Mun Ra ) 한국지방행정연구원 2012 地方行政硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        This study analyzed influences upon financial operation of local government of city and county by tax reduction of central government in 2008 in the aspects of tax revenue and tax expenditure. Tax reduction in 2008 was a change of central government`s financial(tax) policy regardless of local government`s willingness but its influences on local government were very large. The study results are as follows. Tax reduction in 2008 caused reduction of size of residence tax and local grant tax. Eventually, financial autonomy of local government became lowered by diminished portion of general finances. And it was identified that tax reduction affected process of deciding size of financial expenditure for each policy category. Based on this analysis results, this study suggests that current structure disturbs development of local government system from long term view, accordingly, improvement of such structure is needed - under current structure, change of financial policy in central government can severely affect local finance.

      • KCI등재

        청주-청원 지방행정체제 개편의 정책효과 추정

        장덕희 ( Duck Hee Jang ),목진휴 ( Jin Wh Mok ),오완근 ( Wan Keun Oh ) 한국지방행정연구원 2012 地方行政硏究 Vol.26 No.3

        This study examines the effect of the consolidation between two local governments: Cheongju City and Cheongwon County. A two-stage approach was employed. In the first stage, a cost-benefit analysis shows that while its benefit after the consolidation is 88.4 billion won for the next 10 years, its cost is 14.9 billion Won. Therefore, a net benefit is 73.5 billion Won thanks to the consolidation. In the second stage, the results of a regional input-output analysis using the net benefits demonstrate that the consolidation would induce the production of approximately 19.4 billion Won and the value-added of approximately 0.8 billion Won. Overall, the consolidation would be beneficial to both localities in a significant sum. Therefore, this study suggests that the idea of the consolidation of the two local governments be strongly pursued.

      • KCI등재

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