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      • 순천대학교 농과대학 개편 방안

        임행진,배인휴,임준택,배영환 순천대학교 1996 大學發展硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        1. 대학 명칭 변경 농과대학을 생명자원 과학대학으로 개편 2. 학부제 운영 방안 1) 제1차안에 따른 6개 학부로 개편하되 추가적인 여론 수렴이 반드시 요망됨. 2) 학부 운영시 정원 감축 요망 현행 395명 → 300명 (24% 감축) 3) 학부 구성시 전공의 세분화는 지양하되 통합을 위한 새로운 분야는 인정한다. 3. 교과과정의 운영 1) 교양과목―외국어 및 전산 교육 강화 2) 전공과목 ① 강의 책임시수를 하향 조정하여 강의 내실화 도모 ② 유사과목 중복 개설 지양 ③ 복수전공제 도입 ④ Team teacing, 동일 과목 분반제 등의 도입으로 전문성 제고 3) 교과과정의 개편 절차 (1) 농대에 교과과정 개편위원회를 설치하여 자체 의견을 수렴 (2) 교과과정 개편위원회에서 ① 교양과목 이수 학점 조정 ② 학부(전공)간 중복 및 유사 교과목 조정 ③ 공통 과목 담당 교수진과 강의분담 방법 결정 ④ 복수전공 허용 범위 및 시행 방안 조정 4. 대학 발전 방안 1) 농과대학 특성화 시설원예 분야로의 특성화유도 2) 대 농민 기술지원 센타 설립을통한 현장애오 해결 연구부, 교육부, 지도부, 농업정보부, 식물병원 등 설치 3) 대학의 자립 능력 배양 ① 농대 발전기금 조성, 농대 부석기관의 자체 수익사업 운영 ② 부속기관의 수익을 재투자할 수 있도록 제도 개선 4) 연구 여건 개선 ① 연구 전담 교수제 확대 시행 ② 공동기기동 설치 및 전공별 공동기기실 운영 The problems that College of Agriculture in Korea are confronted with consist of a few number of faculty members in very department, and hence too many lecture hours per prefessor, departments with similar speciality, duplicated subjects, and hence duplicated lectures in similar subjects, poor experimental equipments, poor extension system, and a small amount of budget. It would be necessary to reorganize the system of College of Agriculture to solve these problems. The objective of the study is to construct the direction of reorganization of College of Agriculture in Sunchon National University. For the objective, survey composed of all professors in the Agricultural College and discussions among committee members were adopted. Survey data was collected and analysed. Through the study, reorganization strategies were built as the point of change of college name, administration of school system by unifying departments with similar major area, basic directions in reconstructing the curriculum for the school system, and strategies for the growth of the College. 1) Name of College of Agriculture will be changed to College of Life and Resource Science. 2) College of Agriculture can be reorganized into six schools based on survey, and for more concrete reorganization, additional opinions must be gathered. Number of incoming student can be reduced for school system from 395 at present to 300 (24% reduction). Finely specialized major should be prohibited, but addition of departments or speciality of new research area can be allowed for the establishment of administration of school system. 3) In management of curriculum, foreign language and computer science should be reinforced as general course in the school system. Obligated lecture hours of professor should be reduced, which would enhance the quality of lecture, and offerring lectures with similar subjects should be restricted. Dual major system is going to be allowed. Team teaching and class separation for the same subject should be allowed for the enhancement of lecture quality. In curriculum revision process, committee of curriculum revision in College of Agriculture must be set up and gather opinios for better revision. The committee regulate the credits for the general course, control overlapping or similar subjects among the schools(majors), select lectures for team teaching and the way of class separation in the same subject. They also provide permitted limits of and the way of conducting dual major system. 4) For further growth of the college, the following items should be satisfied. With the limited number of faculties, concentrating facilities and research capability of the college into specialized area is needed to enhance the competitive power of the college. In this study, the committee agreed to select horticultural area in greenhouse as the specialized area. This will be achieved gradually by employing new faculty members with major in this area and conducting cooperative research among faculty members. An extension system to train farmers for the newly developed technologies in agriculture should be established. In this facility, farmers can exchange their experiences among them, and farmers and the university faculty members can conduct experiments to solve problems occurred in farming practices. The extension system consists of division of reasearch, education, advise, information in agricultural area, and diagnosis of pest and diseases. Annual budget of the college largely depends upon the budget from the Ministry of Education. With the limited budget, it is almost impossible for the college to invest into the area where college faculty members intend to for the farmers. Collection of a fund for the growth of the college is needed. This fund can be gathered either from the alumni, faculty members and students or by reinvesting the profit from experimental farm of the college. The system for the reinvestment of the profit from appendges of the college should be established. The condition of research should be improved. This can be achieved by employing full-time researchers as faculty members and reducing lecture load of professors. Building for the center of cooperative research and systematic installation of experimental facility and equipments might also be needed for the improvement.

      • 農科大學 改編 方向의 硏究

        林行鎭 順天大學校 農業科學硏究所 1994 農業科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        In parallel with the high economic growth, the reform of industrial structure and the rapid development of science technology, it is keenly necessary to educate the new studies in a college of agriculture, such as the application of advanced technology and skills, biotechnology, the exploitation of biological resources, the improvement of production and construction of marketing strategy combined with data processing by computer and the efficient management of marketing system. Accordingly, educational system of college of agriculture should be reorganized as follows. First, college of agriculture have to try to change the direction of education and research by unifying and abolishing of the similar department. Second, with overall modifying of the existing curriculum, the fields of newly developing science must be introduced into the curriculum of the college of agriculture. For instance of U.S.A and Japan, the colleges connected with agriculture was developing into the comprehensive colleges that are aimed at the efficient management of the universal life natural resources, animal life, plant life and microorganisms as well as the established agricultural resources. Also that colleges gradually changed the name of college from the title of College of Agriculture named traditionally to the title of College of Agricultural Life Science or College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The reorganization of a college of agriculture have to immediately be drived out in our country too. And, also in the constitution of department within a college of agriculture, it should be emphasized on the fields of spearhead life science, environmental science, wild life and agricultural information, as with the subdivision and specification of the existing department.

      • 農科大學 改編 方向의 探索 : 日本과 美國을 中國으로 with U.S.A and Japan as the central figure

        林行鎭 순천대학교 1992 大學發展硏究論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        In parallel with the high economic growth, the reform of industrial structure and the rapid development of science technology, in a college of agriculture, it is keenly necessary to educate the new studies, such as the application of advanced technology and skills, Biotechnology etc., the exploitation of biologicalresources, the improvement of production and marketing by use of data processing technology and the efficient management of marketing system. Accordingly, it should be reorganized the college of agriculture as follows. first, with unifying and abolishing of the similar department, a college of agriculture have to try to change the direction of education and research. Second, with overall modifying of the existing curriculum, the fields of new spearhead science must be introduced into the curriculum of the college of agriculture. For instance of U. S. A and Japan, the colleges connected with agriculture was developing into the comprehensive colleges that are aimed at the efficient management of the universal life natural resources, animal life, plant life and microorganisms as well as the established agricultural resources. Also that colleges gradually changed the name of college from the title of College of Agriculture named traditionally to the title of College of Agricultural Life Science of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Therefore, the reorganization of a college of agriculture have to immediately be drived out in our country too. And, also in the constitution of department within a college of agriculture, it should. be emphasized on the fields of spearhead life science, environmental science, wild life and agricultural information, as with the subdivision and specification of the existing department.

      • 松廣演習林 稜線部 졸참나무林의 生産構造에 關한 硏究

        林行鎭 順天大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        松廣 演習林 陵線部 졸참나무林의 生産構造를 物質生産이라는 側面에서 調査分析한 結果를 要約면 다음과 같다. 1. 森林群集型은 졸참나무 群集이었으며 木本類 全體의 直徑分布는 逆丁型이었다. 졸참나무의 경우 一般的인 直徑分布型에 比하여 胞高直徑 3㎝ 以下의 林木密度가 낮았다. 2. 地下部의 現存量은 喬木類 48,534t/ha, 灌木類 3,885t/ha, 草木類 0.212t/ha, 群集全體 52,631t/ha이었다. 喬木類의 現存量構成比는 줄기 72.6%, 가지 23.3%, 잎4.1%이었으며. 灌木類는 줄기와 가지 83.2%, 잎 16.8%이었다. 3. 純生産量은 喬木類 3,621t/ha/yr, 灌木類 1,150t/ha/yr, 草木類 0.099t/ha/yr, 群集全體 4,870t/ha/yr이었다. 群集全體에 대한 喬木類, 灌木類 , 草木類 構成比는 各各 74.3, 23.6, 2.1이었다. 4. 잎의 純同化率은 1,834㎏/㎏/yr 이었으며 幹材生産能率은 0.622㎏/㎏/yr으로 나타났다. To investigate forest production structure of a Quercus serrata forest at a ridge in Songkwang experiment forest, five nested were set up and the data was analyzed. The main results obtained from this study are summarized as follows; 1. The forest community type of the study area was Quercus serrata community. The leading dominant tree species, Quercus serrala appeared to be a poor representation of saplings, because of the result of competition between saplings and understory species. 2. Aboveground biomass of the total community was 52.631t/ha of which 48.534t/ha was for trees, 3.885t/ha for shrubs, 0.212t/ha for herbs. 3. Net production of the total community was 4.870t/ha/yr. of which 3.621t/ha/yr. was produced by trees, 1,150t/ha/yr. by shabs, 0.099t/ha/yr. by herbs. 4. Net assimilation rate and efficiency of leaf to produce stem were 1.834㎏/㎏/yr. and 0.622㎏/㎏/yr., respectively.

      • 자귀나무의 器內增殖과 土壤活着

        林行鎭,金世炫 順天大學校 農業科學硏究所 1994 農業科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        In vitro propagation methods have been established in Albiza lebbeck. The axillarybud explant in mature tree was taken from wat sprouts Which were induced from branches approximately 5㎝ in diamater. Shoot development from mature explant was effectively achieved on B5 medium supplemented with 1.0㎎/1 BA. Shoot multiplication was achieved in B5 mediumcotaining 1.0㎎/1 BA and 0.1㎎/1 IAA. The highest frequency of in vitro rootiong was achieved by culturing on Lloyd and McCown(WPM)medium supplemented with 1.0㎎/1 IAA. Plantlets produced from In Vitro culture were successfully acclimatized to soilles potting mixture containing vermiculite and perlite(1:1 v/v)and grown under high humidity condition in greenhouse.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 삼나무 産地間 生長比較

        林行鎭 順天大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        本 試驗은 우리나라 南部地方의 有望한 造林樹種인 杉나무의 優秀適應産地究明을 目的으로 日本 東北部의 耐寒性이 있다고 生覺되는 9個産地를 導人 우리나라 3個産地와 比較로 全南寶性地域에서 種子産地間 7年生의 生長을 調査分析 結果 種子生産間에 1%의 統計的 有意性이 認定되었으며 特히 生長이 좋은 産地는 導人産地中 比較的 높은 緯度에서온 岩手縣 産地가 産地 全滯平均에 107∼111%의 좋은 樹高生長을 보였으며, 反面에 生長이 低調한 産地는 緯度가 낮은곳에서온 長野縣産들이 依調한 生長을 보였다. 또한 國內産 3個 産地는 導人産地에 比해서 3個産地 모두 低調한 長生을 보였다. 5年生에서 生長이 繼續좋았으며 또한 個體間에서도 生長變異를 보였는바 今後 後期生長 結果에 따라 産地選拔은 勿論 個體選拔도 倂行되어져야 할 것이며 幼詩에 早期選拔 可能性을 보여주고 있었다. This study was carried out to select superior provenances of Cryptomeria japonica in southern region, none provenances fromnorth-eastern Japan plus domestic provenances were planted at posong located in southern part of Korea. In April 1981, one hundred seedlings (l-lyrs.)of each provenance were planted at a spacing of 1.8m x 1.8m with a randomized complete block design with three replications. Height growth at 5 and 7 years from seeds were measured. Significant differences were observed in height growth among the provenances. The Iwate provenances from north-eastern Japan have shown 7 to 11 percents better height growth than mean of all provenances, while another Japanese provenances, Nagano sources from lower latitude than that of Iwate have shown poor height growth. The domestic provenances (Chonju, Changsong,Nonsan), which showed the poor height growth among the provenances.grew only 82 to 94 percents of average height growth of 12 provenances. Especially, significant variation in height growth was observed among individual trees, and the best provenances at 5 years shoped the best height growth at 7 years. It is expected to be able to make early selection of outstanding provenances or individual trees.

      • 梧桐島 植物相에 關한 硏究(Ⅱ) : 草本分布調査 및 生態學的 考察 Distritution and Ecological study of Herbs

        張錫模,金琮鴻,林行鎭 順天大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        1982年 4月부터 1983年 8月까지 梧桐島의 植物相을 調査한 結果 草本은 總 56 科 156屬, 176種 26變種 1品種으로 Plant form은 Perennial herbs가 81種으로 가장 많고 evergreen herbs도 8種이나 調査 되었으나 大部分 路傍植物들이었다. 地被植物로서 常綠性草本은 Sphenomeris chusana, Cheileanthes chusana, Cyrtomium falcatum Cyrtomium caryotideum var. koreanum, Rumohra amabilis, Lastrea glanduligera, Asplenium sarellii等이고 Liriope spicata와 Liriope platyphylla도 常綠으로서 越冬하고 있었다. Climbing herbs인 Dioscorea batatas, Diascorea tokolo, Dioscorea nipponica, Humulus japonicus, Pleuropterus multiforus, Persicaria perfoliata, Cayratia japonica, Trichosanthes kirilowii等이 常綠闊葉樹의 林冠을 덮어 상당한 被害를 주고 있었다. 本島의 自然植生의 毁損과 破壞는 人間千涉에 依한 것이므로 觀光客의 覺醒이 촉구될 뿐이다. Investigating the aspects of the vegetation of Ohdong-Do island from April, 1982 to August, 1983, the author found out that the kinds of the plants growing in the island amounts to 56 families, 156 genuses, 26 varieties, and one breed and that as for plant form, perennial herbs, 81 species, were of a largest number and evergreen herbs, 8 species discovered, were for the greater part roadside plants. There discovered cover evergreen herbs like Sphenomeis, chusana, Cheileantes, chusand, Cyrtomium falactum, Cyrtomium carytideumvar. koreanum, Rumohra amabilis, Lastrea glanduligera, Asplenium sarellii ect., and also found out wintering evergreen herbs like Liriope spicaia and Liriope platyphylla. Dioscorea batatas, Dioscorea tokolo, Dioscorea nipponica, Humulus japonicus, Peuropterus multiflorus, Persicaria perfoliata, Cayratia japonica and Trichosanthes kirilouii etc., which are in climbing herbs, were covering the canopies of broad leaves trees and causing damages to them. Since the damages and destructions of the natural vegetation of the island were brout about from human intervention, the spiritual awakening of tourists are vitally needed.

      • KCI등재후보

        Haploxylon pines의 分類學的 類緣關係

        Haeng Jin Lim(林行鎭) 한국육종학회 1986 한국육종학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        Taxonomical relationship of the five Pinus species in the subgenus haploxylon was investigated by karyological and isoperoxidase band pattern analysis, which would provide fundamental informations for further research on the economically important tree species in Korea: The chromosome number of each species was all the same with 2n = 24, but the relative length of the whole chromosomes was different from species to species. When the length of the chromosomes of each species was arrayed in the long and short arms, the order of the lengths of the chromosomes with the long and short arms was not coincidental with that of the lengths of the whole chromosomes among species. Interspecific differences were noticed not only in the position of the centromere on each chromosome but also in the numbers and locations of secondary constrictions. Isoperoxidase band patterns of each needle changed in accordance with the needle ages and seasons, but several bands of each species appeared consistently enough to show the difference and similarity among species. It is concluded that karyotype and isoperoxidase analyses can effectively be used in identifying the individual species and their interrelationship of these five soft pine species.

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