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      • KCI등재

        '99 세계노인(世界老人)의 해의 의의와(意義) 우리 나라의 과제(課題)

        임춘식(Choon Seek Rim) 한국노인복지학회 1999 노인복지연구 Vol.3 No.-

        Prior to enact as the year of 1999 the United Nations (UN) as the International Year of Older Persons in 1999 proclaimed the day of October 1, 1990 as to be `International Day for the Elderly` and all the states made resolution that they would jointly cope with by cooperation in order for effective settlement of ageds problem which is one of the greatest issues in the 20th century. And, they decided that the advocating issue of the year of international older persons as `toward a society for all ages` and this may be said as historically significant to have such advocating issue to merge all the generations together by the UN proclaimed the year of international older persons not only for the ageds people in this transitional time of the century to the new 21st century upon closing the 20th century. Our country has to perform subject to the United National principles for older persons which is the UN enacted ideology, the project objective and the implementing issue in the year of international older persons and in addition it has to create Korean-style ageds welfare works meeting with our circumstances by mutually cooperate with the UN member countries having the objective to promote living quality of the ageds. And, above all, in order to successfully carry out the commemoration of the year of international older persons, in the routine concerns and consideration rather than eventual event for the ageds it has to make moment of (1)formation of pan-national zone of sympathy, (2)assurance of ageds right through recovery of respect for elders and filial piety for parents, (3)establishment of efficient ageds welfare policy in response to the advanced age times.

      • KCI등재

        이동목욕(移動沐浴)서비스 수혜노인(受惠老人) 만족도(滿足度) 조사(調査)

        임춘식(Choon Seek Rim),조만호(Man Ho Cho) 한국노인복지학회 2000 노인복지연구 Vol.9 No.-

        This study was intended to make a comparative analysis of the living attitude of the beneficiary from the bathing service of the mobile bath car effected by the Pyounghwa Comprehensive Social Well-being Center located in Nowon-ku, Seoul. The individual in-depth research method, of qualitative research methods, was used as the research method. An attempt was made to present an realistic alternative to activating our mobile bathing service project in infancy into the productive bathing well-being one as follows: First, it is necessary to expand and implecrnt the mobile bathing project because the periodic and continual implementation of the mobile bathing service project can improve the sanitary state of the patients afflicted with palsy and dementia and mitigate the burden of their family. Second, it is necessary to consider the plan to raise the efficiency of the mobile bathing service project. Third, sanitation management and specialized educational activity should be systematically provided at a time of mobile bathing service. Fourth, mobile bathing service can be thought to be a kind of health nursing service and especially, comfortable and safe bath and nursing for patients may be the important project. Fifth, it is necessary to consider the scheme to establish the bathing facility within the social well-being facility to enhance the efficiency of mobile bathing service and provide bathing service with mobile bathing vehicle service. Sixth, it is necessary to organize the(tentatively called) mobile bathing well-being research institute composed of authoritative scholars and specialists from the medical community and the social well-being community with an aim of activating our mobile bathing service in infancy, enhancing the qualitative level of service and further, spreading and improving bathing well-being.

      • 4,19 혁명 유공자 포상제도의 문제점과 개선 방안

        임춘식 ( Choon Seek Rim ) 한남대학교 사회과학연구소 2010 사회과학연구 Vol.19 No.1

        우리 현대사에 위대한 족적을 남기고 아직도 진행 중인 4·19혁명의 정신과 이념이 그 동안 역대 정권, 특히 권위주의 정권들의 무책임으로 화석화하였다. 2010년 4·19혁명 50주년에 즈음하여 4·19정신과 이념을 재조명하고 널리 선양해야 한다. 그러나 이는 주장만 가지고 해결될 문제는 아니다. 합리성과 형평성, 법적 장치의 마련, 이에 따른 합당한 포상, 보상정책 등 구체적인 뒷받침이 필요하다. 원인이 동일하면 결과도 같아야 하는 것이 법정신이다. 독립유공 건국포장자와 4·19혁명 유공 건국포장자의 국가유공자의 원인은 ‘건국포장’임으로 국가제도에서 양 대상에 대한 예우를 동일하게 하여야 한다. 따라서 정부는 첫째, 4·19혁명 부상자 1,820명 중 아직도 국가유공자로 선정 되지 않은 자 전원을 국가유공자로 구제하고 둘째, 4·19공로자(건국포장자)를차별한데 대한 적정한 보상이 필요하며 셋째, 아직도 보상에서 제외된 4·19혁명 지도자(4·19혁명 공로자)를 발굴하여 추가포상을 대대적으로 시행해야 한다. 그리고 4·19혁명단체들도 5·18기념사업회와 동일한 기념재단을 설립하여 이념 선양과 계승 등 관련 사업을 전문성을 가지고 체계적으로 시행할 수 있는 제도적 장치를 마련해야 한다. 구체적으로 “4·19혁명기념재단”을 설립하여 헌법 전문이 규정하는 4·19혁명 이념 계승을 위한 민간기구로서 역할을 하도록 해야 하며 정부의 적극적인 재정지원 등이 뒷받침되어야 한다. The original spirit and ideology of the April Civil Revolution (on April 19, 1960), a great step forward of Korean modern history as cherished in our reminiscence, has been diluted due to irresponsible negligence of prior regimes (particularly, authoritarian military regimes). On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the April Civil Revolution in this Year 2010, it is very important to re-highlight and widely propagate the original spirit and ideology of said Revolution. However, it is not about anything that can be easily resolved just by advocacy, but is something that requires further supports including rationality, equity, legitimate assurance measures, corresponding reasonable prizes and compensation policies. The spirit of law maintains that same results come from same cause. The ‘National Foundation Medal’ is a crucial cause for which both persons of merit for national independence and those of merit for the April Civil Revolution are recognized and awarded as persons of national merit, so it is required to maintain equity of honors and privileges granted to both of those persons under the national testimonial system. Thus, this study can come to the following conclusions: First, it is required for our government to restore the honors of people who are not yet nominated as persons of national merit among all 1,820 people who were injured in the April Civil Revolution. Secondly, it is necessary to provide appropriate compensations for the persons of merit in the April Civil Revolution (i.e. awardee of National Foundation Medal), because they have been still differentiated from those of merit for national independence. Thirdly, it is required to discover untargeted persons of merit for the April Civil Revolution and provide additional compensations for them on a full scale. And it is important that existing organizations for the commemoration of the April Civil Revolution should establish memorial foundations like the May 18 Memorial Foundation, and develop any institutional means to systematically implement relevant projects including ideological exaltation and inheritance in professional manner. In details, it is necessary to establish and operate the tentatively named “April 19 Revolution Memorial Foundation” as such a private organization for taking over the original ideology of the April Civil Revolution as provided in the full text of the Constitution of Korea. Moreover, it is also important that the operation of said Foundation should be supported with governmental positive financial assistances.

      • KCI등재

        노인(老人)과 청소년(靑少年) : 공동체적(共同體的) 연대감(連帶感) 형성(形成)의 가능성(可能性)

        임춘식(Choon Seek Rim) 한국노인복지학회 2000 노인복지연구 Vol.7 No.-

        The family has maintained the interaction pattern, role and expectations formed in the early days together as forming the family relationship for long time. Among the family relationship the old parents-adult children relation has important feature that cannot be substituted with any other social relation for the old parents and so, the satisfaction for living in general by the aged will largely affected impact by whether or not satisfactory to the relation with his (her) adult children. Therefore, as to present solving plans of aged problem enable to form community sense of unity between the aged and youth as enhancing living satisfaction of aged are as follows : 1. According to the fanuly relation, psychological and social fields as related to recognition of aged and to see the point that schoolboys than schoolgirls recognize about aged more affirn atively and to enhance the affirmative recognition of aged by youth especially, schoolgirls have to be trained so that they may be able to understand the ageds more and recognize the ageds affirmatively through the home, school and social education. 2. As per recognition of solving plan of aged problem the youth who have cohabitation experience with aged and who have highly recognize aged of old person in the aspect of variable for age recognition of aged were thought affirmatively about the solving plan of aged question. Since therefore, the home, school and society have to make efforts in delivery of righteous knowledge about aged to youth who have not cohabitation experience with aged and, it is desirous for resettlement of view of aged by providing information of feature of aged after 60 years old to students who regard the aged from 60 years old. 3. In general, youth affirmatively recognize the solving plan of the aged question rather than negatively however, this may be presumed that youths are not seriously recognize the matter of position within the home or alienation, social role and economic problem by the aged and so, there is need to re-recognize the seriousness of aged question to youths who will be responsible for support of old parents. 4. To strengthen solidarity between ageds and youths through study of social subjects, curriculum pedagogy field, teachers education for social subjects and, by research and development of various examples for fostering community entity and must conduct productive education for formation of unity between ageds and youths. 5. There will be need for fostering community consciousness to live together by opening social & cultural programs with which aged and youth attend together in the community (regional society). That is to say, such social education program must be strengthened so that may jointly participate to voluntary servicing activity and the like to live together by opening unified program such as social adjustment training for ageds and youths and social education program to youths by ageds. As a result, the plan to solve the aged question and the youth problem in unified manner must be studied and developed as it become serious by re-review the school education and aged education at the social educational level with positive enlightenment by the administrative authorities for consciousness fostering of community of the both as well as research & development of the social education programs to refine image because of the negative image is thick in the equal meaning by the youth perceived by aged and the aged perceived by youth.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        北美초고령 농촌지역의 발생조건에 관한 연구

        임춘식(Choon-Seek Rim),이인수(In-Soo Lee),양미자(Mi-Ja Yang) 충북대학교 국제개발연구소 2017 사회적경제와 정책연구 Vol.7 No.1

        본 연구에서는 북미선진국인 캐나다와 미국 노인인구비율이 현저히 높은 농촌지역 소도시를 방문하여 테마 생산단지와 노인자치 지역사회에 시행되는 노인복지 서비스 및 활동프로그램의 형성배경과 사회적 영향력을 조사하였다. 노인밀집구역은 온화한 기후에서의 안정된 정서생활, 교통 요지에서의 부업활동, 또래집단 동료 노인과의 문화교류를 통한 다양성 추구를 위해 인접한 소규모 타운으로 이주하여 새로운 노후생활을 시작하는 노인들이 증가하여 노인밀집화 구역이 형성되면서 특성화 된 생산활동과 다양한 문화여가 교류활동이 증대되는 긍정적 현상이 고찰되었다. 반면, 노인요양시설 편중과 사회적 통합 위축, 그리고 다양한 주거지 개발이 저하되어 젊은 층과의 통합 결여 등 부작용도도 나타나고 있다. 우리나라의 경우 여성가족부, 지자체, 농림부 등 다양한 기관과 프로그램들이 서로 공조를 이루어, 농촌지역 노인들이 보다 나은 생활기반이 있는 곳으로 이주, 군집하여 경험과 기술을 활용한 고부가 가치 생산활동에 참여하면서도 사회적 통합 유지를 지원하는 등 다양한 계층과 연령대가 조화를 이루며 세대간 교류와 사회적 통합이 강화되는 다자간 협조체계가 정착되어야 할 것이다. 또한 이주욕구 조사를 통한 선호지역 예측, 지역 특성에 맞는 활동 프로그램과 노인복지서비스 기반조성, 그리고 시범마을 조성사업을 통한 범 국민적 공감대 형성 등 한국의 현실을 반영한 다양한 협동 인프라 구축이 제안되었다. In this study, we analyzed most prevalent motives of early elderly or late middle aged peoples moving into nearby small cities from rural villages. For the study, we interviewed 15 men and women aged early 60s to mid 70s in the years from 2013 to 2014 in California and Ontario. First of all, early 60s people move from mountain bulk industry or farming counties such as Weed, Paradise, and Napa valleys into nearby township for better cultural urbanized active social environments and medical assistance benefits in the United States. In Canada, life long farmers move from taste trail wine counties onto nearby township such as Bowmanville and Trenton, for the dual career later life of agricultural technology industry and maintaining their old farmland properties. But as old people move into nearby counties, elderly concentrated zones attracted more aged related social connections such as nursing homes and senior facilities, and thereafter distracted young active moods. For the future of Korean rural counties of highly aged society, we propose a improved combination of youth and aged cooperative new pastoral township development of agricultural industries led by seniors but actively joined by integrated age groups.

      • KCI등재

        노인교실(老人敎室) 운영실태(運營實態) 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)

        임춘식(Choon Seek Rim),황진수(Jin Soo Hwang),김지수(Ji Su Kim) 한국노인복지학회 1999 노인복지연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Under this study the operating status of aged classrooms of 115 points as was registered with the Seoul Metropolis. Through such viewpoint I tried to detect how to perform the functional role to grope for method to cope with the aged classroom by itself to the aged question by the aged education. That is to say, the purpose of this study is to present the alternative upon looking back whether the aged classroom has secured feasibility in the functional aspect by research and studying such operating status and training program status of the aged classroom It appeared that the issues to be settled for desirable aeration of the aged classroom are heaped up. The contents of which is ① matter of use of title of the aged educational agency, ② matters of unsettlement of objective of aged education and nonexistence of aged educational program, ③ matters of inferior educational environment due to inferiority in operating cost finance and securing lecturers, ④ problem of temperament of operator of the aged education, ⑤ not organized council for aged education, ⑥ the actual circumstance could not get rid of fell-behind yet which is premodern dud to indifference and etc. by the administrative authority, and the matters to preferentially improve these are as follows : 1. The educational objective in the aged classroom must be settled in the content to pertinently include the education far life & leisure activity and requested for analysis of learning field needed by aged in order to provide the desirable educational programs subject to feature and learning desire of the aged. 2. In order to operate effective aged classroom designation of educational contents took into consideration of individual difference of aged and in the educational method the specific gravity has to be placed more on the activity the aged physically participate in person rather than lecturing. In addition, an adequate utilization of audio-visual media is requested. 3. Currently, aged classroom is operated by non-expert however, programs for aged classroom must be developed and the aged problems have to be counselled by involvement by such experts as social welfare specialists. 4. The support to and grasping for the current aged classroom are made by the Ministry of Health and Welfare however, more sectors concerned such as educational objective, contents and method of the aged classroom are studied and executed by the Ministry of Education and therefore, in order for mare efficient operation of aged classroom, the ministries of Health and Welfare, Education and Labor must have mutual ties and cooperative system among them shall be formed. 5. An argument has been brought about use of name for aged classroom and the administrative authorities concerned must issue powerful betterment order or cause to use reasonable name with elasticity corresponding to the times request as early as possible without taking an idle onlookers attitude.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        노인주거복지시설의 효율적인 운영 개선방안

        임춘식(Choon Seek Rim) 한국노인복지학회 2002 노인복지연구 Vol.15 No.-

        This study has been performed to review overall management issues of general housing and care facilities for the frail elderly in Korea. In Korea there are 215 facilities for housing and caring the elderly, and we overviewed demographics and family care burden of the aged with dementia, and suggest welfare policy implications. The findings are summarized as follows: (1) Among the dementia patients, prevalence rate is higher for women and blood-circulation related symptoms. And more than 35% are serious conditions requiring constant care services. (2) 95% of the primary caregivers are women composed of wives, daughters, and daughters in law. (3) Only 0.9% of the aged with dementia receive homecare services from 59 service centers for only emotional helps, and 1-18 patients a day are cared at 42 adult day care centers. (4) Only 12 nursing homes are skilled for dementia, and 68% of the aged with dementia do not receive regular health care services. From these findings, it is suggested that skilled preventive medicine oriented centers and family self-groups be nationwidely activated.

      • 독거노인의 자살생각에 영향을 미치는 요인연구

        임춘식 ( Choon Seek Rim ),장금섭 ( Geum Seob Jang ),정명숙 ( Myung Sook Jeong ) 한남대학교 사회과학연구소 2013 사회과학연구 Vol.22 No.-

        본 연구는 독거노인의 자살생각에 영향을 미치는 요인을 판별하고, 독거노인의 특성에 따라 자살생각의 수준을 비교분석하여, 독거노인의 자살예방 대책을 제언하였다. 연구 결과, 독거노인의 자살생각에는 노인차별의식이 가장 큰 영향을 미쳤으며, 다음으로 독거기간, 우울과 고독감, 독거이유, 건강상태, 일상생활 수능력 순으로 의미 있는 차이를 미쳤다. 그리고 독거노인의 자살생각에 영향을 미치는 요인을 판별하기 위하여 다중회귀분석을 실시한 결과, 개인체계요인 중에서는 주거형태, 건강 요인 그리고 일상생활 수행능력요인에서 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고 심리적 요인에서는 우울, 고독감, 스트레스가 높을수록, 스트레스 대처와 자아존중감이 낮을수록 자살생각이 높게 나타났다. 가족체계에서는 비공식지지요인에서 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 지역사회체계에서 노인차별의식요인에 따라서는 차별의식이 자살생각과 통계적으로 유의미한 정적 상관관계가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구 결과를 토대로, 독거노인의 자살예방을 위해서는 우울 등과 같은 심리적 요인의조기 선별과 지속적이고 체계적인 상담 및 예방 프로그램 및 고 위험 집단의 선별 프로그램개발 등 다양한 활동과 더불어 지역사회 독거노인을 대상으로 자살생각에 대한 지역사회 전반적인 인식강화, 노인에 대한 긍정적인 홍보 활동 등 적극적인 자세를 가지고 대처해 나아가야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to examine the influential factors for the suicide ideation of the elderly living alone. and ultimately to suggest how to prevent elderly people living alone from committing suicide. The findings of the study were as follows:The suicide ideation of the senior citizens was under the largest significant influence of their consciousness of discrimination against the elderly, followed by the period of living alone, depression/loneliness, the reason of living alone, health status and activities of daily living. Out of psychological factors, more depression, more loneliness, more stress, less stress coping and less self-esteem led to more suicide ideation. Given the findings of the study, a wide variety of activities are required to prevent the suicide of elderly people who live alone, such as early detection of related psychological factors like depression, the development of sustained counseling and preventive programs and the development of screening programs of high-risk groups. Thus, aggressive measures should be taken to properly cope with the suicide ideation of these elderly people.

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