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      • 성육신적 전도 방법에 관한 고찰 : 요한복음 1장 14절을 중심으로

        임영효 고신대학교 고신신학연구회 2004 고신신학 Vol.- No.6

        본 논문은 요한복음 1장 14절을 중심으로 예수님의 성육신적 전도방법을 다루고 있다. 말씀이 육신이 되시고 은혜와 진리가 충만하므로 하나님의 영광을 온전히 드러내 보여 주셨던 예수님의 삶은 오늘 이 시대의 그리스도인들에게 가장 효과적인 복음전도의 구 체적인 방법을 가르쳐 주고 있다. 예수님의 성육신적 전도는 1) 삶을 통하여 복음을 보여주는 전도였으며, 2) 전도대상자들의 입장에서 상대방을 이해하려고 하는 낮아지는 전도였으며, 3) 전도대상자들의 문화를 고려하여 그들과 삶을 함께하는 전도였으며, 4) 전도대상자들의 삶의 필요를 채워주는 전도였으며, 5) 은혜가 먼저 전달되고 진리가 증거되는 전도였다. 21세기를 맞이하여, 시대의 변화의 속도가 빨라지면 빨라질수록 우리의 전도가 제대로의 풍성한 결실을 거두기 위해서는 성경적인 전도방법, 특별히 예수님의 전도방법으로 되돌아 가는 것이 절실히 요청되어지고 있다. 왜냐하면 시대가 아무리 바뀌어도 성경적인 원리는 변하지 않고 모든 시대에 적용이 가능한 초문화적이고 초시대적인 특징을 지니고 있기 때문이다. 예수님처럼 성육신적 전도를 하기 위해서는 오늘 이 시대의 상황에 대한 보다 깊은 연구가 선행되어져야 함을 깨우쳐 주고 있다. 전도 대상자들의 문화형태와 그들의 세계관과 가치관을 이해하면서 그들의 언어로 효과적인 복음제시가 이루어질 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. 더 나아가, 예수님의 삶이 은혜와 진리가 충만하였듯이, 오늘날의 그리스도인들도 은혜와 진리가 충만한 삶으로 무장하여 세상 속으로 불신자들의 삶의 세계 속으로 찾아 나아가야만 한다. 또한 오늘 이 시대의 복음 전도자들은 은혜가 없는 진리전달은 허공을 치는 공허한 외침으로, 결코 전도 대상자의 마음 속으로 뚫고 들어갈 수 없음을 항상 명심하고 있어야 함을 예수님의 삶과 사역이 가르쳐 주고 있다. 결론적으로, 이 세상에 존재하는 주님의 몸된 교회는 예수 그리스도의 사역을 계속하여 이루어 나가기 위한 도구이며 통로이다. 교회의 머리되신 주님은 이 교회를 통하여 지금도 계속하여 행하시고 가르치시는 사역을 수행하고 계신다. 그러므로 오늘날의 교회가 은혜와 진리가 충만한 공동체가 되어질 때 예수님의 삶처럼 하나님의 영광을 드러낼 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 복음전도의 열매를 그 삶 속에서 풍성히 맺을 수가 있게 될 것이고, 하늘과 땅의 모든 권세를 가지신 주님이 전도하는 자에게 약속해 주신 그 모든 축복들을 풍성히 누릴 수가 있게 될 것이다. This thesis deals with Jesus’ method of incarnational evangelism centered on the Bible John 1:14. Jesus’ life shows the most effective and concrete method of evangelism to the Christians of this generation, through which the Word became flesh and God’s glory was fully revealed with grace and truth being filled. Jesus’ method of incarnational evangelism can be defined as (1) showing gospel through life, (2) being humble to understand non-believers’ situation on their sides, (3) sharing life with non-believers in the consideration of their culture, (4) filling the needs of their life, (5) grace being delivered and then the truth being proved. In this very beginning of the 21st century, in the fast changing age, we need to return to Jesus' method of evangelism, the most biblical method, so as to get an abundant harvest. The reason for this is that the biblical principles don't change and are characterized with transculture and trans-generation applicable to all the generations despite the ages change. The fact is enlightened that profound study should be done on the context of this age to do Jesus’ method of incarnational evangelism. We should present the gospel effectively in their languages with understanding non-believers’ culture, world-view and view of value. Furthermore, as Jesus’ life was full of grace and truth, the Christians of today should go into the secular and non-Christians’ world with the life full of grace and truth. And according to Jesus’ life and ministry, the evangelists of today should bear in mind the fact that delivering the truth without grace is a useless claiming echoing the empty air and they cannot penetrate through the non-believers’ heart. In conclusion, churches currently existing in this world, that is, our Lord’s body, are tools and passages through which Christ’ ministry continues to be carried out. The Lord who is the head of churches continuously performs His acting and teaching ministry through His churches (Acts 1:1). Accordingly, we should have in mind that today’s churches when they become communities filled with grace and truth can not only reveal God’s glory like Jesus’ life but also make abundant fruits of evangelism, enjoying all blessings which the Lord with all the power and authority of the heaven and earth promised to the evangelists.

      • 고린도후서 구성의 통일성

        임영효 고신대학교 고신신학연구회 2000 고신신학 Vol.- No.2

        Second Corinthians is an occasional letter, that is, it is a real letter which was addressed to specific people and occasioned by concrete issues. Above all, it is a very human document, opening a window into the inner life of the apostle. It can be called the most human book in the New Testament. L. Berkhof says, “2 Corinthians is one of the most personal and the least doctrinal of all the letters of Paul, except the one written to Philemon." So some scholars regard this epistle as the most difficult of all the epistles of the New Testament or Paul' s. Specially, among the major epistles of the New Testament this suffered a totally unmerited measure of neglect. G. R. Beasley-Murray notes several reasons for this neglect: 1) The historical allusions in the letter are obscure. 2) Paul's compressed theological ideas place a heavy exegetical demand upon interpreters. 3) The Greek is complex. Nevertheless, this letter is one of Paul’ s richest in terms of theological profundity and autobiographical revelation. In this most letter-like of all the letters of Paul, we can find the heights of the transcendental victory of grace in and through the everyday experience of the Christian believer in whatever circumstances. Moreover, this epistle describes more fully Paul' s conception of his ministry than any other epistle. According to the traditional common view about this Epistle, it has come down to us as a single epistle. Notwithstanding, since the Enlightenment, some modern critics have been maintained that the original 2 Corinthians was not as long as it now stands. Johann Salomo Semler first supposed in 1776 that 2 Corinthians was originally several letters, that is, chapters 1-9 were one or more letters; chapters 10-13 were another. Other writers have thought that this Epistle was originally four or six letters sent not in the same order as we now have in our Bibles. However, it should be recognized that in no ancient manuscript of this Epistle is there any trace of a division at any point in the letter, or any variation in the arrangement of the material; and in no early Christian writer is there any suggestion that the document is composed of parts of different letters, or that it was not all written at one time to meet one particular situation. Without upright understanding on this problem of unity, we cannot have a very high regard for the accuracy of what we have. Also it will become difficult to have a high view of inspiration and authority of the Bible. Accordingly, it is necessary to observe carefully the grounds on which the theories for dividing this epistle are based, and to consider whether or not it is possible to explain the letter as a unity. We can find that there are various hypotheses of the composition of 2 Corinthians. The major reason for their being occurred seems that 2 Corinthians has the historical allusions which appears obscure and the most autobiographical character of all the epistles of Paul. From the historical background of the composition, we can understand the cause of diversity in tone and content of this epistle, for this epistle was written not at all through the peaceful environment but among the suffering and comfort, anxiety and joy, contention and conviction, and eagerness and boldness which the apostle experienced during his ministry. In addition, the whole epistle reflects the various stations in Paul’s journey and his very emotion at each place are revealed. However, in spite of diversity in its tone and content, we can find there is a structural unity which gives coherence to the whole because Paul wrote this epistle with a clear purpose, that is, to prepare the Corinthians for his third visit. Also, we can see that it harmonizes with the pervading theme of this epistle, namely, the theme of strength through weakness. The whole argument for the genuineness of Paul’s apostolic authority is bound up in this theme. Thus, this two main skeletons of the epistle are well articulate from beginning to end. Specially, for the good example of the unity of 2 Corinthians, we can find that the same thoughts of the last five exhortations(13:11) hide in the whole epistle, that is, joy(1:24; 2:3; 6:10; 7:4,7,9,13; 8:2; 12:10,15; 13:9), perfect(1:14; 13:9), comfort(1:3-6; 2:7; 7:4,6,7,13), be of one mind(6:13; 7:2), live in peace(1:2; 8:13). There are many other evidences for the unity of the composition as well. However, like other scholars who are in favor of the hypotheses of discontinuity, if we look into this epistle as the product of human endeavor without accepting the work and inspiration of the epistle’s primary author, namely, the Holy Spirit, as a result of it we can only find continually the problematic parts. Therefore, it can be said that the partition theories against the unity of this epistle are the products of seeing and understanding the epistle only by the human reasonable eye. Thus, it seems that the proof offered against the unity is entirely too subjective in nature and week in general. If several letters could have been jumbled into one epistle, how can we have a high view of for the accuracy of what we have? In fact, the more we try to solve the problematic parts of the word of God with a human biased view and reasonable thinking, the more we become to confront the bigger problems in the Bible. But, if only we can see the word of God by the regenerated heart and the eye of faith with the illumination of the Holy Spirit, the primary author of the Bible,we will understand it upright and see clearly the beautiful unity of every Scripture as well(Isa. 34:16). Also, we can find the solution of the problematic parts which appear in it. Therefore, it is necessary to study the word of God within the category which does not destroy the unity so long as there is no problem in external evidence. Now to conclude concerning the unity 2 Corinthians, it must be said that in spite of the various leaps in Paul’s thought from

      • 부흥의 원리에 관한 연구

        임영효 고신대학교 고신신학연구회 2007 고신신학 Vol.- No.9

        The paper aims to solve numerous kinds of problems with which modern churches confronted in the 21 century, e.g. the confusion of spiritual values, the weakening of performing ability of original mission of a church, spiritual lethargy, the loss of Christians' morality, the rise of heresiesm and the withering of evangelism and missions, and to claim the need of real renewal for the revival of the proper role and function of a church, and finally to investigate this revival principles through the Bible and the church history. The meaning of revival tends to be misunderstood as referring to quantitative growth of churches or a special conference, however, the Bible defines it as spiritual awakening of churches and Christians through supernatural calling of the Holy Spirit which is done by Sovereign God. Especially, the pouring event of the Holy Spirit in the Pentecost Day written in Chapter 2 of Acts should be regarded as the original form of the authentic revival, and revival events which took place through the ages should be regarded as repetition of the Pentecost Day. The opinion that revival can be repeated by our efforts is from the Arminian's perspective. Whereas, the opinion that revivals can be repeated only by God's soveregnty is from the Reformed perspective. The second perspective conforms to the explanation and understanding of several events that took place in church history, and to the repeated pourings of the Holy Spirit shown in Acts. The true revival cannot be possible by human being, who cannot make any rules, because everything is under the control of God. Accordingly, it is wrong to say that if men sarisfy any suitable conditions, they will automatically be able to witness revival. We should also remember the fact that it is non-biblical to say that we should only wait until God works, with too much emphasis on God's sovereignty. Accordingly, the principle that God's absolute sovereignty and men's responsibility coexist without destroy each other can be applied to the realm of revival. The complete pbedience and repentance and continual and united prayer can be regarded as the prediction of the authentic revival, because these make environment of revival God sent. The purpose of revival is (1) To renew and regenerate the church as it should be by revealing God's glory and ability. (2) To make God's people capable withnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ and His salvation mission. (3) To attract the attention of people in the world and save them. (4) To prepare and encourage God's people before persecution and wars and other trials begin. In conclusion, the true revival in 21 century means to renew God's word, make saints as saints, accelerate evangelism, and change the societies. Therefore, modern churches and Christians should recognize the need and urgency of the revival, turn back from all the lives and behaviors to trouble or nullify the Holy Spirit, the fundamental agent, and equip the attitudes of the fullness of the Holy Spirit and revival of church and Christians. 본 논문은 21세기 기독교회가 직면한 여러 가지 문제들 즉 영적 가치의 혼돈, 교회본연의 사명수행능력의 약화, 영적 무기력함, 그리스도인들의 도덕성의 상실, 사이비 이단 종교의 발호, 복음전도와 선교의 위축현상 등의 문제들을 해결하고 교회본연의 역할과 기능을 회복해 나가기 위해서는 무엇보다도 진정한 부흥이 요청되어진다는 것을 말하고, 이 진정한 부흥의 원리들을 성경과 교회 역사를 통해서 살펴보기 위한 것이다. 오늘날 부흥이 교회의 양적 성장이나 어떤 특별집회를 지칭하는 것으로 잘못 이해되어지고 있지만, 성경에서 말하는 부흥은 교회와 그리스도인들에게 하나님의 주권적인 역사하심으로 성령의 초자연적인 부으심을 통한 영적 각성이라고 정의되어질 수 있다. 특별히 사도행전 2장의 오순절날의 성령 부으심의 사건이 진정한 부흥의 원형으로 보아야 하면 모든 시대의 부흥의 사건들은 오순절에 일어났던 것의 반복으로 보아야만 한다. 부흥은 사람의 노력에 의해서 반복되어질 수 있다는 견해는 알미니안주의적인 관점에서 나온 것이며, 이와는 달리 부흥은 하나님의 주권에 의해 반복되어질 수 있다는 것이 개혁주의적인 관점에서의 견해이다. 이 두 번째 견해는 교회 역사상에 일어났던 여러 부흥의 사건들에 대한 설명과 이해에 부합되는 견해이며 사도행전에서 언급되고 있는 계속적인 성령부으심의 사건들의 설명에 부합되어진다. 진정한 부흥은 결코 인간이 주도할 수 없으며 어떤 규칙을 정할 수 없으며 모든 것은 하나님의 주권 하에 있다. 따라서 사람이 어떤 조건을 충족시킬 때에 자동적으로 부흥이 올 것이라고 말하는 것은 잘못된 것이다. 그러나 하나님의 주권을 너무 강조한 나머지 그리스도인들은 단순히 하나님께서 일하실 때까지 기다리면 된다고 하는 생각은 성경적이 아님을 기억해야만 한다. 따라서 하나님의 절대 주권과 인간의 책임은 어느 한편이 다른편을 파괴함이 없어 공존하고 있다는 것은 부흥의 영역에도 적용되어진다. 하나님에 대한 온전한 순종과 회개와 지속적이고도 연합된 기도는 하나님이 보내시는 부흥의 환경을 조성하는 것으로 진정한 부흥의 전조라고 볼 수 있다. 부흥의 목적은 (1) 하나님의 영광과 능력을 드러내심으로 교회를 교회답게 회복시키시고 소생시키기 위함이다. (2) 하나님의 백성들로 하여금 주 예수 그리스도와 그의 구원 사역에 대하여 능력있는 증인으로 만드시기 위함이다. (3) 세상의 관심을 끌어 그들로 하여금 구원을 받게 하기 위함이다. (4) 핍박이나 전쟁 등 다른 시련이 시작되기 전에 하나님의 백성들을 준비시키시고 격려하시기 위함이다. 결론적으로, 진정한 부흥은 하나님의 말씀을 회복시키며, 성도를 성도답게 만들어 주며, 복음전도를 가속화 시키며, 사회를 변화시키는 결과를 가져오게 되어진다. 그러므로 21세기의 현대 교회와 그리스도인들은 세계 복음화를 위하여 부흥의 필요성과 긴급성을 인식하고 부흥의 근본 동인이 되시는 성령을 근심되게 하거나 소멸하는 모든 삶과 행위에서 돌이켜서 성령 충만을 사모하며 교회와 그리스도인들의 영적 부흥을 열망하는 자세를 지녀야만 한다.

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