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        세계화 추세에 대응하기 위한 농업 및 농촌 정책의 과제

        임상봉(Im Sang Bong) 한국농촌사회학회 2003 農村社會 Vol.13 No.2

        이 논문은 세계화 추세 가운데 도농격차 해소가 시급하다는 관점에서 농촌사회의 변화와 기존 농촌정책을 분석하고, 향후 정책과제를 제안하고 있다. 농산물 시장재방에 대응하기 위하여 추진되었던 1990년대의 농정은 농촌구조의 개선과 농가의 경쟁력 강화에 초점이 맞추어졌다. 그런데 이 기간 동안에 농촌사회는 지역별로 차이가 있기는 하지만 인구감소가 지속되었고, 농가소득은 초반에는 상승하였으나 후반에는 정체 내지 하락하였고 부채는 급증하였다. 또한 지방자치단체의 재정자립도는 여전히 매우 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 가운데 시장개방의 확대와 함께 농업의 경쟁력 강화를 위한 정부의 지원이 점점 제약을 받는 만큼 친환경 농업의 확산과 농촌관광자원의 개발, 낙후지역의 활성화 및 지방의 역할 확대를 위한 지원을 강화하는 쪽으로 기본적인 방향을 설정해야 할 것이다. 이러한 인식을 토대로 향후 농업 및 농촌 정책의 과제로서 ① 농산물의 고품질화와 안전성 증대를 위한 지원의 확대, ② 농촌관광 활성화 정책의 강화, ③ 낙후지역 특별대책의 마련, ④ 영농규모화사업과 농업생산기반정비사업의 지역특성별 지원 조건의 다양화, ⑤ 중앙과 지방간 협력체제의 강화, ⑥ 지역사회의 자발적인 노력에 대한 인센티브 제공 및 사업에 대한 지리적 범위의 확대와 다양화 등을 제안하였다. There are urgent needs to narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas in Korea. Although globalization may give rise to efficiency, it does not guarantee equity. The objectives of the study are to analyze rural social changes and rural development policies, under the expansion of market liberalization, and suggest some tasks and measures for future development, In the 1990s, rural society can be characterized as continuous decrease of population but differentiated by topography, stagnation or decrease of farm household`s real income, low level of local government`s financial self-sufficiency. During that period, rural development policies had given emphasis on structural reform and strengthening competitiveness. In recent, new types of rural development projects, area-based, under public subscription, have been tried. Based upon the analysis of government rural policies and rural social changes, some recommendations were suggested as follows: (ⅰ) introduction of area-based bottom-up project planning and implementation system; (ⅱ) expansion of assistance for improving agricultural product s quality; (ⅲ) strengthening of rural tour development policies; (ⅳ) preparation of special policies for stagnant and less-favored areas; (ⅴ) diversification of assistance criteria by area; (ⅵ) strengthening of central-local partnership; and (ⅶ) expansion of incentive system based on people s active participation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        내부서비스품질의 구성요인들이 내부고객만족에 미치는 비대칭적 영향 관계

        임상용(Im, Sang Yong),김중인(Kim, Joong In) 한국서비스경영학회 2014 서비스경영학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        Most of the research on the causal relationships between independent variables and dependent variables has mainly used structural equation modeling or linear regression analysis with the assumption of symmetric and linear relationships. Recently, empirical studies of asymmetric relationships have been conducted using the Kano model which is based on the Herzberg motivation-hygiene model. However, it is hard to find the empirical study of asymmetric relationships between internal service quality and internal customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to explore the asymmetric relationships between SERVQUAL-based internal service quality factors and internal customer satisfaction, and specifically find which factors are asymmetric. A survey was performed for 206 employees in 28 business-to-business IT service firms. The test of the asymmetric relationships was done using the Kano model and a regression analysis with dummy variables. The result showed that the asymmetric relationships between internal service quality factors and internal customer satisfaction existed. Tangibility, reliability and sympathy of the internal SERVQUAL model were found to be fully motivation factors(asymmetric factors). Responsiveness and assurance of the internal SERVQUAL model were found to be indifferent factors. No hygiene and symmetric factors were found. Finally, some theoretical and managerial implications and future research directions are discussed.

      • 농어촌지역 경쟁력 강화를 위한 마을 재개발 방향

        임상봉(Im, Sang Bong) 한국지역사회생활과학회 2013 한국지역사회생활과학회 학술대회 자료집 Vol.2013 No.4

        It is a common task and an urgent issue for many developed countries to lessen urban-rural development gap and to prepare sustainable development measures. In Korea, a pilot project for rural village remodeling has been recently initiated by the MAFRA(Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs). However, the contents and methods of the project have not fully agreed yet. The objectives of the study are to suggest some directions and measures of the village renewal project for strengthening the rural regional competitiveness. For attaining the objectives, a village renewal model for rural regional competitiveness was suggested. Based upon the analysis of existing village development, some characteristics and problems were presented such as: 1) no preparation of existing village development system; 2) lack of linkage among regional development strategy, spatial planning and land use plan; 3) no establishment of agreement among villagers about village visions and development directions; 4) lack of linkage of village renewal pilot project to village development strategy and competitiveness strengthening; 5) no preparation of a facilitation system for people’s participation. For strengthening rural regional competitiveness, some village renewal measures were suggested such as: 1) introduction of bottom-up village development planning system; 2) introduction of people’s agreement system based on integrated approach; 3) preparation of differentiated project implementation system considering village development level and people’s awareness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        농촌구조개선을 위한 농촌지도사업의 역할

        임상봉(Sang Bong Im) 한국농촌지도학회 1995 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.2 No.1

        The rural extension in Korea faces transit period since Green Revolution. The urban-centered rapid industrialization policies have initiated the changes in rural and agricultural sector. Nowadays, the World Trade Organization (WTO), newly established by the agreement of the Uruguay Round (UR), is accelerating the changes in core! areas. The coral structural adjustment program established in 1990, in order to cope with tire internal and external changes encompassing coral Korea The rural structure adjustment program is a political responses to reduce the development gaps among industries and regions within the country and to reinforce the price competitiveness of agricultural products toward trade liberalization. This study aims to apply the contests and principles of the coral structural adjustment program for the extension education. It argues that the rural extension should play a pivotal role to gather, process, and deliver the information related to the rural structural adjustment initiating rapid rural social changes. It suggests that the rural extension services should deal with the development of industries through introducing business management techniques and linking relevant laborers, and the education and employment guidance of potential employees as well as the technological assistance on farm management to farmers.

      • KCI등재

        중세 무용의상의 조형성에 관한 연구 (13C~15C중심)

        임상임(Sang Im Im),김경희(Kyung Hee Kim) 한국복식학회 2003 服飾 Vol.53 No.1

        This study as one of a series of systematic studies about dancing costumes will compare the costumes of the middle age with their normal style of dress. In brief, this study wants people to know about middle age dancing costumes and understand the culture in the middle ages. It was found that people`s everyday clothes in the middle age such as Surcot, Surcot-ouvert, Pourpoint, Houppelande were wsed as dancing costumes. They were, however, changed from the public`s clothes which were tight and long. Rather than wearing costume over others, dancers wore costumes which had slits on skirt or sleeves to increase motion. With the Wild Man of the Wood`s which only nobles used for their dancing costumes, costumers highlighted the beauty of human body. There were various costume materials used in the middle ages like silk, cotton fabrics, linen or brocade. These materials were used for Surcot and Pourpoint as dancing costumes. The naturalness of nature or geometric patterns also was expressed on the costumes. Further about those patterns, because the development of stained glass, vivid colors were used especially red, light green, blue etc. As for the hair styles used, dancers let their hair down and put a jeweled crown over their hair. In summation, dancers wore the same clothes that normal people did, but the costumes were different depending on social status and gender. The costumes of ordinary people`s were based upon ordinary clothes that moved and emphasized the dynamic motion. On the other side, the court dancers` costumes were very fancy, symbolizing a measurement of nobles` from wealth and authority, as well as an expression of a sense of beauty. The main features of middle ages follows. : To emphasize vitality, there were long slits on the side of skirt. Hair decorations and jewels are more used than in the ancient age`s. To hide a dancer`s social status, they could use a mask. Wild Man of the Wood`s was used for the body makeup. All these features of the dancing costumes must contribute to the progress of the dance in the middle age`s.

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