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        사이버 보안 강화를 위한 한국형 미래 인터넷 추진 방안에 관한 연구

        임규건(Lim, Gyoo-Gun),김해연(Jin, Hai-Yan),안재익(Ahn, Jae-Ik) 한국지능정보사회진흥원 2022 정보화정책 Vol.29 No.1

        4차 산업혁명과 정보통신 기술의 발전 및 코로나 19로 ICT 환경이 급변하는 가운데 설계 초기에 보안성, 이동성, 관리성, QoS 등이 고려되지 않고 개발된 기존 인터넷은 기본 구조 위에 기능을 추가해야하는 한계성 때문에 인터넷 구조가 복잡해졌으며 보안성 취약, 안정성 취약, 신뢰성 취약 등의 문제가 지속적으로 발생하고 있다. 또한 인공지능, IoT 등 첨단 기술로 인한 디지털 트랜스포메이션 시점에 안정성과 신뢰성을 제공할 수 있는 새로운 개념의 인터넷이 요구되고 있는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 사이버 보안을 강화할 수 있는 한국형 미래 인터넷 구현 방안을 제시하기 위해 미래 인터넷 구현에 있어 중요한 핵심 요소를 분석하고 국내외 미래 인터넷 관련 연구 동향과 기술 적합성을 평가하여 한국의 사이버 환경에 적합한 미래 인터넷의 추진 방향 및 추진 전략을 도출하였다. 미래 인터넷 구현에 있어 핵심 요소의 중요도는 보안성, 무결성, 가용성, 안정성, 기밀성의 순으로 나타났다. 현재 미래 인터넷 프로젝트는 전 세계적으로 다양하게 연구되고 있는데 수많은 프로젝트 중 Bright Internet이 미래 인터넷 구현의 핵심 요소를 가장 적절히 만족하고 있으며 한국의 사이버 환경에 가장 적합한 기술로 평가되었다. Bright Internet을 한국형 미래 인터넷으로 추진하기 위해 기술적 이슈뿐만 아니라 전략적 이슈와 법률적 이슈도 같이 고려하여야 한다. 기술적 이슈로는 한국형 미래 인터넷의 표준으로 Bright Internet을 선정함에 있어 SAVA IPv6-NID 채택이 필요하고 데이터 센터 차원의 통합 데이터 관리와 국가 간 협력 체계수립이 필요할 것이다. 전략적 이슈로는 안전한 관리 체계와 운영기관의 확립이 필요하고, 법률적 이슈로는 한국의 개정된 데이터 3법과 같은 국내법 준수를 포함한 GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation, 개인정보보호규정)의 요구 사항도 만족시켜야 한다. Amid rapid changes in the ICT environment attributed to the 4th Industrial Revolution, the development of information & communication technology, and COVID-19, the existing internet developed without considering security, mobility, manageability, QoS, etc. As a result, the structure of the internet has become complicated, and problems such as security, stability, and reliability vulnerabilities continue to occur. In addition, there is a demand for a new concept of the internet that can provide stability and reliability resulting from digital transformation-geared advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and IoT. Therefore, in order to suggest a way of implementing the Korean future internet that can strengthen cybersecurity, this study suggests the direction and strategy for promoting the future internet that is suitable for the Korean cyber environment through analyzing important key factors in the implementation of the future internet and evaluating the trend and suitability of domestic & foreign research related to future internet. The importance of key factors in the implementation of the future internet proceeds in the order of security, integrity, availability, stability, and confidentiality. Currently, future internet projects are being studied in various ways around the world. Among numerous projects, Bright Internet most adequately satisfies the key elements of future internet implementation and was evaluated as the most suitable technology for Korea"s cyber environment. Technical issues as well as strategic and legal issues must be considered in order to promote the Bright Internet as the frontrunner Korean future internet. As for technical issues, it is necessary to adopt SAVA IPv6-NID in selecting the Bright Internet as the standard of Korean future internet and integrated data management at the data center level, and then establish a cooperative system between different countries. As for strategic issues, a secure management system and establishment of institution are needed. Lastly, in the case of legal issues, the requirement of GDPR, which includes compliance with domestic laws such as Korea’s revised Data 3 Act, must be fuliflled.

      • B2B EC에서의 전자시장과 ERP의 통합 접근방식 분석

        임규건(Gyoo Gun Lim) 한국IT서비스학회 2003 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Among EC areas, the B2B EC market is being spotlighted as an important interesting research area considering its size and the potential impact on companeies and the whole society. In comparison with private consumers in B2C EC, business buyers in B2B EC have to precisely keep track of the purchase records, and integrate them with the buyer's e-procurement system, which might have been implemented as a part of integrated ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems. There are three approaches for such integration between ERP and e-marketplace in B2B EC; Two previous approaches are Inside-Out approach and Outside-In approach. And a newly one is b-cart approach. In this paper, we try to survey these three approaches and make a comparison analysis. From this research, we identify that the b-cart approach is the most efficient framework in integrating ERP with e-marketplace in B2B EC.

      • KCI등재

        DB운영 데이터 분석을 통한 G2B 시스템 평가 사례

        임규건(Gyoo Gun Lim),이대철(Dae Chul Lee) 한국IT서비스학회 2012 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        The G2B system is one of the important information systems in the e-government implementation. It is difficult to measure the cost reduction effect of the system introduction because there are many participants in the complex procurement processes. Previous approaches of the performance evaluation of such processes have been based on conducting some surveys and interviews with statistical methods. Therefore there have been some limitations in the verification of feasibility. Therefore this study tries to suggest a case of performance evaluation about the cost reduction in using of the G2B system by analyzing operational DB data from the G2B system. This study analyzed the procurement processes of G2B system according to ‘goods’ and ‘facilities/services’ and classified the procurement processes into 12 sub-processes. By developing an evaluation model for the cost reduction of e-procurement, we derived the whole cost reduction effect was 8,000 billon Won for the use of Korea KONEPS G2B system in 2008. Specially the cost reduction in the private sector was 6,600 billion Won. It was mainly due to the decrease of the offline visits to the related organizations to participate a bidding process. Moreover, the cost reduction of using shopping mall was 1,000 billion Won among the total 1,400 billion Won in the whole public sector. The main contribution of this paper is to show the more objective evaluation result of the use of e-procurement, which verifies the necessity of G2B system.

      • KCI등재

        지능정보사회의 사이버 역기능 분류와 사회적 인식 분석

        임규건(Gyoo Gun Lim),안재익(Jae Ik Ahn) 한국IT서비스학회 2020 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        The Internet cyber space has become more important as it enters the intelligent information society of the 4th Industrial Revolution beyond the information age through the development of ICT, the expansion of personalized services through mobile and SNS, the development of IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence. The Internet has formed a new paradigm in human civilization, but it has focused only on the efficiency of its functions. Therefore, various side effects such as information divide, cyber terrorism, cyber violence, hacking, and personal information leakage are emerging. In this situation, facing the intelligent information society can lead to an uncontrollable chaos. Therefore, this study classifies the cyber dysfunction of intelligent information society and analyzes social cognition, suggests cyber dysfunction standard of intelligent information society, and examines the seriousness of dysfunction, and suggests technical research directions for future technologies and services. The dysfunctional classification of the intelligent information society was classified into five areas of cyber crime and terrorism, infringement of rights, intelligent information usage culture, intelligent information reliability, and social problems by FGI methodology. Based on the classification, the social perception of current and future cyber dysfunction severity was surveyed and it showed female is more sensitive than male about the dysfunction. A GAP analysis confirmed social awareness that the future society would be more serious about AI and cyber crime.

      • KCI등재

        차세대 방통융합서비스 사업모델 평가에 관한 사례

        임규건(Gyoo Gun Lim),강상욱(Sang ug Kang),설중호(Joong ho Seol),여등승(Deng sheng Yu) 한국IT서비스학회 2017 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        Broadcasting telecommunication convergence service means a service where broadcasting and telecommunication converge. Recently with the advancement of technology, broadcasting telecommunication convergence service has been evolving to provide multimedia contents through various devices including wired and wireless network environment. Up to now, IPTV and smartphone-based convergence services have been dominant, but more developed and evolved technology and media will appear in the future. In order to derive the next generation broadcasting telecommunication convergence service supporting model, this study derives an evaluation model of broadcasting telecommunication convergence service and presents a case of evaluation of 30 demonstration projects supported by the Korean government from 2010 to 2014. In this study, we derive an evaluation model and evaluate the demonstration projects by reflecting the position of the main stake holders of service such as users, experts, and related organizational institutions, away from the existing simple service evaluation method. Expert questionnaire used AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method, and the evaluation results were divided into upper and lower groups to provide key implications by a gap analysis. From this analysis this study suggests guidelines for next generation broadcasting telecommunication service support projects. The next generation broadcasting convergence service business should be based on open platform type in terms of service type. In terms of service media, it should be centered on open devices such as smart phones and smart TVs. In terms of types of business responsibilities, it should be led by public organizations and it is necessary to increase the fund matching ratio by at least 62% when the private sector participates.

      • KCI등재

        상용SW 유지관리 요율 상향에 따른일자리 창출 효과 분석

        임규건(Gyoo Gun Lim),노종화(Jong Hwa Noh) 한국IT서비스학회 2021 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        The prolonged coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) has caused serious problems such as job losses and youth unemployment, but as the fourth industrial revolution and digital transformation accelerate, the importance of SW is highlighted and more qualified jobs are expected in the SW industry. However, domestic SW companies are having difficulties in not properly recognizing the value of SW products. Among many related issues, commercial SW maintenance-related issues are representative, and the main problem is the difference in the maintenance fee rates between domestic and foreign SW. In this study, the expected job creation effect when the SW maintenance rate is raised was analyzed using data related to the SW industry and commercial software. As a result of the analysis, the amount required to raise the commercial SW maintenance rate by 1% is 162 billion won. If all of these are used for employment, the expected new job creation effect is 3,240 jobs per year, and 15,451 jobs are created per year when calculated and estimated as the effect of increasing sales through the employment inducement coefficient. In addition, the amount required to raise the current average maintenance rate of 11.1% to 15% is 631.9 billion won, and it was possible to estimate the effect of creating jobs for 12,648 people based on the simple average wage and 60,259 people from the sales increase effect.

      • 사이버머니의 현황과 분류에 대한 탐색적 연구

        임규건(Gyoo Gun Lim),이호선(Ho Sun Lee) 한국전자거래학회 2005 한국전자거래학회 학술대회 발표집 Vol.2005 No.-

        전자상거래의 발전과 온라인 마일리지, 포털머니, 게임머니 등 비즈니스모델의 다변화로 사이버머니 시장이 발전하였다. 그 규모는 지속적으로 성장하여 이에 관련된 시장의 분류, 현황 및 문제점, 이슈에 대한 연구의 필요성이 높아지고 있는 시점이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 사이버머니에 관련된 기존문헌 분석을 통하여 탐색적 연구를 시행하였다. 이를 통해 사이버머니의 범위를 설정하고 사이버머니 분류지표를 제시하며 사이버머니의 발전에 대한 이슈와 사이버머니 시장현황에 대한 현황을 살펴본다. The cybermoney marketplace has been improved by many changes of a business model, such as the development of online exchange, online mileage, potalmoney and gamemoney and so on. Because of its continuous growth, the need for categorizing manketplaces and researching on cybermoney marketplace status and problems has been increased. Therefore, in this paper, We researched about cybermoney marketplace's status and problems. We suggest the indicator that could classify cybermoney. We examined the status of cybermoney marketplace and identified the issues of development of cybermoney.

      • KCI등재후보

        IT 스킬 표준에 관한 비교분석

        임규건(Gyoo Gun Lim),박인섭(In Sub Park),이대철(Dae Chul Lee) 한국IT서비스학회 2007 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.6 No.2

          Nowadays, IT becomes one of the core competencies in a business. So defining appropriate responsibilities & roles of IT human resources as well as setting the professionalism of them is getting more important. However, there are lots of problems between the supply and the demand of IT human resource. The efforts to arrange workers who have expert knowledge and skill in right place are needed to strengthen national competitiveness. Recently, several leading countries are setting IT skill standards to solve such problems. Therefore, this paper aims at analyzing IT skill standards of developed countries such as ITSS of Japan, SFIA of United Kingdom, and SSIT of USA. By doing comparative analysis of current status of Korea with them, we derive some meaningful insights to develop a national IT skill standard.

      • KCI등재

        해외 역직구 비즈니스 모델 유형분류 및 분석

        임규건(Gyoo Gun Lim),홍승초(Seung Cho Hong) 한국데이타베이스학회 2017 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.24 No.1

        This study aims at classifying and analyzing the business models of reverse overseas direct purchasing through online shopping-malls. After analyzing the current status of the reverse overseas direct purchasing online markets, this study identifies relevant critical business factors and synthesizes prior studies to construct and analyse the business models. This study proposes that the business models can be classified into five types according to the operation modes and three types according to the delivery methods. So theoretically 15 business models can be identified. For each business model this study analyzes the characteristics and the pros & cons. It also suggests deployment strategies for companies by considering cost reduction, brand establishment, customer management, customer aquisition, and easiness from the business perspective. From the customers perspective, cost reduction, reliability, royalty, ease to purchase, and accessibility can be considered according to the types of operation mode. The main contribution of this study is to provide the basic classifications and structures of reverse overseas direct purchasing business models systematically. As the result, our study evaluates the business models that which one is better than others in a situation in terms of company and customer. Lastly, we talk about limits and future prospects of the study.

      • KCI등재

        SW일자리 창출을 위한 지속가능성과 개방형 관점에서의 산업클러스터 사례 비교 분석

        임규건(Gyoo Gun Lim),이지윤(Ji Yoon Lee),최진호(Jinho Choi) 한국경영과학회 2017 經營 科學 Vol.34 No.2

        Currently, the SW industry is the center of digital economy and it is very important industry in terms of market scale and ripple effect. Due to the suffering from poor working environment of the SW industry and the disproportion of manpower supply due to the lack of experienced SW manpower, it is hard to create jobs of high quality for the SW professionals who can be applied to various convergence industries. In this study, we try to analyze the benchmarking cases of successful foreign industrial innovative clusters in order to promote sustainable development direction of SW industry and to create high quality SW jobs. First, the comparison criteria are derived from the viewpoint of creation of high quality SW jobs through an analysis of SW environment by using expert FGI (Focus Group Interview) technique. The critical success factors (CSFs) are derived by comparing and analyzing each industrial cluster cases in terms of SW job creation. This article presents the desirable implications of the cluster of SW industry that can generate SW jobs continuously from the viewpoint of ecosystem environment infrastructure. Through this study, we propose a meaningful direction of SW clusters for job creation, and solve the business inconsistency and suggest ways to increase the sustainability of core competence manpower.

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