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      • KCI우수등재
      • 궤도구조 성능검증체계 및 선정프로세스 구축

        이호룡(Ho-Ryong Lee),장승엽(Seung Yup Jang),김연국(Yeon-Guk Kim),윤성순(Sung-Soon Yun) 한국철도학회 2010 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.7

        Recently, with the beginning of the commercial operation of high-speed railway, there have been a number of changes in track structure fields. Also, it is expected that the development and introduction of new technology will be increased afterwards. However, it accompanies a lot of risk to install new track structures of which performance and safety are not verified on permanent ways with high traffic density. Therefore, to minimize the risk and enhance the adoption of new technology, it is required to develop a systemic verification system for track structure. To do this, in this paper, main contents of a draft of guidelines for track structure verification, and main issues in debate such as criteria and method for verification, test conditions and test periods are discussed. Also, a process to choose a most appropriate one for a specific project out of proven track structures by the above verification system, the selection process by the technical investigation committee and the VE process to analyze the economical and maintenance aspects based on LCC concept in Korea Rail Network Authority is introduced.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        제주도 지역의 아나키스트 운동

        이호룡(Lee Ho-ryong) 제주학회 2017 濟州島硏究 Vol.47 No.-

        제주도에서의 아나키즘 수용은 고순흠, 고병희 등 서울이나 일본으로 유학갔다 돌아온 사람들을 중심으로 이루어졌다. 이들의 활동에 힘입어 1925년 무렵 제주도에는 아나키스트가 65명이나 되었다. 제주도 아나키스트들 역시 반제국주의와 반공산주의적 입장을 취하였다. 하지만 반민족주의적 입장은 잘 나타나지 않았다. 그리고 제주 지역에서는 육지와 달리 아나코생디칼리슴이 일찍부터 수용되어 아나코코뮤니즘과 함께 아나키스트계의 주류를 형성하였다. 제주도 아나코생디칼리스트 운동은 생산자조합이 아닌 소비조합을 중심으로 전개되었다. 강기찬, 고영희, 조대수, 김형수 등은 비밀결사 `문고`를 결성한 뒤, 때때로 회합을 가지면서 아나키즘을 연구하였다. 1927년 10월에는 소비조합을 결성하여 일본상품 불매운동을 전개하였다. 고병희와 조대수는 소비조합을 통해 그 지방의 생산기관과 교통기관을 장악하기로 하고, 거기에 소요되는 자금을 조달하는 방도로서 우리계를 결성하였다. 우리계에는 거의 모든 분야와 지역의 인사들이 총망라되었다. 우리계는 1929년 9월 각 동리에 야학을 개설하여 교육운동을 펼치는 한편, 자주운항운동에 동참하였다. 우리계 관계자들은 기업동맹 기선부와 합작하여 제주도-오사카 항로 경영에 나섰다. 이들은 제주도-오사카 항로를 제주도민 전체의 직영으로 경영하는 것을 목표로 하였으며, 자주운항운동을 통해 민족의식을 고취하거나 아나키즘을 선전하는 둥의 활동을 전개하였다. 제주도 출신 아나키스트들은 오사카에 거주하는 제주도민들을 대상으로 아나키즘 선전작업과 조직사업을 전개했다. 그리고 신진회 등을 중심으로 반민족단체 상애회와 조선인협회를 타도하기 위한 투쟁을 전개했다. In Jeju island, Anarchism was first accepted by people who had gone to outside of Jeju such as Seoul or Japan to go to school. Helped by active movements of these pioneers, by 1925, number of anarchists in Jeju island reached 65. Anarchists in Jeju Island were against imperialism and communism, but not particularly against nationalism. Also, anarchocommunism was accomodated early in Jeju island, unlike mainland, and formed the mainstream of anarchism in Jeju island along with anarchocommunism. And anarchosyndicalist movement in Jeju island was proceeded by consumer`s cooperation instead of syndica. Jodaesu, Gobyeonghui, Ganggichan. Kim Hyung-soo formed a secret group of anarchists, `Mungo` to study anarchism. In October 1927, they organized a consumer`s association to boycott Japanese goods. Gobyeonghui and Jodaesu and others organized Urigye as a way to control the production and transportation. In September 1929, Urigye opened night schools at villages and participated in a self-operating-ship movement. Urigye officials managed Osaka-Jeju waterway line with Gieopdongmaeng, Giseonbu, They aimed to gain the direct management of these Osaka-Jeju waterway line by the Jeju citizens. They proceeded activities of propagating anarchism and promoting national consciousness through a self-operating-ship movement. In Osaka, anarchists from Jeju island proceeded anarchism propaganda works and organization works for people from Jeju island. And they, centered by Sinjinhoi, thrived to overthrow pro-Japanese organizations, Sangaehoi and Joseoninhyeophoi.

      • KCI등재

        이회영의 아나키스트 활동

        이호룡(Ho-Ryong Lee) 독립기념관 한국독립운동연구소 2009 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.33

        이회영은 세도가의 자식으로 태어났으나, 출세의 길을 버리고 새로운 사상 수용의 선구자로서의 삶을 살았다. 그는 한말에 사회진화론 등 근대사상을 수용하고, 거기에 입각하여 교육을 통한 실력양성운동을 전개했다. 하지만 실력양성을 통한 근대화 그 자체에 매몰되지 않고, 독립을 우선시했다. 그는 자주적 근대화를 추구하면서 제국주의의 침략으로부터 주권을 지키고자 노력했다. 온갖 노력에도 국망이 다가오자 만주기지 건설에 앞장섰으며, 일제에 의한 강점 이후에는 만주로 이주하여 독립운동기지를 개척했다. 3 · 1운동 이후 중국에서 민족해방운동가들과의 토론과정에서 아나키즘을 접하였다. 한국임시정부를 수립하는 것에 반대하면서 북경으로 거처를 옮긴 뒤, 민족해방운동을 이끌어갈 반제국주의적 사고체계로서 아나키즘을 선구적으로 수용하였다. 이후 아나키즘에 입각하여 민족주의와 공산주의와는 다른 제3의 독자적인 민족해방운동에 앞장섰다. 하지만 그는 아나키즘을 실천하다가 일제의 마수에 걸려 고문사당하고 말았다. Yi Hol-Yong, a son of a man of power, didn’t seek his fortune and led a life of a forerunner accepting new ideas. He accepted modern thought like the theory of social evolution at the end of the Korean Empire and inaugurated a campaign to cultivate real ability through education based on modern thought, however, he was not buried in modernization itself through the cultivation of real ability and subordinated modernization to Korea’s independence. Pursuing autonomous modernization, he tried to defend Korea’s sovereignty from Imperialists’ invasion. As the end of his fatherland was near, he led the establishment of a base in Manchuria. And he emigrated to Manchuria and exploited bases for an independence movement there after Japanese colonial rule of Korea. After the Samil Independence Movement he came to know anarchism in the course of discussion with activists for the campaign for liberation of the oppressed people. After moving out to Peking objecting the establishment of the Provisional Government of Korea, he accepted anarchism as a thought system of anti-imperialism for leading the campaign for liberation of the oppressed people. Afterwards on the basis of anarchism he led the third independent campaign for liberation of the oppressed people different from communism and nationalism. But he died from torture by the evil hand of Japanese imperialism during his practicing anarchism.

      • KCI등재
      • 포장궤도 모르터 충진성능 확보를 위한 토목섬유의 적용

        이호룡(Lee Ho-Ryong),박종관(Park Jong-Kyan),황선근(Hwang Seon-Keun),이일화(Lee Il-Wha) 한국철도학회 2005 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        As gravel roadbed is gradually turn down by repetitive loading of train, lasting work for maintenance and management of track is necessary to reduce the settlement of roadbed and the deterioration of track. Despite of above weak point, gravel roadbed has become a basic structure of roadbed at the present time. But request for new structure of roadbed is recently presented to settle an increased transportation capacity of track, and to solve a shortage of the labor to handle maintenance work of track. Therefore, we begin to research about maintenance-free roadbed like paved track from two years ago. In this study, a series of tests were performed to clarify the characteristics of strength and permeability of concrete specimen, which is the upper part of paved track injected by cement mortar, by type of geotextile and finally to give a basic data for application of geotextile to the lower part of paved track.

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