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      • 進行性 筋萎縮症의 1例報告

        李鉉金,李英浩 고려대학교 의과대학 1964 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.1 No.1

        進行性筋萎縮症 1例를 報告하였고 그 臨床像과 病理에 關한 文獻을 追求하였다. 主로 家族歷과 旣往歷 및 理學的所見, 臨床檢査에서 診斷되었으며 尿中 Creatine의 增加 等 앞으로 繼續觀察을 要하는 것이다. Progressive muscular dystrophy A report is made of a case of Progressive muscular dystrophyia. The patient is 13 years old boy who has 5 siblings. Among 5 siblings. 2 boys were affected in a same way. His maternal grand fathr was affected same dystrophy too. Among the various laboratory examinations one peculiar positive finding was the increased lev1 of urinary creatine 808 mg%/24 hrs.

      • Sodium Salicylate 投與家兎의 腹膜灌流에 關한 實驗的硏究

        李鉉金 고려대학교 의과대학 1964 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.1 No.1

        The expeximental peritoneal dialysis of sodium salicylate in rabbit was not described and an effective dialysate in its procedure was also not evaluated. The intermittent peritoneal dialysis were performed in 21 rabbits with intravenous administration of sodium salicylate in this study. The electrolyte solution and amino acids solution were used as dialysates and those efficiencies were compared. The electrolyte solution is a modified Grollman's solution with glucose in 1.5% and "Panamin" with glucose in 2% is used as the amino acids solution. The electrolyte solution was used as diaIysare in 12 rabbits(group I experiment) and the aminoacid solution in 9 rabbits(group I1 experiment). In group 1 experiment, one hour dialysis was performed twice in 3 rabbits and three times in 9 rabbits. In group II experiment, one hour dialysis was performed twice in all rabbits except one in which a 4 hour dialysis was done. The concentration of sodium salicylate in dialysate and blood were measured twice or three times serially at an interval of one hour. The total plasma protein, serum sodium, potassium and calcium were measured before and after each dialysis. In group I experiment, the blood sodium salicylate levels were markedly reduced after each dialysis in all cases. The changes of the blood sodium salicylate levels in average during dialysis were 52.8mg%(45∼64mg%) in predialysis, 36.4mg% (26∼54.0mg%) in first hour dialysis, 30.8mg% (19.5∼40.1mg%) in second hour dialysis, and 24.7mg%(17.0∼38.0mg%) in third hour dialysis The total amount of sodium salicylate dialysed into the dialyzate was 41.1mg%(39∼45.9mg%) in rabbits of 2 hours dialysis and was 46.0mg(29.6∼61.0mg) in rabbits of 3 hours dialysis. The dialized total amount of sodium salicylate corresponded t o 6.2% and 7.3% of the administered amount of sodium salicylate. In group Ⅱ experiment, the blood sodium salicylate levels were markedly reduced in all cases except one in which four hour dia1ysis;was done. The changes of the blood sodium salicylate levels in average into the dialyzate was 44.7mg%(26.5-57,2mg%). The dialized total amount of sodium salicylate corresponded to 7.35% of the administered amount of sodium salicylate respectively. The results of these experiments showed that sodium salicylate was dialysed successfully in rabbits by the intermittent peritoneal dialysis and the dialysing effect of amino acid solution was superior to that of modified Grollman's electrolyte solution.

      • 分娩方法이 新生兒黃疸에 미치는 影響에 對하여

        李柱元,李鉉金 고려대학교 의과대학 1979 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.16 No.3

        The indirect hyperbilirubinemia, regardless of the cause, is potentially toxic to the newborn brain, it must be dealt with aggressively terms of prevention, early detection and specific theraphy. Present study was carried out to determine the influence of delivery method on the neonatal jaundice, a total of 672 cases of icteric infants were studied who were born at the Korea University Hospital during the period from April 1976 to September 1978. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. Of 2,323 deliveries, the incidence of neonatal jaundice was 28.9% and significant influence of delivery method on the neonatal jaundice was observed (x²=64.69, p<0.0l). The incidence of neonatal jaundice was signigicantly higher (p<0.01) in both infants born by cesarean section and breech delivery and slightly higher but not significant (p>0.05) in vacuum and forcep deliveries than normal. 2. By increasing gestational age, the incidence of neonatal jaundice has became decreased. The infants born before 36 weeks gestation showed significantly high (p<0.01) incidence of hyperbilirubinemia and low in infants born after 42 weeks of gestation but not significant (p>0.05). 3. The weights of newborn infant were closely related with neonatal jaundice. The incidence of hyperbilirubinemia in infants with birth weight below 2.5 ㎏ revealed significantly high and in infants with birth weight above 3.5 ㎏, revealed relatively low. 4. Neonatal jaundice was found during the 2nd and 4th day of life and there was no significant influence of delivery method upon the time of appearance of hyperbilirubinemia. 5. The majority of cases (77. 68%), had serum bilirubin level below 15㎎/100㎖. Higher level was seen in both forceps and breech delivery group while in cesarian section and vacuum delivery group showed relatively low.

      • 新生兒出生時體重 및 胎生期間과 羊水內 Lecithin Sphingomyelin 關係에 對한 硏究

        洪榮義,李鉉金 고려대학교 의과대학 1975 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.12 No.1

        A total of forty five amniotic fluids obtained from Korean pregnant women during their labours and the forty five newborn infnats, including 14 cases of low-birth-weight-infants and 31 cases of normal-birth-weight-infants were studied. The lecithin sphingomyelin ratios of the amniotic fluid were measured by the thin-layer chromatography, the phosphorus content of sphingomyelin and lecithin spots were determined and thereby the ratios were caculated. The L/S ratios of amniotic fluid of fetuses and the clinical signs of the newborns were observed and compared with the relationship between birthweight and gestational period. The results were as follows: 1. The L/S ratios of amniotic fluid of fetuses apparently increased since 38 weeks of gestational period and continued to the near term. The L/S ratios of 42 to 44 weeks of gestational age tend to be decreasing than those of the term.(Fig. Ⅱ) 2. The L/S ratios showed large variations with gestational period but there was more significant linear relationship with the duration of gestation than the birth weight. 3. The L/S ratios of amniotic fluid increased with the birth weight but showed a tendency to decrease in cases of over 3700 gm of birth weight. 4. The L/S ratios of 14 cases of low-birth-weight-infants appeared from 0.4 to 3.2 (Table 1), 3 premature infnats of them expired after birth and their L/S ratios revealed 0.4, 0.43 and 0.83 respectively. Ten cases of low-birth-weight-infants did not show the respiratory distress syndrome in spite of their L/S ratios less than 2.0. 5. The L/S ratios of 31 cases of normal-birth-weight infants appeared in the ratios of 1.34 to 5.33, six cases of which in less than 2.0 of L/S ratio, all these infants were in fair clinical condition. (Table Ⅲ)

      • 新生兒 破傷風의 臨床 및 豫防에 關한 觀察

        吳東鮮,李鉉金 고려대학교 의과대학 1979 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.16 No.3

        Although recent remarkable development of economic condition and improvement of living standard neonatal tetanus is still one of the serious problems in Korea, because of its relatively high incidence and mortality rate even with high skills and modern medicine. Prevention is the most important regimen so far. Author observed clinically total 28 cases of neonatal tetanus who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Korea University Hospital from January 1974 to September 1978, at the same time, evaluated the effect of preventive program in a rural underprivileged area where deliveries usually performed in the homes by self-deliveries or by traditional birth attendants through the observation on the 22 cases of newly born infants. Preventive program against neonatal tetanus were carried cut on the base of education and equipment supply. Equipment supplied were simplest one autoclaving envelop containing an old mess blade (changed to small scissors later), a length of ligature and dressing. Education on care of the umbilical cord was undertaken for traditional birth attendants and mother and they were taught to use the equipment for cutting the cord and a sterile dressing. The following results were obtained. 1. The incidence of neonatal tetanus has not decreased during past 4 years and 9 months period annual admission was 6 cases as mean. 2. Sex incidence showed that male predominated in a ratio of 4.6: 1. 3. The majority of patients (85.7%) were 4 to 7 days of age on admission and peak incidence was noted at the age of 6 days (32.1%). 4. The most of the infants (92.8%) has had between 2,510gm to 4,000gm of body weight on admission and there was no evidence of higher incidence in low birth weight infant than others. 5. One third of the patients were lived in rural area and 2/3 were in urban. Twenty three of 28 patients (82.2%) were delivered at home, and 5 cases (17.8%) were at private clinics. 6. Many of them (71.4%) were used unsterilized home scissors to cut the umbilical cord, although boiled scissors or instruments were used in 6 cases. 7. The typical symptoms such as sucking failure (75.0%), convulsion (60.7%), irritability, trismus and fever were observed in most of the patients. 8. The majority of patients (64.3%) were stayed in hospital between 2 to 5 days and discharged to home against advice. Half of them were signed out on admission day or 2nd hospital day and all of them within 5th hospital day. Four cases who were stayed in hospital more than 20 days were all recovered completely and 3 cases were died within 8th hospital day. 9. Preventive program against neonatal tetanus in the rural underprivileged area by both the education and supply of simplest equipment for cutting the cord have been shown to be effective. During the period of this program, there were 22 cases of deliveries and no one had neonatal tetanus. First physical examination after birth showed only minor medical problems such as umbilical discharge, mild jaundice, thrush, loose stool, URI, skin and eye infections.

      • 母乳中 鉛含量에 對한 觀察

        林正均,李鉉金 고려대학교 의과대학 1976 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.13 No.3

        This study was conducted in an attempt to investigate the interrelationship among breast milk, blood and urine lead levels of lactating mothers. The milk lead levels were measured with samples obtained from 89 mothers dwelling in Seoul city, Kyunggi-Do and Kangwon-Do area. The blood and urine lead levels were measured in mothers dwelling in Seoul city. Analytical method used for the study was atomic spectrometric method using atomic absorption spectrophotometer by Farrelly and Pybus method(1969). The results were as follows : 1. The lead levels were trace and could not measured in the 89 brest milk samples. 2. The average urine lead levels of 10 mothers was 3.99±0.44㎍/100㎖. 3. The average blood lead levels of 10 mothers was 21.28±3.51㎍/100㎖.

      • 授乳婦 乳汁中의 비타민 E含量에 關한 硏究

        申東春,李鉉金 고려대학교 의과대학 1976 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.13 No.3

        The tocopherol contents were measured on human milk and cow's milk. The human milk samples were obtained from 131 lactating mothers ageing from 21 to 36 years old, dwelling in Seoul city and Kyunggi-Do, which included 31 cases of colostrum and 100 cases of mature milk. The study was made during the month of January to April, 1976. The results obtained are as follows; 1. The average tocopherol level of 131 cases human milk was 0.53±0.03㎎/100㎖, ranging from 0.11 to 1.55㎎/100㎖. 2. The average tocopherol level in 31 cases of colostrum was 0.75±0.36㎎/100㎖, ranging from 0.11 to 1.55㎎/100㎖. 3. The average tocoopherol levels of human mature milk was 0.47±0.24㎎/100㎖, ranging from 0.11 to 1.11㎎/100㎖. 4. Cow's milk tocopherol levels were 0.10±0.06㎎/100㎖ in raw milk and 0.12±0.03㎎/100㎖ in formula milk respectively. 5. There was no significant differences in the mean value or distribution of tocopherol levels in breast milk according to the number of previous pregnancies or age of lactating mothers.

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