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        근대 교양으로서의 기행문 - 일제 강점기 조선어독본을 중심으로 -

        이태숙 ( Lee¸ Tae-suk ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 인문학연구 Vol.60 No.3

        1911년부터 9차례에 걸쳐 이루어진 조선교육령의 결과 출간된 『조선어독본』과 『중등교육 조선어 급 한문독본』, 대중적으로 많이 활용되었던 『중등조선어작문』에 수록된 기행문들은 근대 기행문에 내재된 교양으로 서의 특징을 드러내고 있다. 당대 최고의 문사였던 이광수의 <오도답파 여행>과 ≪금강산유기≫의 일부가 이들 교과서에 수록되었는데, 수록 이유는 이광수가 당대 최고의 작가라는 점뿐만 아니라 이 글들이 일제 강점기 근대화의 이면을 드러냈고, 금강산이 민족의 자랑거리로서의 표상이라는 점, 그리고 기행문의 장르적 특징을 학습하는 데 필요한 문학적 특징을 보여준다는 점에서 찾을 수 있다. 근대 교육과정 내에서 제도화된 원족과 수학여행은 일상화된 도시에서 벗어나 자연이나 유적을 통해 얻을 수 있는 수양의 교육적 효과를 보여주는 글들을 통해 학습이 이루어졌다. 특히 전통적 성곽의 산책로는 근대 교육기관과 공간적으로 인접하였는데, 이들 장소에 대한 기행문은 감각적 몽상의 환기라는 근대미학적 효과를 달성하고 있다. 비용과 박탈감이라는 사회적 논란에도 불구하고 수학여행에 대한 열광은 더해갔으며, 공간 또한 국내의 익숙한 관광지에서 일본, 만주와 같은 지역으로 확대되었고, 간접 체험을 통한 교육 효과라는 점에서 미지의 장소나 인도양, 스위스와 같은 이국적 공간을 통한 교양의 습득이라는 욕망도 담게 되었다. 이 논문은 르네상스 시기에 시작된 여행이 산업화 시기에 대중화되면서 일반교양으로서의 의미를 가지게 되는 양상을 일제 강점기 교과서 수록 기행문을 통해 분석하였다. The Joseon Education Ordinance, which was implemented nine times since 1911, is closely tied to changes in education policy and textbooks. As a result of examining the textbooks 『Korean reading book』 published as a result of the revision of the education ordinance and the travelogues contained in the popularly used 『Intermediate Korean Writing』, two conclusions were drawn. The first is that the journey of exploration that began from the Renaissance period in the West became popular during the period of modern industrialization and had characteristics as modern culture. For this purpose, Lee Kwang-soo's < Haeundae >, < Suryeom-dong >, and < Manggundae >, which were simultaneously included in two types of textbooks, were examined. Although Lee Kwang-soo was the best literary writer at that time, he was not immune from the political evaluation of his writings, including his travel narratives. In particular, was included in, his national travel diary, and was politically valued as a contributor to Japanese colonial domination. < Ododappa Journey > was a project of ≪Maeil Shinbo≫, the only Korean newspaper at that time, and serialized travelogues of 59 correspondences over 70 days. Among these, the reason < At Haeundae > is included in the textbook seems to be due to the wave of emotions that are expressed as feelings of sorrow and contempt for and longing for poor Joseon, which had not been revealed behind the political nature of < Ododappa Journey >. As this article was included with the emotion of the article itself, it shows the effect of < At Haeundae >, which was a tourist attraction under development at that time, becoming a representative resort destination after the 1920s. Lee Kwang-soo's < Geumgangsan Yugi > is a record of two trips to Mt. Geumgang. The famous < Theory of National Reform > is placed between the first and second trips to Mt. Geumgang. < Suryeom-dong > and < Manggundae >, which are included in the textbook, were written during the first trip to Mt. Geumgang, and they demonstrate the confidence in the nation's leader. In particular, < Mangundae > was recorded in three parts, and the elements of the travelogue such as ‘explanation of the journey’, ‘description of the landscape’, and ‘aesthetic expression’ were split to reveal teacher's intention. Emphasizing that Mt. Geumgang was symbolized as the pride of the nation at that time, Lee Kwang-soo reveals that the motivation for < Gumgangsan Yugi > is to let ‘our brothers and sisters’ know the knowledge and information about Mt. Geumgang. The form of institutionalized travel within the curriculum of contemporary students can be divided into picnic and educational travel, and the picnic has a modern plan to find a new self by moving out of the daily life in the city to nature. An article has been published on the educational impact of culture derived from travel on the significance of such travel. In particular, the promenade of the traditional fortress was presented as a major space for students to walk while spatially adjacent to a modern educational institution. < One Night in Bukak > is a text that expresses the sensual dreaming brought about by such a light picnic. This article has an educational effect as a part of the modern aesthetic of sensual dreaming. Educational Travel that began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries began at historical sites in Korea, and in the 20s, long-distance educational travel to Japan and Manchuria became common. Under these circumstances, educational travel became the subject of social controversy, but awareness of the educational effects of educational travel expanded. The effect of modern travel as a method of obtaining knowledge and information through school trips to well-known domestic and foreign travel destinations or a new experience of meditation through a picnic, as the general education of modern travel, has been extended to places that are not well known or difficult to access, and even to foreign countries after the 1930s, enlarge the space in < Lesson 18 Passing Geombulang >, < Lesson 32 Passing the Indian Ocean >, < Lesson 5 Landscapes in Seoseo > (Switzerland) 『Secondary Education Korean Language-Level Chinese Reading』 Volume 1, Government-General of Korea, 1933 (Sohwa 8). These are articles that reveal the changes in these travels. Geombulang is interesting place in that it is a geographical trip to a plateau in the area of O risan, Pyeonggang, Gangwon-do. Geombulang is a region of lava which extends to Paju, Gyeonggi-do, formed as eruptions during the 4th period of the Pleistocene. It is a travelogue that travels by car from Pyeonggang Station (平康驛) to Bokgye-ri Station (福溪里驛) on the Gyeongwon Line, which was opened at that time, and travels by car. In < Passing the Indian Ocean >, a cruise ship landed in Penang, Malaysia, and visited Penang Port and Geuknaksa Temple. This article, documenting the details of a cruise ship trip, is quite big, up to six pages long. Although the introduction to Switzerland is an inaccessible travel area, further research is needed in that it was intended to acquire the general education that can be obtained through travel through the indirect experience of travel through textbooks. The expansion of this space stimulates curiosity about the fictive and unknown world of dreams and creates the effect of arousing the desire for exotic landscapes. Travelogues included in textbooks through travelogues were taught with the intention of educational effects to achieve the original purpose of travel as a typical general education and modern culture in the industrialization period along with the genre characteristics that modern travelogues should have. As a result, students were reminded of familiar or unfamiliar spaces again on a modern culture journey as part of the institutionalized curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 「급진주의는 위험하지 않다」 -제러미 벤담의 급진주의자 면모-

        이태숙 ( Tai Sook Lee ) 영국사학회 2011 영국연구 Vol.26 No.-

        이 글은 공리주의철학자 제러미 벤담이 1810년대부터 쓴 급진개혁과 급진주의에 관한 논설들을 검토한다. 그리하여 벤담의 급진주의의 내용, 옹호론, 전략을 밝히고, 그가 미친 영향력을 확인한다. 벤담이 주창한 급진주의는 의회개혁을 골자로 한 민주주의의 추구였다. 벤담은 재산평등주의의 실행불가능성을 논했고, 민주화 전략도 언론활동을 통한 의회입법에 한정하였다. 벤담의 영향은 혁신적 태도의 확산과 급진주의 관련 용어의 정착에서 뚜렷하다. Jeremy Bentham claimed to be "an old radical" at the age of 75 in 1823, but already in 1810s had published pamphlets calling for "radical reform" arguing inappropriateness of "moderate reform." This paper examines mainly what Bentham wrote under the title of "radical reform" or "radicalism," and investigates a) what Bentham meant for radicalism, b) his vindication of radicalism, c) his strategy for radicalism, d) effects of his radicalism. Bentham called for radical parliamentary reform which consisted of virtual universal suffrage, practically equal constituency, secret ballot, and annual election. Though Bentham called for abolition of neither king nor House of Lords until 1830, this program kept him at the forefront of the contemporary reform movements. In his article "Radicalism not Dangerous" Bentham argued against the association of radicalism with levelling of property by pointing out latter`s impracticability. In order to enforce his radicalism, Bentham thought mobilizing public opinion crucial only to influence parliament to legislate reforms. Bentham`s contribution to the course of radicalism is that he provided the term with an influential definition and encouraged its usage to some extent. However, in the last years of his life Bentham favoured the term "liberal" too, which might have reflected the waning of his commitment to radicalism.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영국사에 대한 새 전망 : 연구논문 ; 프랑스혁명 논쟁자들의 영국 헌정 인식 ―버크, 울스턴크래프트, 페인―

        이태숙 ( Tai Sook Lee ) 영국사학회 2005 영국연구 Vol.14 No.-

        Since the 18th century British political institutions have been much praised and admired. However, the substance of the British constitution is highly controversial largely due to the absence of a codified constitution. It can even be said that the British constitution consists in the perceptions of the influential writers on the British politics. Therefore, in understanding the British constitution it is fruitful to examine the perceptions. This paper has 2 aims in view of A. Cobban`s appraisal of the Revolution Debate which took place in Britain in 1790s over the French Revolution. According to Cobban, the Revolution Debate, fundamental in its scope and superior in its intellectual level, laid "the theoretical foundations of British political progress in the 19th century." Firstly, this paper delineates and examines the perceptions of the British constitution presented by 3 protagonists in the Revolution Debate, Burke, Wollstonecraft and Paine. Even though only 3 cases are examined, they show clearly how wide the perceptions could be. Secondly, this paper attempts to identify the legacy of the Revolution Debate on the perceptions of the British constitution in the 19th century. Since Cobban specified neither "the theoretical foundations" nor "the British political progress in the 19th century", the aim is worth to pursue even briefly. In Reflections on the Revolution in France, Burke defends the hereditary system of British monarch and upper house, the contemporary electoral system of the Commons, the established church, and the conservative principle of British politics. Burke`s vindication of the British constitution identified as such is based on epistemological skepticism and historical utilitarianism which come to be the theoretical pillars of conservatism. He also appeals to insular national feelings and attributes the contemporary prosperity to the constitution. Wollstonecraft`s A Vindication of the Rights of Men, the first rebuttal of Burke`s book, maintains a very critical view of the British constitution. According to her it is mere "an heterogeneous mass". Moreover, such British institutions as press gangs, penal laws, game laws are unjust and immoral in view of the rights of man created by God. Paine`s Rights of Man which enjoyed an enormous circularity concentrates on the absurdity of hereditary system and the impropriety of national church. However, what makes Paine`s conception of the British constitution the exact opposite to Burke`s is his insistence that there exists no British constitution as such. His advocation of a newly codified constitution based on republican principles is indeed a revolutionary call which is the antithesis of Burke`s conservatism. In view of the expositions of the British constitution adumbrated by W. Begehot and A. V. Dicey which boast lasting influence since their publications in the late 19th century, Burke`s vindication of the British constitution appears to be most crucial. Those writers apparently inherited in large part Burke`s evaluation of the British constitution. Wollstonecraft`s influence was neither direct nor sweeping. Nevertheless it is ascertained in the "improvements" which A. Briggs identifies in the early half of the 19th century. With those "improvements" the British constitution again acquired those praised attributes of flexibility and adaptability. Those attributes are not the antithesis of Burke`s conservatism but its by-product, since his perception of the British constitution as a sublime and automatic entity allows fairly broad scope of `minor` changes. Of the 3 writers in the Revolution Debate, as far as the perception of the British constitution is concerned, Burke appears most influential. To the extent which Paine is the antithesis to Burke, Paine is the least.

      • KCI등재

        전쟁의 희생양과 악의 기원

        이태숙(Lee, taesuk) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2017 한국학연구 Vol.60 No.-

        전상국의 소설은 6.25 전쟁을 통해 우리사회에 내재한 악과 희생양의 문제를 다루고 있다. 군인과 전쟁은 소설의 원경에 위치하고 있으며, 과거의 전쟁은 현재의 삶의 기원으로서 제시된다. 주인공은 현재의 삶의 왜곡을 해결하기 위해 그 기원이 되는 과거로 돌아간다. 현존의 왜곡을 해소하는 희생양에 대한 작가의 집착은 그의 많은 소설들에서 신체적 장애를 가진 인물로 다양하게 나타난다. 현존의 왜곡을 치유하기 위한 근원에 장애를 가진 가족이 있다면, 그 갈등의 원인을 제공한 것은 악의 존재이다. 일련의 서사들을 통하여 전상국은 악은 인간의 본성에 내재하고 있으며, 그 악의 규정성은 경계적 공간에서 이루어진다고 본다. 정의가 규정되는 방식은 선험적 정언명령으로서가 아닌 정의와 폭력이 대립하며 결합하는 방식을 통하여 이루어지는 것이며, 그런 의미에서 학교나 집과 같은 공간은 그러한 치열한 투쟁의 경계공간인 것이다. Novels of Jeon sang-kook belong to the lineage of the Fiction division that deals with the evil in our society and victims of the Korean War. There is the war at the center, but a soldier and a war located in a background of his novel, the past war is presented as the origin of life. Therefore, for they solve a distortion of life, they should return to the past. The obsession of the author on victims who figure out a Distortion of Dasein, appears in the disables on his various nobles. The family is in a healing space of a Distortion of Dasein, the reason of a conflict is a existence as evil. These narratives present that evil is in a human nature and a regulations of evil is in a boundary. The way of Dike is not a kategorischer Imperativ, but a way of confrontation and combination, in that meanings a space like a school and home is a boundary of fighting. Home sacer who is sacrificed by the evil could be a key of our salvation.

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