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토양유실량 및 유사량 산정시 지형 입력 자료의 영향 평가
우원희 ( W. H. Woo ),최재완 ( J. W. Choi ),김기성 ( K. S. Kim ),이지원 ( J. W. Lee ),금동혁 ( D. H. Kum ),강현우 ( H. W. Kang ),임경재 ( K. J. Lim ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2011 농업생명환경연구 Vol.23 No.2
With accelerated soil erosions at the watershed, many computer models have been develoed and utilized for various purposes in recent years. The Universal Soil Loss Equation(USLE) and USLE-based soil erosion and sediment modelling system have been developed and tested because of its ease-of-use and readily available data sets in many countries. The Sediment Assessment Tool for Effective Erosion Control(SATEEC) system was one of these models. In this study, The SATEEC system ver 2.1 and ArcGIS Tool were used to evaluate effects of topographic factors on soil erosion estimation by adjusting values by ±50%. With these changes, there was 24.8% change in estimated soil erosion values. However, the R2 and the Nash-sutcliffe coefficient were 0.688 and 0.642, respectively. Similar trends were also found for estimated sediment yield values. These results indicated that the soil erosion values at the field levels should be evaluated first prior to its application at the watershed scale with the SATEEC system.
효과적인 하천 오염부하량 산정 위한 NI 방법 및 ESTIMATOR, LOADEST 모형 적용 및 평가
장원석 ( W. S. Jang ),류지철 ( J. C. Ryu ),강현우 ( H. W. Kang ),이지원 ( J. Y. Lee ),김기성 ( K. S. Kim ),임경재 ( K. J. Lim ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2011 농업생명환경연구 Vol.23 No.1
It is required to estimate Nonpoint Source (NPS) pollutant loadings and to evaluate emission characteristics of NPS in order to protect and manage eutrophication in a stream. Thus, the purpose of this study is to 1) calculate total pollutant loadings and pollutant loadings by baseflow from the stream using Numeric Intergration (NI), ESTIMATOR, and LOADEST, and to 2) give a guideline regarding the most appropriate model for estimating pollutant loadings through the comparison of NI, ESTIMATOR, and LOADEST. As a result of this study, of total pollutant loadings from the stream, pollutant loadings by baseflow ranges from 54 to 85 %. Therefore, because the result of this study shows that pollutant loadings by baseflow are bigger than that by streamflow, it is very necessary for the efficient management of pollutant loadings by baseflow.
물 분사기법 적용에 따른 항공기 노즐의 유동 특성 해석
이지원(J.W. Lee),이유렬(Y.Y. Lee),김재원(J.W. Kim),명노신(R.S. Myong) 한국전산유체공학회 2020 한국전산유체공학회지 Vol.25 No.3
Modern weapon systems require stealth technology to avoid detection by enemy and successfully carry out missions. Among them, IR stealth technology, which increases the success rate of the mission by reducing IR signals, has been studied in various methods, and in particular, the particle injection techniques can effectively reduce IR signals through shielding and cooling effects. In this study, the characteristics of flow and particles by injecting water mist were analyzed to study the feasibility of injection techniques for reducing aircraft plume IR signals. The water spray was simulated by applying a multiphase fluid model, the discrete phase model (DPM) method, and the characteristics and temperature changes according to the flow rate were studied. We first investigated the effects of water mist, and then selected the amount of water mist that minimizes the change of the thrust line, and finally checked the change in the flow field due to the behavior and evaporation of water droplets.