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      • KCI등재

        ≪설문해자(說文解字)≫ ‘鬼’ 부수 한자(漢字)와 고대 중국의 귀문화(鬼文化)

        이인경 ( Lee¸ Inkyung ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2021 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.73

        This article takes “Shuowen Jiezi (说文解字)” as the center, refers to oracle bone inscriptions and documents, investigates Chinese characters related to “Ghost (鬼)” from a social and cultural perspective, and tries to understand the ancient Chinese culture reflected in Chinese characters. Until the Han Dynasty. This is because Chinese characters are the product of a long history and a cultural accumulation of love, so we can examine ancient Chinese culture and its specific content through Chinese characters related to “Ghost (鬼)”. Before analyzing the Chinese characters related to “Ghost (鬼)”, the concept of the unity of ghosts and gods originated from the belief in ghosts in primitive society. The separation of “Ghost (鬼)” and “God (神)” was based on the rise of human culture and the establishment of sects. The legal system and the changes and development of ghost culture Look. “Shuowen Jiezi” This research classifies Chinese characters with the word “Ghost(鬼)” based on people’s psychology of ghosts, that is, worship and fear. “䰠” and “□” are related to the worship of ghosts and gods in ancient China. “䰠” reflects the concept of the unity of ghosts and gods in ancient China. Chinese characters related to ghosts that are related to fear and fear are divided into the appearance and characteristics of ghosts, evil spirits that hurt people, and people’s reactions to ghosts. “䰧”, “□”, and “鬾” all represent the image of human beings, while “魑”, “鬽(魅)” and “魋” are not ordinary human figures, but animal forms or objects. These are Chinese characters that represent the transformation of gods. “䰰” and “□” are Chinese characters, which do not directly describe the appearance, but use “ghost sound” and “free transformation image” to describe the image of “Ghost (鬼)”. “魃”, “䰡” and “魖” are evil spirits that represent evil spirits hurting people. Drought ghosts “魃” and “䰡” used ferociousness to harm people, and “魖” wasted property and caused economic losses, reflecting the ancient Chinese people’s unwillingness to lose and suffer. “醜”, “□”, and “魇” are Chinese characters that represent the image of “Ghost (鬼)”. Their appearance is annoying, and they are shocked and screamed in the face of it. People’s reactions to “Ghost (鬼)” are included as they are, so we can guess the ancient Chinese people’s psychology to “Ghost (鬼)”.

      • KCI등재

        남조시기(南朝時期) 불교문화와 불교류 지괴소설(志怪小說) - 『유명록(幽明錄)』, 『선험기(宣驗記)』를 중심으로 -

        이인경 ( Lee Inkyung ) 단국대학교 동양학연구원(구 단국대학교 동양학연구소) 2018 東洋學 Vol.72 No.-

        본고에서는 南朝 劉宋시기 대표적인 불교류 志怪小說인 劉義慶의 『幽明錄』과 『宣驗記』의 내용 분석을 통해 당시 불교문화를 이해해보았다.불교는 東晉 이후 번성하면서 부처나 보살, 지옥, 因果應報에 따른 輪廻 등 불교와 관련된 주제가 소설 창작에 영향을 주면서 제재와 내용에 큰 영향을 끼쳤다. 불교류 지괴소설이 남조시대 지괴소설의 중심이 된 것은 바로 이와 같은 사회풍조와 관련이 있다. 그러므로 본고에서는 먼저 남조시대 대표적인 지괴소설 작가 유의경과 불교문화가 번성했던 당시의 시대적 상황, 불교류 지괴소설의 주제와 관련된 불교의 주요사상을 살펴 보았다. 南朝時期 불교문화는 당시 시대적 상황과 불교문화를 고려하여 現世救濟 중심의 觀世音 신앙, 因果應報와 輪廻轉生, 死後世界 관념을 중심으로 불교의 주요사상과 인생관을 살펴보았다. 『유명록』, 『선험기』의 내용을 불교 주요사상과 연계하여 靈驗한 이야기, 因果應報 이야기, 冥界와 還生의 이야기로 구분하여 내용을 분석하고, 작품에 반영된 불교사상과 문화를 이해해보았다. This article analyzed the content of Liu YiQing’s YouMingLu and XuanYanJi - typical Buddhism-style Zhi-guai stories during Liu-Song of the Southern Dynasties-and sought to understand Buddhist culture then.Along with the flourishing of Buddhism since the Eastern Jin, Buddhism-related themes such as Buddha, Bodhisattva, hell and samsara (輪廻, eternal cycle of birth/death/rebirth) as a result of retributive justice, affecting the creation of novels, had a great impact on their materials and contents. The reason Buddhism-style Zhi-guai stories positioned as the heart of Zhi-guai stories during the Southern Dynasties was related with such social trend. So, in the first place, the study reviewed the period’s circumstances in which Liu YiQing-typical author of Zhi-guai stories during the Southern Dynasties-and Buddhist culture flourished as well as main thoughts of Buddhism related with Buddhism-style Zhi-guai stories. As for Buddhist culture during the Southern Dynasties, this study, considering the period’s circumstances and Buddhist culture then, examined main thoughts of Buddhism and view of life focused on concepts of this-world-saving Avalokitesvara (觀世音) faith, retributive justice & samsara, and afterlife. Linking contents of YouMingLu and XuanYanJi with main thoughts of Buddhism, this study analyzed by grouping under spiritual stories, stories of retributive justice, stories of the dead and rebirth, and sought to understand Buddhist thoughts and culture as reflected on the two books.

      • KCI등재

        문학 감상에서의 주체와 타자: <혼쥐> 설화의 문학치료학적 감상과 교육적 가치

        이인경(Inkyung Lee) 국문학회 2007 국문학연구 Vol.16 No.-

        This research is to analyze Soul-mouse story in terms of literature therapy and apply them into the field of education. Where the literature classes are held is the field where student’s narrative, literary narrative and teacher’s narrative interact. Therefore, it is a big mistake that literature education has been focused on examining the literature itself or on simply implanting educators’ viewpoints and philosophy to the students. The ultimate goal of literature education should be to enrich students’ sentiments and their lives through literary works. In order to achieve this goal, educators’ sentiment should be healthy. This research is to report examples of literature therapy attempted with the medium of folktales to enable students, who desire to teach Korean literature, to acquire sound self-narrative. As the result of this study, all students who participated in the literature therapy have admitted that their trauma was cured to a great extent and they got encouraged to realize their merits. In conclusion, this research proved that Soul-mouse story was very effective for them to be well-qualified teachers.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        농경(農耕) 관련 한자(漢字)에 반영된 고대중국(古代中國)의 농경문화(農耕文化)

        이인경 ( Lee Inkyung ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2018 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.61

        This study briefly looked at the origin and developing process of China’s agriculture in the first place to understand the circumstances of the primitive agriculture. Then, categorizing them into farming methods, farming tools, crops, the study interpreted the related Chinese characters ‘采’, ‘焚’, ‘力’, ‘耒, 耜’, ‘禾’, 粟’, ‘稻’ in linkage with the developing process of agricultural society and sought to look into the agricultural society then using shapes of ancient letters, archeological specimens and literature records. In an attempt to understand agricultural society during the period when primitive society had developed through ancient times, the study also examined ‘農’ ‘男’ ‘稷’ - Chinese characters reflecting the societal circumstances then - using the same materials. ‘采’ reflected the perception of the people then related with picking and collecting, the base of primitive agriculture, while ‘焚’ meaning ‘burn’ might have reflected agricultural primitive society related with cultivation of burned farmland. Shape of ancient letter ‘力’ originally meaning a primitive farming tool 耒 might have reflected the agriculture in the primitive society. 耒 in the shape of the end standing out to the front developed to 耒 in the shape of the end split into both sides in connection with the efficiency of ploughing, making the typical shape of 耒. This tells us that the perception of the people then was reflected on ‘耒’ in the shape of an end-split forked ploughshare. ‘禾’ and ‘粟’ might have reflected agricultural society of ancient China when people considered millet as the most important crop. ‘稻’ reflected perception of ancient Chinese who used the harvested rice as the major food resource as well as the agricultural society and so we can learn that rice was the typical crop along with millet from primitive society through ancient times. Meanwhile, ‘農’ reflected the transitional cultivation activity at the time when primitive agriculture such as 火田 (burned farmland) developed focused on farming tools and farmland cultivation as well as the related agricultural society. Patriarchal society developed based on agriculture. Men in ancient times were the main principals of production activity and so “people engaged in cultivation using farming tools at farmlands” turned to ‘男’ symbolically referring to men as revealed from the shape of old letters. Another name of ‘millet’ ‘稷’ was the typical crop representing northern China and could be called the ‘No 1 of five grains’ and thus its meaning was extended to the names of agricultural officials and god of crops. Earliest developed civilization in China was in the field of agriculture and ancient China was able to develop the country based thereon. For this reason, ‘社稷’ - a pronoun of the country or state - is considered to have reflected agricultural society in feudal ancient China.

      • KCI등재

        한중속담의 역사적 연원 고찰

        이인경(Inkyung Lee) 한국문화융합학회 2023 문화와 융합 Vol.45 No.10

        과거 한자를 문자로 사용했던 한국은 중국과 지리적으로나 역사적으로 오랫동안 밀접한 관계를 유지해왔다. 그 결과 다양한 중국문화 요소들이 한국의 고전 문헌, 문학작품 나아가 속담으로 유입되는 등 양국의 언어문화 교류에 영향을 끼쳤다. 이는 한국속담과 중국속담에는 표현 방식과 의미에서 유사점이차이점보다 많다는 사실에서도 알 수 있다. 또한 조선 후기 17세기부터 2세기에 걸쳐 일부 학자들은우리 속담을 수집하여 이를 한자로 번역한 한역 속담집을 남겼다. 이는 한역 속담집을 편찬하는 이들의의식에서 당시 일부 지식인들이 하층 문화를 수용하겠다는 적극적인 의지가 반영된 결과이며, 나아가근대 이후에 한국속담이 계승하고 보전되어야 할 우리 고전의 하나로 그 가치를 인정받는 계기와 동력이 되었다고 볼 수 있다. Korea, which used Chinese characters as characters in the past, has maintained a close relationship geographically and historically for a long time. As a result, various Chinese cultural elements influenced the exchange of language and culture between the two countries, such as the introduction of Korean classical literature, literary works, and proverbs. This can also be seen in the fact that Korean and Chinese proverbs have more similarities in expression and meaning than differences. In addition, from the 17th century to the 2nd century in the late Joseon Dynasty, some writers collected Korean proverbs and left a collection of Chinese-translated proverbs that translated them into Chinese characters. This is the result of the positive will of some intellectuals at the time to accept lower-class culture reflected in the consciousness of those who compiled a collection of Chinese-translated proverbs, and furthermore, the opportunity and driving force for Korean proverbs to be recognized as one of our classics that must be inherited and preserved in the modern era. It can be seen that this has happened.

      • KCI등재

        ≪설문해자(說文解字)≫ ‘여(女)’ 부수자에 투사된 고대 중국인의 여성관

        이인경 ( Lee Inkyung ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2021 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.71

        This article divides the secondary letters of “女” in “Shuo wen Jie zi(說文解字)” into matrilineal and patrilineal and selects Chinese characters at the issue of social and cultural characteristics. Through these Chinese characters, we can understand ancient Chinese customs and women’s views in that times. In the period of matrilineal society, women played an absolute role in the relationship between blood and the gens, and thus were both objects of worship and symbols of clan authority. Such as a view of the woman at that time is projected on including “姓” and old surname(古姓), letters of “女” related to the female heroes representing the family. The development of monogamous marriage(一夫一妻) shows that the inheritance of descent has been transformed into a male-centered relationship, which is related to the increase of male power. The traces of predatory marriage are projected on “婚” and “娶”, from which we can infer the changes in women’s status at that time. In “嫁”, the trace of buying a marriage are retained, so it can be said that the perception of women of that time also since then influenced “嫁” and “姻” naming marriage. “媒” and “妁” reflect the characteristics of monogamous marriages in ancient Chinese society. Because monogamous marriages was established by the decision of the parents and the words of the matchmaker rather than the two parties. In the patriarchy-centered society , men are considered to have a higher status than women. For this reason, a typical female image was created that matched Confucian ideals and justified the obedience and subordination of women. The letters accompanying “女” parts are related to the appearance, form and behavior of women, reflecting the ideal image of a woman pursued by patriarchy-centered society. The “女” parts that represent bad tempers or immoral behaviors such as greed, luxury, jealousy, or adultery have in common that even if these sexual orientations and behaviors are not related to gender, they all subordinate to “女” part. Therefore, these letters can be regarded as a concrete expressing the feudal society’s disregard and disrespect for women.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 백혈구 이미지 검색 및 구분 시스템

        이성환(SungHwan Lee),유채곤(ChaeGon Yoo),김지윤(JiYoon Kim),이인경(InKyung Lee),황치정(Chi Jung Hwang) 한국정보과학회 1999 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.26 No.2Ⅱ

        백혈구는 형태상으로 임파구, 중성구, 반핵구 등 7 - 8 종의 정상적인 백혈구 종류가 있으며 비정상적인 백혈구는 변형으로 인하여 수 십 가지가 되어 분류시 많은 어려움이 있다. 백혈구는 질환에 대한 많은 정보를 가지고 있어 질병 유무 및 상태 판단에 절대적으로 필요한 검사로서 현재는 전문가에 의해 백혈구 크기, 색상, 내부 핵 유무, 핵의 모양 및 boundary 모양 등을 개인적 판단 기준으로 검사하고 있어 많은 어려움이 있다. 이에 질환별 백혈구 형태 분류 알고리즘과 이에 따른 백혈구 영상 정보 확보 및 검색 시스템을 설계 구현 하였다.

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