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      • 바람직한 환경윤리의 정립을 위한 시론

        이윤일 관동대학교 1994 關大論文集 Vol.22 No.1

        This paper deals with the establishment of desirable environmental ethics.For desirable envirnmental ethics, we have to emphasize the following points. (1) The existence of homeostasis or stability in nature is the general norm at which the ecologist drives. The value of homeostasis or stabilitythe demand that systems of resource use be compatible with the ecosystems of nature-have to becomes one of the envirmental norms. (2) We must expand our ethical attitudes to nonhuman creatures. It would include an expanded concept of the value that goes well beyond anthropocentrism and an expanded concept of the value of life. (3) A rational anthropocentrism is a radical improvement over the traditional unsophi sticated type. Rational anthropocentrism recognizes the inherent value of nonhuman forms of life but sees it as secondary to the development of human values. The ecological anthropocentrism is adequate to resolve envirnmental problems. (4) Principles and ideas central to traditional moral philosophy-for example, utility and rights-can play a role in developing envirnmental ethics. Desirable envirnmental ethics may require some metaphysical theory, some theory about nature and the place of humans, animals and plants within nature. Such a theory may be required to resolve the extension of the concepts of value, obligation, utility, and rights. The expansion of that concepts must be used as grounds of justification for new legal frameworks for the resolution of envirnmental questions. (5)These various points of emphasis would provide a complex ethical base concerning the decision to use resources in one way or another. In the process of putting these norms for envirnmental use into effect, we would have to apply them contextualy and in ways in which conflicts among values, obligations, and rights might be clarified and value priorities displayed.

      • KCI등재

        합리성과 실용적 실재론

        이윤일 대동철학회 1999 大同哲學 Vol.3 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 내재적 실재론의 성립 이후 실용적 실재론에 이르기까지 퍼트남이 지나온 사고 노정을 살펴보고, 형이상학적 실재론과 극단적 상대주의 사이의 중도 노선을 취하려는 그의 등거리 정책이 그의 합리성 개념에도 여실히 반영되어 있다는 점을 밝힌 후, 실용적 실재론에 미친 실용주의의 영향을 드러내 보이는 데 있다. 퍼트남의 실용적 실재론은 내재적 실재론을 보완 발전시켜, 특히 개념 상대성의 현상을 강조하고 사실/가치 이분법으로 대표되는 일체의 이분법적 사유틀을 배격하는 경향이 있으며, 아울러 세계를 바라보는 상식적 인간들의 평범한 세계관을 옹호한다. 실용적 실재론은 극단적인 상대주의나 과학주의와 같은 절대적 세계관을 배격하고, 현존하는 인간들의 다양한 관심과 목적을 반영하는 상식적, 인간적인 실재론으로서, 신의 관점이 아닌 여러 가지 인간적 관점들을 존중하는 세계관이다. 합리성 개념과 관련하여 퍼트남은 합리성을 자연화하려는 과학주의와, 합리성을 한갓 주관적인 것으로 치부하는 회의주의적이고 허무주의적인 상대주의를 모두 비판한 후, 대안이 될 수 있는 합리성 개념을 확보하고자 한다. 퍼트남은 합리성이 가치 중립적이라는 논리실증주의자의 주장에 반대하며, 쿤, 포이에르아벤트, 푸꼬, 로티처럼, 합리성을 주관적인 것으로 치부하는 입장에도 반대한다. 퍼트남이 파악한 합리성은 관심 상대적이면서도 객관적이고, 가치를 담지하고 있으며, 목적 평가적인 성격을 가지고 있는 개념이다. 퍼트남의 실용적 실재론은 실용주의의 영향을 크게 받고 있다. 실용주의의 중핵은 세계를 바라보는 유리한 고지 또는 신의 관점이나 3인칭 기술적 관점을 부정하는 대신, 행위자의 관점, 1인칭 규범적 관점에 우선성을 두는 데 있다. 퍼스의 가류주의, 제임스의 인간주의, 듀이의 이분법 배제 등은 모두 실용적 실재론에 깊이 스며 들어 있다. 그리하여 퍼트남도 인간의 실천과 행위를 중요시하고, 절대성에 대한 열망을 포기하며, 사실/가치 등의 이분법을 포기한다. 끝으로 퍼트남은 여타 미국 철학자들과는 달리 실용주의적 관점을 도덕의 문제에 적극적으로 적용하려 한 점에서 현재 미국 철학에서도 독특한 자리를 차지하고 있다. Key word:Pragmatic realism, Rationality, Conceptual relativity, Pragmatism, Indispensability. In his early time, Hilary Putnam was a scientific realist. But now, his philosophical veiw is called by several names, like a ‘internal realism’, ‘pragmatic realism’, or ‘realism with a human face’. He tries to explain not only how the metaphysical realist perspective has broken down in science itself, but also how Rotian relativism fails as an alternative to metaphysical realism. Metaphysical realist insists that a mysterious relation of ‘correspondence’ is what makes reference and truth possible. But Putnam's pragmatic realism is the renuncation of the notion of the ‘things in themselves’ and the notion of correspondence between our words and mind-independent objects. Pragmatic realism says that we don't know what we are talking about when we talk about ‘things in themselves’. It means that the dichotomy between intrinsic properties and properties which are not intrinsic also collapses. Pragmatic realism is willing to think of reference as internal to theories, provided we recognize that there are better and worse texts. ‘Better’ and ‘worse’ themselves depend on our historical situation and our purposes. There is no notion of Gods-Eyes View of Truth here. After all, Pragmatic realism is, at bottom, just the insistence that realism is not incompatible with conceptual relativity. Also Putnam insists that we should not let ourselves fall into either scepticism, scienticism(the idea that science, and only science, describes the world as it is in itself, independent of our perspective) or relativism with respect to our normative judgments, that is, rationality. Logical positivism(scienticism) and relativism fail to take adequate account of the rationality. Logical positivism insists that rationality must be reducible to objective, naturalistic term, while relativism treats rationality as merely subjecitve. But according to Putnam, relativism is self-refuting view like a solipicism, and logical positivism's insistence presupposes normative terms. Putnam illuminates that rationality is value-laden, objective, and purpose-oriented concept. Without this rationality, we have no world and no facts. And these conception of rationality are simply a part of our holistic conception of human flourishing. Putnam's pragmatic realism is under the influnce of American pragmatism. Pragmatism insists that practice has some kind of priority over theory, and everything turns on what sort of priority is claimed. The characteristic of Putnam's pragmatic realism is will to extend the pragmatic approach to the most indispensible area, that is, ethics. So, Putnam illustrates the standpoint of pragmatic realism in ethics by taking a look at some of our moral images.

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