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        정책연구 : 중소기업 경쟁력 강화를 위한 정책 개선 연규: 일본,미국,EU 및 주요가맹국 비교연구를 통한 제언

        이윤보 ( Yoon Bo Lee ),백훈 ( Hoon Baek ),정희철 ( Hee Chul Jung ) 한국중소기업학회 2010 中小企業硏究 Vol.32 No.4

        우리나라 중소기업은 국가경제적 비중이 높고, 경제·사회적으로 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다 이는 비단 우리나라 뿐 아니라 선진국도 유사하며, 대부분의 국가에서 기술혁신의 주체, `고용없는 성장` 시대의 일자리 창출자, 국민경제 및 지역사회 발전에 대한 기여자로서 중소기업의 역할과 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 이에 선진국에서는 보다 실효성 있는 중소기업지원을 위해 각국의 경제 상황에 맞는 관련법·제도 및 정책을 구축하여 혁신적이고, 활력 있는 중소기업 창출 및 발굴을 통해 국가경쟁력 강화 및 지속적인 성장을 위한 국가차원에서의 노력을 경주하고 있다. 또한 선진국들의 중소기업에 대한 공통된 정책 변화를 보면, 과거 대기업과 중소기업 간의 불공정 시정 및 시장경제논리의 적용 동 국가별 상이한 정책운영이 이루어 졌으나, 최근에 들어서 모두 경제정책의 중심에 중소기업정책을 둠으로써 중소기업의 중요성을 더욱 부각시키고 있는 것이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 일본·미국 `EU 및 주요가맹국들의 중소기업정책 동향을 비교하여, 경제환경 변화에 적극적으로 대응할 수 있는 바람직한 우리 중소기업정책의 개선 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. Small and Medium Enterprises (hereafter called "SMEs") in Korea occupy a high ratio in the national economy and play an important role economically and socially. This is not something that applies to our country only, but it is similar to developed counties. SMEs play an important role in industrial production in particular, and economic growth in general in less developed, developing, and transitional economies worldwide. They have generally provided the bulk of en-trepreneurs and employment in these economies, and the necessary foundations for sustained economic growth and rising incomes. So in most counties, the role and importance of SMEs as contributors to the national econo-my and community development, main agents of technical innovation, and job creators in the era of so-called jobless growth is being emphasized. Also policies have been generated across economies to further develop and strengthen the SME sector in developed counties. The SME policies and programs are in many quarters and vary according to country ex-periences and necessity, and generally address improvement of exports, market development, furthering the use of skill and credit access. Thus, this study is intended to present the desirable SME policy directions that could positively cope with the economic environment change by comparing the SME policy trends of developed countries. Looking at the common change in the SME policy in surveyed countries, different policy operations had been formed in the past such as unfair business connections between large and SMEs, application of market economy, etc. However, in recent years, these countries are magnifying the importance of SMEs, by positioning the SME policy at the heart of economy policies. According to the change in the policy of SME in developed counties such as Japan, the amendment of 「SME Basic Law」 in 1999, by diverting the SME policy ideas, goals and means, reestablished the direction and ideal conception from the past`s `protection and promotion` to present`s `promotion and competition` and adopted `Promotion of SMEs` as an alternative to overcome the prolonged economic recession. In case of the US, based on the open competition private enterprise, open competition and guarantee of equitable economy were assured. Through the 「SME Agenda」, the President announced that SMEs are the heart of the US economy and encouraged federal offices to improve the conditions of growth and foundation of the SME by relieving the tax burden and ameliorating business conditions. ED and main member countries also recognized the importance of SMEs by announcing `Lisbon Agenda` in 2000, enacted the 「Small Business Act for Europe」 by targeting the continued growth and competitiveness of SME under the principle of `Think. Small First` in 2008, and created the vision of "Let`s make the highest environmental class for SMEs all over the world." As seen above, developed countries have recently emphasized the role of SMEs and tried to establish 5MB policy to cope with the change in the economic environment. These change provide policy implications to the SME policies of Korea with which are as follows: First, the 5MB is the heart of overcoming of the global economic crisis. In the case of U.S., since the launch of the Obama administration, they have been endeavoring to overcome the ongoing financial crisis and are looking for core solutions in SMEs to overcome the crisis. Second, for rationalization of the policy scope that is targeted at SMEs, the capital of SMEs that has rela-tively wide range of policies need to be narrowed so that appropriate size enterprises can foster themselves. Also Small and Micro Enterprises should have policies to secure the social safety-net by expanding the num-ber of the employment. Through these means, foster SMEs as an independent agents on one hand, and im-prove government finance and fairness of the policy through promoting Small and Micro Enterprises on the other hand. Third, the role of SMEs is the source of competitive reinforcement for relieving chronic unemployment and social integration. The EU is making an effort to improve the environment for the competitiveness and vigo-rous business activity by overcoming the continuous unemployment and social integration of the EU system. Fourth, SMEs play a major role in the local economy and in establishment of new businesses. In France, the role of SMEs is expanding as the core subject of the promotion of the country`s territory maintenance and local traditional industries. In addition, the UK recognizes SMEs as the driving force of starting new businesses, and Germany recognizes them as the subject of innovation and is making effort to support the policy according to their needs. As mentioned above, all the surveyed countries endeavor to use SMEs as key solutions to the social and economic problems. Therefore, it is time for our country to realize SMEs competitive strength through redefining the ideology, scope, principle agent, measure, etc. of the SMB policies reflecting in global change. To realize this, first a redefining of policy ideology of the SMB is required. The ideology of policy should be switched from `Protection and Promotion` oriented in the past to `Promotion and Competition` oriented which can adapt by themselves to the changing circumstances. Second, for rationalization of the policy scope that is targeted at SMEs, the capital of SMEs that has rela-tively wide range of policies need to be narrowed so that appropriate size enterprises can foster themselves. Also Small and Micro Enterprises should have policies to secure the social safety-net by expanding the num-ber of the employment. Through these means, foster SMEs as an independent agents on one hand, and im-prove government finance and fairness of the policy through promoting Small and Micro Enterprises on the other hand. Third, strengthening of government organization and policy operation is required at an appropriate level to the SMEs status. This mean, the establishment of a policy system based on SMEs viewpoint is required that is appropriate with the social and economic status of SMEs and the strengthening of the small business administration status is required to overcome policy operation limits as a vice-minister class organization. Fourth, selection and concentration must be firmed through change in policy measures for positive re-sponsiveness to economic environmental change. Through expansion of government finance and strengthening the soft support for SMEs to adapt to the economic environment change, SMEs make sure the competitive-ness and viability by themselves. This kind of support policy is prevalent to encourage the growth and devel- opment of SMEs around the world. We need to improve each of SMB policy and enhance research and investigation, etc., as well as above mentioned. Best of all, policy-makers and SMEs involved, all of the people should be required to the mind of love and recognition of the importance for SMEs in order to realize the SMB-oriented economic policy. And such efforts, if we keep it, is a way to guarantee continued growth and we will have a driving force national economy growth.

      • 중소기업과 대기업 관계의 문제와 개선방향: 도급거래를 중심으로

        이윤보(Lee Yoon Bo) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1998 상경연구 Vol.23 No.1

        This study is composed of introducing two questions. The first question is how small and medium-sized enterprises can survive under the IMF regime. The answer to this question is that small and medium-sized enterprises, the subject forming the relationship of subcontracting, should conduct business activities from the perspective of strategic marketing for their survival and development in changing external conditions. If such strategic marketing plays a role of setting strategic direction and planning the distribution of management resources from systematic standpoint centering around market problems the direction setting of the entire management resources of order receiving small and medium-sized enterprises toward the needs of the prime contractors is the major task in their strategic marketing. The second question is how to establish desirable relationship between small and medium-sized enterprises and large corporations. In order to enhance the relationship between small and medium-sized enterprises and large corperations it is important, above all, to realize a climate in which cooperative relationship can be established and developed. For this goal a policy measure to strengthen fair trade order and support for small and medium-sized enterprises may be cited. As is well known, the nations’s conglomerate-oriented policy has caused the problems of monopoly and oligopoly rather than free competition and of concentration of wealth based on superior positions rather than common ownership of profits. If difficult to expect desirable relationship between enterprises in such a distorted market. It is desirable to rectify such distorted market function, generate desirable institution, custom and practice through this and create new rules of cooperation and competition between enterprises. Particularly, the foremost task of the new administration is to ride our the economic crises and realize a new economic take-off and the goals can be achieved by utilizing such software as knowledge, information and technology as the driving force of economic development. In other words it is necessary to acknowledge the problems reeated to labor -intensive and capital -intensive industries and change conception to cope with a new society as well. In consideration of these points the new paradigm to develop relationship between small and medium-sized enterprises and large corperations should take into account the following : First, the new administration manifested the development of democracy in parallel with market economy and this should aim at realizing economic democracy through the control of conglomerates or large corporations and support for small and medium-sized enterprises. Second, in order for small and medium-sized enterprises to grow as independent businesses it is necessary to control the domination of small and medium-sized enterprises by large corporations as well as management innovation and support for the accumulation of management resources of small and medium-sized enterprises. Third, so far managers of small and medium-sized enterprises should be considered and people with the mind of small and medium-sized enterprises should take charge of establishing related policies. Fourth, Small and medium-sized enterprises with comparatively less management resourses are unable to deal with large corporations on a equal footing. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to cope with the arrogance of the prime contractors through the formation of an association and so forth. It is also desirable to pursue creative technical innovation through exchange with different types of industry as well as a cooperation within the same type of industry in order to get out of the role of for the prime contractors such as the present counsel of order receiving enterprises and seek after innovation through compounding and harmonizing technology.

      • A study on the status, issues and future of network marketing

        이윤보(Yoon Bo Lee),태근우(Ken Tae),이동주(Dong Joo Lee) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 2000 商經硏究 Vol.25 No.1

        네트워크마케팅은 직접판매방식으로 판매와 회원모집의 권한을 부여받은 회원이 새로운 회원을 모집하고 또 새로운 회원이 모집한 회원으로 이루어진 네트워크의 매출에 따른 수당을 지급 받고, 기업은 이 네트워크를 통하여 상품과 서비스를 회원에게 판매는 마케팅 시스템이다. 네트워크마케팅은 다단계마케팅, 조직마케팅, 다단계직접판매 등으로 불리우기도 한다. 국제직접판매협회(WFDSA)에 의하면, 현재 전세계 46개국에서 다단계마케팅 사업이 행해지고 있음, 1997년 전체 판매액은 800억 달러 이상이며, 참가자수는 3천만명으로 추정되고 있다. 이를 1988년 수치와 대비해 보면 10년동안 매출액면에서 240% 성장하였고, 판매원수에서는 360% 성장이라는 빠른 속도를 보이고 있다. 한국의 네트워크마케팅은 1997년까지 가파른 성장을 보이다 부정적인 이미지와 IMF 상황이 겹쳐서 급격한 하향국면을 맞이하다가 현재는 회복 국면에 접어들고 있다. 현재 네트워크마케팅은 다음과 같은 어려움에 직면해 있다. 첫째, 전자상거래와 같은 새로운 유통기법 등을 통해 가격경쟁이 점차 심화되고 있다. 둘째, 많은 네트워크마케팅기업이 다국적기업으로 글로벌화를 추구하고 있으나 국가간의 문화나 경제환경의 차이에 따라 지역화 전략이 요구되고 있다. 셋째, 불법 피라미드 판매가 근절되고 있지 못하고 있으며 인터넷 등 신매체를 통한 불법판매활동이 계속 등장하고 있다. 넷째, 일부 네트워크마케팅 기업은 빠른 성장이나 판매원 확보를 위해 불공정한 거래를 행하고 있으며 일부 판매원들 또한 이에 동조하고 있다. 다섯째, 판매원들이 네트워크마케팅을 단시간에도 고소득을 올릴 수 있는 사업으로 오해하고 있는 등 마케팅 근시안에 빠져있다. 여섯째, 잠재고객들 사이에 네트워크마케팅에 대한 인식이 긍정적이지 못하다. 이러한 문제점 극복을 통해 네트워크마케팅이 지속적으로 성장하기 위한 전략적 방향으로 네트워크마케팅과 전자상거래를 결합한 형태인 인터네트워킹을 제시하였다. 인터네트워킹을 통해 네트워크마케팅 기업은 시장 채널 다변화와 Off-line과 On-line을 결합을통한 기회를 창출하고, 이용 고객은 통합된 일괄 서비스를 제공받을 수 있으며, 판매원은 보다 안정된 매출을 기대할 수 있다. 또한 외부기업과 네트워크마케팅 기업간의 전략적 제휴를 통한 공생이 가능하게 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • 산업기능요원제도의 폐지에 따른 문제점 및 개선방안

        이윤보(Lee Yoon Bo),이동주(Lee Dong Joo),백훈(Baek Hoon),정희철(Jung Hee Chul) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 2010 商經硏究 Vol.35 No.2

        중소기업의 국민경제적 기여도가 증가되면서 그 위상은 높아지고 있으나 여전히 중소기업의 인력 부족현상은 지속되고 있다. 특히, 중소제조업체의 경우 경쟁력의 핵인 기능ㆍ기술 인력에 대한 유입이 어려운 실정이다. 그러나 국가인적자원의 효율적 활용을 위한 「2+5전략」의 일환으로 국방부는 예외 없는 병역의무 이행으로 형평성을 제고하겠다는 취지로 민간기업에서 병역자원을 활용하는 산업기능요원제도를 2012년 완전폐지하기로 결정하였다. 물론 국방에 대한 중요성은 두말할 나이 없이 중요하나, 정부의 중소기업 인력지원제도 중 가장 효율성 있는 산업기능요원제도가 조기 폐지된다면 중소기업인력 수급상의 문제, 채산성 악화, 전문계 고교교육의 정상화 지연, 중소기업 인력지원시책 운영의 비효율화 등 다양한 문제가 초래될 가능성이 높다. 이에 본 연구에서는 현 산업기능요원제도의 폐지에 따른 문제점을 분석을 통해 개선방안을 제시하여 중소기업 인력수급의 원활화를 도모하고자 하였다. 첫째, 현재 운영되고 있는 산업기능요원제도의 편입대상, 업종, 규모 등을 개선하여 중소기업 경쟁력 제고, 전문계 고교 정상화에 기여하는 방향으로 유지ㆍ보완이 필요하다. 둘째, 국방부가 추진 중인 병역대체복무의 한 형태로 중소기업 근무를 통한 중소기업 사회복무제도 도입이 요구된다. 셋째, 평상시 중소기업 현장에서 일정기간 근무하고 국가 비상사태 시 국토방위에 필요한 방산물자를 생산하는 방위사업체에서 근무하도록 하는 중소기업 상근예비역제도의 도입 추진을 제시하였다. The increase of small and medium-sized enterprises(SME’s)’s national economic contribution is resulting in their highly state, however, their lack of labour force is continuing on. Especially in the case of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, employment of function and technology workers, which is the core of their competency, is getting more difficult. However, as part of 「2+5 strategy」 for effective usage of the national human resource, in 2012, the Ministry of National Defense decided to abolish the skilled industrial personnel system in which private enterprises use military forces, in order to raise fairness. Although it is acknowledged that the national defence important, if the skilled industrial personnel system - the most efficient method among the government’s human resource support system -is abolished, various problems will arise regarding problem for supplying industrial manpower in SME’s, profitability’s worsening, delay of normalizing vocational high school education, and inefficiency of human resource support policy operation. Thus, in this research, we tried to improve the efficiency of SME’s human resource supply by suggesting improvement methods for current skilled industrial personnel system. Firstly, maintenance and complementation in the way of increasing competency of SME’s and normalizing vocational high schools by improving objects for transference, business type, and size of skilled industrial personnel system. Secondly, introduction of Social Welfare Military Service in SME’s as a type of military service substitution which the Ministry of National Defense is currently carrying out. Thirdly, introduction of regular attendant service in SME’s was suggested, in which system they work at SME’s for certain period and produce defense materials at defence industries during national emergency.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 지향성이 중소기업 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이윤보(Yoon-Bo Lee),이동주(Dong-Joo Lee),임해진(Hae-Jin Lim),백훈(Hoon-Back) 한국산업경제학회 2014 산업경제연구 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구는 중소기업과 대기업간 거래특성인 전속성에 따른 중소기업의 고객지향성과 경쟁자지향성 요인이 중소기업의 경영성과에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 실증적으로 분석하고자 한다. 이를 위해 중소기업과 대기업간 거래관계가 존재하며, 기업의 재무자료를 확보할 수 있는 한국기업데이터의 자료를 활용하여 1,586개(2012년 기준) 설문표본을 설정하였고, 회수된 표본 중 한국기업데이터에서 재무적 현황의 파악이 가능한 기업체 185개사를 중심으로 AMOS구조방정식 모형을 통해 가설에 대한 실증분석을 실시하였다. 이러한 검증결과 첫째, 중소기업과 대기업간 거래특성인 전속성은 기업의 경영성과 중 성장성에는 유의한 것으로 나타나고 있으나, 수익성에는 유의하지 않는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 둘째, 중소기업의 대기업에 대한 전속성은 고객지향성과 경쟁자지향성에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이는 기업의 고객지향성 및 경쟁자지향성에 대해 지속적으로 관심과 전략을 수립할 필요가 있다는 것을 의미한다고 할 수 있다. 셋째, 고객지향성 및 경쟁자지향성은 경영성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구의 시사점을 도출하면 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 본 연구는 현재 지속적으로 야기되고 있는 중소기업과 대기업간의 불합리한 거래에 대한 실증적 연구로써 이를 입증하려고 시도하였다. 이러한 연구를 토대로 향후 중소기업과 대기업의 거래구조 및 상생협력 등 현재 사회적 관심이 지속되고 있는 중소기업과 대기업의 관계에 대한 연구의 기초자료로 제공될 수 있을 것이다. 둘째, 실증분석을 통해 입증된 중소기업과 대기업의 거래관계에서의 높은 전속성을 지속적으로 유지하는 전략을 추진하기 보다는 장기적 관점에서 거래관계의 다변화를 모색해야 할 필요가 있다. 또한 기업의 고객지향성과 경쟁자지향성에 대한 분명한 목표를 정립하고 이를 실천하는 노력이 요구된다고 할 수 있다. 셋째, 중소기업의 지속적 성장을 위해서는 중소기업과 대기업간 불합리한 거래관계의 개선을 위한 정부 및 사회적 관심이 지속되어야 할 것을 시사하고 있다. The purpose of this study is to investigate empirically the effect of SMEs’ customer and competitor orientations in accordance with the relational exclusiveness large companies and SMEs on their performance. Among the sample of 1,586 companies from Korea Rating Corporation, 185 firms were selected with survey return and financial data. The analysis was conducted using AMOS structural equation model. The result shows that relational exclusiveness large companies and SMEs are related significantly to SMEs’ growth, but not to their profitability. And we also found that relational exclusiveness have significant effects on customer and competitor orientations. It may suggest that SMEs need to pay continuous attention and establish business strategy for customer and competitor orientations. Furthermore, the result presents that SMEs’ customer and competitor orientations have positive effects on their performance. The result of this study has some implications. First, this study attempts to use an empirical approach to the current social issue of irrational business between large companies and SMEs. This study may shed further light on issues regarding to the relation between large companies and SMEs such as relational structure and mutual cooperation. Second, according to the result, SMEs need to seek relational diversity in the long-term rather than settle for relational exclusiveness and continuous transaction. SMEs also need to try to achieve their clear goals. Third, this study shows that social interest as well as government support is required to make fair relations between large companies and SMEs.

      • 벤처기업 산학협동의 현황과 문제점

        고시천(Koh Shi Cheon),이윤보(Lee Yoon Bo) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1998 상경연구 Vol.23 No.2

        Rearing venture business is leading to knowledge economy from industry economy. The faculty of technology and capital is in lack and not in public of sense. It is hard to activiate venture enterprise by government alone. The answer is educational organization, that is to say university and college in which technology and man power in coming venture age is in lack. The government is progressing many educational-industrial complex programs to activate connection among education, industry, and R&D institute. With this the government is operating the upbringing center for many small and middle size’s business, providing information network, and performing improvement of the former system.

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