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      • 한국 행정개혁의 과제와 방향

        이원장 湖南大學校 1997 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.18 No.1

        The public administration reform is often regarded as essential to improve the power of national competition. The reform programs in the past have concentrated mainly on changing the organization of the government in order to demonstrate the moral character and enthusiasm of the new leaders. This approach, however, have failed because it lacked the long-term perspective and vision which are prerequisite to all the successful reform policy. Therefore, the direction of the new reform policy in 2000s should be more comprehensive and vision-oriented, based on the experience of the past failures. In order to accomplish this goal, the followings appear to be most essential: (1)Consumer-oriented administration. (2)Small and strong government. (3)Boosting the morale of the pubic servants and providing them with new incentives. (4)Reinforcement of the local government and preparation for globalization. These elements are undoubtedly indispensible for a successful reform, but one more element needs to be added. That is the integration of those factors in a creative and productive way. The new reform policy also requires a few more things which should precede the reform policy itself. They are: (1) Establishment of the exact objective of the reform, based on the diagnosis of the problems existent in the government system. (2) Securing the active participation of the public servants as well as the support of the general public nationwide. (3) The firm, trustworthy leadership of national leaders.

      • 朝鮮總督府 官僚制의 成立과 採用政策

        李元長 湖南大學校 1984 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        This report is aimed to examine formation of bureaucracy, and system of appointing bureaucrats of Japanese government-general in Korea. This is to say, here we will review the courses of bureaucracy formation along with realities of its application, and system of employing officials of Japanese government-general during the 36 years of governing this country from socalled Korean-Japan Consolidation to Independence. This report is composed of the following chapters: Chapter I. Introduction. Chapter Ⅱ. Organization of Japanese bureaucracy, its background, adn its characteristics in their own. Chapter Ⅲ. Constituting of governing system of Japanese government-general in Korea, reponisbilities of the government-general the entire structure of central ruling system, and community official system of that period. This chapter is also concerned with the real performance of politics, administration, economy, social affairs, and education measures of Japaneses government-general on the whole. Chapter Ⅳ. Appointment system of Japanese government-general to adopt Korean into bureaucratic positionsis reviewed by going through personnel appointment regulations, open competitive state examination regime to select high ranking officials, and realities of employing Korean people. Chapter Ⅴ. Formation of bureaucracy of government-general and appointment system are evaluated in this chapter. During the period of colonial rign, power too concentrated to the government-general, was used to excess, but there were no measures to control it. So the people were only the object or order, and explotation, who could not complain in a word even they were violated their own right under that suffocating regime of ruling. Furthermore, equal opportunity to be palced into public positions, and to be promoted to higher positions to take important parts during service was almost blocked for our people This means that they had to put up with unfair treatment doubly. Notwithstanding so-justified-beautified words like Assimilation Plan, or Japan-Korea in Single Body, however, the real ruling mechanism was militarism and explotation thoroughly from the beginning to the end different at all from Inter-Japan, in fact. Under these circumstances, the bureaucratic system of Japanese colonial reign contributed to handing legitimate operation and efficiency of bureaucracy over, but on the contrary, excessive “almightly-law” principle was raised to cause inefficiency to development-minded government. This also caused easy-going way of thinging, and authroitarism making to keep authorities from the people apart. Such being the circumstances, competent officials were not raised to take planning administrative responsibilities for our national development after the Independence. So it can be said that the Japanese ruling in Korean Peninsular brought postponement and retrogression of our political independence as long as their ruling period rather than conrribution on the side of development and progress.

      • 韓國官僚行態의 行政文化的 特性과 公織論理의 提高方案

        李元長 호남대학교 1986 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.7 No.1

        This article is to study an the bureau-cratic behaviour in Korea, focusing of the pathology and dis-function side of it in connection with public administration culture and further this study tried to suggest new approach for the establishment of healthy public servant ethics as way of improvement of forementioned disfunction is put on the importance of conciousness. In Case of Korea, the pathology and dis-function of bureaucratic behaviour can be cited that it is mainly derived from the public adminstration environment and public administration culture based on the said environment. However against these a cumlation of historical and cultural legacy, public administration in Korea. New role and responsibility had been continuously added while control and responsibility of public administration based on morden political principal was not secured. Not like many other countries, public administration in Korea had been suffered internal, external pressure from its environment and circumstances. Mean while to get fid of these disfunction and pathologh of bureaucratic behaviour derived from the traditional public administration culture, innovation of the structure of consciousness on value should be achieved and further improvement of this changes will lead to the effective and successful accmplishment of public administrations role including national development and other given role. Suggesting the establishment of the ethics of public servant as one of the effective solution for above cited problem, this arricle discussed; chapter I the necessity for establishment public servant ethices, chapter II the environmental and cultural public administration character of Korean public servant ethics. -Study on the rise of its necessity and its connection with value coniousness. -Study on the from and types of regulation on the ethics of public servant in the existing law and other related regulations. -an approach for the improvement of environment of bureaucracy. -an approach for the reinforcement of peoples control function. -an approach for the establishment of the ethics of public servant within the bureaucracy itself.

      • 國家發展을 위한 官僚制의 役割과 刷新方案 : 韓國政府官僚制를 中心으로 Focused on Korean Govemment Bureaucracy

        李元長 湖南大學校 1983 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        The role of bureaucracy is and its innovation for national development will be considered in this papers Developing contries including Korea, which are going through social changes suddenly these days, want to get out of slow progress and get into fast development, but their politics are unstable, public officials are corrupted widely, and self - restating community system is not advanced favorably due to limited manpowerr and natural resources, and also unreasonable sharing methods of resources. Moreover, the political power system is not separated and specialized and this faces crisis and coal tenses constantly for that reason. On the contrary, administrative system Possess almost all of professinal and technical manpower and capaci ty in those developing countries, and so government bureau - cracy is the only thing in the position to take initiative in national improvement. That is to say, the function and effectiveness of tile government burse - aucracy means ultimate importance here. Under these circumstances, one state can not be developed without efficient operation of government bureaucracy in fact. In this paper, I will comment about urbalanced tactics of national progress in chapter Ⅱ, the roles of bareaucracy for national development in Chapter Ⅲ, the features of Korean government bureaucracy‥‥ administration surroundings, negative functions, and pathological facts of that in Chater Ⅳ, innovation of Korea government bureaucracy at the point of manpower, structures. and surroundings in Chapter Ⅴ, desirable sttitude, ability, and capacity of government officials who are taking the leading parts in the course of bureaucratic innovation for national development in Chapter. Ⅵ, and the conclusion in Chapter Ⅶ where I will state that easygoing way of thinking, passivity, and conservatism rooted away, and the govermnent officials must have passion and specific abilities to practise work and improve their working enviroments, self- initiative goals, and must take efforts to achive these actively. In other words, government officials themselves must be the practically performers of justice in the society. For the future development of our country, the personalities and automatism of bureaucracy itself must be sustained, itself must be sustained, minimizing negative functions and abuses ultimately, and will of the people must be accepted in many desirable ways on the other hand. Thus our national development will be achived though political leadership and control along with administrative innovation.

      • 首都圈 人口集中의 問題點과 人口分散政策의 方向

        李元長 호남대학교 1986 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this sturdy lies in the research about the problems of centraized population toward the metropolitan area and the direction of the policy for it's decentralization. An excess of centralized population toward the metropolitan area makes it difficult to make practical application in efficiency of the restricted space of national land and the potential resources, and I tensely deepens the differences in quality by regional groups. The pressure of the drift of population toward the metropditan area could be heavily brought by the results of the above phenomenon, and the unbalance development between the regions brings the people to be exposure the problem in their unity. Hence, in order to diagnose these various problems brought up and to induce the decentralization policy, this thesis should be analyzed, and estimated the established policy for the restraint and decentralization policy, this thesis should be analyzed, and estimated the established policy for the restraint and decentralization of population and a basic plan of National Land Development Agency. The construction of this thesis would be shown like this; Chapter I would be an introduction of this thesis, and in Chapter Ⅱ it be inquired the inclination and the procedure of urbanization, being divided into an advanced nation and a developing country, in Chapter Ⅲ it be diagnosed about the reasons and problems of centralized population toward the metropolitan area, dividing the reasons into the social, political, administrative, economical, and be drawn the concrete problems from those. In chapter Ⅳ, it be reviewed the restraint policy of the centralized population, being distinguished it year, and in Chapter Ⅴ, as a alternative plan at a conclusion, be presented the direction about the decentrelized policy of metropolitan population.

      • 韓國行政의 權利救濟機關의 現實과 Ombudsman 制度 導入의 必要性

        李元長 湖南大學校 1984 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        Many countries of today are interested in Ombudsman system. We can say this is mainly caused by overgrown administrative function of their governments. Power of administrative organizations in all countries, whether advanced or undeveloped, is reinforced and swelled along with their growing function. With such reinforced power and overgrown function. The discretionary area of administration reaches farther and wider, and arbitrariness grows as well. Excessive arbitrariness of administration is prone to infringe upon individual rights, Under these circumstances, Ombudsman system is a good way of mending those infringed rights of the people. Administrative authorities of modern countries have equipped with many considerable measures to settle the problems of individual rights of the people, for example, petition, and administrative litigation. However, those measures usually takes too much time and money to settle our complaints. Considering that, this report is made to look into the necessity to introduce and apply Ombudsman system effectively to our administration features to supplement the deficient phases of present measures. This report is composed of as the following: Chapter 1. Preface. Chapter 2. Origin and development of Ombudsman system. Chapter 3. Definition of Ombudsman, his qualification requirements, standing, and specifications. Chapter 4. How Ombudsman system is practiced in some countries. Chapter 5. Reality and problems of right relief service agencies in Korea, and a study on necessity of introducing Ombudsman system of our administration. Chapter 6. Conclusion. - How to introduce and settle this new system on the ground of the analysis is my study.

      • 政策過程에서 官僚制의 權力基盤과 統制方向

        李元長 湖南大學校 1987 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.8 No.1

        Modern society, and organization one of large scale, may well be regarded as a bureaucrat one in a way. Yet many think the bureaucracy, the operation system of modern society, is something menacing the democracy because governments of the modern world are compelled to administrate with bureaucracy due to their massive structure and complicated taskes, and this makes it hard to control the power of bureaucrats in consequence. There are two phases of control mechanism over bureaucrat power: external control, and internal control. The external control mainly depends on such instrumental contorl mechanisms like the legislative system the judicial system, and ombudsman system for the bureaucracys to follow to listen to adn reflect the voice of the people. In spiteof those control systems, every nation finds that the instrumental control is so limited; and the internal control mechanism in necessary in bureaucracy to supplement the instrumental control. That is to say, since such instrumental control forced has no real effect, it would be more effective to rely upon the inner and voluntary responsibility of bureaucrats. By the way, to promote such voluntry responsibility of bureaucrats, desirable environments must be made to give various incentives to them psychologically. From this point of view, this paper examined the power source and the control mechanism of bureaucracy, and this is composed of the following chapters: Chapter Ⅰ. Introduction. Chapter Ⅱ. Forms of participation in policy making in bureaucracy. Chapter Ⅲ. Power sources of bureaucracy. Chapter Ⅳ. External control and internal control system over bureaucracy. Chapter Ⅴ. Conclusion.

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