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        고령자를 위한 거주지 외부환경 평가 - 대전시 거주 준고령자 이상을 대상으로 -

        이시영,이희정,임병호,심준영,Lee, Shi-Young,Lee, Hei-Jung,Lim, Byung-Ho,Shim, Joon-Young 한국조경학회 2011 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.39 No.4

        한국은 빠르게 고령화사회로 접어들고 있다. 이러한 시점에서 본 연구의 목적은 예비고령자들의 현 주거지의 외부환경 이용실태를 조사하고, 고령자 친화형 외부공간에 주요한 요소들을 파악하여 이들의 평가를 통해 고령자의 건강한 생활을 위한 환경요소를 파악하여 개선점을 제시하는데 있다. 연구 방법으로서 먼저 기존 선례와 관련연구의 조사를 통한 이론적 토대를 마련하고, 실증연구로서 대전에 거주하고 있는 준고령자 이상 주민의 외부환경 이용실태와 만족도에 대해 설문조사를 병행하였다. 본 연구의 결과로서 전반적으로 현 거주지의 외부환경이 큰 문제가 없이 중간 수준의 평가를 받고 있었지만, 평가요소들중 비교적 저평가된 요소들은 고령자 친화형 공간요소로 개선이 필요되어져야 할 것이다. 첫째, 산책하기 위해서 '산책길의 이용'이 가장 높았고, 한번에 1~2시간동안 외부에 머무르며, 주차된 차량이 많음이 가장 불편한 사항이었다. 둘째, 외부환경은 '보통'으로 평가되었으며, '사회성'이 기장 낮게 평가되었다. 셋째, '카트/휠체어 이용편리성', '조명에 의한 야간 식별성', '야간의 안내판 식별성'. '나무 화초 쾌적성'의 4 개 항목에서 남자가 여자보다 불만족하고 있었다. 66세 이상의 응답자들이 '바닥의 미끄러움', '계단난간', '야간의 안내판 식별성', '단지배치의 방향성' 항목에서 더 불만족하고 있었으며, '바닥 미끄러움', '야간의 안내판 식별성'의 두 개 항목에서는 80대 이상의 응답자들이 더 불만족하고 있었다. 넷째, 현 거주지 유형에 따른 평가는 22개 중 20개 항목에서 유의미한 차이가 나타나는 바, 아파트 거주자의 평가가 더 높게 나왔다. 전반적으로 현거주지 주변환경에 있어 고령자들의 입장에서 크게 문제로 대두된 것은 없다고 평가되었다. 그러나 향후 10년 내에 고령화가 더욱 진행된다고 가정할 때, 기술통계에서 낮은 점수를 받은 항목과 80세 이상의 고령자들에게 특히 불편을 야기하고 있는 낮은 평가항목에 대하여 주거환경 개선이 우선적으로 요구된다. Korea is rapidly becoming an aging society. This study aims to examine the existing conditions of outdoor living environments to assist a healthy lifestyle for senior citizens and to determine the most influential factor in a senior-friendly outdoor space as well as to suggest improvements in existing conditions focused on the prospective senior population. This study relied on two methods: a descriptive method of researching publications and related scholastic writings and an empirical study that included a survey of present conditions and interviews with the prospective seniors and senior citizens in Daejeon. Conditions of outdoor living environments for seniors were found to be more than adequate in general. But some factors evaluated as low must be carefully tailored for seniors. First, the study showed that seniors evaluated as highest the 'use of a walkway' for a stroll and stayed outside for 1~2 hours at a time. Many vehicles parked in walkways were the most inconvenient factors in going for a walk. Second, the study showed that the evaluation of outdoor space was about average and 'sociality' was evaluated as the lowest. Third, the study showed that men evaluated lower than women 4 items: 'use and convenience of a wheelchair', 'night lighting', 'discrimination of signage at nighttime' and 'trees'. Respondents above the age of 66 are more uncomfortable with items such as 'slippery walking surface', 'stair handrail', 'discrimination of signage at nighttime' and 'direction of apartment complex' while respondents above the age of 80 are more uncomfortable with items of 'slippery walking surface', 'stair handrail' and 'discrimination of signage at nighttime'. Fourth, the evaluation by existing housing patterns was statistically significant in 20 of 22 evaluated items. This means that residents in apartment complex evaluated as high these items in general. In this study, existing outdoor living environments for the elderly did not display any immediately serious issues in the overall evaluation items. Assuming, however, that the aging population will quickly increase in the next ten years, items which are evaluated as low in descriptive statistics and items which give inconvenience to the elderly above the age of 80 in particular will need to be the first areas to be improved.

      • 배재대학교 캠퍼스 외부 공간에 관한 연구

        이시영,Lee, Shi-Young 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 2005 自然科學論文集 Vol.15 No.1

        This study aims at reconsidering the spacial structure and suggesting guidelines for campus planning and design with spatial reference to the Campus of PaiChai university, area $208,499m^2$, Taejon. This study is mainly based on user's behavior and physical traces and questionnaire survey. User's behavior and physical traces were carefully observed by 20 students of dept. of landscape architecture at each alloted zone, 6 zones in Campus. Questionnaire survey, consisted of user attitudes, use satisfaction factors and personal items was carried out to 320 persons. As a result, the item of 'rest' shows the highest mean and the item of 'chatting' and 'meeting' follows to utilization purpose. The length of stay is generally 30minute to 1hour. The factor analysis, on the object of 32 items except 4 item, appeared 8 factors: visual elements, activity, vehicle, plants, practicality of street furniture, bench, spacial use and shade.

      • KCI등재

        녹지기반성 분석에 의한 보전녹지와 중점관리지역 설정에 관한 연구 - 대전광역시를 대상으로 -

        이시영,심준영,장민,허준,Lee, Shi-Young,Shim, Joon-Young,Jang, Min,Heo, Jun 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.36 No.4

        도시공원법이 개정됨에 따라 도시계획 및 토지이용과 연계하여 장기적이고 체계적인 공원녹지 확보 및 관리를 위한 방안 마련이 시급한 상황이다. 이에 본 연구는 GIA 개념도입을 통해 생태적으로 중요한 동시에 훼손 가능성이 높은 지역을 추출하는 방법을 제안하고 이를 대전광역시에 적용하여 공원녹지 네트워크 구축을 위한 기초자료로 제공함을 목적으로 하고 있다. 본 연구는 문헌연구를 통해 GIA의 개념 및 분석과정을 도출하고 이를 대전광역시에 적용하여 생태적으로 중요한 지역이면서 동시에 개발위험도가 높은 지역을 규명하고 이를 중점관리지역으로 도출할 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통한 시사점은 공원녹지기본계획을 수립함에 있어 GIA 개념의 도입을 통해 도시계획과정과의 연계성을 높일 수 있을 뿐 아니라 객관적이고 설득력 있는 자료를 제시할 수 있다는 것이고, 또한 공원녹지 보전의 우선순위 및 관리방안을 제시할 수 있다는 점이다. 그러나 본 연구는 사례지역이 한정되어 있고, 국외에서 구축된 자료와 국내 자료와의 상충문제, 스케일 상의 문제 등에 있어 그 한계를 보이고 있다. 향후의 연구는 이러한 점을 극복하여 보다 더 일반적인 상황에서 적용할 수 있는 계획프로세스 및 지표 선정 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. Due to the amendment of the Act for Urban Parks in 2005, local governments have to establish long-range plans for securing and managing urban parks and green areas. This study aims to propose a method of setting priorities for green areas of land to be preserved before the development stage through the introduction of the concept of Green Infrastructure Assessment, and provide basic data to establish the network of urban parks and green areas by applying the GIA method to the city of Daejeon. The concept of GIA and the process of analysis have been drawn as a result of literature research and case studies. The results of this study show that an introduction of the GIA concept to set park and open space planning promotes the connection of the city planning process as well as presents very a reasonable source to facilitate sustainable development. Also, other results present a priority ranking for protection of parks and green areas as well as a means to manage potential focus areas. This study, does have research limitations such as a limited study area, scale, and conflicts between domestic and foreign computing data. Further studies need to set the planning process and examine the index survey to apply this method to various situations and areas.

      • KCI등재

        집중력 회복이론을 통한 지역거주민들의 대학캠퍼스 이용실태 및 만족도

        이시영,박군,Lee, Shi Young,Park, Gun 한국조경학회 2014 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.42 No.4

        본 연구는 외부이용자를 대상으로 근린공원과 대학캠퍼스의 이용실태와 만족도 그리고 회복환경지각척도를 이용한 조사 및 비교 분석을 통해, 대체녹지로서의 캠퍼스 녹지공간에 대한 치유적 환경으로서의 역할을 파악하고자 하였다. 본 연구를 위해 먼저 문헌연구로서, 선례연구 및 관련 연구문헌들을 조사하여 이론에 대한 적용가능성을 살펴보았다. 그리고 실증연구로서 근린공원과 대학캠퍼스 오픈스페이스 공간의 이용현황을 파악하고, 조성된 시설과 환경에 대해서 이용자들의 만족도를 분석하였다. 또한 근린공원과 캠퍼스 오픈스페이스 공간이 치유적 환경으로서의 타당성과 신뢰성을 측정하고, 이러한 특질이 이용 만족도에 미치는 영향을 파악하였다. 연구 결과, 치유환경 기여도 분석에서 모두 평균 4점 이상으로 상대적으로 높은 기여도를 나타냈다. 이는 도시민들이 스트레스가 넘쳐나는 현대에 사람과 자연의 관계를 더욱 중요하게 느낀다는 것을 실제로 증명하고 있음을 보여준다. 집중력 회복이론은 캠퍼스보다는 근린공원의 경우에서 더 높은 설명력을 보여주었다. 요인분석 결과, 회복환경지각척도 구성 요인과의 유사성은 캠퍼스에서 더 높게 나타났다. 회복환경지각척도에 따른 분석에서 경관의 치유적 특질은 대학캠퍼스 오픈스페이스 공간의 평가에 유용하게 이용될 수 있으며, 치유적 특질을 이용하면 새로운 측면에서 인공 경관을 평가 할뿐만 아니라, 경관개선 방안도 다양한 각도에서 마련될 수 있을 것으로 보인다. This study aims to examine the usage of and satisfaction with neighborhood parks and university campuses and compare through the RPRS analysis of them to figure out how university campuses, as substitutive green spaces, play the role of curative environment for neighboring people. This study relied on two methods: a descriptive method of researching publications and related scholastic writings and an empirical study of researching how the park and campus has been utilized and researching whether the residents are satisfied with the currently existing space and the environment or not, and finally researching how the university campus open space as a curative environment impacts the satisfaction and utilization through reliability analysis. As a result, contribution of healing environment has a relatively high average contribution of 4 or more points, respectively. These results suggest that urban people think that a relationship between man and nature is very important in the overabundance of stress in modern society. It shows that neighborhoods are higher than university campuses in the explanatory of the Attention Restoration Theory, but the campus is higher than the neighborhood park in similarity of configuration. The result of RPRS analysis shows that the therapeutic qualities of the landscape may be very useful to evaluate a college campus open space in "the Revised Perceived Restoration Scale." The results showed that, in future studies, it will be a great help by widespread use of pre-evaluation of the characteristics of restorative environments in the planning, design and other works. To study the impact of the curative features on evaluating future research locations, the location should provide a variety of purposes and motives. At the same time, it should provide specific design ideas to design-related designers by using perceived restoration scale.

      • KCI등재

        오픈스페이스 네트워크 측면에서의 도시공원녹지체계에 관한 탐색적 연구 - 대전광역시를 대상으로 -

        이시영,임병호,심준영,Lee, Shi-Young,Lim, Byong-Ho,Shim, Joon-Young 한국조경학회 2009 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.37 No.5

        본 연구는 공원녹지체계를 광의의 개념으로서 오픈스페이스적으로 접근하는 것이라고 설정하고, 그 방법론을 모색하고 실증적으로 대전광역시 도심지역에 적용하였으며, 그 적용 결과에 기초하여 대전광역시 오픈스페이스 네트워크 구축방안을 제시하였다. 연구방법으로 첫째, 대전광역시 구도심을 대상으로 오픈스페이스 네트워크의 적용 가능성을 검토하며, 둘째, 사례지역의 결과를 토대로 대전광역시의 오픈스페이스 유형별 네트워크를 분석하고, 이를 종합함으로써 대전광역시 오픈스페이스네트워크를 구상토록 하였다. 연구결과로서, 활동오픈스페이스 요소인 관공서 및 업무시설들은 자체적으로 또는 건물 전면부에 공개공지가 조성되어 있고, 이들 전면부 공개공지는 보행로(그레이 오픈스페이스)와 연결되어 있으며, 이들 보행로는 결과적으로 대규모 공원이나 하천(그린 및 블루 오픈스페이스)으로 연결되어, 통합하여 하나의 공간체계를 형성한다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 도시 중심부에는 그동안 공원녹지체계의 기본적 요소라고 할 수 있는 공원과 녹지가 상대적으로 적기 때문에, 공원녹지의 추가적 확보가 이루어져야 공원녹지체계의 개선이 진행된다고 볼 수 있다. 도심부에 새로운 공원녹지의 신규조성은 매우 어렵다는 전제하에 도심부에 마치 실핏줄처럼 분포하고 있는 오픈스페이스 네트워크체계로 접근할 경우, 도심부에 보다 건강한 휴식공간체계가 형성될 것이다. This study aims at presenting a plan to build an open space network system in the city of Daejeon, assuming that parks and the green space system as a broad concept are to make a network by connecting open spaces such as parks, green spaces, squares, pedestrian roads, historical spots, etc. In the case of old downtown in Daejeon, this study examined the possibility of applying an open space network in the city of Daejeon and categorize them according to the findings from examining the case area, which enables to make a plan for building an open space network system in Daejeon. As a result, public offices and business buildings as an active open space have public open spaces in front of buildings and these front public open spaces are connected to pedestrian roads(gray open space). Since these pedestrian roads are consequently connected to large parks and rivers(green or blue open space), this overall spatial sequence can form an open space system. In addition, parks and green spaces, which have been fundamental elements so far, exist in relatively small and scattered areas at the center of the city. Hence, more parks and green space are needed to improve a park and green space system. However, it is very difficult to create new parks and green spaces in downtown, especially in old downtown areas. Therefore making an open space network system which spreads out over the whole city will form a healthy open space network in the downtown area.

      • 김제 노인주거단지 외부공간 계획에 관한 연구

        이시영,Lee, Shi-Young 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 2008 自然科學論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to present a design proposal of the senior housing in the city of Kimje and design guidelines for making outdoor spaces for Korean elderly. To do this, this study examined previous research papers and scholastic writings, related to elderly housing, and analyzed study cases of elderly housing. As a result, design guidelines of outdoor spaces for elderly were classified 5 types. Entrance area of housing complex is subdivided into the condition of location, the entrance of housing complex, an access road, and a direction mark. Building entrance area is subdivided into an access and waiting area, a canopy facility, and the pattern and color of boundary. In & outdoor neutral area is subdivided into a spatial standard, a patio, and a terrace. Parking lots is subdivided into a spatial standard and an entrance access. Outdoor living area is subdivided into a spatial and social standard, the usage of movable chairs, a garden, a pocket park, a lawn area, a sports area, an active and passive sports area, a promenade, a lookout area and so on. In these study cases, outdoor living area is commonly located into a community space, a nature friendly space, a health & sports space, and an outlook space and it plays positive role to the elderly. However, versatile outdoor spaces such as horticultural therapy garden is needed, which can be able to stimulate the physical senses of the elderly. This proposal is meant to create new outdoor spaces of a senior housing and to enhance the way of life of elderly.

      • 대전시 공원녹지에 대한 주민의식 조사

        이시영,심준영,Lee, Shi-Young,Shim, Joon-Young 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 2007 自然科學論文集 Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine residents' consciousness for urban parks and green spaces in the city of Daejeon. This work enables us to find new implementation factors to increase resident's satisfaction of urban parks and green spaces. This study surveyed 1005 residents from 80dongs(neighborhoods), of 5 Gu(districts) districts in Daejeon. The survey was conducted with a structurally organized questionnaire and objective materials. The data collected from participants of the survey were summarized as follows. Daejeon residents want more natural parks and neighborhood parks than other urban facilities as recreation facilities. The favorite places in which Daejeon residents visit are Bomun Mountain, Gap River, Geajock Mountain, and Yudeon River, in order. In landscape scenery of Daejeon, residents prefer Daedeck research complex area than others and they felt that urban landscape scenery is more improved than 5 years ago. Also they want to increase the area of park and green space about 4times more than present. The result shows that the importance index of park and green space is 8.7 and the satisfaction index is 5.42. These results suggests that the demand by residents for urban park and green spaces will improve as the urban structure is improved.

      • KCI등재

        영흥 에너지 테마파크 조경설계

        이시영,조광영,김신원,Lee Shi-Young,Cho Kwang-Young,Kim Shin-Won 한국조경학회 2005 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.33 No.2

        The Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.(KOSEP) held a design competition for Energy Theme Park at Yeong-Heung power plant in October, 2004. The site is located in 980-1 Oe-ri, Yeong-Heung myun, OngJin gun, Incheon City and has an area of $54,450m^2$. Design objectives of KOSEP were to make environmentally sustainable space, to build a symbolic and gathering place for community members and visitors, to make a tourist spot of Yeong-Heung Island linked with adjacent sight spots in OngJin gun, and to elevate an identity and status of the KOSEP by creating a landscape correspondent to the concept of the building design. The spatial concept of this project was developed by expressing a circular course of energy, named 'energy circle' and accounting for principles of energy generation. By interpreting 'energy circle' and principles of energy generation, and applying it to the site, the design met the various desires of the KOSEP. This design consists of seven theme spaces; the future energy plaza, the wind plaza, the light plaza, the thermal power plaza, a water strider dam, a ecological pond and the stratum plaza. These theme spaces are consecutively placed along the circular path which surrounds the public information building and to represent how power plants generate energy in each space and diverse design techniques and special effects are used.

      • KCI등재

        도시근린공원의 추구편익에 의한 중요-성취도 분석 - 대전광역시 근린공원을 대상으로

        이시영,허준,Lee, Shi-Young,Heo, Jun 한국조경학회 2004 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.32 No.3

        On the assumption that marketing is a useful technique to activate park use, this study aims to find what benefits people pursue and how much they attain them through a park visit. To achieve this, the survey of a Benefits-Sought for a park was conducted at four major parks in the city of Taejon and an Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA) was conducted. Additionally, a Present Condition survey was performed with the park managers. As a result, first, it was found that major benefits are a comfortable rest, an escape from bustling city life, to see natural scenery and to promote physical health, and so forth. Second, performance was relatively lower than importance in the case of recreation and leisure activities, which means that facilities should be improved and programs for park use should be developed. Third, at GaYang park, importance and performance are good in balance. DongChunDang park and Seattle park have 5 items and 7 items for which immediate improvements are required. Saemmeury park generally shows good proportions and it can be much activated by improving the learning and experiencing activities. The results objectively show conditions of neighborhood parks in the city of Taejon from a view of park users. Therefore, it is expected that the results would be useful in determining priorities when improving park facilities or their programs.

      • KCI등재

        노인주거시설 외부공간의 이용행태 및 요구도 평가

        이시영,Lee, Shi-Young 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.3

        This study aims to examine the existing conditions of elderly housing facilities and to understand the characteristics and types of outdoor living environments utilized by the elderly. To achieve this, this study relied on two methods: a descriptive method of researching publications and related scholastic writings, and an empirical study that included a survey of present conditions and interviews with the elderly and their nursing care providers. Additionally, evaluation of usage patterns and physical traces were carried out in twelve cases. First, the study showed that all of the facilities, which are fixed in particular areas, had difficulty providing spatial diversity that met the needs of residences. This means that these areas lack flexibility. Activity programs were, however, carried out in a lively manner in well-equipped spaces. Second, an evaluation of outdoor living environments showed that basic facilities were more than adequate, in general. Consideration of resident's physical strength and taste, however, was evaluated as low, indicating that facilities and spaces should be considered to reflect the ages, physical capacity, diverse tastes and hobbies of the elderly, as well. Third, examining the usage patterns of outdoor living activities of residents, the purposes of using outdoor spaces of elderly housing facilities were mainly 'to take a walk' and 'to engage in simple physical exercise' and the walkway, simple sports facilities, and building entrances were highly utilized. The importance of outdoor living environments values was a mean of 4.07 and satisfaction was 4.17. This indicates that residents thought that outdoor living environments are very important and currently satisfied with them.

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