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        무용전공 여대생의 척추 측만증에 관한 연구

        이소은(Lee So-Eun),박진희(Park Jin-Hee) 한국체육과학회 2008 한국체육과학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence rate of idiopathic scoliosis and body composition to korean dance, modern dance and ballet majors. The subjects were 20 korean dance, 20 modern dance, 20 ballet majors in college. The result showed that % body fat had significant on each group(p<.05). The number of idiopathic scoliosis of greater than 10° Cobb's angle of spinal curve were observed in 11 ballet(44%), 8 modern dance(32%), 6 korean dance(24%), and also, the region of the pain in 25 subjects were showed 13 thoracolumbar region(52.0%), 7 thoracic region(32.6%), 5 lumbar region(16.0%). In summary, 25 subjects(41.6%) among 60 college women majoring dance had idiopathic scoliosis of greater than 10° Cobb's angle, and region was rarely showed on thoracolumbar(52.0%). The result of this study help that the dancer and instructor can prevent idiopathic scoliosis by the major of dance.

      • KCI등재

        장기간 규칙적인 운동이 혈압일주기리듬에 미치는 영향

        이소은(Lee, So-Eun) 한국체육과학회 2017 한국체육과학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of long-term regular exercise participation on circadian blood pressure rhythm. This study subjects included twenty four middle aged women with a regular exercise participation of over three times a week for at least five years and other twelve middle aged women with few exercise habit during their daily lives. All parameters were analysed every 30minutes from 07:00 am to 10:00 pm for daytime blood pressure and every one hour from 10:00 pm to 07:00 am the next day for nighttime blood pressure. The results was as follow. SBP, DBP, MAP, HR were significantly lower nighttime than daytime between exercise group and non-exercise group. Regular exercise resulted in significant decrease in blood pressure. Baseline systolic and diastolic blood pressure were significantly lower exercise group than non-exercise group. In conclusion, this study showed that normal circadian blood pressure rhythm in middle aged women. Regular exercise participation showed positive effects on circadian blood pressure rhythm. It also preventing and delaying cardiovascular disease by reducing the prevalence of adult diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. Therefore, it is important to correct one"s life habit and work out regularly to prevent cardiovascular disease and development of regular and systematic exercise prescription programs for prehypertensive middle aged women is highly needed.

      • KCI등재

        고령여성의 운동습관이 인지기능 및 대사성위험요인에 미치는 영향

        이소은(Lee, So-Eun) 한국체육과학회 2017 한국체육과학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        This study compared and analyzed cognitive function and metabolic risk factors in elderly women. The subjects were 50 elderly women, aged over 65. They were divided into two groups: a group of 25 with regular exercise habit and a group of the other 25 elderly women without exercise habit. The analysis of data revealed the following findings. Cognitive function of the group with regular exercise habit was significantly statistically higher than that of the group without exercise habit. SBP, WC and Glucose of metabolic risk factors of the group with regular exercise habit were significantly lower than that of the group without exercise habit. DBP and TG of the group with regular exercise habit were also lower but showed no significant difference. HDL-C of the group with regular exercise habit was significantly higher than that of the group without exercise habit. In conclusion, regular exercise habit has significant positive effects on cognitive function and metabolic risk factors in elderly women. Therefore, we should strive to develop the exercise program for prevention of cardiovascular disease and dementia would improve quality of life in elderly women.

      • KCI등재

        고령여성을 위한 한국무용프로그램의 효과

        이소은(Lee, So-Eun) 한국체육과학회 2017 한국체육과학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this study examined the effects of 16 weeks Korea Dance program on health related physical fitness and bone mineral density in elderly women. The subjects were of 20 elderly women, they were divided into two groups: the korea dance group(n=10) and the control group(n=10). Korea dance group participated in regular Korea dance program for 60 minutes a day, 3 times per week for 16 weeks, whereas control group were asked to maintain normal lifestyle during the same period. Variables of health related physical fitness(cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and balance) and bone mineral density(T-score) were measured and compared between korea dance group and control group as well as pre and post-training using two way repeated ANOVA. Main results were as follows: Cardiovascular endurance, upper limb strength·endurance, lower limb strength·endurance, flexibility and balance increased significantly in korea dance group. T-score increased significantly in korea dance group. In conclusion, 16 weeks of Korea Dance program would have positive effects on health related physical fitness and bone mineral density in elderly women. It also preventing the prevalence of adult diseases. It helps to maintain the independent lives of the elderly and provides them with a sense of confidence and achievement by preventing hypofunction mentally and physically.

      • KCI등재

        고령여성의 인지기능 차이가 낙상관련 위험요인에 미치는 영향

        이소은(Lee, So-Eun) 한국체육과학회 2016 한국체육과학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to examine relationship between cognitive function and fall related risk factors according to cognitive function in elderly women. The subjects were 40 elderly, aged over 65. They were divided into two groups: mild cognitive impairment(n=20) and normal(n=20). The analysis of data revealed the following findings. Mild cognitive impairment group had significantly lower cognitive function in comparison to normal group. Balance function, average walking speed, average step cycle, average step length, ambulation index result and bone mineral density of fall related risk factors showed significant according to cognitive function. Fall related risk factors were significantly lower MCI group than normal group. Balance function were significantly lower MCI group than normal group. Walking function were slower MCI group than normal group. BMD was significantly lower MCI group than normal group. Balance function score showed significant negative correlation with cognitive function. AWS, ASC, ASL, AIR of walking function and BMD showed significant correlation with cognitive function. In conclusion, elderly with cognitive dysfunction had higher risk of fall and elderly with osteoporosis had higher risk of dementia. We found a significant relationship between cognitive dysfunction and fall related risk factors. There are needs for prospective study about the possible development of dementia for prevention of osteoporosis and fall related risk factors. Therefore, we should strive to develop the exercise program for prevention of dementia would improve quality of life in elderly.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        개인정보 보호법의 주요 개정 내용과 그에 대한 평가 - 개인정보 처리의 정당화 사유를 중심으로 -

        이소은 ( So-eun Lee ) 이화여자대학교 법학연구소 2020 法學論集 Vol.24 No.3

        개인정보 보호법 일부개정법률안이 2020. 1. 9. 제20대 국회를 통과하고, 2020. 2. 4. 법률 제16930호로 공포되었다. 이번 개정을 통하여 개인정보 보호법은 2011년 제정이래 가장 큰 변화를 겪게 되었다. 학계와 실무계에서 지적되어 오던 현행 개인정보보호법의 문제점들이 완화되었고, GDPR을 비롯한 국제적 흐름도 반영되었다. 개정 개인정보 보호법은 개인정보 보호법제에 큰 변화를 가져왔다. 해석상 논란이 많았던 개인정보의 개념을 정비하고(제2조 제1호), 합리적으로 보아 식별가능성이 없는 정보에 대해서는 개인정보 보호법의 적용을 배제하였다(제58조의2). 개인정보보호위원회의 독립성을 담보하며, 개인정보보호위원회에 더 큰 권한을 부여하였다(제7조 내지 제7조의14). 개인정보 보호법 개정과 동시에 이루어진 정보통신망법, 신용정보법 개정을 통하여 개인정보 보호법의 일반법으로서의 지위를 더욱 굳건히 하였다. 그러나 개정 개인정보 보호법에서 가장 중요한 의미를 가지는 것은 정보주체의 동의 없이 개인정보를 활용할 수 있는 범위를 넓혀놓은 규정들이다. 개정법 제15조 제3항 및 제17조 제4항에 따르면 개인정보처리자는 정보주체의 동의가 없는 경우에도 당초 수집 목적과 합리적으로 관련된 범위 내에서, 대통령령이 정하는 바에 따라 개인정보를 이용·제공할 수 있게 되었다. 또한 개정법 제28조의2에 따르면 개인정보처리자는 통계작성, 과학적 연구, 공익적 기록보존 등을 위하여 정보주체의 동의 없이 가명정보를 처리할 수 있게 되었다. 개정된 개인정보 보호법 아래에서 개인정보의 안전한 활용이 가능해지고, 자유로운 정보 이용의 가치가 좀 더 무게 있게 고려되기를 기대한다. The amendment to the Personal Information Protection Act (hereinafter “the Act”) passed the National Assembly in early January 2020. The Act was promulgated on February 4, 2020, as Act No. 16930. The said amendment drastically changed the scope and content of the Act. Prior to the amendment, the Act had been criticized by both scholars and practitioners. The amendment aimed at solving such problems, and I believe it does solve some of the problems the original Act had. The Act now provides more clear understanding on the concept of personal information. The Act stipulates that the Act does not apply to non-identifiable information, which does not link to the data subject by “reasonable standard.” The Personal Information Protection Commission now has more authority under the Act; the independence of Commission and the members thereof is more firmly established. The amendment bill went through the National Assembly along with other bills, most notably the amendment to the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection and the Credit Information Use and Protection Act. So the complication as with the relationship between the Act and other information-related acts was resolved in some degree. The change most worth noting, among those made by the said amendment, is that the personal information controller now can process the personal information with more discretion. If the purpose of processing is reasonably related to the purpose at the time of data collection, the controller can further process the information without the data subject’s consent. In addition to this, the controller can now process pseudonymized information without the data subject’s consent, for statistical or research purposes, and for archiving porposes in the public interest. Such change is expected to encourage safe use of information, and further promote the value of information use.

      • KCI등재

        “Evolve or Die!” 수행적 자기관리로서 보디빌딩

        이소은(So-Eun Lee) 사단법인 언론과 사회 2012 언론과 사회 Vol.20 No.1

        본 연구는 몸에 대한 다양한 이론들이 만나는 지점에 위치하는 사례로서 보디빌딩에 주목한다. 선행 연구들은 보디빌딩을 헤게모니적 남성성이나 프로테스탄트 윤리와 같은 사회적 담론이 투영되는 과정으로 해석하거나 중독의 측면에서 접근하여 물질적 몸을 간과하거나 실천의 양상을 제대로 파악하지 못했다. 이에 아홉 명의 남성 보디빌더를 대상으로 심층 인터뷰를 실시하여 몸 만들기 실천의 양상과 의미를 살펴보았다. 연구 결과, 남성 보디빌더들은 직접 몸으로 부딪쳐 체험함으로써 몸 만들기와 관련한 지식과 체계를 구성하고, 리듬감 있게 조정되는 구체적인 목표를 통해 아름다운 몸을 추구함을 알 수 있었다. 이 때 아름다운 몸이란 ‘도달하기 어렵기에 아름다운 것’으로 이를 알아볼 수 있는 것 자체가 보디빌딩 수행을 입증하는 지표로 작용한다. 보디빌딩 동기나 지식체계, 심미적 기준이 모두 실천과 경험을 토대로 하는 까닭에 보디빌더들은 수행 능력에 많은 가치를 부여하고, 수행성을 담보하는 ‘변화’를 보디빌딩의 핵심으로 인식한다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 본 연구는 보디빌딩을 ‘수행적 자기관리’라 새롭게 개념화하였다. 이를 통해 보디빌더들이 지식과 기술의 체화를 토대로 신체와 적극적으로 관계를 맺음으로써 자기를 돌보고 주체를 구성해 가는 과정에 대한 이해를 높이고자 하였다. This study focuses on bodybuilding as a ground where a variety of theories related to body meet and cross. Bodybuilding is often perceived as an addictive process in which social discourses such as hegemonic masculinity or protestant ethic are permeated. Corporeality of a body and performative practices of a subject have been overlooked in these perspectives. Hence, in-depth interviews of 9 male bodybuilders are conducted in order to figure out the meanings of bodybuilding as well as to illustrate the practices of building bodies in detail. The study shows that the male bodybuilders constitute the edifice of knowledge depending on the vividly engraved experiences of their body, and they achieve the ideal body pursuing a specific goal set with a rhythmical variation. The ideal body is highly valued not because it is beautiful but because it is hard to actualize. Having an eye for this body acts as an indicator of a veteran bodybuilder for this reason. As practices and experiences are of paramount importance when building up knowledges and aesthetic criteria, the bodybuilders give the core value on evolvement carried through performances. In light of the research findings, bodybuilding is newly conceptualized as ‘performative self-management’ in this study.

      • KCI등재

        중년남성의 일주기혈압 차이가 동맥경화요인에 미치는 영향

        이소은(Lee, So-Eun) 한국체육과학회 2017 한국체육과학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of arteriosclerosis factors according to circadian blood pressure in middle aged men. The subjects were 36 middle aged men. They were divided into two groups: prehypertensive groups(n=18) and hypertensive groups(n=18). The analysis of data revealed the following findings. Hypertensive group had significantly higher circadian blood pressure(daytime systolic blood pressure, nighttime systolic blood pressure and 24 hour systolic blood pressure) in comparison to prehypertensive group. Arteriosclerosis factors showed significant according to circadian blood pressure. Right and left brachial ankle pulse wave velocity were significantly faster hypertensive group than prehypertensive group. Right arterial stiffness was significantly slower hypertensive group than prehypertensive group. Left brachial ankle pulse wave velocity showed significant correlation with daytime systolic blood pressure and nighttime systolic blood pressure. Right brachial ankle pulse wave velocity showed significant correlation with daytime systolic blood pressure. Left arterial stiffness showed significant negative correlation with daytime diastolic blood pressure and 24 hour diastolic blood pressure. In conclusion, middle aged men with circadian blood pressure increase had higher risk of arteriosclerosis. We found a significant relationship between circadian blood pressure and arteriosclerosis factors. There are needs for prospective study about the possible development of cardiovascular disease for prevention of Hypertension and arteriosclerosis factors. Therefore, we should strive to develop the exercise program for prevention of cardiovascular disease would improve quality of life in elderly.

      • KCI등재

        노인여성의 심폐체력수준이 대사증후군위험요인에 미치는 영향

        이소은(Lee, So-Eun) 한국체육과학회 2018 한국체육과학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine relationship between cardiovascular fitness levels on metabolic syndrome risk factors in the elderly. The subjects were 36 e lderly, aged over 6 5 . They were divided into three groups: High(n=12), Moderate(n=12) and Low(n=12). The analysis of data revealed the following findings. ˙VO2max showed significant according to cardiovascular fitness levels. High group had significantly higher ˙VO2max in comparison to Moderate and Low group. The metabolic syndrome risk factors showed significant according to cardiovascular fitness levels. Moderate and Low group showed metabolic syndrome. SBP, DBP, WC, TG, Glucose of metabolic syndrome risk factors showed significant negative correlation with ˙VO2max and HDL-C of metabolic syndrome risk factors showed significant positive correlation with ˙VO2max. In conclusion, elderly with metabolic syndrome had higher risk of cardiovascular diseases and decreased cardiovascular fitness. Among components of metabolic syndrome, WC was associated with decreased cardiovascular fitness. We found a significant relationship between cardiovascular fitness levels and metabolic syndrome. There are needs for prospective study about the possible development of metabolic syndrome for prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, we should strive to develop the cardiovascular fitness for prevention of cardiovascular diseases would improve quality of life in elderly.

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