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        베트남전쟁 한국군 관련 민간인 피해 문제 – 시론적(試論的) 일고찰

        이내주 (재)한국군사문제연구원 2023 한국군사 Vol.14 No.-

        The Korean Government began to dispatch ROK military troops to the Vietnam War in September 1964. Firstly, Korea sent a small number of non-combative soldiers, but soon the size and type of troops rapidly expanded to roughly 50,000 soldiers. Since then, ROK armed forces stayed in the Vietnam peninsula for military operations until all of them pulled out from Vietnam in March 1973. During the period, ROK armed forces participated in various kinds of military operations amounting to a total number of approximately 570,000 and displayed their high-level military capabilities. However, since the early 2000 year the issue of ‘innocent’ civilian casualties has been raised by some civil activists and the reporters of some press, and the related controversy is still on going. The Korean Government and the Ministry Defense have denied those assertions raised by the civilian side on the grounds based on the various related historical records. If so, which side is right? In other words, how do we approach such an embarrassing issue? That is the purpose of this paper, which seeks a pertinent answer from the standpoint of historical studies. In a practical sense, this paper is an introductory research to figure out the general picture of this controversial issue. During the period, the main controversial topics were the inevitable decision theory sending troops to the Vietnam War on the consideration of national security and the necessity of economic development, the diplomatic relation approach between Park Chung-hee Korean Government and Kennedy and Johnson Government of the United States. On the contrary, there exists some critical viewpoints such as the Korean troops were the mercenary soldiers of the United States of America, and the Korean soldiers in Vietnam committed killilng some innocent civilians during the military operations. However, it is impossible to make an argument that satisfies all the demands from both sides as it focuses only on a particular side of the issue rather than seeing the entire picture. So this paper is determined to provide some kind of a balanced perspective on this issue.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1920년대 영국의 기술교육 문제 - 정부와 기업가들의 반응을 중심으로 -

        이내주 역사학회 2008 역사학보 Vol.0 No.200

        After experiencing the immediate postwar inflationary boom, the economic scene of Britain soon became gloomy. There were a series of industrial disputes by miners, engineering workers and railwaymen during 1919~21, demanding higher wages. The situation was aggravated by growing foreign competition and the relatively weak export performance of British industry in the international market. The state began to reduce its involvement in the economy which had been enormously expanded during the war and concurrently attempted to scrutinize public spending with great care. In accordance with the growing hardening of economic conditions, in the 1920s a great deal of concern was urgently given to the importance and need for technical education by successive governments and vested interests. Under the presidency of Lord Eustace Percy the Board of Education had vigorously made efforts to improve the relationship, in general, between education and industry, as well as technical education itself. Several inquiries were launched by the Board and the results of these investigations were published. In addition to the national-level employers’ organizations such as the FBI, many progressive industrialists had openly demonstrated their keen interest in education and this concern soon led to the creation of their national organization in 1919 known as the AEIC. Despite substantial progress and actual achievements, however, the traditional framework which had hindered rapid improvement of technical education since the nineteenth century was little changed. Though there were a series of investigations throughout the period which emphasized the importance and need of technical education, most of their recommendations were not put into practice, markedly due to the doctrine of economic stringency exerted by the Treasury over the period. Despite the growing recognition within the industrial world towards the need for trained manpower, the number of progressive industrialists was still relatively small, especially in terms of pressing their interests upon industry as a whole with any momentum. In a word, the problems were again diagnosed but not cured.

      • KCI우수등재

        Industry , Education and the State : The Development of British Elites' Perception of the Question of Trained Manpower , 1918 - 1944

        이내주 한국서양사학회 1993 西洋史論 Vol.41 No.1

        역사적인 맥락에서 기술인력에 대한 논의는 영국에서 한 세기 이상을 거슬러 올라간다. 1851년 수정궁에서 개최된 만국박람회 (the Great Exhibition)이래로 영국 정부는 과학 및 기술교육 문제에 대해 관심을 기울여 왔다. 영국의 엘리트 계층은 격화되는 국제적 산업경쟁에서 영국이 승리하기 위해서는 산업생산에 요구되는 기술인력을 공급할 수 있는 과학·기술교육에 대한 투자가 무엇보다도 중요함을 인식하기 시작하였던 것이다. 그러나 이 문제가 중요한 국가적 잇슈로 본격적으로 주목을 받게 된 것은 2차대전을 경험하고 난 후였다. 일반적으로 한 국가의 기술인력 계획은 중앙정부, `공급자`로서의 교육기관, 그리고 `수요자`로서의 산업계라는 삼자간의 긴밀한 연대(interaction)에 기반을 두고 있다. 이들 삼자중에서 통제자 또는 후원자로서 중앙정부가 핵심적 책임을 맡아야 한다고 주장될 수 있다. 그러나 자유민주주의적인 산업사회에서 정부의 정책결정과 실행에 무시 못 할 영향력을 갖고 있는 다른 두 참여자 역시 기술교육의 발전과 관련하여 책임을 회피할 수가 없다. 근본적으로 기술교육은 산업발전을 위한 것이기에 산업계의 주역인 노동자 및 특히 산업가들의 이에 대한 태도와 인식은 이 분야의 발전과 중요한 연관성을 갖고 있다고 상정될 수 있다. 그러므로 논문의 주요 목적은, 시기적으로 양차대전 사이에 촛점을 두고, 우선 영국의 엘리트들 사이에서 어떠한 역사적 논의(discourse)를 통하여 기술인력 문제가 2차대전 이후에 영국의 정치권에서 하나의 핵심 현안으로 대두되었는가를 살펴보는 것이다. 이어서 관심의 증대와 지속적인 실제 조사들에도 불구하고 왜 기술인력에 대한 문제점이 끊임없이, 심지어는 현재까지 지적되고 있는가에 대한 설명을 구하려고 한다. 위의 질문들에 답하는 데 있어서 본 연구는 중앙정부의 기술인력 관련 부서들과 산업가와 노동자측의 대표적 조직들간은 상호 연대를 염두에 두고 있으나, 기본적으로는 기술인력 문제에 대한 국가(중앙정부)의 역할에 촛점을 두고 있다. 여러가지 각도에서 영국에서 기술교육이 느리게 발전한 이유를 설명하는 것이 가능하다. 그리나 본 논문은 모든 요인들이 근본적으로는 영국의 정치제도, 더 나아가서는 사회의 특질과 밀접히 연결되어 있음을 보여준다. 동시에 산업사회에서 정부가 추진하는 어떠한 중요 정책도 적정한 재원이 수반되지 않는다면, 그 실행여부가 매우 불투명할 것임을 시사하고 있다.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        영국 근대 화학공학의 탄생과 성장, 1870년대∼1920년대

        이내주 수선사학회 2012 史林 Vol.0 No.43

        The purpose of this article is to survey the early history of chemical engineering in Britain in terms of how and why chemical engineering emerged as an independent modern profession and how chemical engineering settled in the higher education level as an independent discipline from the late nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries. The article also deals with its relation with chemistry and the influence of industrial demand on its growth. For the fulfillment of the purpose, the position of chemical engineering in public discourse at Imperial College is discussed, together with the process of the creation of the Institution of Chemical Engineers in 1922. In short, it is some kind of introductory work to investigate the early historical process of professionalization and academization in the field of chemical engineering in Britain. The general use of the term chemical engineering in Britain grew out of the increasing mechanization of the chemical industry during the third quarter of the 19th century. The use of the steam engine, of rotary furnaces, and of compressors required the presence of someone with mechanical engineering competence. However, at that time, the title chemical engineer was not very common. The most notable enthusiast for the title was George E. Davis(1850-1907), who took over as Secretary during the preliminary meetings of the Society of Chemical Industry around 1880. He was esteemed as the father of chemical engineers at least in Britain. He wrote the first textbook on chemical engineering. In the book published in 1901, Handbook of Chemical Engineering, Davis explained on the unifying idea of "unit operation". Another important figure in the early history of chemical engineering in Britain was J. W. Hinchley(1871-1931). In 1909 Hinchley had begun the course in chemical engineering at Battersea Polytechnic and since then was to be extremely active for the institutionalization and academization of chemical engineering at higher education level in Britain. Under the favorable circumstances which had been made by the experiences of the First World War, he eagerly tried to establish an independent organization of chemical engineers and finally succeeded to found the Institution of Chemical Engineers in 1922. He, firstly as a part-time lecturer in 1912 and lastly as the appointed professor in 1926, also made a key role to overcome lots of difficulties at Imperial College occurring in the process of the establishment of the new curriculum and department of chemical engineering. Why was Britain so slow in professionalizing and academizing the field of chemical engineering even though she was the first starter? For Britain there was little co-relationship among the related interest groups and above all the lack of the government role as a supporter exclusive of the war-time period. As mentioned above, the ready-established professional organizations did not like or consistently interrupted the emergence of new profession. As a result, in Britain the field of chemical engineering had been developed through the devotional efforts of small group of individuals such as Davis and Hinchley. On the other sense it might reflect the traditional character of the British society which emphasized the importance of individualism rather than collectivism.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재

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