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      • KCI등재

        소아의 성장과 한방치료에 대한 부모들의 인식조사

        윤혜준,이진용,김덕곤,Yoon, Hye-Joon,Lee, Jin-Yong,Kim, Deog-Gon 대한한방소아과학회 2011 대한한방소아과학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the parents' awareness on the oriental medical treatment and their expectation on children's growth. Methods: The survey was conducted on 78 Health Kids Fair visitors, and 87 children's height and weight were measured in this study. Results: 1. Compare to other treatment, 62.82% of the parents responded that herbal medicine is relatively effective in treating weakness, followed by 'Allergic disease'(46.15%) 'Growth disturbance'(26.92%) 'Obesity'(26.92%) 'Respiratory disease'(26.92%) 'Digestive disease'(19.23%) 'Precocious puberty'(8.97%) 'Neurologic & psychologic disease'(6.41%) 'Urogenital disease'(3.85%). 2. Parents recognize that 'Oriental medicine have an effect on children's height mostly'(25.64%) 'Oriental medicine have an effect on children's height partially'(64.10%) 'Oriental medicine have no effect on children's height'(10.26%) 25.64% of the parents responded that herbal medicine would be helpful in increasing height, 64.10% of the parents said they would be helpful to the certain extent, and 10.26% said they would not play any roles. 3. Expected average weight, height, and BMI score for the boys were 71.8kg, 179.6cm and 22.10. For the girls, however, they were 53.4kg, 168.7, and 18.74. 4. Survey on parents' awareness on benefits of different treatments for challenged growth, Herbal medicine'(48.72%) 'Acupuncture'(7.69%), 'Moxibustion'(3.85%), 'Electronic acupuncture and Aqua acupuncture'(1.28%), 'Massage on acupuncture point'(19.23%), 'Consultation of eating habits'(61.54%), 'Consultation of exercise'(47.44%) were measured. Conclusions: Considering the collected results, we realized that the parents' expected height on their children was, in fact, higher than the standard height. In addition, for treatments for their children's growth improvement, parents expected that 'Herbal madicine' 'Massage on acupuncture point' 'Consultation of eating habits' 'Consultation of exercise would be beneficial.

      • KCI등재

        소아.청소년 구취 환자의 임상적 특징에 대한 연구

        윤혜준,이진용,Yoon, Hye-Joon,Lee, Jin-Yong 대한한방소아과학회 2010 대한한방소아과학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Objectives Halitosis affects a large proportion of the population, and it may cause a significant social or psychological problems but pathophysiological mechanism of halitosis is unclear. The purpose of this study is to investigate pediatric halitosis patients' characteristics and their related symptoms. Methods 133 patients were participated at the Pediatric Clinic of Kyanhee Oriental Medical Center from May 29th, 2010 to July 10th, 2010. We measured sulfide level and reviewed medical charts and asked some questions. Patients of sex, age, respiratory symptoms, digestive symptoms, systemic symptoms and sulfide level were analyzed. Results Stuffy nose, cough after sleep, sputum, snoring, indigestion, stomachache, motion sickness, and Bi-We-Soo diagnosis grades were significantly associated with halitosis Conclusions Based on data, we found that halitosis is related to the respiratory and digestive symptoms. Also, we can refer this study when diagnosing patients or giving treatments to patients.

      • KCI등재

        저출력 레이저 치료(LLLT)가 아토피 피부염의 증상 완화에 미치는 영향

        윤혜준,윤종성,김덕곤,이진용,Yoon, Hye-Joon,Yoon, Jong-Sung,Kim, Deog-Gon,Lee, Jin-Yong 대한한방소아과학회 2009 대한한방소아과학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of Low Level Laser Therapy on Atopic dermatitis symptoms. Methods 19 patients (7 men, 12 women) were involved in this study. The intensity of SCORAD index (Erythema/darkening, Edema/papulation, Oozing/crust, Excoriation, Lichenification/prurigo, Dryness) and the symptom of SCORAD index (Pruritus) in two regions were measured. One region was treated by LLLT, the other region was not treated. Then a comparative study of index score of two regions was analyzed. Results After treatment, there were statistically significant differences in Edema/papulation, Excoriation (p<0.001), Oozing/crust (p<0.01), and Pruritus(p<0.05) index. Conclusions Based on the results, we concluded that LLLT is an effective in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Also, further controlled studies with clinical cases of appropriate treatment time, wavelength, and intervals are needed.

      • KCI등재

        한방이유식에 대한 소고(小考) - 식료찬요(食療纂要)의 내용을 중심으로 -

        윤혜준,이진용,김덕곤,Yoon, Hye-Joon,Lee, Jin-Yong,Kim, Deog-Gon 대한한방소아과학회 2011 대한한방소아과학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to suggest a way of weaning infant from the mother using an oriental medicine. Methods: Investigating the method of weaning infant from the mother using an oriental medicine, SikRyoChanYo. Results & Conclusions: There are two ways of weaning baby off from the mother using an oriental medicine. One way is a method of weaning ingredients analysis by oriental medicine. Another way is using an oriental medicinal. Weaning method using an oriental medicine can especially improve infant's health although we need more studies to prove this conclusion.

      • KCI등재

        유추의 유령: 신역사주의와 19세기 영국소설

        윤혜준 ( Hye Joon Yoon ) 근대영미소설학회 2000 근대 영미소설 Vol.7 No.1

        Despite its fame, New Historicist criticism of Victorian novels-as represented by the works of D.A. Miller, Nancy Armstrong, Catherine Gallagher, and Mary Poovey-does little more than follow the model of establishing simple analogy between literature and history, where the former obeys the dictates of the latter, while the latter appears as a predetermined structure that contains and constrains genuine historical change. In thelr view, any indication in the novel of critical challenge to ideological containment only conceals a subtler collaboration of the novel with the dominant social order. It is this collaboration or "negotiation" that the New Historicists appropriate as a mystery or secret revealing its "truth" thanks to their analysis. Yet precisely because of such epistemological privilege arrogated to itself, New Historicism is bound to evoke a highly selective and subjective world view. New Historicist readings of the novel end up becoming the "demon of analogy" that at once haunts and restricts the hermeneutic experience of reading the texts, turning it into a compulsory repetition of a particularly stale vision of history, for which the implicitly adduced authority of Foucault can hardly be held responsible.

      • KCI등재

        제국에서 바라본 "세계": 19세기 영국의 경우

        윤혜준 ( Hye Joon Yoon ) 영미문학연구회 2007 영미문학연구 Vol.13 No.-

        While the "world" can be posited as an absolute objective substance, as an object of recognition it is not immune from the specific conditions constraining the subject`s perception. To the extent that the subject seeing and understanding the world is bound to a particular historical context, the "world" constructed through that understanding bears the birthmark of the given moment and space of perception. For instance, the hackneyed rhetoric of "globalization" can never be free from the perspective of the "American interest" which has enjoyed an unchallenged supremacy after the demise of the Soviet bloc. Yet the American ascendancy is itself conditioned by the peculiar legacy left behind by British imperialism-the language, culture, religion, and the very territory both inside its borders and elsewhere, all having been passed on to the Americans by the earlier English-speaking empire. In going back to the highest point of British empire and analyzing the representation of the "world" offered to the metropole readers by the representative conservative media of the time such as Blackwood`s Edinburgh Magazine, we aim to reconstruct the genealogy of the current media politics of the US-based global news, whose incessant "coverage" of the "world" drugs the viewers into indulging in complacency (concerning the superiority of the metropole over the rest of the "world") and amnesia (concerning the social problems besetting the metropole). The heavy literary flavor that colors the articles sent home by The Times` foreign correspondents prefigures the regular depiction of the outside world in Blackwood`s, whose discursive politics can be classified into three aspects or domains: a construction of the upright English male as the imperial subject, an armchair geopolitics that regales the readers with the illusion of managing the globe`s political affairs, and an ostensibly scientific ethnography of the world`s curious races. The overall effect of these different but related discourses is to turn the world into a compensatory spectacle that blinds the readers to the reality of their own immediate surroundings, which thus turns these "non-fiction" articles describing the "world" into a literary phenomenon inviting critical scrutiny.

      • KCI등재

        George Eliot`s Italy: "Recollections of Italy" and Romola

        윤혜준 ( Hye Joon Yoon ) 근대 영미소설 학회 2005 근대 영미소설 Vol.12 No.2

        Starting from her very first published fiction, "Mr Gilfil`s Love-Story" in Scenes of Clerical Life, George Eliot shows an abiding interest in Italy and Italian characters, which cannot be reduced merely to her reverence for Dante. For one thing, the violent, jealous, and passionate Italian girl Caterina in "Mr Gilfil`s Love-Story" follows the well-established tradition of British travel writing on Italy, which severs the numerous merits of the land from its volatile inhabitants. The question Romola raises, then, is whether this most ambitious attempt to write an "Italian novel" without a single English character, and that one set in Renaissance Florence, moves beyond this stock perspective. Her "Recollections of Italy, 1860," which records her first full-scale travels in Italy, when compared with her writings on her German travels, reveals little evidence of a novelist`s interest in the living local culture that goes beyond the predictable enthusiasm of a tourist. The objects are seen and later recollected in tranquility without any real touch with the people and their culture. Similarly, despite the heavy philological labor that went into its production, Romola ultimately remains a work that offers an elaborate historical tourism. The sites, objects, places and historical figures are portrayed in isolation from the enduring historical experience both of Italy and the British readers, or those parts of the novel which have universal appeal, such as the challenges put on Romola by her marriage woes, have weak dramatic ties to the historical backdrop. Moreover, a distinctively Victorian anxiety concerning the sensuous visual culture of Renaissance Italy finds a point of cathexis in the rather un-Italian Savonarola. All in all, Romola`s engagement with Italy shows how far a work based primarily on the author`s literary experience of a foreign culture can go.

      • KCI등재후보

        19세기 런던 출판시장과 영국소설

        윤혜준 ( Hye Joon Yoon ) 연세대학교 인문학연구원 2013 人文科學 Vol.97 No.-

        Moderately answering Franco Moretti`s challenge to reject “close reading” in favour of “distant reading,” this paper presents factual aspects of the London publishing market, which deserves our attention as the matrix and field of the production of the novels, including the celebrated canonical works. Among the thriving sectors of London in the nineteenth century one can include the publishing and printing industry, which benefitted from more than a history of a continuously expanding free market of printed matters enabled by the lapse of the Licensing Act in 1695. The novel as a generic category standing for a certain type of printed books, however, was not established in the eighteenth century. It gradually emerged to obtain a distinctive group identity in the 1830s, but it was during the latter half of the century when the novel came to be extensively produced and circulated in different forms, such as magazine serial, part-books, and “triple decker” bound volumes often distributed via the circulating libraries. Whereas these are relatively well-known facts of literary history, the actual details of novel publishing, which this paper offers, are less frequently scrutinized. One finds, based on a closer empirical investigation, that few canonical names are included in the most prolific novelists of the period, that those publishers with the greatest number of published novels also ran serials in their magazines, and that the income distribution inferred from taxation criteria suggests that those who consumed the novel occupied a bare 10% of the population.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        디킨즈와 크리스마스의 정치경제

        윤혜준 ( Hye Joon Yoon ) 근대영미소설학회 1995 근대 영미소설 Vol.2 No.1

        The trinity of associations formed in the popular imagination between the names, "Dlckens," "Scrooge," and "Christmas," is something that cannot be fully explained by Louis Cazamian`s famous notion of a certain "Christmas philosophy" to which Dickens was supposedly committed. The problem has less to do with a Christmas philosophy than with a Christmas political economy that underlies the continuity between the relatively homely days of Dickens`s nineteenth-century capitalism and our late-capitalist postmodern era. This continuity we locate in the shared temporal structure of seasonal change that privileges the end of the fiscal year as a finalizing moment at which accounts are settled and surplus values are realized. In this context, Dickens`s Christmas stories play the double role of reinforcing the internal mechanism of Christmas economy and of denoting the necessity and possibility of a life outside the continuum of capital`s self-reproduction. The famous conversion of Scrooge the miser into Scrooge the philanthropic capitalist expresses the author`s desire to universalize the exceptional condition of Christmas, with its overflowing supply of cash, goods, and goodwill. Yet in the overall literary production of Dickens, A Christmas Carol remainds itself an exceptionally affirmative embodiment of his Christmas plot, which, in his later wntings, works, on the one hand, to sever personal ownership of capital away from meaningful community the later. Scrooge so happily procures, and on the other hand, to turn the myth of pre-accumulated philanthropic resource into nightmarish versions of guilt-ridden struggle with the burden of suspicious material endowments.

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