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      • KCI등재

        베트남 경제개혁·개방이 북한에 주는 함의 : 적용 가능성을 중심으로

        윤지윤 ( Yoon Jiyoon ),박은주 ( Park Eun Joo ) 한국세계지역학회 2019 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.37 No.4

        한반도 정세가 안정적이었던 시기는 드물지만, 최근의 한반도 정세 변화는 특히나 급격히 변화하고 있는 모습이다. 북핵문제가 여전히 해결되지 않고 있지만, 경제 위기를 돌파하려는 북한이 현재의 체제를 유지하는 가운데, 경제개혁개방을 위하여 얼마나 적극적으로 나설지 관심이 모이고 있다. 이에 대한 해답을 찾기 위하여 현재 북한이 처해있는 환경을 분석하고 샘플이 될 수 있는 해외 사례가 북한에 어떠한 이유로 적용 가능한지 판단해보았다. 기본적으로 체제전환의 초기 조건은 전략의 선택과 실행 등에 중요한 영향을 미치는 변수이기 때문에 경제개혁정책 수립 시 필수적으로 분석해야 하는 요인이다. 본 논문은 베트남과 북한을 비교하기 위하여 체제위기상황과 지도부 교체, 대외관계 요인, 경제발전 수준 등 4가지 차원에서 조건을 비교해보았다. Rerely was there a period of stability on the Korean peninsula, but recent turn of events on the peninsula, in particular, has been notably fast-paced. Of course, the North Korean nuclear issue is still not solved. But North Korea may soon make economic reforms and open doors to sustain its regime. In order to have a debate on which models to reference or to implant in North Korea, it will be important to assess the current situation there and understand why certain foreign cases can serve as samples for the North. In this context, this study intends to explain why North Korea will have no choice but to take an interest in Vientnam’s Doi Moi policy and inevitably benchmark Vietnam’s economic reform and opening model. Since the initial condition of a regime prior to its transformation has an important bearing on the selection and implementation of strategies, it must be analyzed before developing economic reform policies. To compare Vietnam and North Korea, this paper compares the initial conditions in four subjects: crisis for regime, leadership change, external relations factor, level of economic development.

      • 교생실습 동안 교수와 학생 간 연락하는 데 있어 대화방의 효과

        윤지윤(Jiyoon Yoon),바비욱 개리(Gary Babiuk),무에티 짱아(Chang"aa Mweti) 한국교육실천연구학회(한국교육포럼) 2005 韓國敎育論壇 Vol.4 No.1

        이 연구는 1) 교생실습동안 대학의 교수와 교생실습 학생 간의 계속적인 커뮤니케이션을 증진시키기 위한 온라인 대화방의 효과를 측정하고, 2) 교생실습 학생의 수업을 전문적으로 향상시키며, 3) 온라인 대화방 사용의 이점을 널리 알리기 위함을 목적으로 한다. 미국미네소타대학의 4학년 교생실습 학생들과 그들의 담당 교수들이 이 연구에 참여하였고 대화방의 효과를 측정하기 위해 교생실습학생들의 pre- and post-surveys와 그들의 교수와의 인터뷰를 사용하였다. The importance of communicating between professors and their students in a teacher education program has already been recognized in research studies (Merry filed & Wite, 1996, & Dove et., al., 1997). Through communicating collaboratively, the pre-service teachers can (1) improve their understanding in methods classes, (2) participate in on-going professional development during their practicum, (3) improve their classroom instruction, and (4) strengthen their knowledge base in specific areas such as literature, science, social studies, and classroom management. To improve the communication between professors and their students during their practicum, this study considered the online chat room as a helpful tool and measured the effects of an on-line chat room in communicating between teacher education professors and pre-service teachers during their six-week practicum. To measure the effects of using the chat room, the study used the pre- and the post- survey with pre-service teachers and the interview with the professors. As the result of the study, the chat room was useful to advise pre-service teachers from out of town/ state/ country. It provides continuity and flexibility in communicating with students. Also, the chatting room was helpful to interact with students more than if they had not chatted. Better than no contact (which is typical without the chatting room). If the chat room is thought of as a social devise to improve the feeling of community then it is excellent but not for in-depth or personal questions and concerns. Lack of experience in chat rooms led to some frustrations in the use of the chatting room format for both participants and the professors. The professors believe that the overall experience was beneficial for both the pre-service teachers and themselves. The professors found the need to continue to develop their own skills in order to model this form of communication and community building tool so that the pre-service teachers could use it in their own classrooms.

      • KCI우수등재

        기후변화에 따른 도시 노후건축물의 재해피해 분석

        김소(Kim, Soyoon),윤지윤(Yoon, Jiyoon),김홍석(Kim, Brian H.S) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2016 國土計劃 Vol.51 No.5

        Climate change and growing number of old and deteriorated buildings in urban area have increased the risk to a possible disaster. This study finds influential factors on disaster damage in urban areas and predicts the possible damage scale under the climate change scenarios. Five years of data from 2009 to 2013 are used within 69 cities in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Daejeon, and Ulsan. Using tobit model with related variables, the results indicate that the ratio of old and deteriorated buildings, scale impervious area, rate of precipitation and wind speed can increase damage scale of the buildings. On the other hand, increase in the length of sewer and annual budget can decrease the damage scale. RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) 8.5 from IPCC is adopted to predict the possible damage in each major cities in Korea. The results indicate that the damage can increase by 2.0 to 9.6 times and Busan and Gwanju can suffer with highest damage due to significant increase of precipitation. This study suggest that the administration needs to reflect and adopt the possible consequences from climate change in highly population concentrated urban area with increasing number of the deteriorating building for their disaster management policy.

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